

Our mc reincarnated with the acting cool system,but rather then get pulled into a life of constant conflicts in order to gain strength just to get into more conflicts, he chooses to lead a relaxing life and get op by opening a multiversal cafe after all, what's cooler then being a shopkeeper? nothing in this story besides the mc belongs to me ,I claim no rights to any of the world's I will be writing about, the cover also doesn't belong to me

draculemorningstar · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs



Why the fox chose to do this could be figured out at a later time but first he had to save naruto, so opening his mouth he shouted  "KYUBI WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH NARUTO!!"



Hiruzen and the anbu anxiously waited for the kyubis reply ,but all they got in response was the fox furiously barking and squealing in a terrified manner.

Now hiruzen wasn't a complete idiot all the clues had already clued him onto the fact that this fox was most probably not the kyuubi but then why did it have narutos chakra?.......wait a min... "Naruto?"

And seeing the baby fox frantically move his head up and down while squealing happily he realised that his guess was right.

"How did this happen to you my boy?"

In return he only got barks

"Right you can't talk,alright naruto let's try something ,I'm going to need you to calm down first,nothing will happen to you I promise,OK? Good now start circulating your chakra while imaging your human body and wanting to revert back to it ok? Good now keep doing that"

After 3 min of doing that "poof" naruto had returned back to human " GRANPA HOKAGE! "


Quickly hugging and calming the boy down I ask him to tell me everything that happened in the last 24 hours so that I could find out why he had randomly turned into a fox!! In the middle of the night!

Naruto recounts everything that he had done the previous day and immeaditly something stands out to me ,he speaks of a new shop,with a kind shopkeeper who sells unique items such as a delicious beverage and a weird tasteless pill that had moving animals on it! This is enough to alarm me especially since I don't remember approving a new shop being built in the market but when he mentions that the last thing he did was eat that pill before going to sleep it just cements my decision to go check out that shop first thing in the morning.

After dealing with all the mess this has caused ,the very thought of the paperwork needed makes his soul whimper.




Azra is just chilling in his cafe while wondering which world he should open his cafe in next when the door opens and sarutobi hiruzen ,The third and the most long lived hokage of konaha enters the cafe.

He has a wary and calculating look in his eyes,looking over every inch of the cafe , the items being sold and finally azra without a single change In his expression.

Not that azra expected anything else ,if he couldn't even do that much as a ninja then he truly was a disgrace

"Hiruzen sartutobi ,welcome to The Cafe how can I help you"

"Ah it seems I'm at an disadvantage my boy you seem to know my name but I have no idea of yours? Also perhaps you can help me by telling me a bit about the items you're selling."

" Why of course forgive my manners ,I'm Azra Azur owner of The Cafe, as for the items behind me that blue bottle over their is called the energy restoration potion after you drink it ,it will restore your chakra back to peek capacity, the pill with the moving animals on it will After eating it allow you to turn into your spirit animal at will ,the brownish beverage you see is coffee.....its tasty"

Hiruzen remained silent for a few seconds before nodding and saying " I see, I would like to buy 1 of each, also I was told about the need to exchange currency from  naruto ,is that machine over there the one I need to use to do it?"

After getting confirmation from me he peacefully exchanges currently and buys the items putting the potion and pill into his bag slowly and calmly seemingly without any need of emergency before he sits down to enjoy his cup off cofee.

He sits there for 15 mins just sipping his coffee and seemingly being in deep thought before he finishes it ,nods at azra and calmly leaves the cafe .




Huh well that was a lot more peacefull then what I expected.

Hiruzen pov

Potions to restore your chakra, pills that allow you to transform into your spirit animal and the fact that he constructed such a shop overnight without alerting any of the ninjas nearby.

Hmm truly it is better to find out more about him before taking any further action ,I Need to make sure that danzo doesn't do anything foolish.



Azra was sitting on his bed looking at the pill in his hand.

" I wonder what I'll turn into , a dragon? Maybe a phoenix , I mean I am the owner of a multiversal cafe so my spirit animal is bound to be awe inspiring and impressive,not to mention according to the system the normal restrictions of not transforming into magical creatures don't apply to me,heh "

Thinking upto here azra ate the pill and few seconds later you could see his entire figure warp and in azras place was now a ....




2 assignments done, 1 assignment and 1 presentation left 🥲👍