
When Three are reincarnated into Naruto

Hey it's the author here and this is my first story so please do be patient with me, bare in mind that the main characters are directly based on me and my two friends so they'll act how I think we would act in that situation and don't worry they won't instantly be gods or anything, they will work for their strength and earn it, anyway I hope you enjoy and I will possibly do other anime as well based on these same characters After a fatal accident, three friends are reincarnated into the amazing world of Naruto. They only have two goals, save the day and become as over powered as they can.

DLAssassin_56 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Team 11 vs The Tailless Tailed Beast: Rematch + Training Arc

The Genin of Team 11 sat at Ichiraku Ramen, Kakashi was talking to Sakura who had decided to join them before she went to talk to Lady Tsunade about training under her. That's when Itachi and Kisame stepped past outside, Taiyo noticed them first as he had been descretely using his Byakugan however they waited for Kakashi to confront them. The four of them waited for Sakura to leave as she wasn't aware of the danger, the second she had turned the corner Kakashi turned to his best friends students, "Don't even think about it you three, Obito is on a date with Rin and I'm not gonna be the one to tell him his Students are complete idiots." Hari leaned back on his stool, looking Kakashi in the eye "Sorry but I'm just the distraction, I recommend we go." As he got up the Wood clones he made of his teammates broke down into splinters, Kakashi swore under his breathe as the two ran after the two Akatsuki members. Elsewhere, Taiyo had already started attacking Kisame while Danieru starred down Itachi, who luckily didn't want to hurt Danieru so they were having a basic battle of weak Genjutsu.

"You've improved kid, your hits are actually tickling me this time," Kisame laughed out as he swung Samehada half heartedly at the young Hyuga, Taiyo landed as many hits as he could on him but even though he had definitely improved Kisame was on a whole other level. Meanwhile Danieru was talking with Itachi via Genjutsu, "I'm glad your cover was intact, I thought for sure we had blown it by casually talking to you the way we did." Itachi laughed at this, his illusionary self approached Danieru tapping her forehead with two fingers like he did to Sasuke. "You almost did but I managed to talk my way out of it by saying I had you three trapped in Genjutsu and as a last gift to Shisui I released it when Kisame arrived." Danierus face dropped at the mention of her late older brothers name, "D.. did you kill my big brother as well Itachi?" He pondered this question for a moment then he changed the terrain to a famliar scene of the cliff where Shisui has Itachi kill him so that he can awaken his Mangekyo Sharingan, she watched as Shisui cried about not being able to see his little sister again. Danieru just stared at the scene as Itachi watched her Sharingan, she knew he was trying to activate her Mangekyo but she had known Shisui was going to die as much as she did miss him, his Death couldn't be the catalyst for her Mangekyo.

Taiyo was about to be run through when a blast of wind sent him flying out of the way, luckily for him Asuma and Kurenai had engaged Itachi in combat leaving Danieru the oppertunity to help her friend. Samehada was fully awake as Taiyo had been shooting his Dragonball Chakra attacks, the sentient sword was now very much ready to cut down the young Genin who began weaving hand signs. Placing her hand on her shoulder Danieru released the seal on her Curse Mark which quickly spread across her body, Orochimarus Senjutsu Chakra flowing around her. Danieru weaves the hand signs and fires off a <Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu> which Kisame goes to block with Samehada however Samehada jumps out of the way of the Senjutsu enhance fireball which hits Kisame head on. "Samehada? What's happening! WHAT DID YOU DO!" This sends Danieru into a laughing fit, "Nature energy is a very dangerous thing Kisame, Samehada is smart to not adsorb my Chakra!" She then rushes forward splitting into multiple copies of herself using the <Body Flicker Technique> she attempted to rush Kisame who brushed off the majority of her attacks until all the copies disappear into one and she lands a punch straight on his jaw, launching him back slightly. "That's a gift from my teacher The Fifth Hokage!"

"Danieru! Attack Plan C!" Taiyo shouted running forward, "We need Hari for that!" Just as Danieru shouted that two trees shoot up trapping Kisames arms and legs, "I'm here, hurry up before he gets the chance to escape!" Kisames laughter stops them in their tracks, him starring daggers at at the three Genin "What are you gonna do? Try drown me again?" His laughter is cut short when Danieru and Taiyo take up a gentle fist stance with Danierus Sharingan copying Taiyos movements, her chakra scalpels replacing the gentle fist strikes. It was going well up until the Curse Mark began spreading further causing Danieru to slip up giving the very pissed off Kisame a chance to break free and land a punch which sends the young Uchiha straight through a tree. Taiyo seeing this leaped to attack however he was grabbed by the throat and slammed into the floor, this left only Hari to face down the monster infront of him. Weaving the hand signs, Hari performed <Wood Style: Wooden Toad Sealing Technique> causing a bunch of toad heads to shoot from the ground, firing their tongues to subdue Kisame who swats them all away as he approaches slowly. Samehada returned to Kisame just as he stepped infront of Hari, "Any last words kid?" Hari stood up straight staring straight into his eyes, "I'd release the Genjutsu if I were you." Kisame looked around before trying to release himself however with that bluff Hari jumped back and weaved the hand signs for the strongest jutsu in his arsenal <Wood Style: Wood Dragon Jutsu> which wrapped around Kisame, the head of the dragon bitting down on Samehada. "Break free of that you asshole," with that Hari collapsed having used too much Chakra.

"Well done Hari, you've grown a lot and I'm sorry I've not been a better teacher to you," Obito said having caught his student. The Phantom of Konoha stared at the Tailless Tailed Beast before looking over at Guy jumping in to help a downed Kakashi, "My students really did a number on you huh Kisame, YO ITACHI COME AND GET YOUR PARTNER!" With that black flames erupted along the wood dragon, quickly turning it to ash which made Hari very confused as no fire ninjutsu was able to burn his Wood Style Jutsu. Once free the two Akatsuki members vanished, probably to go after Naruto but he was with Jiraya so Hari wasn't worried about those two especially with the shape Kisame was in, no what the two standing members of Team 11 were worried about were their unconcious teammates. Hari was checking on Taiyo while they waited for Guy to bring Lady Tsunade but there wasn't much he could do while he was that low on Chakra besides pull him out of the ground and reset his shoulder, Obito went over to Danieru who was still unconcious and he did his best to reseal the Curse Mark but the best he could do was the <Evil Sealing Method>. Rin, Lady Tsunade and Sasuke arrived at the same time which lead to Sasuke rushing off after Itachi, Rin began refilling Hari's Chakra so that he could help with the healing. Tsunade began healing both Taiyo and Danieru with a currently crippled Kakashi in the back of her mind, once Hari had enough Chakra he took over healing Taiyo as it didn't take a medical ninja to see who Tsunade was trying to heal quicker, Danieru being her student and adopted daughter made her emotional.




Danieru, Taiyo and Sasuke woke up a few days later, all having recieved healing from Hari, Tsunade and Shizune. Sasuke and Naruto went off to have their fight, Danieru couldn't help but smile softly as the loud mouthed Jinchuriki claimed that he was going to be Hokage. "Does he have to be that loud some of us are trying to get some rest," Taiyo complained which got a laugh from Hari, "Should I go stop them? I mean the Rasengan out classes the Chidori?" Hari said as he got up but Danieru waved him back down, "Let Kakashi deal with it they're his responsibilty after all, did Jiraya teach you the Rasengan anyways?" Hari looked back and nodded which got his friends attention, "Can you do it?" Using a Wood Clone Hari created a small Rasengan no bigger then a tennis ball however the other two Genin were impressed by it, Danieru tried copying the Jutsu with her Sharingan and although she could see the flow of Chakra she was unable to copy it, "Looks like I'll just have to learn it the old fashioned way and before you say anything Taiyo I WILL NOT USE THE KONOHAMARU METHOD!!!" Taiyo flipped her off before getting up to continue his training regime, which is were he jumped up to the ceiling and using Chakra Control to do one armed pull ups from his fingertips, however before he could get a fifth through his workout much to everyones suprise Hinata burst into the room and smacked Taiyo down onto his bed chewing his ear off as she left the room. After a while of laughter, mocking and just general small talk the mood turns sour, "How much longer until the Sound Four show up?" Hari asked, the two boy stared at Danieru hoping she had an answer but she just looked down at her hands, "I'm not sure... Tsunade is already in the Village I can't use the Tsunade retreaval arc as a point of reference so I'm gonna guess a week and a half." Hari face palmed before looking Danieru dead in the eye, "You mean the amount of time you have left in the hospital?!"

Hari spent the next couple of days advancing his Wood Release Jutsu while his teammates were stuck on bed rest, meaning Obito was focusing all his efforts on training the young Senju. They spent their time sparring with each other leading to Hari massively improving with his taijutsu and genjutsu resistence. "Come on Hari you can do better than that!" Obito teased as he broke another Wood Stand, "Your Chakra and stamina are no joke but if you don't upgrade this Jutsu you aren't going to get anywhere." Hari once again weaves the hand signs for his signature <Wood Style: Wood Stand Jutsu> however this time it was different as the branches formed legs and pieces of armour before filling out with vines making up its body. "A new Jutsu? What do you call this one?" Hari pretended to think for a moment then boldly proclaimed "I'll name it the Heirophant Green formation!" Obito stiffled a laugh, "So its full title is <Wood Style: Wood Stand jutsu: Heirophant Green Formation>?" Hari looked down as Obito couldn't contain his laughter anymore, "Don't worry about it Hari, the strongest Shinobi I know my Sensei the Fourth Hokage had a quirk about making super long names for Jutsu." He got into his fighting stance were he put his hands in his pockets, "So show me what this new Stand has got!"

Heirophant Green shot forward, throwing punches and kicks all of which pass straight through Obito, when this failed Hari recalled Heirophant with the Stand weaving hand signs before launching a torrent of water with emerald seeds mixed in at Obito. Shaking off his original shock Obito began dodging the concentrated stream until he vanished into the Kamui dimension and once Hari seemed worn out he re-emerged only to be surrounded by a wide webbing of vines. "What will you do now Sensei! This is my Heirophants ultimate Jutsu <Water Style: Ever Growing Emerald Splash>!" Torrents of water shot at Obito from all sides, the seeds in the water growing into more vines which shot out even more blasts of water. All this was for nothing as Obito walked forward, cutting through the vines in his way, once he was passed the prison Obito flashed forward landing a punch square in his students gut causing the Wood contructs to stop with Heirophant crumbling into the ground. "You're unstoppable!" Hari gasped, Obito pulled out a flask of water which Hari greatfully excepted. "Come on, I'm not that strong besides I only have one eye!" Obito joked as he sat down next to his student, "Besides everytime I spar with the three of you together you show me how much I have to learn before I can become Hokage." Hari liked hearing his teacher say he was going to be Hokage one day, he never mentioned it as a passing comment, no whenever he mentioned it there was such a serious tone that it sent shivers down everyones spines.

"Will Danierus Sharingan let her pass through anything? That is the last ability she needs." This comment made Obitos usually jokey self immediately turned sour as he looked over at his student, "No.. She won't.. Every Mangekyo Sharingan has a different ability based on the users state of mind when its activated, well that's my theory." Hari stared at his teacher, waving his hand as if to say he want to know more, "Take Shisui, Danierus late brother, when his Mangekyo activated he was a steadfast pacifist thus his Mangekyo ability was a genjutsu which could rewrite somebodys very personality." He lay down starring at the sky, "Itachi's mindset was that he wanted to gain enough power to create a peaceful world, also a pacifist he gained two abilities for the split in his ideals, a Genjutsu that allows him to create whatever he wants in the illusion even controlling time and a Jutsu that produces black flames which burn anything." Hari stared at Obito with more interest he'd ever taken in anything besided his training, "What about your Mangekyo Sensei? What mindset could possibly lead to your overpowered ability?" Obito sat up and ruffled Haris' hair, "I thought I was in Hell, I saw Kakashis Chidori pierce through Rin and I lost myself." Hari went silent looking at the floor silently so Obito continued, "I hope Danieru never awakens the Mangekyo Sharingan, it always follows a major tradgedy..."


Danieru and Taiyo sat starring at two of Danierus Shadow Clones, each of them were under Genjutsu mentally training against the strongest opponent Danieru could conjure up. They struggled to get any ground against a pre~Z Goku in his fight against Piccolo Jr in the World Martial Arts Tournament, even in his weighted clothing they stood no chance as all they could do was dodge due to their ability to see his movements. Taiyos skill in Taijutsu allowed him to keep up better then Danieru so by the time she was ready for the weights to be taken off Taiyo was actually landing the odd hit on him, however the second Ki Blasts entered the training regime the two Genin were kicked out the Genjutsu when the Clones sensed too much stress. "At this rate I won't ever improve!" Taiyo complained as he got up to stretch, before Danieru could protest Taiyo continued, "At least your getting that Curse Mark boost, sure it might kill you but your Medical Ninjutsu should make that a cake walk." Before he could continue Hari burst in grabbing Danieru by the collar of her shirt, "HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL US ABOUT THE MANGEKYO SHARINGAN!" Hari was about to continue when both the boys realised she was crying, Hari let go and backed up as Danieru wiped her eyes. "I.. When I chose to be reborn as an Uchiha.. I completely forgot about what was required for the Mangekyo Sharingans activation..." She looked at her best friends then down at her body, "Hey at least you guys got reincarnated as guys... I mean do you guys know how awkward pe... OK I'M DONE!" Danieru quickly got up and dashed out the room, pushing past Naruto and Sakura in the process. "Is she ok?" Sakura asked punching Naruto into the room and chasing after Danieru when he offered to go cheer her up, Hari and Taiyo did their best to not beat up Naruto as Sakura had already done a number on him with that one punch.




After getting Sasuke onboard the Sound Four began stalking Danieru looking for a chance to talk to her however she was almost never alone, if it wasn't the Phantom of Konoha or the rest of Team 11 it was her Ninja Hound who had almost discovered them. Sakon and Ukon became rather agitated so the moment Danieru was on her own they jumped into action refusing to even talk to her, going for a four armed assault which forced Danieru on the defensive until she weaved three hand signs for a <Wind Style: Gale Palm> which launched the Sound Shinobi across the training ground. Before she could start her counter attack Jirobo used <Earth Style: Petrification Jutsu> catching her legs and her left arm, "I'm really starting to hate this Jutsu!" Danieru complained which got a chuckle from Tayuya and Kidomaru, "We just want to talk, I apologize for my teammates more hostile approach." Danieru looked at the Sound Four, who to their credit were patiently waiting for a response, "You're Sound Shinobi so you're probably here about the Curse Mark, if you want it back go ahead and take it." The Sound Four looked shocked by this, "We aren't here to remove Lord Orochimarus gift, we're here to deliver his invitation to teach you and Sasuke Uchiha how to get more strength." Looking at each other then back at the captured Uchiha, "Sasuke has already agreed to join us." Danieru laughed right in their face, "Tell 'lord orochimaru' that I am already a student of Lady Tsunade and will be refusing the offer." Without saying anything else she used her enhanced strength to crack straight through the rock.

<Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu> four Shadow Clones of Danieru appeared, "How about it guys! Orochimarus strongest students versus Tsunades strongest student!" She didn't wait for a response as two Clones were launched by <Wind Style: Dual Gale Palms> landed punches on Jirobo and the demon twins respectively, a third clone was launched at the twins as the other Clones engaged their opponents. The fighting went on until the mid afternoon Sun began to set, Danieru had managed to gain the upper hand until multiple shuriken landed into each of the clones as Sasuke arrived to join the Sound Four, Danieru quickly succumbed to a mix of Sharingan and Demon Flute Genjutsu. Once they had escaped Konoha they gave Sasuke and Danieru the Mind Awakening Pill before sealing them in urns, not long after this they were engaged in combat by two Konoha Shinobi.



Tsunade had called Taiyo to her office which was a suprise as he had been with Hari at the time when he was summoned and it said he was to come alone, he approached the door slowly hearing Tsunade and her assistant Shizune inside. Knocking on the door before slowly entering, Tsunade greated him kindly, "Hello Taiyo, I'd like to thank you for all you've done for my son and daughter they both talk very fondly about you so I am extremely happy to say that I am promoting you to the rank of Chunin." Taiyo stood there dumbstruck, "I'm honoured Lady Tsunade but I would have thought you'd give it to Hari or Danieru so why me?" Shizune couldn't help but look at Lady Tsunade as if also questioning her decision, "You showed an excellent display of strength and ingenious use of your skills to over come the challenges you faced, you also showed great compassion in your fight against Shino as you had the power to destroy any defence or offence he threw at you yet you chose to draw him out so he realised it on his own." She sorted a few papers on her desk before continuing "While he performed exceptionally that is all my son seemed to do throughout the exam, perform a trait he gets from his father, as for Danieru she is powerful and smart however she lacked patience that lightning redirection almost cost her life to pull of."

As Taiyo put on the Chunin jacket a Leaf Shinobi burst through the door and told everyone there about how Sasuke as well as Danieru had been kidnapped by Shinobi from the Hidden Sound Village. Taiyo turned to the Fifth Hokage and very calmly said "Looks like I have my first mission as a Chunin."