

Harissa Camargo, a mature woman aged 44, widowed for more than 10 years, dedicated herself entirely to her life's work, Teacher, Psychopedagogue, Neuropsychopedagogue, Therapist, Specialist in Emotional Intelligence, Violinist, writers in her spare time, she and owner of a clinic specializing in NLP, DISC, and HMI, had her life on track. She sees her life turn upside down, but everything happens when she receives a proposal to speak at the headquarters of a multinational, and meets the CEO Willian. Willian Negrao and a man in his 38s has never married, after the heartbreak he owes to the bride who left him at the altar to run away with his cousin, and promised himself that he would never give his heart to a woman again, he is outgoing, and funny, owner and CEO of a worldwide, London-based multi-national enterprise and business in his own private retreat. But everything changes his mind when he sees Dr. Camargo at a conference In Brazil, he was impressed by the woman's beauty and friendliness and wanted to have her. She didn't count that in the middle of the way a ghost of the past would rise from the ashes...

Noize_Cristina · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 4 Willian

"You and my soul that roams the world,

my soul does not take long to return to its place,

because I miss you every moment and every second,

of my existence, return my soul to its place".

Author: Noize Cristina

After a shower I went down for my ride with the driver and investigation of the mystery woman, and coming to think of it, two women caught my eye this week first Dr. Now this Samaritan woman, I think my brother is right, I need to find a woman for me, more like finding one that can be special, and that is as I wish, not that I am demanding but the woman needs to meet my criteria, like be a companion, nice, polite, sweet, simple, and don't like to spend a lot, not because I'm rich that a woman can spend everything I earn in a day, so it has to be a simple one like me, and that's hard, everyone just stays with me by status of what I have.

I entered the elevator and saw from afar a woman with straight and long hair and simple clothes leaves the room facing mine, but I didn't see her face, I thought she would ask me to hold the elevator, but that didn't happen...

Arriving on the ground floor, the driver was already waiting for me, so we went out for our drive, and for a few minutes the silence reigned, but it was broken by the driver...

- Sir, where do you want to go first?

-Well, I don't know anything in particular, do you have any suggestions?

-I do have a fancy restaurant nearby where I take hotel guests...

-Ok, it can be this one and I would like you to accompany me.... he looked at me in the rearview mirror...

-Sir, I'm not used to accompanying customers...

-But today you will accompany me, I insist, sir...

-Bento, my name is Bento and your dr.

- My name is William and no sir, I'm younger than you, Bento...

-All right without... William...

After a few more minutes Bento parked the car in a restaurant with him, he said chic and very busy because of the way of Brazilian high society people and businessmen, we went in and asked for a reserved table, so he could start asking about the mysterious Dona Camargo as Bento said earlier... we sat down and ordered I ordered a wine and he asked for a sparkling water and said he hadn't had alcohol in a long time... we ordered for dinner he asked me to help him choose because I had never eaten in a restaurant of that type and that the names are all wrong to read...

-Good Bento, I would like you to tell me more about the woman from earlier...

-Our Dr. What were you interested in her?

-No, I'm just curious to know why a woman helps people without wanting to receive anything in return...

- Well Dona Camargo was always like that even before her husband and daughters died she was already a woman with a good heart, but you want me to say what about her...

-Everything, since when you met her...

-Ok, I met her when I was a junkie in life, my sister works for her since she married Sir James, she helped to take care of her daughters and the house Dona Camargo or Hari as everyone knows her was a teacher at that time but she always helped her husband in social projects of his company, they were an admirable couple, she is charming, wherever she goes to this day, as I said I had problems with drugs and alcohol and my family suffered a lot until she found out and told me help she paid for my treatment hidden from her husband helped my sister to take care of me and when her husband found out he fought with her a lot, but she did not stop helping me, so when I left the clinic she employed me as a family driver, and I I worked for her until the death of Mr. James, on the day of the accident that took the lives of her daughters and mother-in-law she was driving I was off duty and a drunk driver invaded the lane in the wrong way and hit the car that flipped several times and at m The girls were without feeling she was thrown out of the car and another one broke her neck and the mother-in-law had serious injuries and could not resist and I died 15 days later she was in a coma for 60 days and when she woke up she found that her daughters had died it was a very big shock , the woman almost died the dr. At the time, he hunted the unfortunate like a needle in a haystack to settle the accounts but no one ever heard of him, we don't know if he died or if he ran away because they know who the people in the car were...

-Bento, what a story, how did she manage to get up?

- It wasn't easy, but she is strong and got up and when she was better after 3 years she discovered her husband's betrayal, it was another blow, but almost no one knows that everyone thought it was her relapse due to the loss of her daughters the trauma...

-Seriously the husband cheated on her?

-Yes, and to this day she has never remarried my sister says that she is afraid of falling in love and being betrayed again and suffers, so she prefers to live alone in a house with a cat and dog and look at that house is huge, after death from her husband she moved out of the country and studied, today she helps people, more than before, and the woman doesn't stop traveling the world for work and doing charity, wherever she goes, everyone wants to be helped by her...

-Wow, what a story man... I don't know anymore she looks like someone I know...

- You must know her, the woman is known for being the wife of the famous James Camargo, her iron hand in business, and she doesn't stay behind, no one passes her back and not to mention the lip service she has, she wins everyone around her with just one look...

-But William, because the interest in her, have you already seen her?

-No, Bento, I saw her from afar at the airport helping a young woman with her baby then she called a taxi and even your money to help the woman...

- That's what Dona Harissa does...

When I heard the name my mind worked that I had already heard that name but, however, I didn't know where it might have been at some business meeting since she is a businesswoman, then we went back to the hotel and I went straight to bed because tomorrow I had a lot of things to do and a lot of meetings and a dinner, which would be at the hotel, to close the purchase that had made me millions...

I woke up the next day and went to the hotel gym to run on the treadmill after 2 hours I came back, tamed a shower and went down to the cafe, from afar I saw Bento talking to a woman, who was on the coast and she was smiling a lot with him, and I realized that was the woman of our conversation and I saw that they were very close to each other, I sat a little far away and watched their interaction, and minutes passed she got up and hugged him and left along with another man who carried several things , she tried to help but the boy didn't let her, and as soon as she left, Bento came towards me...

-Good morning Sir, how was the night?

- Good morning Bento, my night was pleasant, and yours?

- Good very good, where are we going today...

-Well, I'm going to my company that has a branch here in Brazil and I'm going to stay there all day, and then at the end of the afternoon I go back to the hotel I have a business meeting right here during dinner...

- Okay sir I will be your driver during your stay here and if you want to get away from these meetings and just talk to me, and you got lucky because when Dona Camargo is here I am her driver, but she bought a car and want to test it, so I'm at your disposal when you're ready we can go...

- Hmm and by the way was she the woman you were talking to just now?

- Yes and yes, she will return to her city by car and will take her niece's gift that a car too and I will accompany her on this trip...


I just said that but I realized that it is he looked at me...

-Oh sir it's not like that I have her as a sister... I respect her a lot and if you're interested in her I can help you conquer her I know everything about her...

-And even...

-Yes sir, her sister called me and asked me to find a husband for her, see if you can, something like that a woman like Dona Harissa not being able to find a husband at her height, is impossible...

-Wait, she doesn't have anyone, she's alone, and the family wants her to get married and that...

-Yes sir for this reason she was laughing, Dona Hareta fixes every man God forbid...

Having said that, she made a very funny face, we left and went to the company and when we arrived I saw the blue car that is not at all discreet because of the color, and I kept thinking that if she could be some company members and I didn't know, I got in and I was received by Otavio who was different from the last time I saw him and there were some of the partners together and nothing about the woman, but I didn't ask anything, the day went by that I forgot about the woman, I only remembered her when the car was still I was in the company parking lot and I was curious to know what she does in the company if she didn't attend the meeting with the partners today...

Already at the hotel I was ready to go to the restaurant when I heard someone laughing in the hallway, I opened the door it was the woman on a video call with a cat and a dog calling them children and another very angry woman on the line... and overheard the conversation....

-Look Hari, come soon, if I don't have psychological problems and you'll pay for my treatment, this cat doesn't exist, you know... she smiled again at the exaggeration of the other...

-Hare stop drama I'm going to talk to the beauty, Be mom told you to behave princess do just like your brother be nice to your aunt, otherwise I won't take you with me to Spain at the end of the year...

I couldn't believe she was talking to the cat like she was talking to a person and the cat was still meowing as if she understood, the other woman started to smile... and say...

-Harissa, just you and Marcos to do this with this cat, she wants to sleep in my bed with my husband and not for me to get close, see if you can, that, come soon a week and a long time to stay with this cat ...