
when spring meets autumn

IRAM_ · Urban
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4 Chs

4. blooming flower withers

The atmosphere in the cafeteria is lively and chaotic, with people bustling about and going their separate ways. Rhena catches sight of Ryan and excitedly waves at him. I can't help but feel a strange pang of jealousy, even though I know she's just a friend. I push these thoughts aside and join Ryan as we walk together.

Rhena immediately asks why I skipped astronomy class today. Vulcan Bombard me with another question, I think to myself sarcastically. Mia and the others burst into laughter, teasing me for not asking any questions myself. We decide to forget about all that and focus on enjoying our meal together. Mia playfully suggests we discuss the purpose of our gathering. I find a seat next to Raina, while Ryan sits across from me, his gaze making my cheeks blush. It's a strange feeling that only happens when he looks at me.

I then go on to describe the beauty of a sunset, how it brings a mix of peace, wonder, and melancholy. The setting sun's vibrant colors create a sense of tranquility and reflection. I express my desire to make every moment of my life colorful with Ryan, but Vulcan interrupts my thoughts. Embarrassed, I try to regain my composure.

Rhena reminds me that our birthdays are coming up soon. I hadn't thought about it until now. She suggests we celebrate together, sparking curiosity in everyone. Just as we start discussing plans, the bell rings, signaling our next class. I say goodbye to everyone and make my way through the crowd, but Ryan and the story between us continue to occupy my mind. The butterflies in my stomach have turned into flying dinosaurs. What kind of magic does he have over me?


In biology class, I accidentally collide with someone upon entering the room. Professor Lina asks if I'm okay, and I apologize for not paying attention. I sit between Shaili and Sabs, my close friends and project partners. They ask if I'm alright and why I seem so calm. Sabs interrupts to ask if I'm free in the evening because they've planned to go shopping and want me to join them. Before I can answer, they both grab my hands and insist that I come along. I roll my eyes at their enthusiasm and inform the professor.


In the evening, we arrive at Harrods, the popular shopping mall in Katago City, in just 30 minutes. Shaili is as picky as me when it comes to shopping, while Sabs is getting increasingly irritated. They argue about what she should buy, and I find their bickering amusing and childish. I step forward to hug them both, trying to diffuse the tension. As we continue exploring the mall, my mind is preoccupied with thoughts of Ryan. I can't help but wonder if I'll run into him here somehow.

As we browse through the various stores, my eyes keep scanning the crowd, hoping to catch a glimpse of Ryan. The excitement and anticipation build up within me, making it hard to focus on anything else. Shaili and Sabs notice my distracted state and try to divert my attention by showing me different outfits and accessories.

"Rosy, look at this dress! It would look amazing on you," Shaili exclaims, holding up a vibrant red dress.

"Yeah, and check out these earrings. They would go perfectly with it," Sabs adds, pointing towards a pair of sparkling diamond earrings.

I force a smile and nod, pretending to be interested in their suggestions. But deep down, my mind is still occupied with thoughts of Ryan. I wonder if he even likes me the way I like him. Does he feel the same connection when our eyes meet? Or am I just imagining things?

Lost in my thoughts, I absentmindedly try on a few outfits that Shaili and Sabs pick out for me. They cheerfully comment on how great everything looks on me, but their words barely register in my mind. All I can think about is finding a way to bump into Ryan, to have a chance encounter that could potentially change everything.

As we continue exploring the mall, my heart skips a beat when I spot a familiar figure in the distance. It's Ryan! He's standing near the entrance of a bookstore, engrossed in a book. My pulse quickens, and without thinking, I start walking towards him.

"Hey guys, I'll catch up with you later," I say hurriedly to Shaili and Sabs, not even waiting for their response.

I approach Ryan with a mix of nervousness and excitement. He looks up from his book and smiles when he sees me.

"Hey Rosy, what are you doing alone here?" he asks, genuinely surprised.

"I...uh...I was just shopping with my friends and happened to see you here. Fancy meeting you like this," I reply, trying to sound casual.

He chuckles and closes the book, tucking it under his arm. "Well, I'm glad you bumped into me. I was actually thinking about you earlier."

My heart skips a beat at his words, and a rush of warmth spreads through my body. Could this be the start of something more between us? Only time will tell, but for now, I savor the moment of serendipity that brought us together in this bustling shopping mall.


Wait this chapter still needs to update  more