
When Three are reincarnated into Naruto

Hey it's the author here and this is my first story so please do be patient with me, bare in mind that the main characters are directly based on me and my two friends so they'll act how I think we would act in that situation and don't worry they won't instantly be gods or anything, they will work for their strength and earn it, anyway I hope you enjoy and I will possibly do other anime as well based on these same characters After a fatal accident, three friends are reincarnated into the amazing world of Naruto. They only have two goals, save the day and become as over powered as they can.

DLAssassin_56 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Team 11 in the Third Exam and the Konoha Crush!

As the three of them sat in the stands waiting for their turn, they couldn't help but notice that there were multiple Jonin level Shinobi from both the Sand and Sound villages respectively with Kabuto sat at the back. Obito was sat behind the three of them, Rin was running late alongside Kakashi and Sasuke which was assuming he was finishing his Chidori training. The 3 Genin couldn't help but get nervous as Orochimaru sat down next to the Third Hokage, however both Tsunade and Jiraiya were sat up in the stand. The Third Hokage introduces the premise of the exam and introduces the test proctor and tells everyone to do their best, after the proctor thanked Hiruzen and began explaining the rules which didn't take long to explain. Once the proctor explained everything he announced that the first match would be between Naruto Uzamaki and Neji Hyuga, Taiyo watched intently as Danieru assured him this fight will be the turning point for Nejis hatred for him.

The fight went off the rails the second Naruto used the <Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu> and a quarter of them weaved the hand signs for <Wind Style: Air Bullets> which immediately put Neji on the defensive as Naruto began <Talk no Jutsu> while Neji was dodging, taking out any Clone that got too close, the match went on like this for quite a while until Neji took out all the Clones that were keeping him at range which allowed him to very quickly single out the real Naruto after which Neji quickly closed off his Chakra points. Hari turned to Taiyo, "That's the fight over right? I mean he can't mold Chakra anymore right?" Taiyo nodded comfirmation as he went into a full depth explanation of how Gentle Fist worked, to which Hari replied, "A yes woulda worked too." Danieru and Obito burst out laughing just as Rin arrived who was thankful to arrive in time to watch Narutos match, when questioned on her interest Rin explained she had been giving Naruto advice Jinchuriki to Jinchuriki. Danieru then explained to Hari and Taiyo as the Nine Tails Chakra burst out that Naruto technically has two Chakra sources him being the Nine Tails Jinchuriki, Team 11 watched on as the match finished the same way as in Canon with Naruto clawing out a victory with an upper cut.

The next match was between Hari and Temari, probably one of the better match ups for him in Danierus eyes as they had all trained to fight Gaara however they hadn't been sure how effective Wood Style would be against Gaaras sand. Temari stood waiting for Hari, the rest of Team 11 waiting to see how far he'd come, that's when a tree shot up from the hole Naruto had dug. Temari readied her fan expecting a cheap attack however that wasn't Haris style, the tree opened up like flower with Hari doing a pose in the middle. Tsunade blamed Jiraiya for the posing but Danieru and Taiyo knew the truth, it was Dio. Temari began to laugh, "This is my opponent? This dumbass may have the legendary Wood Release but look at him, he's a disgrace to the Senju Clan!" Hari stopped posing, Tsunade had to be restrained which Danieru understood (However, why Obito and Rin had their hands on hers and Taiyos shoulders she didn't understand.) The second the proctor began the match Temari used her fan to unleash an onslaught on Wind Style Jutsu however Hari didn't move, he just looked down at the floor but the second Temari took a break he rushed towards her, she tried to counter this by sending blades of air straight towards him but he just slid under them. As he passed her he slammed his hand on the ground, he sprung up as Temari turned to face him.

"What was that supposed to acclompish? You had a prime opportunity to attack me and you didn't take it! Are you actually a descendant of the First Hokage?" At this a smirk grew on Haris face, "Yep I am, but more importantly I'm the Child of two of the Legendary Sannin: The Slug Princess Tsunade and The Toad Sage Jiraiya, hmm yeah that's probably long enough." He chuckled as he made the activation hand sign, Temari wasn't quick enough as a wooden tongue wrapped around her quickly followed by a wooden Toad climbing from the ground which closed its mouth leaving only her head visible. "HOW! You didn't weave any hand signs!" Hari walked closer, his signature wooden rapier sprouting from the ground. "Two things: There's a large majority of Wood Release techniques that don't require hand signs, second thing is I did weave them, behind my back while you blasted me with those Wind attacks now," He brought the Rapier an inch from her throat, "Isn't there something you need to say?" Temari thought for a minute and she reluctantly admitted defeat, which was met with cheers from the whole stadium with Obito pointing out a blushing red haired girl with glasses to the rest of Team 11 who all smirked at this.

The Proctor then announced the next match to be Taiyo and Shino, Taiyo who was excited for his turn just jumped straight out of the spectators stands landing infront of the exit which Hari was walking towards after removing the Toad and tree. As they passed each other they high fived but Danieru knew what this was as a scroll ended up in Haris hand, Taiyo walked forward waiting for Shino. Once he had made his way into the arena the proctor began the match, the second it started Taiyo jumped back throwing Kunai at Shino which went straight through him revealing an insect clone however Taiyo used <Rotation> in mid-air revealing a concealed swarm of insects. Shino came out of the tree line, "I'm your worst match up Taiyo Hyuga, you're a close range fighter and my Teammate is your twin sister who was my training partner for the last mon~" Shino didn't get to finish as a <Lightning Style: Lightning Net> hit him in the left thigh as Taiyo had finished weaving the hand signs just before landing. "As much as I love my sister, I've left the traditional Hyuga fighting style behind since joining Team 11, I'm now a capable fighter as long as my opponent is in range of my Byakugan," He took a few steps to the left and chuckled, "I'm sorry to tell you this Shino but I'm stood in the exact middle of this arena and I see you hiding behind that boulder!"

The cat and mouse game contiued as Shino relocated and Taiyo called out his new hiding spot, any attacking insects were blasted away by <Rotation>. Eventually the real Shino came out into the open, engaging in mid range combat, Taiyo barely moving fromt the center as swarms of insects got blasted away and Shino dodging either paralyzing lightning nets or using insect clones to dodge Taiyos rapidly multiplying lightning javelins. "Tell me Shino how do these bugs work? Like if I had been killing them instead of blowing them back would this fight already be over?" Shino stopped for a second, realising Taiyo had simply been holding back as to not cripple his career as a Shinobi, "You killing them wouldn't be the end of my career as a Shinobi if that is what you're asking, here I'll show you!" Saying this, a large amount of insects gathered around Taiyo in a dome which quickly shrank and thickened however glimpses of Taiyos <Rotation> could be seen through the living prison. Shino was just about to tell the proctor that there wasn't anyway for him to escape however just as he opened his mouth to speak a wisp of fire shot out of the dome, then another as the dome was forced upwards revealing that Taiyo had used the affinity for fire nature release he had found out about over the month training to ignite his <Rotation>. Taiyos Father shouted something from the stands about how they needed to evacuate but before anyone took him seriously Taiyo drove all the fire upwards, incinerating the bugs in the process and as the fireball travelled upwards the heat caused clouds to form in the sky. Shino seeing this technique forfeits the match, Taiyo walked over and shook Shinos hand as Taiyo apologised for the damage he did to Shinos colony explaining he was fascinated by them. Kakashi and Sasuke arrive just in time for the proctor to announce that Karin Uzamaki, Sasukes opponent, had decided to drop out of the exams so Sasuke Uchiha would be moving onto the next round. Sasuke was highly livid about this and complained to the point were they didn't hear that the next match would be Danieru against Gaara.




Danieru had kind of expected one of them would be put up against Gaara, Orochimarus influence and all, but it would just be her luck. She took the two scrolls of Hari as she walked down to the entrance to the arena with Obito behind her. "You gonna be ok cousin?" Danieru nodded, she found it unfair that she was his favourite but it couldn't be helped with them being related. "Anything I can do for you?" She patted herself down: three scrolls, sword, kunai, shuriken, explosive tags etc. "Can I borrow your Sharingan?" Obito nervously laughed, Danieru had 'joked' about that before offering to swap eyes and use medical ninjutsu to swap back, She did admit that she took it too far but she really wanted Kamui! "I could get Kakashi real quick?" That was always his response which led her to pout a little bit. They reached the doorway, Gaara was standing there waiting for her clearly not having an Obito of his own to slow him down. Danieru placed her sword down by the door, Gaaras eyes fixated on it him obviously remembering her trick with Kawa. "It's not what you think," She pointed to the stands where Kawa sat on Rins lap, she then pulled out a kunai from her holster and pricked her finger. Blood quickly dropped to the floor, after putting the kunai away Gaara held out his hand, Danieru let the blood drop to his palm and after he examined it he nodded in approvel. The proctor started the match.

Danieru expected to get hit at some point in, she just didn't expect it to be so soon. The second the match started she made the unwise decision to try and punch Gaara square in the face, the unmistakeable groans of Hari and Taiyo could be heard the second she went to throw it, they'd kept those groans from their past lives. The sand had caught her punch, which was quickly followed by a wave of sand to the gut which launched her back to a tree, she quickly assessed herself for breaks, getting up was the easy part. Gaara quickly followed up with multiple tendrils of sand (what else?) her Sharingan made seeing them easy but that punch to the gut made her movements a bit sluggish. She had the speed to get close enough to hit Gaara not cause of Lee like Sasuke, she'd been trained by Shisui Uchiha up until his Death, Lee had only been a little bit quicker than her in their race before the Chunin Exams had started and that is because she had focused more on her Sharingan than anything else. As soon as she had a chance she pulled out one of the three scrolls, getting two kunai from it. She rushed towards Gaara, dodging for side to side from the sand blasts cutting at the sand with one of the kunai however the sand stuck to it after leting it go it dropped to the ground with a clump of sand which caused a smile to appear on Danierus face.

"Ya know Gaara you really are amazing! But I'm going to let you in on something else," Just as she said this the pain in her gut had pretty much recovered so she used the <Body Flicker Technique> to appear right infront of Gaara and slashed at him with the kunai. Gaara jumped back as his sand defence exploded out the way of the kunai, this led to a collective gasp from the audience and the cheers from Team 11 and Team 7. Gaara stared daggers at her which she returned with a smirk, "Wanna know how I did it?" Danieru didn't wait for a response as it started to lightly rain from the clouds Taiyo formed earlier, "My adoptive Mother Lady Tsunade has an amazing Library which also, whether she's aware of it or not house her notes from her involvements in the battles against the Hidden Sands as well as her encounters with different Magnet Release." Gaara attempted to attack her again while she was talking however she just used <Body Flicker Technique> to get close and slashed through his defences. "So when I saw your fight with Lee I knew I could easily match that speed, so for the first few days I do what I do best, research, I found the book quickly that described Magnet Release." Gaara used <Sand Shower> over a large area which Danieru evaded with her <Bat Substatution Jutsu> the bats screech at Gaara as Danieru reforms crouching on Gaaras Gourd, "It didn't take long to discover that Magnet Release is made up off Wind Release and Earth Release, giving it a weakness to Lightning Jutsu which honestly leaves me stuck as I use Wind and Fire Jutsu." Gaara was about to attack her when he felt the kunai touch his neck, "So I decided to make a new Jutsu which was a success however it isn't reliable at all, so many requirements like a thunderstorm, which can be produced by rapidly raising the temperature of rain clouds with Fire Style Ninjutsu!" Danieru jumped of the gourd and walked towards her sword at the entrance, Gaara took this as chance to enter his sand dome.

<Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu> three shadow clones weaved the signs for the <Fire Style: Dragon Breath Jutsu> and launched it straight up causing the already raining clouds to begin thundering, the clones vanish straight after performing the Jutsu. Reaching her sword, she unsheathed it turning towards Gaaras dome a smirk growing on her face. Using the <Chakra Transmutation Jutsu> turned the blade to Copper which was through Earth Style, throwing it straight towards the sky and weaving through almost all the hand signs as a Lightning bolt shot down towards her she finished <Wind Style: Lightning Redirect Jutsu> she connected with the Lightning via two fingers, bringing it down to her stomach meeting the other set of fingers and the Lightning arced over, she launched the Lightning Bolt at Gaaras dome causing the whole thing to crumble around him as well as the sand that covers his skin. Picking up her sword which upon contact changes to a blade of lightning and leaves a cut across across his left shoulder which quickly began to squirt blood. That's when everything went wrong, Danierus shoulder burned as the curse mark activated due to the energy the Lightning Bolt had left, Gaara screamed as the blood flowed from his wound and he fled to release the One Tails. Feathers began to fall as Kabuto activated his mass Genjutsu, Danieru succumbed to the Genjutsu and promptly passed out.


Obitos POV


It was absolute carnage as the Sand and Sound Jonin attacked the unsuspecting Leaf Shinobi, Obito had to activate Kamui almost immediately as three blades shot through his chest. Turning around he saw his students Taiyo and Hari defending themselves from a white haired boy about their age, he was using Chakra Scalpels and had already left Taiyos right arm limp however that was all he could do as Haris <Wood Style: Wooden Toad Shinobi> was holding the white haired boy at bay. Rin had already activated her Jin Cloak with multiple enemy Jonin covered in coral, Kakashi and Guy had been focused on protecting the sleeping civilians and the rest of Team 7 rushed of after Gaara. Obito walked around placing enemies in Genjutsu however once he noticed Danieru unconscious with a Sound Shinobi approaching her he quickly jumped into the arena. The Sound Shinobi didn't stand a chance against the Phantom of Konoha who shot out a spear of Wood from the White Zetsu side of his body, his use of Wood Release was extremely rudimentary however what it lost in the ability to use Wood Style Jutsu it surely made up for in raw power. The Sound Shinobi was impaled as the spear drained all his Chakra, sprouting a tree, he was about to transport his unconscious student to the Kamui Dimension when Danieru woke up with a start.

"Did I win?" Obito laughed as his student as she got up off the floor, she looked around as Rin jumped down into the arena. "Obito, I'm gonna go after that Gaara kid, he's the One Tails Jinchuriki!" Danieru hopped up quickly, wincing at the pain in her shoulder which she began to heal, Obito proceeded to object pretty quickly. "Rin, Naruto is the Nine Tails Jinchuriki! Give him a chance, besides we might have bigger issues!" The barrier rose from the roof as Hiruzen, Jiraiya and Tsunade began to fight Orochimaru which was easier said than done with him using the <Reanimation Jutsu> to revive Hashirama and Tobirama Senju. However before Obito could even think about going to help a giant serpent could be seen rampaging through the Leaf, Rin looked at Obito with a look she'd given him countless times. "NO! Rin I'm not doing it! Besides," Obito pointed to Kakashi who was fighting two enemy Jonin, "He's busy!" Just as Rin was about to give in Guy opened the fourth Gate and shot through the arena taking out a large majority of the present Sand and Sound Shinobi, Rin quickly called over Kakashi who groaned when he realised what they were about to do, "She does realise I don't have that much Chakra right?" Obito turned to his student who was watching the conflict, seemingly thinking about what to do. "Danieru, are you gonna be ok?" He couldn't deny his concern, he was worried about all his students however Taiyo and Hari had made their way down to them with Hari taking over the healing of Danierus shoulder. Danieru caught Obitos gaze and smirked, "We're Team 11, these guys ain't got nothing on us!" After hearing this Obito left alongside Kakashi, he had complete faith in his Students especially after seeing how much they've grown. By the time the two Jonin had reached the giant serpent Rin had already undergone the full Three Tails transformation and with the Anbu providing support, Obito and Kakashi landed on Isobus shell. Obito placed his hand on Kakashis shoulder as they both activated their Mangekyo Sharingan, they'd done this a couple of times before most notably during the conclussion of the Third Shinobi War were they helped Minato Namikaze defeat over 3000 Stone Shinobi as well as fighting the Four Tails Jinchuriki to a stand still. As Obito merged his Chakra with Kakashis light blue armour spread across Isobu eventually two arms sprouted from his back with Shuriken in its hands. It didn't take long for Team Minato to disspatch of the snake as the shuriken took off one of its heads causing it to quickly retreat, which was lucky as not long after Kakashi ran out of Chakra causing the Susanoo to shatter, once he had made sure Rin was safe to heal Kakashi Obito rushed back to where the Third Hokage and Two Ledgendary Sannin are fighting Orochimaru with his reanimated Hokage however when he arrived he saw a hysterical Tsunade begging for her medical ninjutsu to work on a now dead Hiruzen Sarutobi. Jiraya approached him with a simple question "Where are my children," this snapped Tsunade out of trying to bring Hiruzen back as she began asking about Hari and Danieru with Jiraya asking about Naruto, when they looked down into the arena they saw Team 11 and Team 7 were helping with the relief effort with Sasuke, Sakura and Taiyo releasing civilians from genjutsu, Danieru and Hari were healing the injured, finally Naruto was using his Shadow Clones to run messages between the two Teams to increase their teamwork.


General POV


The funeral was held shortly after, with Lady Tsunade being named the Fifth Hokage however the Genin of Team 11 weren't focused on these events in the slightest. They knew they didn't have long until Itachi and Kisame came to Konoha and much to Danierus protests Taiyo wanted a rematch with Kisame, Hari was completely on board so he could keep his hot headed friend alive. Danieru spent a large portion of her time in the Senju Library which nobody dared entire, Danierus mastery over Chakra Strings allowed her to wander the expansive Library of scrolls and books creating a web of Strings. Two days before Itachi and Kisame arrived in Konoha Danieru found the two items she had been looking for, a book on Hashirama and a Scroll on the summoning Jutsu, she rushed out to where the two boys were training in taijutsu Hari being on the back foot while Taiyo was pushing him to improve, which he slowly was. "So let me get this straight, you want the three of us to use the Reverse Summoning Jutsu to go to seperate locations and hope that we can convince whatever creature is there to form a summoning contract with us," Taiyo asked with Danieru nodding with a massive grin on her face, "Well it sounds insane but I want to fight a dude you said is practically a God compared to us so I'm in." Danieru passed the book to Hari, who after reading to title just nodded and left to put it in his room. Jiraiya almost stopped them when he saw what they were doing but was too late as all three of them were transported to different areas.


Hari's POV


Well this is very funny, I reversed summoned into a forest or rather the Shikkotsu Forest. I knew this as there was a giant ass slug that was the size of a mountain, a small portion of the slug showed up infront of me. "Hari Senju is that you? What are you doing here?" I just look at slug and smile, "Hello Lady Katsuyu, I used the Reverse Summoning Jutsu and ended up here." I sat down thinking for a moment, would it be cheating to ask her for a summoning contract? "Lady Katsuyu, are there any other creatures like you in this forest?" The Queen Slug looked a little hurt by this, "Am I not strong enough for you young Prince?" I shook my head, "It's not that Lady Katsuyu, I just want to branch out from my family and earn things on my own merit, you know rather then being carried off of my parents and great grandfathers reputations." The Slug beckoned and so I followed, we travelled for a couple hours until we reached a more dense part of the forest however the trees changed to trees found in more tropical climates. I'm glad Dan got us to learn sensory ninjutsu, I may not be good at it but I can use the trees to boost the range, so the second a group of monkeys started following us.


Taiyos POV


I had cuts all over my arms and face, I got teleported to a snowy forest where I met a Wolf Pack who decided if I was going to make a summoning contract with them I needed to prove myself. Proving myself meant fighting their strongest member, a wolf who used transformation jutsu to become half-human and I now notice that even though my Byakugan can keep up with their speed my body's speed isn't up to it. I was on the defensive the majority of what I assume is a fight to the Death, Dan warned us about the Snake Sage, then I create an opening using the <Substitution Jutsu> when he went for a killing blow, getting their hand/paw in the log, now I'll be honest I suck at anything that isn't taijutsu and ninjutsu but I've picked up some basic genjutsu from watching Obito using the odd none Sharingan ones he was practicing with Rin. I weave the hand signs for the <Paralysis Genjutsu> and while he's trapped in it I rush forward and land several strike, I win.


Danierus POV


I fell onto a pile of precious gems and a giant scaled lizard, I assumed there weren't any Dragons in Naruto but now I know what those giant skeletons in the Mountains' Graveyard belong to. The Elder Dragon gave me a simple task, survive a fireball from an infant Dragon easy right? Wrong, its roar makes Sasukes Dragon bombs look like my current<Fireball Jutsu>, so I did the only thing I could think of. <Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu> I managed three of them and just as the flame is about to hit my first shadow clone the four of us use <Wind Style: Upthrust>, I made this jutsu as an alternative to the usual <Mud Wall> as Earth Style Ninjutsu drains so much of my Chakra. The Flame takes out all three of my shadow clones before it halts to a stop two inches from my face, the infant dragon looking very disheartened to miss out on flame grilled Uchiha.