
What is Winning?

Joining the Hunger Games as the heir of the Snow bloodline in disguise was not an idea a mentally stable person would come up with. But this was the only way for Percy to make a mark in history as the greatest and worthiest President Panem would ever have; the president who purposely volunteered for the Hunger Games and won. Despite that, Percy did not predict that his plans would change when a particular rose enters the game. "And this year's female tribute from District 12...Primrose Everdeen!" A chuckle escaped Percy's lips, "This is going to be quite interesting." He smiles and takes one final sip of his wine; watching the girl walk with her head held up high towards the stage. "Quite interesting indeed..." It was time to play the game and Percy would do everything to win, after all, like his grandfather always says, "Winning is everything." - - - - - - - - - - - This fanfic will include a lot of dark elements, like a lot. Hence it has the #dark tag. Fair warning...a ton of the things that may occur here might trigger some of you. I will try my best to add a warning at the beginning of the chapter or the end of the previous chapter. [Warning] #emotional manipulation #blood and violence #betrayal #self-harm #murder 1. Characters have been aged! 2. No set update schedule. There will also be a few smutty situations (full scenes will be on Ao3). I shall post a link or my username once I complete the first smut scene. Other than that there will only be sexual situations that aren't too descriptive.

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Chapter 2: The 74th Reaping

District 12

Today was like the very one just a year ago….

Today was the 74th annual reaping of the Hunger Games. Prim was dressed in her best clothes which were by far a lot better than the ones she wore previously. Something else that was different was the fact that her sister and Peta were not among those being reaped due to their status as victors.

On the other hand, it was only her and Gale, Gale was there for Tesserae and she was there since she was required to due to her not yet being of the age where she didn't have to be unlucky enough to be reaped. Katniss was nowhere to be seen as expected of the people who weren't eligible to be reaped on the other hand her mother was not present due to her and her sister they didn't want her mother there after all Katniss was already a Victor there's no need for any Tessa Ray. 

It took maybe 30 or 20 minutes max for everyone in District 12 to be lined up after all they have been doing this for the last seven decades and a few years more. Prim could see a few of the daily people who sign up for the test array. 

Like a year ago when her sister got reaped the escort from the Capital and went on to the stage with a slam on the doors from what Katniss told her the woman's name was Effie and was quite nice but also a  bit of a perfectionist. 

"Welcome, to the 74th Annual reaping of The Hunger Games!" Effi said in a cheery voice.

There was no applause nor hint of enthusiasm. It was a sombre affair, one which would send two citizens to their deaths unless they won. Prim was deeply saddened when she was reminded of Katniss' words a week after she arrived.

"Effie helped a lot. She was always so cheery which annoyed me at first but I knew she cared about Peeta and me."

"She did? I thought she just really loved her job," Prim frowned.

Katniss shook her head ruefully. "No, she is as much a victim as the rest of us."

When Prim sent her a questioning look Katniss elaborated. "Effie hates her job, Prim. She doesn't want to go around and call people up to become tributes."

Prim's opinion of Effie changed right there and then, seeing the women in a new light.

"Well, then why don't we start with ladies first?"  Effie gave them a big smile but for some reason fake. 

Prim was reminded yet again that even though she worked for the capital, it wasn't a job she wanted or loved.

Effie's hand went inside the big glass ball and she mixed it a few times slowly before plucking a single piece of paper with her fingertips. It was like Prim's heart froze as if she just died on the spot slowly she watched as Effie pulled the slip of paper out and held it in front of her then with one final glance at the audience opened it. 

Silence rang throughout the courtyard there was no sound nothing at all. Slowly and surely Effie opened the paper Prim swore she saw her eyes widen in a split second in shock before a sad gleam crossed her face but before Prim could confirm it it all disappeared just like that with a snap of a finger. 

Prim watched as Effie took a deep breath and looked across the crowd as if she was looking for someone but then slowly when their eyes met Prim yet again saw a sad glimmer cross her face. A sense of dread overcame Prim's heart; inside she knew why and these next few words confirmed it. 

"Primrose Everdeen," Effie's voice rang out clear and confident.

'Her mask had returned.' Prim thought to herself.

At first, Prim was lost and unable to move as if time stopped with only her seemingly alive. Then with small laboured breaths and slightly trembling fingers - that she stopped by balling her hands in a fist - Prim walked to the stage.

This time there was no one to volunteer for her not that she wanted anyone to volunteer after all she couldn't be that selfish but it was real this time she was going to be sent to the games as the female tribute of District 12 she would either die or she would win and come home but who knew what could happen.

The walk to the stage felt slow Prim. Her legs felt like jelly and her body felt warm and itchy as the eyes of pity from those saved by the vote followed her. When she was close enough to the stage she was able to confirm that behind the mask Effie wore there was sadness.

"Come, Ms. Everdeen," Effie held out her hand.

Prim took it and dutifully climbed up the stage her heart beating with every step. Then upon hitting the final step, her heart skipped a beat making her almost fall over. She felt like she was being burnt alive her skin was hot sweat was beginning to form; she knew this was her body's way of telling her that this was real and not fake at all. This time she was being sent to the games.

A brief wave of calmness hit her from out of nowhere. Maybe it was the tiny bit of acceptance inside of her, or even the bravery that Katniss always radiated. But it was enough for her to hold her head up high.

Effie took a second to breathe and fixed her smile. "Now for the boys." 

Prim saw Gale in the crowd and knew that he was going to volunteer for whoever was picked and she knew because Katniss had asked him to watch over her ever since they were just kids even though she was only two years younger than Katniss - Prim Was 16 and Katniss was 17 when she was reaped.

Just like for the girls Effie dug inside the glass sphere filled with all the names of the males from age 12 to 18 years of age and those that wanted to test ray for their families. Silence once again went over the entire crowd like a blanket but something strange happened when Effie went to read the slip of paper a peacekeeper walked up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder she was surprised and Prim watched silently as the peacekeeper leaned down close to her ear and whispered something.

"Is this true? But how is that possible? Are they from District 12? "Prim heard bits of pieces from their quiet conversation. From the look on Effie's face, Prim assumed that whatever the Peacekeeper had to say was a surprise to her as well. 

The conversation went on a bit more as the Peacekeeper spoke to Effie for a bit longer until Effie nodded and turned to look at the crowd while sparing her a small glance; something that made Prim scrunch her face in confusion. 

"Well, do I have a surprise for you people! As we all know it is not yet the 75th Hunger Games  it is not the third quarter quell but we have a huge surprise!"

Prim wasn't sure what Effie was waiting for. Was she waiting for an applause? A cheer? A collective sigh of relief? Judging from the neutral look on Effie's face Prim debated that maybe that wasn't the case.

"Everyone, District 12's male tribute has already been chosen."

At that, a bunch of people perked up visibly. This caused a peacekeeper from behind Prim to snort in mockery. She resisted the urge to glance behind her and send them a glare knowing she would be punished by the capital soldier. 

"I do not know the name so I cannot tell you who it is. But be happy knowing that all of you here today are safe. Now this marks the end of District 12's reaping! Happy Hunger-" 

"I volunteer!" someone shouted.

Prim along with everyone in the plaza turned their heads and gazed at the person who had left the columns. Prim looked wide-eyed at Gale who had his hand in the air and was approaching the stage.

A harsh gathering of whispers filled the courtyard. People were whispering to their neighbours, the ladies that gossip daily at the market having the most activity. Prim on the other hand could do nothing but look at Gale in fear. Not once has anyone ever gone out of line unless they were called up and now Gale had just gone and done it.

Unbeknownst to Gale two peacekeepers were making their way towards him. Their pristine white suits contrast against District 12's standard bland and dim clothing. 

"I want to volunteer," Gale said once more, this time just a few feet away from the stage.

Effie was about to answer until her words died down as one of the peacekeepers tackled Gale down onto the hard cement. Prim barely managed to hold in a gasp before Effie began to mediate the situation.

"There is no need to be so rough. Get him up please," Effie placated.

The peacekeeper currently atop Gale grabbed behind his belt and cuffed the brunette's wrist together; proceeding to pull him up roughly by the scuff of his button-up shirt. Prim took a glance at the peacekeeper whose face was hidden behind their black tinted mask. She couldn't see his expression but she didn't have to see to know the man or woman was sneering condescendingly.

After a brief second to relax the peacekeeper growled. "Watch your tone boy. You should be lucky we didn't automatically go for our guns. After all, killing civilians on reaping day is prohibited…but on any other day…"

Prim did not need to hear what the person said. All she needed to deduce was what was whispered and the gun hand gesture and it going 'off' while the peacekeeper muttered boom.

Gale to Prims surprise merely stood stiffly. Not letting the peacekeeper get the upper hand - something which frustrated the peacekeeper even further. Before the peacekeeper could talk Effie quickly butt in.

  "I am sorry but you cannot volunteer if he told him."

Gale's features twisted. "Why not?"

At the slight movement of the guard, Prim held a breath. From where she stood she saw the person ever so slightly shift their gun to dig into Gale's side. 

Effie looked lost for a moment on what to say when suddenly another peacekeeper marched over and smacked Gale right across the face with his white-gloved hand. Prim looked on in shock as the same guard delivered a clean punch into Gale's stomach. 

"That's enough boy, I don't know why you're so keen on joining the games but if you want to die you could have just simply said so," the person snarled, punching Gale harder in the stomach only this time using the butt of the rifle.

Gale fell onto his knees with a pained expression. "I-I don't get it…Why, why can't I volunteer as the male tribute for District 12?"

A lot of people sent Gale looks ranging from horror, pity, confusion, and anger - for prolonging the reaping.

Prim knew the two peacekeepers were getting pissed and it wouldn't take a few more minutes for them to kill Gale right there; after all, just last year the new supervisor for the peacekeepers stationed at District 12, just a year ago, had taken Gale - strapped him onto the pole and started whipping him. She desperately motioned for Gale to stop, shaking her head as hard as she could without being noticed.

Fortunately, though Effie abruptly stepped in, effectively stopping all the commotion. "Please we do not want any fights here Peacekeepers. As much as I appreciate your dedication to the capital; the reaping should have ended minutes ago."

The two peacekeepers had a silent conversation, both nodding at each other before returning the gesture to Effie. With one last comment from the one who physically harmed Gale thrice.

Prim barely heard them, only catching three words. 

"Try. Regret. Gone"

Then proceeded to squeeze Gale's shoulder as one final warning.

Effie during the interaction faced the crowd with her iconic smile. "This marks the end of District 12's annual reaping ceremony! You are all free to go on home or go about your day."

People did not need to be told twice as the crowd moved as one to get as far away from the stage as they could be, as if there was another surprise that involved reaping two or more people.

Effie walked down the stage and urged Gale to stand up which he did but shakily; surprisingly though Effie helped him up and grabbed his shoulder to keep him steady, doing her best to keep him up. Due to their weight and size difference.

"I deeply apologize Gale I know you're friends with Katniss and Peeta and I know you want to help Prim." Effie turned towards Prim and gave her a nod and a small smile. "But I cannot let you volunteer, this was a direct order from one of the higher-ups from the capital-" 

Effie let her sentence hang so Gale could understand and come to terms with it. "I am so sorry."

With that, Effie walked back up the stage and inside the Mayor's Hall with Prim following just right behind her but not before giving Gale a sad smile. 


"Oh my gosh, Prim! Prim! Where are you where are you?!" Katniss yelled as she went searching inside the very same building she and Peeta were in just a year ago.

"I'm right here Katniss," Prim said.

"Prim I am so sorry, I am so sorry Prim. If only they could let me volunteer again," Katniss sobbed. "Please I am so sorry Prim please forgive me." Katniss kept saying over and over and over again.

Prim returned the hug with equal fervour hugging Katniss tight and just nodding. "There's nothing to apologize for, Katniss. I was reaped what else was I to do? What else would you have been able to do? You know victors can't volunteer again."

Seconds later- before Katniss could reply - another person crashed into them. Prim instantly moved her attention to their mother who had begun to sob. "Oh, my baby I can't believe this is happening I don't want this to happen if only I had joined for the reaping I would have volunteered for you."

Prim shook her head wildly on her mother's shoulder. She had grown a few inches through the year. First, she had only come up to her mother's shoulder. Prim was quite short compared to her sister, even now but only by an inch or three. 

"No! Mother no, I wouldn't have allowed you," Prim said hurriedly. She pulled back from the hug and looked her mother in the eye. "I have to do this," she said with determination, making her mother choke up. "I've been reaped and so I need to win." 

Katniss was able to take a few seconds to compose herself during Prim's conversation with their mother. Now sensing that it was done she turned to her sister who had tears in her eyes. She was about to open her mouth but was interrupted.

"It is not your fault Katniss. I guess I was just unlucky twice I've been reaped and you volunteered for me I will not let your action go to waste; I will win Katniss, I will win just like you and I will come back like a Victor."

Katniss didn't say anything and only looked at her sister sadly before hugging her once again. Prim allowed this and the two sisters hugged it out, both of them just relishing in the silence not knowing what was going to happen in the future. It was in this scene that Effie found them and led them to the backdoor. 

"Katniss you and Mother will have to stay here," Effie said softly, taking the former tributes' hand in hers. "I will take care of her Katniss, you know that don't you?"

Katniss nodded tearfully. "Thank you, Effie."

The two women hugged and bid each other farewell for the last time. Prim hugged her mother tightly before they were taken away by the peacekeepers. 

Prim and Effie made their way to the station where Prim stopped beside Effie who had paused abruptly. From what Prim could see there was no train. She assumed it would arrive but Effie's question said otherwise. 

Effie looked startled, wildly looking around her and motioning for one of the Peacekeepers. "Where's the train I thought it would be here by now?" she asked him.

"Apologise, Ms. Trinket but the train had to take a detour they will be arriving soon enough. As if the Peacekeeper was a psychic the train arrived just minutes later, braking hard as it pulled into the station.

Effie turned to her. "Let's get on the train now and we'll have a hearty lunch as we ride to the capital."

Prim nodded and stood beside the women. When the train pulled to a stop Effie motioned for her to come to the door. They stopped and listened as the door opened with a hiss. 

"Well come along dear I'll get the attendants to prepare us some lunch like I promised."

But just as  Effie and Prim took a step to get into the train, the door opened and out stepped a boy who looked a year older than her; almost bumping into Effie as the women stumbled back into a stop.

From Effie's reaction Prim knew that she did not know who this person was nor was she expecting something like this and before either of them could talk or in Effie's case even greet the person, they spoke.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Ms. Trinket and Ms. Primrose Everdeen."

Prim stuttered a hello which seemed to make the boy laugh. She was about to berate him but stopped because for all she knew this could be someone that she shouldn't piss off. Instead, she merely glared only for her eyes to widen slightly as the boy pulled something from behind his back. It was a white rose not red like any other rose, but at the same time, she had never seen a rose in person before other than in pictures.

"May I present this rose to my fellow tribute," the unknown person smiled.

Prim didn't know what made her say it but upon grabbing the rose she gave him a raise of her eyebrow and said, "So you're my fellow tribute then. I never would have expected a rose from a fellow tribute," she took a small sniff. "Is this something you do all the time for anyone you meet," she said while arching her brow in an expecting manner.

The teen chuckled, his deep voice causing Prim's heart to flutter, an unknown sensation entering her body. "I don't usually hand out roses to everyone I meet, but I figured it would be good manners to offer my fellow tribute a gift," he explained, the corners of his lips lifting slightly. "After all, this is our first encounter."

Hate how italics don't get pasted onto here :(

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