
when spring meets autumn

IRAM_ · Urban
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4 Chs

ch-1 spring

I was running like hell, my heart pounding in my chest. The sound of my own footsteps echoed in my ears as I desperately tried to escape. They were still stalking me, their presence a constant reminder of the danger I was in. How did I end up in this situation? It felt like a nightmare I couldn't wake up from.

Suddenly, a hand reached out and grabbed my wrist, pulling me back. I struggled against the grip, panic coursing through my veins. Who was this person? What did they want from me? As I fought against them, memories started to flash through my mind, fragments of a forgotten past.

I realized that I had forgotten my wallet on the counter of the cafeteria. I cursed under my breath, knowing I had to go back and retrieve it. As I stepped into the cafe, my thoughts consumed by my lost wallet, I collided with someone. The impact sent me reeling, my head spinning with dizziness. Apologies spilled from the stranger's lips, but I was too disoriented to respond. All I could think about was grabbing my wallet and getting out of there.

Back outside, I noticed a group of four men following me. Why were they after me? What had I done to deserve this? Fear gripped me, my body trembling with panic. I knew I had to escape, to find safety, but the men were closing in on me. With each passing moment, my anxiety grew stronger, my senses heightened.

In my desperation to flee, I ran blindly, my surroundings becoming a blur. There was no one around to help me, no one to witness the unfolding nightmare. Suddenly, I collided with something solid, sending me crashing to the ground. The impact knocked the wind out of me, leaving me gasping for breath.

As I slowly regained consciousness, I realized that I was bound and gagged. Panic surged through me once again, my mind racing with questions. Who were these men? Why had they kidnapped me? The stalker, with his round face and knife cut mark on his temple, stood before me, a sinister smirk on his lips. The others laughed, their amusement chilling to the bone.

I was trapped, surrounded by unanswered questions and a sense of impending danger. How would I escape this nightmare? Only time would tell.


I struggled against my restraints, desperately trying to free myself. But the knots were tight, and my efforts were in vain. The stalker approached me, his eyes filled with a twisted sense of satisfaction. He leaned in close, his hot breath brushing against my ear.

"You thought you could run, but there's no escaping us," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "You're ours now."

Fear coursed through me, but I refused to let it consume me. I had to find a way out, to fight back against these monsters. As I looked around the dimly lit room, my eyes landed on a shard of glass lying on the floor nearby. It was small, but it could be my only chance at escape.

Summoning all my courage, I inched my way towards the glass, careful not to alert the men to my intentions. With trembling hands, I managed to grab hold of it, feeling its sharp edges press against my skin. I knew it would be risky, but I had to take the chance.

As the stalker and his accomplices continued to taunt me, I waited for the perfect moment. When their attention was momentarily diverted, I lunged forward, slashing at the ropes that bound my wrists. The pain was excruciating, but the adrenaline fueled me.

With my hands free, I quickly removed the gag from my mouth, taking in deep breaths of much-needed air. The men turned towards me in surprise, their faces contorted with rage. But before they could react, I plunged the shard of glass into the stalker's arm, causing him to cry out in pain.

Seizing the opportunity, I sprinted towards the door, my heart pounding in my chest. I could hear their footsteps behind me as I raced through the dark corridors, desperately searching for an exit. Panic threatened to overwhelm me, but I pushed through, focusing solely on survival.

Finally, I burst through a door, the blinding sunlight momentarily blurring my vision. All my efforts go in vain, i couldn't find the exit , damn ! Hell what is this place god? my body is trembling with exhaustion. I had escaped, but the nightmare was far from over.

As I looked around, searching for help, my eyes locked with those of a man whom i collide in the cafe. There was something in his gaze, a flicker of recognition and concern. Without hesitation, he rushed towards me, his voice filled with urgency.

"Are you okay? What happened?" he asked, his eyes scanning my disheveled appearance.

"I...I was kidnapped," I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper. "Please, you have to help me."

He nodded, determination etched on his face. "Don't worry, I won't let them hurt you anymore. We'll get you to safety."

In that moment, I felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, I had found someone who would stand by my side and help me navigate the darkness that had enveloped my life. Together, we would face the unknown and fight for our freedom.

But it wasn't that's all they were following me all the way and finally they are here to grab me again , panick courses through my veins the collider man (yeah!! I don't know his name and he just poked into me) presses my hand to assure me that I'm safe with him.

But  a familiar face appeared in the doorway. It was the tall lead kidnapper from earlier, the one who had dark hair , devil's smirk and i got to know his name is Logan and he's again to grab me... meanwhile collider's eyes widened in shock as he took in the scene before him, but he wasted no time springing into action.

With a swift and calculated movement, he lunged at the  Logan, knocking him off balance. The other men were caught off guard, giving me a momentary advantage. I struggled against my restraints, trying to free myself as the stranger fought off my captors.

Using his quick reflexes and agility, he managed to overpower the men, one by one. With each punch and kick, he fought with a determination that was fueled by his concern for my safety. Finally, the room fell silent, the only sound being heavy breaths and groans of pain.

The stranger collider rushed over to me, carefully grabbing me into his arms  As soon as I was free, I threw myself into his arms, overcome with gratitude and relief. He held me tightly, his embrace providing a sense of security that I hadn't felt in a long time.

"We need to get out of here," he whispered, his voice filled with urgency. "I know a safe place where we can go."

Together, we made our way through the dark corridors, navigating the maze-like building with caution. The stranger collider led me to a hidden exit,  The crisp air filled my lungs, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of rebirth. It's a cool autumn night , i feel safe into his arms what is this man on the earth god? He is incredibly attractive, with stunning facial features. Oops! This man has the most captivating light blue eyes. Hey, Rosy, stop thinking like that! No, it's not possible. But he held me in his arms like a bride, and I could feel his heartbeat. His loose, curly brown hair was gently blowing in the wind. Oh my goodness, he is absolutely breathtaking, like an angel. I am in the arms of an angel; he saved my life. He rescued me like a hero from a picture. No rosy !!!! Damn! Why my hurt is fluttering why I'm out of my mind into his arms...but i feel safe here like it's my home...ummm his arms are my home . In that moment, as I lay in his embrace, everything else faded away. The world around us ceased to exist as his strong arms enveloped me,  My heart raced, my mind became a whirlwind of emotions, and yet, amidst the chaos, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace.

His touch was gentle yet firm, as if he knew exactly how to hold me, how to make me feel protected. It was as if his arms were a sanctuary, a place where I could let go of all my worries and fears. In his embrace, I found solace, a refuge from the storms of life.

His presence was magnetic, drawing me in with an irresistible force.

In his arms, I felt weightless, as if the burdens of the world had been lifted off my shoulders.

And so, as I lay there, my heart fluttering, my mind consumed by thoughts of him, I couldn't deny the undeniable truth - his arms are like my home. In his embrace, I found love, safety, and a sense of belonging that I had been searching for all my life. 

my mind filled with thoughts of love and the blooming flowers surrounding us, I was abruptly brought back to reality when he gently placed me on a nearby table. The setting resembled a picturesque picnic spot, reminiscent of a vast park adorned with vibrant blossoms. It was undoubtedly spring in Katago City.

The sight of the flowers in full bloom mirrored the blossoming love within my heart, as if nature itself was reflecting my emotions. But amidst this romantic atmosphere, my attention was drawn to my own injuries. My hand, still bleeding from my desperate attempt to free myself using a glass, served as a painful reminder of my recent ordeal. Scratches adorned my shoulder and neck, a testament to the struggles I had endured.

However, in the midst of my pain, I found solace in the stranger who had been following me. Despite our brief encounter just hours ago when he accidentally bumped into me at the cafe, he now tended to my wounds with utmost care. Providing bandages, water, and food, he displayed a level of compassion that left me both bewildered and grateful.

As he tended to me, I couldn't help but wonder why this stranger was showing such kindness. What compelled him to follow me all the way here just to ask for forgiveness? The thought lingered in my mind, yet it didn't overshadow the growing attraction I felt towards him. In my eyes, he was no longer just a stranger; he had become an angel, sent to heal not only my physical wounds but also the scars that resided within my heart.

Dressed in a pair of blue wide-leg jeans and a stripped white crop top, I sat there, captivated by his presence. His caring nature and genuine concern ignited a flame within me, one that burned brighter with each passing moment. As I gazed at him, I couldn't deny the magnetic pull drawing me closer to this mysterious individual.

In that moment, amidst the blooming flowers and the tenderness of his touch, I realized that sometimes love finds us in the most unexpected ways. And as I sat there, feeling cared for and cherished by this stranger-turned-angel, I couldn't help but surrender to the enchantment of this newfound connection.