
when spring meets autumn

IRAM_ · Urban
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4 Chs

ch-3 The Colors of Change

<p>As the taxi driver stopped the taxi in front of huge iron gates , it was painted black . I saw vulcan he was there to pick me up, ryan called him.<br/>"Girl do you have a death wish"? Vulcan's loud voice echoed in my ears. He carefully got me out of the taxi as we entered the home mia was waiting  , pacing the length of the living room, she was worried I could see her facial expression. <br/>Rosy, my dear "are you okay"? , Mia said.<br/>I only nodded my head and leaned onto her.<br/>Tell me miaaa - how come you all know Ryan and i don't know him even rhena hugged him?why???<br/>She started laughing at my innocence<br/>My girl just go , get a rest I'll tell you everything in the morning, i nodded.<br/>Vulcan was grinning at me, there was something in their mind they both were grinning at. Hahhh never mind let's go to sleep I'll see them tomorrow. I'm beat.     <br/>          •••<br/>Ryan is our friend, you may not realise it because you two met yesterday, but we've all known each other since the beginning of the semester, and despite the fact that vulcan and Ryan are cousins, I put my hand on my mouth in amazement, well how come I don't know, I'm so stupid. Mia continued to inform me that we were in the same astronomy class, but Ryan had been away for two months before returning a few days ago. So, how do you two know each other? <br/><br/>Mia doubted looking into my eyes, and I felt nervous for a moment. Of course, everyone can tell by looking at me that I'm in love, and I'm in love with a guy who just aided me, whose name I found out yesterday, I've been in love with him since the day I met him, it's so filmy and dramatic, but it is what it is, and I'm accepting my emotions, my sentiments.<br/>Gulping her sandwich, she embraced me tightly out of delight - mia leave me I can't breathe "i said in her embrace" o my rose I'm so glad for you finally you've found someone for yourself a..ah...one sec you convey him?? I wasn't able to answer the first question, so she asked me another.<br/>I blushed and stammered, "Um, no, I haven't told him yet. I mean, we just met a few days ago and I don't want to rush things. Plus, I'm not even sure if he feels the same way about me." Mia gave me a knowing smile and said, "Trust me, Rosy, he definitely feels something for you. The way he looked at you, the way he helped you out of the taxi, it was all so obvious. You just need to gather the courage to talk to him about your feelings." I nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. Mia was right, I needed to be brave and open up to Ryan about how I felt. But for now, I have to go to campus.<br/>                                 •••<br/>Like an evening, you glow.<br/>I am a lonely night and you happen to be the moon.<br/>I keep staring at you like you are a dream,<br/>Now that you are in front of me. How do I believe my luck?<br/>My love, whenever I see a shooting star,<br/>You are the one I wish for. I got what I had wished for.<br/>Now that I found you I won't let you go.<br/>I had heard the story of angels.<br/>You have the same glow. You have the same divine face.<br/>Come, let me hide you in my arms.<br/>Let me change this earth into heaven.<br/>I will make the world standstill.<br/>If you agree to spend some time with me.<br/>My love, whenever I see a shooting star. You are the one I wish for.<br/>I got what I wished for.<br/>Now that I've found you I won't let you go.<br/>~~ <br/>As I was writing, sitting on a bench beneath the tree with red flowers blooming on it, the air smelled fresh. Suddenly, someone from behind just shouted, "BOOOOOOOooo..oo!" Ohhh...my... I jumped up from my seat.<br/><br/>"Ryan, you scared the hell out of me," I said.<br/><br/>In return, he gave me a sheepish grin. I swear, he was a devil at this moment, not an angel. <br/>How are you rose? - he asked <br/>What? What did you just call me? - i asked him in amazement<br/>I said - "rose" <br/>He stepped up to me pulled me from my back and hold me tightly.<br/>My heart skips a beat , god only he make me feel like this what are these emotions?? My goodness uhhh?<br/>Should i add "my" before "rose" , "my rose" - he said.<br/>My cheecks are burning up , palms are sweating and he's so chilled , patient...how???howw??? <br/>I wanted to say call me "my rose" I'm all yours but no..hh I can't let him just flirt with me without expressing his love.<br/>Call me rosy - i said with a frown on my lips.<br/>I can see you're blushing my rose when I say "my rose". I was only able to make a puppy face<br/>O c'mon rosy "don't you remember what you said last night" i opened my eyes wide and said what?...w..what i said ? - i questioned him  instead of the question.<br/>He chuckled softly and replied, "You said that you wanted to be more than just a nickname. You wanted to be someone special to me, someone I care about."<br/><br/>My heart raced as I remembered my confession from the previous night. I had been vulnerable, pouring out my feelings to him in a moment of honesty. And now, he was reminding me of that, showing me that he had listened and understood.<br/><br/>I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts. "Yes, I remember now. I said that because I want to be more than just a casual fling or a passing fancy. I want to be someone who matters to you, someone who holds a special place in your heart."<br/><br/>Ryan's eyes softened, and he reached out to gently brush his fingers against my cheek. "You already hold a special place in my heart, Rosy. I care about you deeply, and I didn't want to rush things or make you uncomfortable. But if you're ready to take this journey with me, then I'm all in."<br/><br/>A mixture of relief and joy washed over me as I realized that he felt the same way. We were both ready to explore this connection and see where it could lead us.<br/><br/>I smiled up at him, feeling a sense of warmth and contentment. "Thank you, Ryan. Thank you for understanding and for being patient with me. Call me whatever you want, as long as it comes from your heart."<br/><br/>Ryan's eyes sparkled with affection as he leaned in and whispered, "My Rose, my Rose." And in that moment, I knew that we were both ready to embark on this journey together, no matter what challenges may come our way.<br/>                           •••<br/>did you know me before? I asked ryan as we sat on the bench together.<br/>"yes" he said shyly running her hand through his messy red-brown hairs , his hairs are in loose curls as usual. <br/>"You were stalking me on purpose"? That night , right?<br/><br/>To be honest I wanted to talk and be friends with you from the moment I saw you, i asked Vulcan many times but he said do this on your own.<br/><br/>I followed you, I came after you so that we can have a small talk but, who were those people who wanted to kidnap you??<br/> I don't know either ryan - "i said with a frown on my lips" <br/><br/>"Be careful rose" whenever you're alone just beware of your surroundings, I'm sure <br/>whoever they, were may come again <br/><br/>suddenly his phone rang , vulcan - it's vulcan , said ryan and I gestured to him to talk.<br/>He was talking on the phone and I was staring at him, his hair, his gait, his gestures, his dimples when he laughed, really this man is so handsome, my breath starts to flutter just looking at him.<br/>When he came and shook me, then I came out of my endless thoughts .<br/>Vulcan is calling us in the cafeteria - "he said" <br/>Let's go rose... Ii</p>