

Harissa Camargo, a mature woman aged 44, widowed for more than 10 years, dedicated herself entirely to her life's work, Teacher, Psychopedagogue, Neuropsychopedagogue, Therapist, Specialist in Emotional Intelligence, Violinist, writers in her spare time, she and owner of a clinic specializing in NLP, DISC, and HMI, had her life on track. She sees her life turn upside down, but everything happens when she receives a proposal to speak at the headquarters of a multinational, and meets the CEO Willian. Willian Negrao and a man in his 38s has never married, after the heartbreak he owes to the bride who left him at the altar to run away with his cousin, and promised himself that he would never give his heart to a woman again, he is outgoing, and funny, owner and CEO of a worldwide, London-based multi-national enterprise and business in his own private retreat. But everything changes his mind when he sees Dr. Camargo at a conference In Brazil, he was impressed by the woman's beauty and friendliness and wanted to have her. She didn't count that in the middle of the way a ghost of the past would rise from the ashes...

Noize_Cristina · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 3 Hari

"The world without you is empty,

A life without you is meaningless,

Everything about you completes me, heart, you are my everything"...

Author Noize Cristina

The week flew by, I didn't even see it, I'm glad I didn't have any clients, it was complicated during the week, the session was very smooth, so everything was going well, I called sampa I asked them to prepare my car, my newest acquisition, they returned with me to Cuiabá because and I'm going back by car, and if my beautiful niece likes this one, I'm going back in it, it will be hers mine I'm going to lost it in Petroleum Blue I loved both colors like I don't know if Luize what color she was to choose one or the other so I'll wait to confirm, and as it's an exclusive color, the factory only makes that color on request so, I'll wait to see if she wants this one or the other, I think I'll show her the color suddenly I'll come with the two one I have been driving the other I ask Bento to bring it, I also asked them to buy clothes and food as I always like to go through the viaduct that is on the way to the hotel and distribute food and clothes sometimes I meet people who want to leave this life of suffering and help this happened er, with the transformation and change, I know a lot that they chose to change and today they are fine, this makes me happy to be able to help someone.

Everything is being tidied up my two children are looking at me and the beautiful one is restless she knows she will stay with her aunt just like her aunt doesn't like her she doesn't like her either but I talked to her and asked her to be nice to her aunt and behave with princess I hope it happens.

I'm already arriving at my sister's house, Bethoven is already happy, but the beauty has an ugly face...

-Be behave if you don't go on vacation with me...

The queer even seems to know what I'm saying and changed her face... and looked at me and meowed differently;

Lovely; meow, meow, I'll behave myself, you can...

Doesn't she know that if this witch fights with me I'll take revenge asivou... lol...

- Well I trust you princess...

Bela: Meow, trust me, I won't do anything... I already told you...

I parked the car and got my babies down...my mother came to welcome me...

-Hi daughter, how are you?

-Hi mom, I'm fine, I came to leave this blessing with Hare and you, like this lady Hor...

-Well thank God very well, but Hare didn't say anything about keeping your babies?

-Seriously, mother, did she forget...

-I didn't forget, I'm not going to take care of these four-legged nephews of mine with affection ne beto, and you beautiful auntie beautiful...

-Beautiful false Mercy this one huh Meow, Meow...

-Come with your aunt come...

Lovely; meow I'm going to throw up... wow, wow, ... grahs...

-Bella look what we talked about... the cat looked at me and changed at the same time and I looked at Hareta she was looking disgusted because the beauty was rubbing against her... my God two grumpy cats ave only Marcos to stop put up with it, I spent a few minutes with my family and after saying goodbye to everyone, and I called luize...

- Lu go with me, then you come back with my car, tomorrow if it's not too much to ask for you to Alberto...

-Aunt, are you going to sell the car?

-Yes, I already sold it, just need to deliver,

-But aunt, you didn't buy it these days...

-Yes Lu but the Factory offered me to exchange it for the new model so I already bought two...

-Wait Harissa, did you buy two? One is for you and the other is for whom? Wait, you didn't buy it for the animals you bought it?

- No Hareta the other one I bought for my beautiful niece here, see I'll show you the model and the colors, then Lu you choose your color, and who knows I'll come with them...

-Harissa Camargo you drive from São Paulo to Mato Grosso alone with two cars....

I looked at my sister she had a very funny face and I couldn't stand her I burst out laughing to see her like that...

-Very funny Dr. And you're going to give my daughter a car without talking to me, is that right?

- Time this gift was supposed to have been delivered since she turned 18, but I only bought it now because of the value offered, so, look...

I showed the car to her and the colors she loved and as I expected she got the blue one then I said that this one was already waiting for me in sampa that I would use it anyway she preferred it, then Hareta asked me for mine so I I said she could stay with him... with that so she preferred to take me to the airport to test the car and so we went the whole way was done in complete peace and with lots of laughs with always staying close to my sister and getting sick laughing so much... we arrived at the airport and said goodbye before she made a joke...

-Have a good trip my beautiful little sister and for God's sake Hari find a rich husband to marry...

I looked at her with a frown because I'm fine like this without anyone I'm happy and fulfilled I'm not looking for anyone in my life...

-There is no mother leave her aunt alone with this marriage story she is happy alone...

-That's right Lu, I'm just happy and free, so that's it, subject closed...

-I've already seen that it's no use talking about it with you but I'm going to ask God to send a man to you... because only one sent by him to take my heart out of mourning, Hari is already 10 years old...

-That's why I'm fine like this without anyone, look if I fall in love with a man it has to be the man and you know said...

-Well then, I don't know if this man exists, right my love, but it's okay, one hour this man will show up...

I was already on the company's jet, to fly to São Paulo with me I always travel, sometimes I use the commercial plane, but when I travel to solve the company's scare I use the jet, this conference will be for work and to do business because I'm going to sell one of the my company, which stayed with me, I don't understand soy or fuel, so it's fair to get rid of it, my partners don't know that I'm selling to a British group, and to be a coincidence, this pending group is the same company that I'm going to speak, so I am combining the useful with the pleasant, and I took the opportunity to call him to sell him the car and said that he could confirm the car in the chosen color and he told me that he knew that this would happen and ordered it to be done as I asked and that he was just waiting for confirmation and that on saturday he would be delivered to the hotel then call and said he wanted to talk to Bento and I made an appointment with him tomorrow morning at breakfast time at the hotel and since she works everything was ok.

After 2 and a half hours of flight I landed in sampa, I was going to exit when I saw a young woman with many bags I hurried and helped her, on the way I talked to her and found out that she was moving and that she didn't have to call to stay and that he was an immigrant from Argentina, so I called a taxi and helped, and I offered her to go to the support house of a friend of mine who helps these people and I offered her a job and she was happy...

-Look lady...

-Oh sorry my name is Harissa Camargo but you can call me Hari...

-Oh thank you don...

-Don't call me Hari please.

-And your name...

- Mariana took...

-Okay, I'll call because you're very young, right...

I laugh at her...

-No flower, I have 4.4, you know.

-It doesn't seem like I would give you 35 years, you know

- Kindness your flower, but it's ok then when you can look for me in this hotel...

I gave her a card with an address...she looked at me and hugged me she was very young and could be my daughter with age, so I will offer her to work with me and take her daughter Nicole to Cuiabá if she wants and of course... I said goodbye to her and went to my car that was already waiting for me, I got in and as usual on the way I passed the viaduct and stopped to deliver the clothes and the food was quick this time no one asked me to help out of that life... I got in the car and went to the hotel, when I arrived I went straight to the parking lot and took the private elevator to the presidential floor, which are only two per floor, I went straight to the room and with Mary you know how I like it I left everything ready, for my rest but I wasn't tired so I took a shower and went back to the hotel to see how things were, when he left the room I saw a man entering the elevator, his perfume was so striking that made me feel cold and shiver the body, and it caught my attention it was the same smell of James' perfume that I loved when he wore it, I even thought it was him, but that was impossible he died 10 years and the body I did the recognition myself, so I just it was a coincidence that someone else wore the same perfume, I got in the private elevator and went for my ride...