

Harissa Camargo, a mature woman aged 44, widowed for more than 10 years, dedicated herself entirely to her life's work, Teacher, Psychopedagogue, Neuropsychopedagogue, Therapist, Specialist in Emotional Intelligence, Violinist, writers in her spare time, she and owner of a clinic specializing in NLP, DISC, and HMI, had her life on track. She sees her life turn upside down, but everything happens when she receives a proposal to speak at the headquarters of a multinational, and meets the CEO Willian. Willian Negrao and a man in his 38s has never married, after the heartbreak he owes to the bride who left him at the altar to run away with his cousin, and promised himself that he would never give his heart to a woman again, he is outgoing, and funny, owner and CEO of a worldwide, London-based multi-national enterprise and business in his own private retreat. But everything changes his mind when he sees Dr. Camargo at a conference In Brazil, he was impressed by the woman's beauty and friendliness and wanted to have her. She didn't count that in the middle of the way a ghost of the past would rise from the ashes...

Noize_Cristina · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 01 HARI

Your presence brings breath to my passionate soul,

your presence and my joy in the midst of sadness,

that life brings me, your presence brings breath

to my heart, which carries with love for you.

Author: Noize Cristina

Today the day dawned very, very gray, it looks like something is going to happen, something, I'm getting ready to leave the house, for a day of work, I just hope it's just gray weather, and nothing else.

I was already in the dining room having my tea, when Irene my home secretary comes in with my cuddly one, he was walking around, I only do this on weekends when I'm at home or when I travel and take them with me on trips long, but when I'm here she's the one who walks with them, she takes the beauty in her cat cart they love to walk.

-Good morning Ire?

-Good morning Hari, how did you spend the night, did you rest well?

-Yes dear, I rested yes, flower today I'm not coming to lunch so you can go to do your chores and go solve your penances that you said you had to solve...

-Thank you Harissa you are a love...

-That flower is always a pleasure to help you and have you already taken your car to have your car serviced?

-Not yet, today I will do that, you can leave Hari...

-Ok, I'm going now... now come here my beautiful... I took Bethoven in my lap and soon after, the jealous beauty came to receive affection too and always like that...

Bela... Meow, if I catch this flea I'll kill him, his lap is mine and not his I'm going to claim what's mine... meow, meow, get out, get out,

Bethoven knows that the jealous and angry is already starting and kicking to get off his lap...

Bethoven... let me out today, I don't want to fight with that grumpy cat, let me go, whoop, whoop...

I put him on the floor and took my jealous daughter on my lap, I caressed her, plus the fag and baggy who wants more than affection... but I have to go to work my homework calls me leave her on the floor more as always she accompanies me to the car and came after me in fact they both came.

I left the house, got in the car and drove to the clinic, which was 40 minutes away from home and as I left home a little late, and late from home, I got into a huge traffic jam that I could barely move, this can only be an accident on the road. track, as I was reading the movement of cars, take the opportunity to call the clinic to let them know that you would be late due to traffic.

-Hello? Veronica?

-Yes Hari can speak...

-Flor I'm going to be late the traffic is horrible I think there must have been an accident I just called you, let my patient know please heart... and as soon as I call everyone around me, I treat them with care and love because everyone needs it being loved and feeling loved by someone no matter who it is, so I adhere to it for myself to give love, and to be loved back even if I don't receive it... I heard her say:

- Hari, don't worry, your patient at that time was canceled and the next one just called saying he won't come because he's sick, so you have 3 hours for the next one, you can rest assured... I heard her say that relieved my heart because I don't like it to keep my patients waiting, just as I don't like to wait...

I ended the call and went to look at social networks, I entered Facebook, as I always had several friend requests but as always he selected I did and accepted some and others I deleted, I looked at my e-mail box and in it there was a message from a company confirming a lecture and conference that I would have with the employees and the owners and partners that would be in a week and that would be in São Paulo with that I would have to see a Hotel as soon as I arrive I will ask Veronica to make a reservation at the company's Hotel in my preferred in sampa.

then I went back to the other social networks, and saw several messages, praising my work, I went back and looked at my emails again, I answered some, and one that caught my attention, I opened it and saw that it was from a publisher who was interested in my books because I'm a writer in my spare time or when I'm on vacation I always take the opportunity to read or write.

I saw that they wanted to publish my books and they wanted to do it soon, so I replied that I was interested in doing it, and soon after I saw another one from a congress that will be in London, but this one was only for the greater mass of Psico, but I had done my application to participate, in the email, it said that my application was approved, at that moment I felt a joy and I started screaming in the car, very loud, which made other drivers look at me, but I didn't care about that as important as I I was happy two good news for my career that was more important to me there.

I was in traffic for about 1 and a half hours because there had really been an accident that was very ugly to see, I won't even describe how it was, but I was happy... seeing the accident scene made me think like that young man who had an accident as was his life, how would your family be when you received the news of what had happened and I was there receiving wonderful news, I confess that I was a little sad about it with the scene, more joy was greater at the moment...

I arrived at the clinic, and as there was still some time before the patient arrived, so I made the reservations at the hotel myself and I already started preparing for the conference from what I saw in the emails there would be a lot of important people there, I planned everything in detail and be careful as I always do and with a lot of affection because I will talk to people and I don't know how these people are psychologically so, with me, I already had a lot in advance as always to finish quickly and I took advantage of the fact that I still had a few minutes I decided to call my sister.


- Hi, Linda...

-Hi Dr. What happens?

-Nothing, I can't call my sister...

-Oops, yes, you never call at this time, usually at these times you are in attendance...

-It's true, little sister, but today two clients didn't come to the session, but I want to ask a favor...

-I knew there was something there... tell Hari what happened...


-Oh, I know how you never call in the middle of the day unless you ask your humble slave to do something...

-Credo Hareta stop being boring, I don't think I'll even ask for anything else...

-Oh now you will ask yes my dear I want to know what the slave here is going to do for you...

-Hare flower I would like to know if you can stay with my babies for a week, I promised Irene that if I were to travel for this day she would take a break...

-Mercy, I'll take care of your animals and that for a week? Not. I can even take care of the dog that cute and nice now the cat no, that fag doesn't like me, she loves my husband, but mercy on me last time she pooped on my shoe that you brought from Paris I almost died.. .not everything but the cat...

- Hare she only did it because you didn't let her sleep in your bed...

- But she wanted to sleep with Marcos and I wasn't supposed to get close...she's jealous of him, I'm sorry, that cat of yours looks like... I don't know what, but it's ok, I'll take care of it, but I'll let you know I'll put her to sleep in the back guest room this time...

-All right, Hare, so I'll take them on Sunday afternoon because I'm traveling on Sunday night... now I'm going to hang up my client must be arriving, kiss my beautiful little sister...

-Another Linda...

After I hung up, the watch warned me that my time client had arrived and so it was another day of work...