

That same day during Lunch break, Christal and Anna were strolling to the cafeteria. Anna was discussing with Christal about their chemistry class earlier today but Christal seemed lost and was not paying attention to what Anna was saying. Anna quickly stopped her and asked "Christal what is wrong with you, you haven't been paying attention to what I was telling you, you seem lost "

" I'm troubled and really worried " Christal replied still trying to organise her thoughts

" Why are you troubled, what's going on with you you have been acting really weird " Anna replied

" Girl I'm finding it really hard to believe that Jaycen is my sitmate " Christal replied looking confused

" What about Jaycen, do you know him before ?? " Anna asked

" I don't but there's something about him that moves me, I think I'm falling in love with him " Christal replied calmly

" If you really love him you'll treat him with love and care, he's even your sitmate so it won't be difficult for both of you to come along " Anna replied

" But what will people say about it " Christal said

" Let them talk for all you care, please let's go to the cafeteria and don't let this crush of a thing distract you from achieving their goals " Anna replied as drags Cristal to the cafeteria

In the cafeteria>>>>

Jaden, Anna, Elsa and Christal were in one table having lunch but also discussing randomly, although it was a bad eating habit but they needed their lunch to lively.

" Christal, what do you think about Jaycen your sitmate " Elsa asked

" Huh " Christal asked in astonishment

" JAYCEN !!!! " Elsa shouted to Christal's hearing which got the people inside the cafeteria attention, Jaycen also turned

" He's he's cool... Yeah he's cool " Christal replied

" Elsa please can we talk about something else " Anna said as Christal gave her a 'thank you' look

"You guys what are your trouble areas, you know next week is our test and the timetable is out " Jaden asked

" Well as for me, my trouble areas are Zoology and IT " Elsa said

" For me Chemistry and math " Anna added

" I have no trouble areas, I'm kindda familiar with all the subject... What about you Jaden" Christal said

" My trouble areas are IT and maybe Music " Jaden replied

" Jaden how can music be one of your trouble areas, miss Jane teaches us music very well , so I don't know where the trouble is in music " Elsa said

They continued arguing about how great miss Jane is in music and they even requested for a debate, Jaden quickly gave up because he knew miss Jane was good.

Back in the class ~Jaycen ×Christal~

After lunch break was physics prep, Mr Gabriel the physics teacher gave a class fun work for grade 12 then had to return to the staff room.

Christal was staring at Jaycen, she badly wanted to talk to him at that moment. Since she was done with her class fun and Jaycen was also done with his she started questioning him .

" Ehm Jaycen where do you live before "

" Country m but it was too far from my father's work so we moved here country X "

" Do you mean your father works here in country X ??"

" Yes he does "

" Ok, we are writing our first test next week and I'm sure you've seen the timetable... You resumed late so I was wondering if we study later at my house so you can cover up for the classes you missed " She suggested

" It will be a great pleasure, by what time "

" 5pm, my friends will be there too "

"Ok cool, then you'll have to tell me more about your friends "

" Yeah, 5pm may not be 5pm just give me your contact do I can call you when they arrive " They exchanged contact

" Thank you so much Christal, I really appreciate it "

" There's no problem Jaycen, I needed to help you, so see you 5pm "

After they talked, Christal enjoyed her discussion with Jaycen and wished they will always remain together.

* Spending time

~Christal ×Jaycen~


Rejoicechiccocreators' thoughts