

Harissa Camargo, a mature woman aged 44, widowed for more than 10 years, dedicated herself entirely to her life's work, Teacher, Psychopedagogue, Neuropsychopedagogue, Therapist, Specialist in Emotional Intelligence, Violinist, writers in her spare time, she and owner of a clinic specializing in NLP, DISC, and HMI, had her life on track. She sees her life turn upside down, but everything happens when she receives a proposal to speak at the headquarters of a multinational, and meets the CEO Willian. Willian Negrao and a man in his 38s has never married, after the heartbreak he owes to the bride who left him at the altar to run away with his cousin, and promised himself that he would never give his heart to a woman again, he is outgoing, and funny, owner and CEO of a worldwide, London-based multi-national enterprise and business in his own private retreat. But everything changes his mind when he sees Dr. Camargo at a conference In Brazil, he was impressed by the woman's beauty and friendliness and wanted to have her. She didn't count that in the middle of the way a ghost of the past would rise from the ashes...

Noize_Cristina · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 02 Willian

"Sentir amor por alguém especial e um refúgio

para o coração que está cheio de amor,

você e a minha vida, você e o meu respirar."

Autora: Noize Cristina

As usual, another day of work, I got up, changed and went for a run as I do every day in the morning, on the way I started to draw goals for the next week that I will be traveling to Brazil to visit one of my fastest growing companies in the country my Its CEO there is a technique of offering lectures and human development with doctors and other health professionals, and with that the improvement of the performance of the employees who work there I am going there personally this time because I want to see closely how this works, if it works I'm even going to implement it in the other branches, he told me that this time it will be different he scheduled a Dr. Specialist in behavior and profile, she is able to analyze people just by looking and observing, this impressed me a lot, I didn't even know there was a professional in this area, well I need to see who and this woman goes, she looks at me and makes my profile, so I need to know something about her, and I will as soon as I get to the office, with that I finished my morning run and went to the shower.

In my office, as always, everything was in order, as I like it to be, my employees are efficient and know that I like everything perfect, after signing a lot of documents I made a call to my branch in Brazil.


-W.N. Entrepreneurship Ltd Brazil good morning...

-Good morning, I would like to speak with Otavio please...

-Who would you like, please?

-The owner...

-Oh sure sir, I'll pass the call on to Mr. Otavio just a minute...

-Ok... as it passed, the call was transferred...

-Good morning, Mr. Negrao, to which I owe the honor of your call?

- Good morning Otavio, I would like you to send me the data of Dr. Kindly for me...

-Oh yes of course Negrao I'll send it to you right now... in fact I'm already doing it now...

-Thanks and I'll arrive on Sunday night, everything is fine out there...

-Yes, everything is prepared, your presence will be very good for business and for employees to see that the owner cares about his well-being, this is very good...

-Otavio, you know I've never participated in such an event so I'm kind of careful with it...

-Sir, you can rest easy here, everyone knows that you are coming and that you are just like him, it is not because you and the owner who will be superior to him here are all the same, even though we know that each one has their place, what matters is companionship from everyone regardless of whoever it is...

-This is new to me, this equality business, but I want to see up close all the success that we are reaping in just under 5 years, and this way of working adopted, about humanism and new for me and for many entrepreneurs and owners, not even, but I see the results so I'm going to personally see how it works, ok see you later...

-Even sir...

After finishing the call, I opened the email and started reading the information.

Information Dr. Harissa Camargo, Widow for 10 years, owner of a clinic specializing in NLP, DISC, and HMI, Specialist in Emotional Intelligence, Teacher Graduated in Pedagogy, Postgraduate, Master in Vancouver Canada, Doctorate in Toronto Canada, in Psychopedagogy, Postgraduate , Master's, Doctorate in Neuropsychopedagogue, in Montreal Canada, PAGD in Human Neurodevelopment and PAGD in NLP, DISC, HMI, In the USA, Stanford, International speaker and lecturer, recognized by the USA Harvard University Los Angeles, lives alone has an older sister Hareta Muniz, and daughter of Hortência, who lives with her sister, father died 18 years ago, husband 10 years ago, daughters 15 years old.

Strong personality, however, sweet and friendly, is 44 years old, 1.59 tall, is a little overweight, dark brown hair, and long, and dark eyes, dark skin. Attached photo.

Wow all this in a single woman, curious, but I'll pay to see if that's right.

The week flew by and I'm here taking Max to stay at my brother Benjamin's house, my nieces love him and I know he'll feel at home here, he also likes the girls so much that if I travel and it takes me a while to get back he leave them to stay with them, traitor, that's what he is, even better that he has them to take care of him because not and every time I can take him with me, because sometimes I take him on long trips and he always accompanies me and accompany me, we arrive at my brother's house and are welcomed by my nieces Yara and Yasmim Twins...

-Helô uncle, glad you brought Max, to stay here with people ne Mi...

-And yes, now we're going to take care of him right, ta beautiful uncle, uncle and it's true that you're going to meet a woman on this trip... I got scared with this conversation...

- Ara linda who said that to you beautiful?

- I heard Dad say to my mother that this time you find your pot lid... I couldn't stand it and burst out laughing, this brother of mine is crazy, just because he saw me read the information from that Dr. And doing research on the internet about her and you heard me make comments about her, you're already thinking I'm going to get married and crazy, you see...

- No, beautiful, uncle won't find his pot lid yet... you know, in fact, uncle isn't even looking for that anymore and adult talk...

- No, Mi already has her pan....

I looked at my niece she was red with shame of what her sister had just said, does my brother know that these girls are flirting around, she is only 12 years old, if it were my daughters I would never let her date this one age...

-Mi your father knows about this boyfriend of yours... then she turned redder than she already was...

- Uncle, I'm not dating myself, I just like a boy from school, that's all Ara is growing...

-Ok it's ok beautiful but don't forget you're not old enough to date yet... the two looked at me and answered together...

-We know uncle...

Then I entered the house my brother and his wife Aline were sitting on the couch watching a movie together, seeing that seine makes me feel that if my fiancee Monique's dog hadn't done what she did maybe we would be together until today my brother turned his head looked at me...

-So brother ready to travel to Brazil...

-Yes, more Ben because you told Aline that I'm getting married... he looked at me with wide eyes...

-Well I told you not to talk in front of the girls this conversation...

-Line, but I didn't say in front of her we talked when she was sleeping...

-Well, I think your daughter wasn't sleeping, she heard you talking to Line that I found my cap... and that's not true because I'm not even looking for one, at this moment and not even when you saw it around ...

-Wil you have to forget about that dog, and start opening that heart there to love again and not to mention that you spent the whole week looking at the picture of that Dr. Brasileirinha she looks like a good woman and older but doesn't even seem to be...

- You can stop it, I was just curious to know more about her, the woman reads people's minds so I need to be prepared for everything, I don't want to be embarrassed, with questions I can't answer... that's why I did my homework ...

-Our brother-in-law, she and all that, really?

-I don't know Line I'm paying to see...

- What's her name got her inner name?

-Oh yes my love he has the name the age the day the month the year everything about the woman I have no doubt that he doesn't know how many times she goes to the bathroom on the day of so much research on her this week...

-Benjamim Negrao, leave me alone... I'm leaving, you and boring sister-in-law, how can you handle this...

- My brother-in-law, I put up with this gossip here, especially and the subject is getting you a wife...

-Look, I'm going now because I can't stay here... I'll call as soon as I land... give the girls a kiss...

- Have a nice trip and enjoy her widow my brother...

- Well, as you know she is a widow...

I didn't hear his answer I left there and went straight to the runway my jet was already waiting for me it would be 12 hours of travel if the weather was good it would be 10 hours, so I took the opportunity to look at the schedule and plan for the meetings I would have with some companies that I was interested in buying, one of hers and a grain business that now belonged to a widow whose husband died and left an inheritance, it seems that the widow has another business and doesn't want to take care of anymore and is selling, plus the her partners don't want to pay the amount so she offered it to us and I'm thinking about buying it, it's a good deal to do, but the documents don't show the name of the current owner, the name is from someone else who represents her but she herself will offer it during the business meeting you will have...

The hours have flown by and we're off

Landing on Brazilian soil, the weather is good, as soon as we go down I go towards the parking lot, when from afar I saw a woman helping a girl with a baby, keep watching the scene but not yours to see who the woman was, she was very helpful in helping, then a turquoise blue Audi TT, it was on and she took the driver's seat and left screeching, I got into the car that was waiting for me and we went to the hotel, halfway I saw the car parked underneath from the viaduct where many people were in an unlikely situation to live with the blinker on...

- Driver can go slowly please...

-Yes sir...

He also looked to the side where the car was parked and said...

-This car of Dona Camargo, this woman is very brave, she is not afraid that this ragamuffin could harm her, whenever she comes to São Paulo and the same thing she asked to fix the car for her and put supplies and clothes and It is distributed everywhere and so since her husband died, she has a huge heart, I work at the hotel because she helped me through the most difficult time I went through in my life...

I heard the driver talk like that about a woman and I was thinking what heart she had and when she helps people this and to admire a person like that, we arrived at the hotel, driver opened the door for me to get off I saw the same car get off in the underground parking lot from the hotel so it was really the woman who was talking and I was curious to know more about her and invited the driver to later show me the city, he said it would be a pleasure to show me the greater São Paulo...