
What is Winning?

Joining the Hunger Games as the heir of the Snow bloodline in disguise was not an idea a mentally stable person would come up with. But this was the only way for Percy to make a mark in history as the greatest and worthiest President Panem would ever have; the president who purposely volunteered for the Hunger Games and won. Despite that, Percy did not predict that his plans would change when a particular rose enters the game. "And this year's female tribute from District 12...Primrose Everdeen!" A chuckle escaped Percy's lips, "This is going to be quite interesting." He smiles and takes one final sip of his wine; watching the girl walk with her head held up high towards the stage. "Quite interesting indeed..." It was time to play the game and Percy would do everything to win, after all, like his grandfather always says, "Winning is everything." - - - - - - - - - - - This fanfic will include a lot of dark elements, like a lot. Hence it has the #dark tag. Fair warning...a ton of the things that may occur here might trigger some of you. I will try my best to add a warning at the beginning of the chapter or the end of the previous chapter. [Warning] #emotional manipulation #blood and violence #betrayal #self-harm #murder 1. Characters have been aged! 2. No set update schedule. There will also be a few smutty situations (full scenes will be on Ao3). I shall post a link or my username once I complete the first smut scene. Other than that there will only be sexual situations that aren't too descriptive.

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Chapter 3: The Enigma Known as Perseus

Prim accepted the rose, her eyes fluttering closed as she took a deep sniff. She never encountered a rose before, especially a white one; she wasn't sure if all roses smelled like this, she could barely describe it at all. The fragrance was unusual but in a good way. It reminded her of a fresh summer morning when the early dew kissed everything in sight. Yet...it possessed a subtle, almost elusive sweetness akin to the delicate scent of strawberries; almost as if it were an uninvited note that was mistakingly woven into this olfactory symphony.

A small chuckle knocked Prim from the wonderscape she had constructed within her mind. "Are you still with us, Ms. Everdeen?"

A frown marred Prim's face and she was about to retort but stopped. Her breath disappeared as she came face to face with eyes she had never seen before. She found it beautiful but odd. No one else from her district had eyes like these so where did this boy come from?

As if that wasn't enough when the boy leaned down - further revealing one of the most striking features she's ever seen - Prim couldn't help but notice his unusual blue-greenish eyes. They held the hues of the ocean's depths and the verdant serenity of an unexplored forest, a captivating blend of colours that seemed to mirror earth's natural beauty with a subtle, yet enchanting sparkle that left her breathless and utterly entranced.

"Ms. Everdeen?" they asked once more.

Prim's eyes widened slightly. "It's a very nice rose," she replied, ignoring the question entirely.

"Yes, the lady that sold it was very proud of her latest batch. Now come, we should get on the train lest we induce the wrath of our Escort." 

Prim glanced over the taller boy's shoulder and barely caught Effie's impatient expression.

"Lead the way."

Prim once again fell back in step with Effie as the older-teen guided them further into the train until they reached a sliding door that opened to reveal a living room of sorts. There were three couches, a three-seater, a love seat, and a lazy boy; in the middle sat an ornate coffee table where a simple remote lay at the edge closest to the couch. 

'This must be where he was sitting,' Prim thought to herself.

Prim was almost hesitant to take a seat. Not knowing if they were able to relax now or if Effie still had something for them to do. She was about to ask the woman but a voice stopped her.

"Oh where are my manners, I haven't told you my name have I?"

Prim turned towards the boy whose hand patted the pocket on his shirt while tilting his head slightly with a frown.

"...No you haven't." Prim nodded slowly.

The boy chuckled. "My name is Perseus the male tribute for District 12 as well as your partner in the arena."

Then all of a sudden before Prim could answer she found her hand in his and watched as he brought her it close to his lips. "It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Ms. Rose," he said softly before kissing the back of her hand.

Prim felt a shiver run down her spine from the contact; this was the first time something like this had happened to her, and judging from the small smirk on Perseus' lips, he knew it too. It made her want to frown, but she kept it in. She wasn't sure if it was just a mere coincidence and if it was then it would be awkward.

Unlike Prim, who froze, Effie eagerly presented her manicured hand, also receiving the same treatment. "What a powerful name," she praised.

Percy's mom was an avid reader, from what his grandfather told him.

Percy smiled. "Thank you, my mother gave it to me. According to my grandfather, it's the name of a hero from a book she cherished in her youth."

"Well, your mother has good taste."

Prim shook her head and watched as Perseus, and Effie conversed with each other. Then after it ended Effie cleared her throat while heading towards another door.

"Let's take this to the dining longue, we have a long journey ahead of us and I'm assuming Prim is starving unless you haven't eaten anything else Perseus?"

In truth, Prim was starving, so she made her way to Effie

"I just finished eating just before your arrival. But, I don't mind having a cup of tea."

"Ah, someone who admires the forbidden drink I see," Effie teased. 

It was well known in the Capital that many people did not set out the calming drink. After all, many considered it a peasant's drink, since the leaves used to come from the now-destroyed District 13. It was quite the contrast from what Perseus was taught by his grandfather. Percy always assumed that District 13 was only known for mining graphite, what he didn't know was they also owned an orchid of tea leaves; or leaves that would eventually be used to make tea. Most people outside of District 13 weren't even aware of the fact but then again when did the citizens at the Capital care about the Districts?

"Well come on then." Effi left the room with Prim following as she guided them to the dining area, but mainly Prim, seeing as Perseus had already had time to explore the train. 

The room they entered was as impressive as the living room. At the center was a long wooden table with intricate carvings around the sides as well as the four legs holding the table up. The legs from what she noticed from afar were carved out of roaring lions on their hindlegs.

"Prim sit down I know you're hungry," Effie urged her to sit even going as far as to pull a chair open for her.

Prim shuffled into her seat and watched as Perseus sat across from her.

Effie sat beside Perseus. "Eat to your heart's content, we have a long way ahead of us. It'll take us exactly a day and a half to get to the capital." 

A second later the two people who stood to the side of the room left through another door and came back with a trolley filled with plates with lids on top of them. They pushed it close to the table before piling them on the table and taking the lids off. 

Instantly aromas of all sorts invaded Prim's nose. Everything smelled so good that she couldn't help but drool. Fortunately, she caught herself and wiped the corner of her mouth where she felt a bit of saliva pooling up.

"Ahh~ Capital food, I have missed this," Effie gushed.

'Didn't she just arrive this morning?' Prim frowned slightly. She didn't want to point anything out but that didn't seem to be the case for her fellow tribute.

"Did they not provide a proper lunch at the mayor's hall?" Perseus asked whilst preparing a glass of tea. He had stood up and gone to a side table where he was pouring himself some hot water over his china teacup.

Prim wondered what he had chosen. Then again she never knew about tea. Her sister and mother didn't drink it nor was it a novelty - probably cause it sounded high end which is prone to be expensive - in District 12 - even for victors. 

"The food was sufficient enough." Effie shrugged.

'At least she didn't hate it,' Prim thought. 

Even though Katniss had said Effie was a wonderful woman, she also warned that Effie was used to and in love with things from the Capital. Such as the way that side of her character was.

"Are you not hungry Prim? Or do you need help with that to start with?" Effie perked up at the latter suggestion."

Prim blushed and nodded, and in return, Effie smiled and motioned for one of the attendants.

"Hmm, let's see…ah! Prim, darling, this dish right here is called Velvet Aurora Risotto. It is simply to die for!" Effie gestured to a dish before bringing and placing it across from Prim. 

Prim studied the dish, her lips slightly parted and eyes filled with curiosity. From what she could see some mushrooms were sitting atop some…rice? It wasn't any ordinary rice - if it was rice - because it wasn't plain or dry; it looked creamy as if it was porridge. Then along with the mushrooms, the dish was topped with golden glimmering pieces of...yellow paper? 

"It looks unique," Prim chuckled weakly, somewhat embarrassed by her own words.

"Unique, oh that is just cute Prim!" Effie laughed as if Prim had told a joke.

In return, Prim looked over at Perseus who merely watched with humour glittering under his eyes. Thinking that her fellow tribute wouldn't help her she sighed helplessly only to stop when Perseus spoke up.

"Don't worry this dish is pretty common in the Capital so it's not unique. But! You should try it anyway. Don't be overwhelmed by the appearance even though it's not 'unique'." Perseus smirked. "I can confirm that it is delicious, and to quote Effie 'simply to die for,' then again every dish from the Capital is delicious, heh." Perseus chuckled from across the room.

Prim nodded, as the boy shifted his attention to the attendant closest to him. "Can I have some Irish cream," he signalled the brunette attendant.

Prim's plate which was empty a minute ago was now filled with different colourful meats and vegetables - at least that's what she was hoping it was. She did not want to eat any artificially created produce made in a lab somewhere in the Capital.

"Delicious ain't it?" Perseus spoke up, returning to the table with his steaming cup of tea. 

Prim nodded, not being able to answer due to her mouth being full. After a couple more bites Prim studied the room a bit more. It was very…expensive. The furniture apart from the main dining appliances was modernized - that was the word her sister used to describe the capital and their things.

Prim's gaze then shifted onto Perseus, who was conversing quietly with Effie as if they were old friends. The boy was nursing his cup in one hand while using a fork to eat a piece of brown sugar-covered pastry.

Thirty minutes ago, if you asked her if she was hungry, Prim would have said no; after all, she had just been chosen to participate in the Hunger Games and being hungry was the least of her worries. But the 'Capital' food was delicious and the odd raven-haired boy in front of her just seemed to soothe her anxiety. 

Although the fact that she was chosen was still pretty much fresh in her mind. Just last year her sister participated in the Hunger Games for her sake. Katniss had volunteered for her so she wouldn't have to go through the death game, but now here she was, reaped."

Prim thought it was a sick joke. How her family was just deemed to have bad luck forever. First, her dad died, then she was reaped not once but twice, and in the process, her sister had gone ahead and volunteered for her; and even though Katniss had won the only reward she got a part from a massive sum of money, was PTSD. 

In the end, It was as if everything was for nothing-

'No!' Prim mentally slapped herself.

She couldn't afford to waver now and she definitely couldn't let herself be consumed by doubt. It was way too late to give up. She was reaped for the Games - there was no coming back from that. Now all she had was her determination. It was only a spark, a spark that grew into a flame. She was determined to emerge victorious even if it meant pushing herself to the brink of exhaustion…and death.

Prim would follow in her sister's footsteps. She will win just like her and come back home. But...amid her unwavering resolve, one riddle persisted, one that left her momentarily adrift. The unknown variable to her unsolved puzzle, the enigma that left her filled with intrigue and trepidation - the boy with the eyes that seemed to ensnare her attention relentlessly; eyes that made her feel vulnerable even amid her determination.

Prim swallowed thickly, her gaze falling onto the boy in front of her; a single thought passed through her head.

Perseus was an enigma, casting a shadow of uncertainty over her path to victory.

Will not update for about 2 weeks due to midterm exams. Thank you for reading the chapter and I hope you enjoyed it.

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