

It's raining again, before I leave the warm confines of my small home I grab my umbrella, say goodbye with as much cheer as I can muster on a morning and step in to the unknown.

I'm past the thresholds of my comfort as the warmth is drained from my body, a slight chill gnaws at my legs as I start up the stairs the rain water thrashing at my umbrella in an uneven pace, my breath clouds my vision, it's peaceful.

my thoughts are violently wrenched away from me as the harsh voice of my teacher falls upon my ears, I've been distracted the whole hour, he watches me intently then decides my fate. my saviour, the only hope for bored and uncaring souls, the bell is like the call of an unseen force of all good as it screams at us, breathing life into the kids glossy fish eyes, in one swift movement I grab my things and make a beeline for the exit, the same girl with the curly hair awaits me as we venture out into the rain.

I'm reminded once more that all silver linings come with a black cloud as the same voice of hope from twenty five minutes ago cries out for us to return to our respective classes, the girl waves at me and we part ways for now, I'm not ready to return yet so I decided to take a quick detour around the tree line that surrounds the edges of the school yard, I'm meet with, as I expected, trees, not just any trees ominous pine trees that watch your every move, whispering amongst themselves, wailing in the wind. A light fog lay at my feet distracted, I never realised the movement in the far denser parts of the forest, I close my eyes, breathe the forest air and reluctantly open my eyes again, as I do I jump back startled as to how I somehow ended up on the roof of the school building, confused and very much upset by how wet my clothes had become at the disappearance of my umbrella, I fish around my bag for my phone and find class is over, has been for quite a while in fact as it is now forth period. I'll continue to wonder why I ended up on the roof with no umbrella and why time seemed to have skipped for the rest of the day, for now I'll watch the rain out of the window in class.


I'm enjoying this story allot and hope you are too, I'm loving the way this character is coming alive chapter by chapter but for now that's all, bye guys

can you figure out the mystery?

CaspianQuinncreators' thoughts