
when spring meets autumn

IRAM_ · Urban
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4 Chs

ch-2 "Second encounter": am i into him?

As I turn to the other side of my bed while sleeping oh ! no !!  I was on the floor , at the very next moment shit! I was on my stomach and my face was hurting before getting up another thought grip my mind yeaahh, i..i was dreaming about the man with whom i encountered yesterday , who helped me in every possible way even he left me yeah he dropped me yesterday here at my dorm and what is bizarre that i let him do that  but why was i dreaming about him??? My mind pops up with lots of questions , questions whose answers i have to find myself but before that i suddenly got up and sat straight onto the white marble floor .

My mind is still surrounded by the thought of the man from yesterday I'm not able to understand what kind of magic he did to me I'm amazed and I'm looking forward to a second unintentional encounter...oh me and my endless thought 💭 i pissed off and got up .

It's 7:am in the morning and today is the   weekend hence it is off campus so I'll plan to hangout with my friends hm..hmm... I haven't mentioned my creatures (friends) yet , I'm fostering 3 creatures named "mia lordenson" she is my roommate as well as my best friend with whom I share my heart .

She has sharp face features , fair skinned , cute almond shaped eyes with medium sized lashes she has chubby cheeks yeahhhh ! I like to pull her cheeks hahaa it's so much joy to tease her . A high bridge nose makes her look more professional and adorable. My other creature whom I fostering is  "rhena perkson" . She's not my roommate but my peer,  we three usually hangout together on our weekends , another creature not a creature more like a demon i would say is , "vulcan galbert" yep he's my male bestie and we're like siblings to me , we're that close to each other .

He's caring & possessive like a boyfriend. Hahaa... he is a man of words. the four of us make up. So now what's today's plan is???  we'll go watch a movie in the Evening and then we'll walk to the cafeteria to grab our dinner. Thus I'm gonna choose a white mid length dress i really love this one and it has yellow flowers printed on it. Oh..o the next come to my mind that I'm hungry I haven't had my breakfast yet and mia is calling me for breakfast.


After breakfast i lay down on the couch, yess i was only thinking about that guy from last night, I'm eager to meet him again but how will i? Even though I'm not familiar with his name oh damn! He did so much for me and I didn't even care to ask for his name i was just so lost in his captivating presence.

Mia sits beside me , i felt.  picking up the remote she looks for a channel of her interest. I get up and sit by the mia... putting on her shoulder seeking solace in her embrace she means most to me, like a sister or more than a sister. I'm a single child of my parents and currently I'm living in katago city far from my hometown just for my higher studies. I miss my parents . I've been here for the last three months and am a freshman UG student. I met Mia at my university and we became friends then the roommates, yeah the bond of love. We share our everything. We became best friends in a very short period of time . Heyy!! Girl ,your phone is ringing - said mia.

Oh it was vulcan i went to the balcony to pick up the call as mia was watching TV there.

Miaaaaaa , Vulcan is coming let's go get ready for today's plans , i almost yelled in her ears and she went deaf for the next five minutes.


I was reading wearing my white floral dress with a side bread because my hairs are lengthy hence i asked mia to form into a French braid , with light pink makeup and my favourite lavender perfume. Ohh earlier i forgot to mention my obsession with lavender color, flower, perfumes, etc  etc. Actually I'm into lavender color no wonder i would love to have a purple boyfriend... LoL

Rosyyyyyyy , hell !!!!! what are you doing in the room until now comes out ,  vulcan and rhena are downstairs, c'mon baby come down we're waiting for so long - mia yelled from downstairs.

Coming , have  patience - "i said" And as soon as I got down they were looking at me like I don't know what I am because I won't tell myself that I'm an angel but their way of looking at me was different.

And soon we entered the car, mia at the front seat with vulcan, me and rhena sat in the back in the passenger seat.

As we drive along the open road, the scenery whizzes by, providing a backdrop for our conversations and laughter. The music blares through the speakers, creating a lively atmosphere and setting the mood for the trip. Sing-along and impromptu dance sessions are not uncommon, as we let loose and enjoy each other's company.

Sometimes, there may be moments of tranquility as well. As we drive through serene landscapes or quiet city streets, conversations may dwindle, and we can simply enjoy the peacefulness of the moment. The comfortable silence speaks volumes, allowing us to reflect on the journey and appreciate the beauty around us.

Sitting in a crowded movie theater with friends is always a blast. The anticipation builds as we wait for the lights to dim and the movie to begin. The smell of popcorn fills the air, and we can't help but indulge in some delicious snacks.

As the movie starts, we find ourselves engrossed in the story, laughing at the funny scenes, and gasping at the suspenseful moments. We can't help but comment on the characters and their choices, adding our own humorous remarks to the dialogue.

There's always that one friend who gets a little too into the movie, shouting at the screen and making exaggerated reactions. Their over-the-top expressions and gestures never fail to make us burst into laughter, drawing attention from other moviegoers.

In the breaktime, vulcan went to the rest room as came and sat and realized he had been sitting on his popcorn and stands up with a look of surprise and embarrassment. Popcorn spills everywhere, causing a chain reaction of laughter among us. The theater staff gives us a disapproving look, but we can't help but find the situation hilariously ironic.

As the movie comes to an end, we leave the theater with smiles on our faces, still chuckling about the funny moments we shared. It's these unexpected and humorous scenes that make watching movies with friends in theaters such a memorable and enjoyable experience. Now it was time for dinner but because of my insistence i made them go to the club next rather than into a cafe.


I'm at a club with friends, and the music is loud and thumping. The colorful lights flash all around us, creating a vibrant atmosphere. I can feel the bass vibrating through my bodies as we move to the beat.

Everyone is dancing and having a great time. We sway to the music, letting loose and enjoying ourselves. We laugh and cheer, feeling the energy of the crowd. It's a lively scene, with people jumping and twirling on the dance floor.

We order drinks from the bar, sipping on our favorite beverages. "I will have vodka" - i said to vulcan. The taste is refreshing, and it adds to the excitement of the night. We all toast to friendship and good times, clinking our glasses together.

The DJ plays a popular song, and the crowd goes wild. We sing along, shouting the lyrics at the top of our lungs. The music fills the air, and we can't help but dance even more energetically.

I spotted a familiar face in the crowd and the next moment without thinking i went to him.

He is my angel from last night. I'm so drunk god! Will it be safe to talk to him ? Ahh! I screamed as someone pushed me from behind and the next moment I was staggering in his arms. Being in someone's arms is a comforting and intimate experience. It's a moment of connection and vulnerability, where you can feel their warmth and embrace. In their arms, you feel safe and protected, as if the world outside doesn't matter. It's a feeling of being cherished and loved, where time seems to stand still. It's a place where you can let go of all worries and just be present in the embrace of someone who cares for you deeply - is exactly "I'm feeling into his arms".

He held me tight so that I don't fall Why does he care so much for me even though we met only last night What kind of relationship do we have? What is our fate after all? These were the questions echoing inside me whose answers only time knows.

he delicately put me on the ground, now I'm on my feet and at that moment vulcan came there. Hey ! Man what's up , long time no see - he said to my angel. Oh..Oo Do they know each other? But how? And why am I getting to know this thing today only? Have I met my dreamboy earlier also? So many questions popped up into my mind. Then Rhena came there and as soon as she saw him(my angel) , she hugged him. She was so drunk that's why she hugged him or are they together?? N...no...noooooo that can't be. No I don't want to see all this anymore and I moved on from there.

As I stood in the crowded club, the music pulsated through my body, a man suddenly approached me. He started teasing me, his words dripping with sarcasm and mockery. My heart raced with discomfort and unease, as his taunts echoed in my ears. The environment around me seemed to fade into the background, replaced by a sense of vulnerability and insecurity. I felt exposed, as if all eyes were on me. It was a moment that made me yearn for the safety and comfort of someone's arms, a place where I could escape the harshness of the world and find solace in their embrace.As the stranger Hoover above me in the crowded club, feeling overwhelmed by the loud music and the man's hurtful words, he suddenly appeared before me. With a determined look in his eyes, he bravely stepped in between us, shielding me from any further harm. His strong presence and unwavering stance filled me with a glimmer of hope, as he fearlessly confronted the man, putting an end to his taunting. In that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of relief and gratitude, knowing that I was no longer alone in this vulnerable situation. His actions restored my sense of security, reminding me that there are still kind-hearted individuals willing to protect and stand up for others. He picked me up without thinking and carried me out of the club obviously he was angry that his muscles were so tensed , breathing heavily.

As we stumbled out of the club, his arms securely wrapped around me, I couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and embarrassment. The cool night air hit me like a wave, momentarily sobering me up as I leaned on him for support.

"Where to go now, he asked?" I slurred, my words barely coherent. He chuckled softly, his warm breath tickling my ear.

"Let's get you somewhere safe," he replied, his voice filled with concern. "Do you want me to call one of your friend to come pick you up?"

I shook my head, realizing that in my drunken state, I had lost track of my friends and any semblance of responsibility. Panic started to set in, but the hero's calm demeanor kept me grounded.

"Don't worry," he assured me, guiding me towards a nearby bench. "I'll make sure you're taken care of."

With a gentle hand on my back, he helped me sit down, making sure I was comfortable. He then took out his phone and dialed a number, explaining the situation to someone on the other end. I listened in a haze as he arranged for a taxi to come pick me up and take me home safely.

As we waited for the taxi to arrive, the angel stayed by my side, engaging me in light conversation to distract me from my intoxicated state. His genuine interest in getting to know me beyond this chaotic night surprised me, and I found myself opening up to him, sharing stories and laughter amidst occasional hiccups.

When the taxi finally pulled up, he helped me to my feet and gently guided me into the backseat. He leaned in close, whispering his name in my ear his eyes filled with concern. His name is "Ryan" oh god such a pretty name. All i was able to say is "Rosy".

"Take care of yourself," he said softly. "And remember, you're never alone. There are people out there who care about you."

I nodded, feeling a mix of emotions as the reality of the night's events sank in. With a final wave, he closed the door, and I watched as the taxi drove away, leaving me with a newfound sense of gratitude and admiration for the angel who is "ryan" had come to my rescue once again somewhere i want him to rescue me , my inner self want his embrace, i feel safe with him.


Any guesses what will happen in the next lesson?