
When Three are reincarnated into Naruto

Hey it's the author here and this is my first story so please do be patient with me, bare in mind that the main characters are directly based on me and my two friends so they'll act how I think we would act in that situation and don't worry they won't instantly be gods or anything, they will work for their strength and earn it, anyway I hope you enjoy and I will possibly do other anime as well based on these same characters After a fatal accident, three friends are reincarnated into the amazing world of Naruto. They only have two goals, save the day and become as over powered as they can.

DLAssassin_56 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

The Uchiha Rescue Mission

Taiyo ran around the village quickly gathering his team of Hari, Naruto, Neji, Shikamaru, Lee and Kiba. The seven man squad rushed off after the Sound Four, who they quickly catch up to with Shikamaru catching them in his <Shadow Paralysis Jutsu>. "Give us back are friends! We'll let you go simple as that!" Taiyo said fixated on the Urns which house the two Uchiha, Jirobo used <Earth Release Barrier: Earth Prison Dome of Magnificent Nothingness> however Hari quickly broke through it by planting a seed in the earth which stopped the Dome from from repairing itself. Lee stayed behind and began to fight Jiboro, "Is he gonna be ok, Garaa did quite a number on him." Kiba asked with Akamaru looking back as they got further away, "Put your faith in Lee and put your faith in my Mothers healing!" Hari shouted as a crash could be heard from behind them.


Jirobo threw multiple punches and kicks at Lee however he effortlessly dodged these attacks, however Jirobo simply swatted away all of Lees counter attacks. "You are a great opponent but I can not afford to lose here!" Lee said creating some distance, "Eight Gates Gate of Opening: Open!" Lee rushed forward landing several quick blows pushing the still blocking Jiboro to stumble backwards, "I shall end this now! Leaf Whirlwind!" Lee aimed the first kick at Jiboros head which was a fake out because when Jiboro blocked it and the second kick hit him square in the gut, launching him back scrapping up the dirt as he went. "You aren't bad for a piece trash! But I'm getting hungry so I'll be consuming you now!" Jiboro activated his Curse Mark to its first level rushing forward landing a punch directly on Lees jaw, launching him back into a tree. "What was that? He kicked into a whole other gear, which means I must respond in kind!" Lee stood up however before he could do anything Jiboro had grabbed his arm and began slamming him into the ground until his left shoulder popped out of its socket, Jiboro went to go after his team when Lee grabbed his ankle. "I.. I will not let you past me, m.. my friends are depending me to stop you so I will!" Lees grip tightens as he opened the second and third gates, this tripped up the hulking Sound Shinobi. "I'LL WIN THIS FIGHT GUY SENSEI, I WILL DO THIS FOR MY FRIENDS!"

What followed Lees youthful declaration was multiple kicks and punches which leaves Jiboro spitting out random teeth, "THAT'S IT KID, I'M ENDING YOU NOW!" Lee looked on in horror as Jiboro fully activated his Curse Mark, with this Jiboro began matching Lees speed to the point that neither of them could land hits on each other. "WHATS WRONG KID, GOT NO NINJUTSU TO CHANGE THE TIDE?" Lee looked on in horror as his opponent ripped a giant boulder from the ground using <Earth Release: Earth Mausoleum Dumpling>, opening the fourth gate Lee began dodging the multiple boulders that Jiboro threw at him. "I am truly sorry Guy Sensei, Lady Tsunade and Danieru... I know I promised not to go further than the third gate, I have broken that promise... SO I WILL GO ALL OUT!!" With this Lee jumped and landed on top of the last boulder Jiboro threw, "I am the handsome devil of the Hidden Leaf Village, Rock Lee, I will end this fight now... EIGHT GATES GATE OF LIMIT OPEN!" Jirobo blinked for a second, and that was all Lee needed for the flurry of kicks to launch the hulking opponent into the air "FRONT LOTUS" Lee wrapped his arms around a bloody and bruised Jirobo, smashing him head first into the ground. As the victorious Leaf Genin limped after his teammates he found a sign left by Hari simply saying 'rest up Lee, Team Medics orders' after reading this Lee promptly collapsed.


"Lee won, we would have had the big guy on us by now if he hadn't!" Neji shouted, Taiyo activated his Byakugan while turning around to look behind them. "We shouldn't drop our guard now though!" Shikamaru pointed out, "We should use this as a chance to take advantage of their missing teammate with the transformation Jutsu." Taiyo deactivated his Byakugan turning back around before looking at Hari, "Reckon you can make him look beat up a bit?" Hari closed his eyes, "Probably but we need to determine who we're rescuing first and if they're in those Urns for a reason." They all agreed that they should retrieve Sasuke first due to the Chidori being a more useful Jutsu in terms of dealing with opponents, Taiyo and Hari didn't want to admit that they left Danierus sword in the village so they needed time to think of a good excuse. Having decided Hari used <Wood Style: Transformation> to look like the fallen Sound Shinobi before rushing off towards the remaining enemies, the young Senju tried to remember what Danieru had said about why this plan failed in the original timeline but for the life of him he couldn't figure it out.

"There you are Jirobo! See that Urn Sakon and Ukon are carrying, you're supposed to be carrying it.. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!" Tayuya said turning to face 'Jirobo' who Hari had decided to make have a broken jaw to avoid giving himself away through mannerisms, "Damn those weaklings did a real number on you huh dumbass?" Ukon said while Sakon continued running, the four slowed down for a second without warning causing Hari to stumble slightly. As 'Jirobo' took the Urn Tayuya narrowed her eyes, "Which one did it? The one with a bowl cut? One of the pathetic Hyuga? The airhead in orange? Don't tell me it was the puppy that broke your jaw?!" On saying this she playfully punched his arm however that was all it took for her to see through Hari's Jutsu. "IT'S A FAKE!" However she shouted it too late as Hari burst out the back, spinning around with a kunai aimed at Tayuyas flute, he missed as a web from Kidomaru pulled his arm short. In the few seconds it took for the rest of the remaining Leaf Shinobi to arrive Tayuya had taken Kidomaru's Urn, leaving the six armed Sound Shinobi behind to fend off their opponents. Taiyo and Neji quickly realised only they could cut through Kidomarus webs, "Shikamaru! Get our friends back, I'm leaving you in charge until me and Neji catch up." Taiyo rushed forward with Neji, blocking Kidomarus attempts to block the remain four Leaf Shinobi in persuit of the remaining two Sound Shinobi.


Taiyo watched as Hari and the rest of his squad rush off, he tried not to look sad as they enter the blind spot of the Byakugan. "What's wrong kid? Realising how screwed you are?" The Man-Spider wannabe attempted to tease him, Taiyo however smirked as he swatted away a web. "Tell me, did Danieru put up a fight?" Kidomaru smirked, "Her screams were delightful when we broke her arms and legs." Neji stepped to the side as Taiyo weaved multiple hand signs before pulling back a Javelin of Lightning, "I'LL PAY YOU BACK TENFOLD FOR WHAT YOU DID TO HER THEN!" as soon as the <Lightning Style: Lightning Javelin> left Taiyos hand it split into multiple Javelins which took the smirk off of Kidomarus face, after getting hit by multiple Javelins his grin slowly re-emerged as the hardened webbing he used as armour shattered. "If that's tenfold then we didn't do as much damage to her as I thought we did, I'll have to fix that wh~" "Eight Trigrams: Sixty Four Palms" Neji had made his way behind the Sound Shinobi and began striking his Chakra points, "Now that I know you can produce armour I'll just have to hit you harder than I normally would with the Gentle Fist technique."

This went on for a while, with Neji attacking at close range until Kidomaru gains some distance then he gets pelted with multiple Lightning Javelins. "THIS IS GETTING ANNOYING!" Kidomaru yelled as he activated the first stage of his Curse Mark and punching Neji away before rushing Taiyo, 'This guy must be weaker in Taijutsu cause he's keeping me at range!' Kidomaru smirked as he rushed towards Taiyo however when he was in range he was smacked with an <Eight Trigrams: Palm Bottom> launching him back, Taiyo stood up placing his arms behind his head. "Lemme guess, you were thinking he's using Ninjutsu so he'll be worse at Taijutsu." Kidomaru rushed in again but Taiyo side stepped him landing a kick to his stomach, attempting to get up Kidomaru stopped when Taiyos foot landed on his head. "Not only am I the Taijutsu specialist of Team 11, I am the future head of the Hyuga Clan." Neji limped over holding his left wrist, Taiyo looked over at his cousin who he didn't really care for until he found out about the Curse Mark. "This'll only take a moment Neji, then I'll reset your wrist and we can regroup with the others." Neji bowed his head to Taiyo who waved his hand, "How many times do I have to tell you, you don't need any of that formality crap with me." Kidomaru gritted his teeth as he activated the second stage of his Curse Mark launching Taiyo up into the air as he got up, Neji went to attack him however due to his injuries Kidomaru was able to stab him in the right shouder with one of his self made kunai. "That should keep you from bothering me until I'm done with your friend."

Taiyo landed infront of the fully transformed Kidomaru, a small grin forming on his face, "Now you might be an actual challenge!" After dodging multiple strikes Taiyo scoughed, "Maybe I was wrong, I am training to take down the only person who's gotten me to respect them on power alone." Kidomaru rushed forward still trying to land a hit on Taiyo, "OH YEAH? WHO'S THAT THEN!" The young Hyuga turned his head slightly to avoid a kunai to the face, he then stared his opponent dead in the eye, "Kisame Hoshigaki, the Tailless Tailed Beast." Taiyo then began his counter attack, landing a punch to Kidomarus lower Jaw, then a kick to his spleen and finishing with a Gentle Fist strike to the throat. The Sound Shinobi falls to the ground as Taiyo walks over to Neji, "Am I impressive or what?" Neji shook his head, "When did you get so strong Master Taiyo?" Taiyo smacked Neji on the head, "For a genius you don't half struggle with the drop the formality cra~" With his final amounts of Chakra Kidomaru shot an arrow which pierced through the side of both Taiyo and Neji who both promptly collapse, "It's up to you now Hari, Naruto, Shikamaru and Kiba."


Hari closed his eyes as he followed Shikamaru, being skilled in Sensory Ninjutsu had its downsides especially when he could use the Trees to boost his range. "We need to hurry Shikamaru, Taiyo and Neji won but they're down for the count." Naruto looked back with concern covering his face, "Can't you heal them? You're just as skilled with Medical Ninjutsu as Danieru." Shikamaru immediately shut down the idea, "Even with it being four against two we need us all here... sorry Akamaru make that five against two, even then sending our strongest piece backwards halts the full effectiveness of our assault." Kiba agrees with Shikamaru, the four Leaf Shinobi continued in silence until Shikamaru finally spoke up. "The mission is to rescue Sasuke and Danieru... Naruto, Hari you too should take the Urns and run while me, Kiba and Akamaru hold off the enemy." He paused while Naruto objected to his plan, "With luck you'll be able to break the seals and the four of you will be able to back us up." Hari stopped, weaving hand signs he summoned two seeds and handed them to his teammates. "Being honest, I forgot I could do this but just pour some Chakra into these seeds when you need to." He looked back towards Taiyos location, "It'll grow a Wood Clone of me that'll have at least one Jutsu depending on the amount of Chakra you pour into it."

Sakon and Ukon tripped up as a branch moved into his way, Sasukes Urn slipping out of his grasp, multiple of Narutos Shadow Clones rushed for it while Shikamaru and Kiba grabbed Danierus Urn from Tayuya. After securing the Urns they rushed off after Akamaru who had placed multiple paper bombs for the enemy, however Tayuya tied Akamaru down with a wired kunai leading to Sakon and Ukon to be launched down into a valley with Kiba and his Ninja Hound. Shikamaru pushed back Tayuya as Hari and Naruto rush off with the Urns however before they got far Kimimaro appeared landing a kick to Hari's leg and a punch to Narutos jaw before taking both Urns. Hari and Naruto rushed after him leaving Shikamaru to fight Tayuya.


Kiba and Akamaru stared down their opponents, Sakon and Ukon rushed forward activating their stage one Curse Marks quickly overpowering their opponents. Although the two Leaf Shinobis teamwork was almost perfect the raw power and skill of their opponents proved too much for them as they were forced back when their attacks were blocked by the <Summoning Jutsu: Rashomon> with this leading to Akamaru hitting Sakon in the eyes with Dynamic Marking. While Sakon went to wash out his eyes Ukon bonded with Kiba as an attempt to kill him however the young Inuzuka stabbed himself in the stomach with a Kunai, damaging them both severely. Kiba went to grab an injured Akamaru however the two Sound Shinobi fused together quicker then Kiba could react leading to him being launched back into the river. "I'll kill that mutt for pissing on me!" Sakon yelled as he rushed forward however he was kicked back by a young girl with raven hair with a set of dark ginger dog ears and tail, "DANIERU! Wait those ears and this scent... What was your name Kawa right." Kiba shouted as the young Uchihas Ninja Hound stood inbetween him and his opponent, in her hands she held Danierus sword. "While transformed into my best friend there is no way I can lose!" Kawa proclaimed as she rushed forward.

Kiba watched on in amazement as Kawa effortlessly swapped forms between her regular form and her Danieru transformation to dodge and counter attack her opponents special taijutsu abilities, the only issue the Ninja Hound faced was time. Kiba didn't see anymore of the fight as he poured his Chakra into the seed Hari gave him just as Ukon seperated and landed a kick on Kawa launching her back next to the Wood Clone. "Oh Master Hari when did you arrive?" The hound asked wagging her tail at the sight of one of her friends, "Kawa what did I say about saying stuff like that, especially while you're transformed into Danieru!" Kawa pouted as she turned to face their opponents, "Suppose we better finish this quickly then." "Yeah, we using that Jutsu?" "Of course, it's our only option with the limited Chakra you have!" They began weaving the hand signs simultaneously leading to a unison Jutsu <Water Style: Poseidons Judgement> two giant hands of water rushed out grabbing Sakon and Ukon slowly crushing them even entering their second stage Curse Mark wasn't enough to break free. Haris Clone turned into a mangrove tree leaving Kawa to hold the Jutsu, "You're running out of Chakra mutt! The second we're free we'll destroy you!" Fear slowly began to creep onto Kawas transformed face until suddenly Kunai appeared in their throats, Kankuro landed next to the Ninja Hound. "You've gotten better at that Transformation Jutsu runt, still need to work on those ears though." Kawa looked up at the Puppet Master, "Yeah well at least I'm not playing with Dolls." With that she passed out from the exhaustion.


Shikamaru watched as Tayuya summoned her golems so he used the seed Hari gave him, Shikamaru wanted to save it for when he had her in his <Shadow Possession Jutsu> but the golems changed the plan. The Wood Clone jumped into action quickly, using his mothers enhanced strength technique he launched two of the golems away while Shikamaru paralyzed another. "Shikamaru, I've got one proper ninjutsu in me but I should be able to use the Wood Binding Technique with little strain on the Chakra you've given me." Shikamaru nodded as he looked at their opponent, "It's time for our counter attack!" Shikamaru rushed forward with his controlled Golem forcing her to dispell the summoning Jutsu which left her open to the Wood Clone who landed a kick on the kunoichi who recovered almost immediatly. "I'll admit you two are good for some Leaf brats but I'll show what true power is!"

Entering her second stage Curse Mark began playing her flute, Shikamaru falling victim to her <Demonic Flute: Phantom Sound Chains> however the Clone simply walked towards his opponent, whispering in her ear, "My friend who you hurt told me all about your little trick, there is a reason I aimed for that flute of yours." Attempting to jump back, Tayuya is caught in multiple branches sprouting from the Clones fingers. "Tell me, was it you that gave your team the ability to take down Danieru? Because I will make you pay for hurting her." By the time Shikamaru had broken out from the genjutsu Tayuya was bruised with a broken arm, her flute completely shattered. "H..Hari?" The Clone turned to a shocked Shikamaru, "Hari isn't here right now, she was dealing with me." The Clone closed his eyes, "Can you deal with her from now on you two." A branch lifted up Temari who looked at the mess, "Yeah shouldn't be too hard." With that the Clone fused into the branch leaving Temari and Shikamaru to carry the Sound Shinobi back for interragation.


Hari and Naruto cornered Kimimaro in an open field, even someone who knew the basics of sensory ninjutsu could tell that Naruto was using Nine Tails Chakra and Hari couldn't help but crack a smile as Naruto summoned at least sixty shadow clones. "Hey Naruto, tactically it'd be better for us to take this guy out don't you think?" Without saying a word, all the clones rush forward attempting to land hits on their target however they where met with swords, kunai, spears of bone. Little did Kimimaro know is that they had already discussed their attack strategy prior to engaging their opponent, Naruto was going to create an opening for Hari to subdue him with Wood Style so they can release Danieru and Sasuke. Weaving the hand signs Hari jumped over Naruto, using <Wood Release: Cutting Technique> to launch multiple wooden spears at Kimimaro who deflected and dodged them before rushing Hari, "Nice try dude," Hari mocked before parrying Kimimaros attack with a wooden rapier. "I may not have a Sharingan or Byakugan like my teammates but I can hold my own in a battle of kenjutsu." What ensued was a back and forth between the two Shinobi with Naruto jumping in when he saw an opening leading to Kimimaro switching his focus back to the number of shadow clones, using his <Dance of the Larch> Kimimaro quickly lowered the number of clones to just ten of them. Hari looked over at the nearest clone, "Ok.. I'm good but I'm not that good!"

It wasn't long before it was only the original Naruto and Hari left, "I'll let you two live if you let me take them." Hari burst out laughing, "You want us to abandon them? Fat chance mate, I'mma kick your ass!" He rushed forwards, sliding under a slash, as he stood up a small blue orb formed in his palm "RASENGAN!" spinning around on his knee the Rasengan struck Kimimaru in his gut. In perfect timing as Kimimaru was launched back Sasuke broke out of his Urn leading to him and Naruto leaving the battlefield, "Hey Kimimaru, you're still alive over there right? I mean your kekkei genkei lets you manipulate your bones so you gotta have some sort of armour." Kimimaru got up, glarring at Hari who had made himself a chair, "You treat this like it's a game." Hari yawned as he got back up, "Yeah sort of, I'm saving my Chakra incase Danieru needs any healing cause ya know I'm the only one with any medical ninjutsu training." He looked over at Kimimaru and sighed, "Do you want some healing while we wait, that illness of yours is gonna kill you soon ya know." Danieru burst her Urn to a sight she wasn't expecting, Hari healing Kimimaru.

"Do you guys need a moment?" She made her way over to the two Shinobi, "How many people on the mission Hari?" When she got her answer Danieru created five shadow clones who raced off to heal the team, "Sooo are we cool or?" She turned around to Hari and Kimimaru already fighting, "Boys" facepalming as she began walking towards the two of them however a root and bone shrapnel landed infront of her feet, "Oh am I not allowed to join the fun?" Hari shot an apologetic look before going back to the fight, Danieru just sat down before she realised something, "WHERE'S MY SWORD?" she yelled as Hari was kicked back next to her. Hari dodged the question by rushing back into the fight were he launched Kimimaru into the tree, "Nice hit, now where is my fuckin' sword!" Hari turned his head for a moment however that's how long it took for Kimimaru to stab him in the chest.