
When Three are reincarnated into Naruto

Hey it's the author here and this is my first story so please do be patient with me, bare in mind that the main characters are directly based on me and my two friends so they'll act how I think we would act in that situation and don't worry they won't instantly be gods or anything, they will work for their strength and earn it, anyway I hope you enjoy and I will possibly do other anime as well based on these same characters After a fatal accident, three friends are reincarnated into the amazing world of Naruto. They only have two goals, save the day and become as over powered as they can.

DLAssassin_56 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Mangekyo Sharingan Awakens

Kimimaru is launched back as the sand that narrowly blocked his killing strike on Hari exploded towards him, Danieru didn't give Kimimaru the chance to locate were Gaara had attacked from as she appeared behind him using the <Body Flicker Technique> and quickly landing a swift kick to his side. "You've slowed down." Gaara stated as he approached Danieru whos Curse Mark was retreating back to its origin. "In my defence, I just woke up Hun cut me a little bit of slack." Hari got up to get back in the fight but Gaara put out his hand, "She's got this Hari, put your faith in her." When Kimimaru got back up he was face to face with the young Uchiha. "So your actually Orochimarus strongest disciple then?" She approached her opponent, "It took Sasuke getting involved for those four to knock me out so I'd say that's a win for Tsunade." Kimimaro dashed forward in a rage, Danieru side stepped him and grabbed the bone blade he attempted to stab her with. "So your Kekkei Genkai lets you mimic your bones along with shooting them out, it's a real shame that as a medic I'm rather good at breaking bones." With that the blade shattered, Danieru grabbed the sharp end of the sword stabbing it into Kimimarus shoulder. "I'm tempted to see what this Curse Mark can do."

Danieru used the <Mystic Palms Technique> to heal Kimimaru with each hit. "WILL YOU STOP MESSING WITH ME!" With that bones errupted from all over his body as he began pushing the offensive, 'Damn even with three tomeo I guess my Eye of Insight just isn't good enough!' Danieru thought as another blade cut into her, "Hm so my Sharingan isn't up to scratch this time round, shall we see what this Curse Mark has instore for us?" Activating her Curse Mark Stage 2 caused her skin to turn a dark purple with thousands of armoured tendrils sprouting from the small of her back, "Woah this is weird, hmm my Chakra has boosted a lot by Orochimarus Senjutsu..." Danieru began laughing, "It's a Pseudo Sage Mode!" She approached Kimimaru, lifting herself up with the tendrils, weaving hand signs a smirk formed on her face. "I'm only able to create one blade when using this normally shall we see if I can break my record?" Finishing the hand signs Danieru released <Wind Release: Wind Cutter Technique> causing five blades of wind to launch at Kimimaru who dodged all but two, breaking his left arm. Through the grunts of pain Kimimaru used his abilities to fix his arm as well as the protective layer under his skin, activating his Curse Mark Kimimaru began to easily force his way past the tendrils until he stabbed Danieru in the gut.

"DANIERU!" Both Hari and Gaara shouted as the Curse Mark began to retreat back to its source, <Sand Bullets> <Wood Release: Cutting Technique> Multiple bullets of sand surrounded a wooden spear causing Kimimaru to jump back, "Guys I had him right where I wanted him." Danieru coughed out as she collapsed onto a cloud of sand, a Wood Clone began to heal her wounds. "That's bullshit and you know it, Gaara I'll take point you work on defence for me!" Hari shouted as he rushed at Kimimaru who simply caught his punch. "I've had enough, first you heal me then she heals me while fighting me..." He stares at Danieru directly, "My mission is to bring her back to Lord Orochimaru, you're in the way so I'll kill whoever gets in my way and you've allowed me to do so!" Hari threw another punch however Gaara pulled him back as their opponent shot bones from his body, when Hari regained his footing he weaved the hand signs for his <Wood Stand: Heirophant Formation>. The stand rushed forward landing several strikes while Kimimarus dealt little damage to the Wood Construct, "You used something like this in the Chunin exams but it's different now.." Gaara said staring at the Heirophant Stand at it began shooting seed filled water at its opponent "<Water Style: Ever Growing Emerald Splash>!" Vines began sprouting from the ground, some began shooting torrents of water themselves as others began wrapping around Kimimaru, it didn't take long before they couldn't see him in the middle of all the vines.

"And that should deal with him now let's see how the dumbass is," Hari said as he and Gaara turned to go see if Danieru had healed, which she had as she was watching the Wood Clone turn into a tree. "These Clones of yours are really something else all things considered, I mean not only do they help you in combat they also turn into a tree when they're done!" Gaara looked puzzled by this, "And what's so great about that?" Danieru and Hari both stared at Gaara like he had just sprouted Shukakus tail, "Take a look at this Forest that surrounds the Hidden Leaf Village, it was grown by the First Hokage Hashirama Senju and all those trees produced fruit and allowed our village to quickly advance through the early stages as well as building houses." Gaara nodded finally getting their point, "Anyways those Shadow Clones I sent off earlier should be finishing up soon hopefully I was able to heal up everyon~" Suddenly a bone javelin was protruding through Haris right shoulder, the vines holding Kimimaru withered away revealing a Curse Mark Stage 2 Kimimaru, "You're coming with me Danieru Uchiha, Gaara of the Sand this is your last chance to stand down!" Danieru began walking towards Kimimaru, shaking ever so slightly with each step, Gaara prepared to get involved but stopped when a glint of light caught his eye. "About here.. You know Kimimaru, going to kill my friends... I won't need this Curse Mark to kill you," Suddenly out stretching her hand she caught her sword, "With my brothers sword and my new eyes... I'll KILL YOU!"


The five Shadow Clones Danieru made of herself all rushed forward in unison so it wasn't long before they reached their destination, Shikamaru and the other Sand Siblings had managed to gather all the injured Uchiha retrieval team back where Lee had fallen unconscious. "About time you got here!" A semi-conscious Taiyo shouted at the Clones, the Clones got to work quickly assessing who needed more healing and getting them all in stable conditions she began focusing on the indeviduals. "To be fair I was asleep you asshole! How do you get impailed when you have 360 degree vision!" While one Clone was dealing with Taiyo another was holding Kawa trying her best to hold back tears, "W..What did I tell you about picking fights like that you silly pup..." A Clone moved over to the battered and bruised Tayuya, "Oh Hun what did Hari do to you, do any of you guys have enough Chakra?" Shouts from the other Clones denied it complaining about reckless Shinobi.

By the time everyone was in a more stable condition the Clones all banded together, "We all have to dispel at the same time to hopefully traumatise the original enough to awaken the Mangekyo Sharingan!" One of the Clones picked up Shisuis Sword and threw it with their enhanced strength, "That should hopefully land near enough near them, so shall we?" All of them weave a hand sign and dispel themselves sending all their memories to the original Danieru. She began shaking as she stepped towards Kimimaru, her Sharingan starts to spin as the line connecting the tomoe widens and a fourth tomoe forms. Catching her sword she proclaimed, "With my brothers sword and my new eyes... I'll KILL YOU!"


Danierus POV


I instantly felt the strain on my eyes, the sight of my friends and loved ones in pain... As I approached Kimimaro my vision doubled to the point that I thought the blindness of the Mangekyo Sharingan was setting in, however when I focused on my opponent I realised that the double was Kimimarus future movements. I had been complaining about my Eye of Insight being weaker then I wanted it to be so now I can quite literally see future movements instead of having to react to muscle movements, I immediately began to easily dodge all of his strikes and slashes. I kinda felt bad but at the same time he hurt Hari, his subordinates had hurt my friends, someone had to pay and as I'm nowhere near taking on Orochimaru himself this lot will have to do!

I start a back and forth with Kimimaru, slashing and parrying with ease, even with such a basic ability my Mangekyo Sharingan has boosted me to a whole other level and honestly the fact that I have other abilities yet to use. There is a chance I have the same ability in both eyes like Shisui and Obito but there's something there in my right eye waiting to be used. Kimimaru switched his fighting style as he began launching bones out in every part he could that didn't limit his mobility, it did become more difficult as I fell into to the same trap as Sasuke when he fought Killer Bee even with my ability to see his future movements I couldn't counter them all. "I must thank you Kimimaru, you're helping me reach the heights of the people I look up to but I'll have to wrap this up now!" I brought the sword down in an overhead slash however as soon as it was met Kimimarus defences it erupted into a bright crimson flame "<Fire Sword Jutsu: Burning Bones Combo>!" When the five hit combo of slashes was over the bones that had taken the brunt of the blows were scorched black and crumbling.

"I will see the future Lord Orochimaru has promised us!" Kimimaru shouted as he entered his stage 2 Curse Mark, pulling his spine out his back land a swift strike on my sword arm causing her to drop her blade. Gaara rushed forward launching sand at their opponent to make space for me, so I take the opportunity to back up with <Body Flicker> I am starting to think healing this guy was a bad idea but hey whats in the past is in the past. Hari begins weaving hand signs launching a <Water Style: Water Bullet> at Kimimaru who jumps away from the injured Senjus attack, I rushed forward weaving my own hand signs for a jutsu I had zero practice in but the Dragons said it'd be alright so what the hell. I weave the final hand sign as I vault over a wave of sand, a wisp of fire forms at the corner of my mouth as I spin to face my opponent. Kimimaru yet again disappears from sight as he's enveloped by the <Draconic Ninja Art: Fire Dragons Roar>, I look up to see a heavily disfigured Sound Shinobi spinning up the air as he began firing shards of bone like missiles. Normally an attack like this wouldn't be an issue for any of us however Haris injury had worsened when he shot his attack earlier and with Gaara being entirely focused on the enemy he didn't notice bone spear head straight for Hari.

Instinctively I grabbed for a shuriken or kunai but the Sound Four had conviscated them when they kidnapped me, as I ran to intercept the spear the voice of the Dragon Sage bellowed in my mind "Young One, Draconic Ninja Arts have one drawback when used by your pathetic human bodies, their raw power can disrupt Chakra Flow for a short time depending or even lead to your Death." I had hoped the Ninja Art I just used would have finished him off but I'm not lucky at all... Tears began streaming down my face as both me and the spear were five meters from Hari, who had started looking at me in horror, thats when the scent of iron fills my nostrils. The tears I felt running down my face was the blood pouring from right eye as the pattern of my Mangekyo Sharingan began to spin, fire and electricity shot through my body as my second new ability activated. A spear of bone launched out of my outstretched hand hitting the spear that was meant for Hari as it was inches from his chest, I stopped dead in my tracks as I stared at my hand. I roll back my sleeve as I concentrate on my Chakra which causes multiple bones to shoot from my arm, retrackting them I turn to Gaara the same feeling shoots through me. Placing out my arm I pull a portion of Gaaras sand from around him causing him to stare at me in disbelief.

"Danieru did you just... copy their kekkei genkai?" Hari asked stunned as I used medical ninjutsu to clean the blood of my face. I begin walking towards Kimimaru who has finally began to slow down again even in he stage 2 transformation. "Yes.. I did... Shikotsumyaku: Wolverine.." I channel my Chakra to my knuckles as six bone claws shoot out from inbetween them, I shake my head as my Sharingan reverts to its usual three tomoe pattern. "This is your last chance to run... I would love to fight you again someday but I will kill you if you approach me." Kimimaru rushed forward, I jumped to the side of him as I plunge my claws which I had covered in sand into his right shoulder and just underneath his ribcage. I walked away as the sand coursed through his blood, I glared back at him for a moment as the sand gathered in his heart, "Last chance..." He took a step in the wrong direction so I pulled the sand towards me, leaving a hole in his chest and heart. Then I promptly passed out like the heroic heroine I am.


General POV


Danieru woke up to Obito trying to escape Rin and Kakashis grasps while angrily shouting at an Anbu member, her first thoughts were to check her eyes as if Hari or Gaara had mentioned her new ability she was almost certain Danzo would come for her. "Some of us are trying to sleep here big bro Obito..." It wasn't long before he was back to gentle funny self, Kakashi told the Anbu member to get Tsunade which he very quickly left to do. "And that was?" I asked to the room, Kakashi was the one to answer. "An overreaction." This got a chuckle from Danieru and Rin, Rin quickly filled Danieru up on the events she'd missed while she was out for a week. Thanks to hers and the Sand Trios efforts there were no lasting injuries to any of the Uchiha Recovery Unit, her awakening of the Mangekyo Sharingan had not gone unnoticed by the higher ups if they did know its abilities they were keeping quiet about it hense Obitos outburst when a random Anbu had entered her room.

The first person to visit Danieru was suprisingly Izumi Uchiha, the girl who Itachi 'dated', she'd woken up from her coma about a year after the massacre however she hadn't resumed any Shinobi work. We spoke for a long time just about things, we were somewhat close as she'd attempted to play a big sister role to Danieru and Sasuke. She left rather quickly when Hari, Taiyo and Kawa bardged into the room. "Looks like you're in good company now hey Danieru." She joked with a wink, much to the protests of everyone in the room besides Kawa who was to busy getting ear scratches. "Can you still use them?" Hari asked after the usual laughter and jokes died down, Danieru concentrated and in a matter of moments the tips of her fingers split open as bone claws protruded from them. "The answer may surprise you.." Taiyo began raging as he ranted about being too weak when compared to his two teammates who immediately shutdown that idea, "Taiyo dude your Taijutsu alone is enough to stop us dead in our tracks, what use is my massive Chakra reserves or Danierus Sharingan if we can't use them at all!" Hari shouted as Naruto, Sakura, Lady Tsunade and Jiraiya entered the room "Yo Danieru! You're finally awake!" Naruto shouted as he ran over to hug his friend with Sakura right behind him, Danieru let them cry for a bit as she didn't need to ask where Sasuke was.

When all the greetings and joking about were made Danieru looked at all the people in the room and asked very simply, "What aren't you guys telling me.." A blank expression went across Tsunades face as she pulled out a chart, "Hari told me about your new abilities so I had a look at your DNA and it's all over the place honestly I haven't seen anything like it at all, i.. it's a miracle you're still alive..." Danieru hadn't noticed earlier but her body had definetly weakened, "So what you're saying Lady Tsunade is that my ability is copying the DNA required for a Kekkei Genkai to manifest and an unknown factor is keeping me alive.." Danieru got up and walked over to the window much to the protests of Tsunade and Hari. "If I could die at any moment I won't do it laying down, with these eyes of mine... I'll protect this village!" Thats when her legs decided to give out from underneath her, Hari quickly used Wood Style to catch her. "You absolute idiot just listen to our mother for gods sake!" He dropped her back on her bed before using diagnostics medical ninjustu and placed his palm on Danierus forehead, "Bed rest for two whole months Danieru, after that you should be able to walk on your own..." Danieru smirked as she deactivated her Mangekyo Sharingan, "Three months then Hari?" She teased as everyone began shouting at her for her recklessness.

Danieru spent those three months refreshing her memory on all the diferent Kekkei Genkai she could possibly copy, Obito visited her everyday going as far as to refuse mission requests so Tsunade made a request for him to guard her daughter until she recovered, Tsunade had felt sorry for poor Rin who had to pull in all their income while Obito was like this. "You're being a dead beat boyfriend, you know that right Obito." Danieru had commented while reading, her teacher had been staring out the window towards the Hokage monument. "What type of Hokage, no, what type of person would I be if I let someone hurt the people I care about the most." He trailed off before spinning around, "I'll make you the same promise to you as Naruto did to Sakura, I will bring Sasuke back to the Village!" Danieru couldn't help but laugh at this, it was one of the first times someone had made her laugh so hard since she reincarnated. "Do you reckon you could defeat Orochimaru?" His trademark smirk grew on Obitos face as he went towards the door, "Thanks to Lord Thirds sacrifice I'd have no issue what so ever, anyways looks like you have some visitors so Imma go see Rin." Danieru looked up to see two blonde haired boys, her breathe caught in her throat when she saw Boruto Uzamaki walk in behind his father Naruto Uzamaki.

"Yo Danieru, how are you feelin' today!" Naruto shouted as he ran inside, Boruto on the otherhand looked like he'd seen a ghost. Naruto rushed forward without even a glance back leaving Boruto at the door, "Naruto, aren't you going to introduce me to your new friend?" Naruto skidded to a halt as he spun around with that dumb careless look on his face, "Right sorry bout that! Boruto this is Danieru my friend I told you about last night!" The Uzamaki of the future awkwardly waddled over, "It's nice to meet you Danieru, I'm Boruto." Danieru outstreched her hand which he took and shook rather passively, "It's nice to meet you Boruto, I'm Danieru Uchiha and I do apologise for my appearance I'm not at my best right now." She glared at Naruto as she got up, wobbling over to the chair by the window she couldn't help but notice Boruto place a package on her bed hidden from Narutos sight, when his focus was back on Danieru she gave Boruto a little wink as her eyes landed on the hidden package.

Once the two of them had left Danieru to go continue their day she made her way back over to where the package Boruto had placed down for her, unravelling it revealed a letter as well as a small pill. The letter written in English said as follows;

'Yo younger me, it's me future Danieru. I won't tell you anything about the future though you already know what's going to happen, anyways the pills are essentially a very effective food pill which boost Chakra recovery and healing, you and Sakura invent them in the future it'll stabalise your condition enough to help in the fight against Urashiki. I have no memory of the fight so whether we take part or not I have no clue, but if I know myself I would fight him! So this good luck, I can't wait for you to see what we accomplish! P.S DO NOT EAT MULTIPLE, the risk of overflowing your Chakra Network is too great!'

Danieru quickly swallowed a pill, she almost immediately felt a wave of energy flow through her body. Changing into her usual outfit before jumping out the window, rushing off towards the training grounds.