

Harissa Camargo, a mature woman aged 44, widowed for more than 10 years, dedicated herself entirely to her life's work, Teacher, Psychopedagogue, Neuropsychopedagogue, Therapist, Specialist in Emotional Intelligence, Violinist, writers in her spare time, she and owner of a clinic specializing in NLP, DISC, and HMI, had her life on track. She sees her life turn upside down, but everything happens when she receives a proposal to speak at the headquarters of a multinational, and meets the CEO Willian. Willian Negrao and a man in his 38s has never married, after the heartbreak he owes to the bride who left him at the altar to run away with his cousin, and promised himself that he would never give his heart to a woman again, he is outgoing, and funny, owner and CEO of a worldwide, London-based multi-national enterprise and business in his own private retreat. But everything changes his mind when he sees Dr. Camargo at a conference In Brazil, he was impressed by the woman's beauty and friendliness and wanted to have her. She didn't count that in the middle of the way a ghost of the past would rise from the ashes...

Noize_Cristina · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 05 Willian

"My soul yearns for you, my soul at every moment desires that you,

return to your place, that in my being, my whole soul, my whole being cries out for you,

every nerve ending cries out for you at every moment, my passionate soul,

return to your place of existence, my soul I am yours and you are mine.

Author: Noize Cristina

After that I didn't hear their conversation anymore because she entered the room... I waited a few more minutes and left, and I went straight to the restaurant my director and CEO was already in the restaurant along with his secretary and my lawyer with the documents, and he read and explained to me how the negotiation with the heir widow would be, the woman was seeing a soy farm and an ethanol and oil factory that was exported to several countries around the world, it was a millionaire purchase, it would be better only because according to my lawyer and the financial manager I would earn billions with the purchase, hours and minutes passed and nothing from that widow arrived, but it appears I saw Otavio open a smile and get up, the lawyer did the same and I looked to see who had arrived, and was speechless at the sight of a woman dressed in light pink but the dress was very elegant and charming at the same time she had long black hair with the night and the makeup was very serene it didn't even look like she wore it and the perfume arrived before her to where we were, Otavio went ahead and went to meet her, she smiled elegantly and that's when I realized that she was the mysterious woman in the front room, the widow, and what a widow, my God, I felt a cold a shiver down my spine and I felt that I was lost in that moment, I waited for her to sit at the table and we all sat down...

-Good night, gentlemen, I'm sorry for the delay, it's not my custom to leave important people waiting for me, but I had a family unforeseen to solve...

My God, the family unforeseen was a cat and a dog and an angry woman because the cat wanted to sleep in her bed with her husband... afff. This can only be a jackhammer...

-You're forgiven, Harissa...

-Okay so let's get down to business, I have another appointment in an hour...

-Good Mr. Willian Negrao accepts the terms of the contract and wants to close the deal...

-Wonderful so we can eat and celebrate so gentlemen, you've already ordered...

I looked and I don't know how my face was, but she looked at me and said...

-Sorry sir I didn't introduce myself and I don't know who you are, well or I only know Otavio... forgive me for that, Good My name is Harissa Camargo...

She held out her hand to me, it took me a while to repeat the gesture because I knew it would happen if I touched her she was giving me goosebumps without touching us with the scent of the perfume and making other places in my body wake up and imagine if I touch her ...I saw her turn red...

-Sorry for the rudeness, and it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Willian Negrao...

My hand touched hers I felt a shock and she seems to have felt the same and she took her hand quickly and turned red at the same moment and looked at me differently...

-It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr.

She looked at me for a moment as if she was seeing my soul there at that moment, she greeted the others who are around and didn't look at me anymore and not for a moment, during the meeting, I couldn't take my eyes off her for a moment, during the dinner, suddenly the same guy came and said something to her and then left, she apologized and said she had a dance to attend that it was time to go... when she arrived at the exit of the restaurant she looked where we were and she smiled and left, leaving only her perfume in the air and I saw Otavio had climbed up to her...

- If only she would look at me, and give me a chance...

- And why don't you fight for her...

-No sir, she doesn't want anything to do with me or anyone, she's been a widow for 10 years and I've never heard that she stayed with another man after her husband, if she stays with someone it's very well hidden, there's even one put in the middle of most powerful entrepreneurs to see who can win the grieving heart of Harissa Camargo...

-That's a joke dude...

-No, it's not sir, today there were a lot of comments in the company about her and they wanted to have the privilege of being her client, but she selects very well who she attends, in her offices...

-How about her and the Dr.?

-Yes Sir, she will be our lecturer, on the topic of how to convince someone in 90 seconds, imagine if she uses the power she has in her hands to conquer a man around her...

-She doesn't need it, dear to the woman and intelligent, elegant and charming, she is available more than anyone else... I've heard that there are many who go to her consulting room for her to attend with second intentions and she politely pans them and others she even finds companions for them to shape her profile...

Listening to their conversation, now understanding why I felt she looked at me like she was seeing my soul she was reading my profile... afff I didn't prepare myself for this meeting, she has something different that makes me feel strange, no I know explain what to feel around her, but I'm going to prepare more now, and she really is charming and very intelligent, she knows how to talk and articulate well about the business and I can say that a man with a woman like that by his side conquers the world, so she needs it be mine and I'll come up with a plan to win her heart and break her grief, mainly because I know she felt something when our hands touched and she felt...

After leaving the restaurant I tried to find out where the event Harissa went to but it was in vain no one knew Bento had gone out with a hotel customer, I had dismissed him earlier I said I wouldn't go out today, but I didn't expect the meeting was to end quickly, as it was, I thought it would be more difficult to deal with the widow, but no, she was quick to discuss the terms and now all that remains is to sign the contract and make the millionaire transfer to her account...

I went back to the room it was after 11 pm, stay at the hotel bar thinking of a way to conquer Dr. And I had an idea that I will put into practice as soon as this week is over, I will take her to my territory and there I will conquer her heart, away from everyone and everything she will be mine and less than 30 days that and for sure I took a shower and I lay down on the bed, but I heard a cry for help and with despair that came from outside, and I opened the door and didn't see anyone, I was already closing the door when I heard it again and saw it was from the front room, then I heard another scream... I went to the door but it was closed... call reception and soon a middle-aged woman appeared with a card and saw me...

-Sir thank you for letting me know now I'll take care of it...

- No way is there anyone there with her? Are you hurting her?

- No Harissa has nightmares and that happens mainly when she goes to the orphanage... I take care of her...

- Ma'am, I'm going in there, we heard the cry for help and crying, the crying was so distressed that it hurt to hear...

-Open that door soon...

The woman opened the door, and a wonderful beautiful woman was curled up in the middle of the bed in a fetal position and was crying a lot I felt the need to hug and comfort her at that moment and so I took her in my arms and pulled her to me and consoled her at that moment. moment, she calmed down and fell asleep again, all this about the woman's eyes looking at me with her eyes full of tears and I looked at her...

-You must be special she let you get close to her this never happened during these 10 years, even though she doesn't remember what happened or what you do, so it's better to leave her alone, she doesn't like to know that someone saw her in this state...

So reluctantly I left her my desire was to stay there with her in my arms to take care of, a woman who wears a fortress but is Phrygian and has her traumas that I don't know if I could bear to go through this losing someone we love and crazy, when my father passed away I suffered a lot with his loss, I can't imagine losing two children, what pain she must have felt, with that I went back to my room and made my decision I'm going to take her to London with me and win her heart, I didn't know why I I was feeling what I'm feeling, but something told me that she would be my lid soon, and I was ready to be her pot if she was willing to accept it.