
What if? Severus Snape.

[(AU ) MARVEL X HARRY POTTER] A resounding boom filled the night air as thunder reverberated through the sky, revealing the face of the once-feared wizard who had terrorized the entire magical population of Britain for the past years. Now, his lifeless form lay still, Voldemort, once hailed as the greatest dark wizard of all time, was reduced to an unrecognizable, charred husk. The man who killed closed his eyes, allowing himself to embrace the soothing touch of the rain, surrendering to the serenity of the moment. Memories flooded his mind, vivid recollections of lives he has taken. Of the chaos, he had sown. But among these turbulent memories, one memory stood out—the day of his first sin. The sin that changed him forever. The sin that broke his fate, one that forced him to find his destiny. And on the day that woke up another part of him, one that he always feared. It was the day he killed his father. From that day, he must learn to adapt, rise, and conquer within a world teeming with gods, monsters, and Superheroes. The day that started his journey, marking the birth of 'The Half Blood Prince.' He, who was once destined to be used and forgotten, must find the strength to sever the Cruel threads of Fate and find his destiny. One that he writes. But can he change his destiny? Will this world let him forge his path or will it crush him? Follow Severus's journey to redefine the boundaries of magic unfurling in this new cosmology, a merge of the mythos of Marvel and the wizarding world of Harry Potter. _*_*_*_*_*_*_* (Necromancy) (Smut) (R18) (Shadows) (New magic) (Adaptivity) (Eldritch Magic) (Asgardian Magic) (Sorcery) _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Author's Note: This is the old version of the book Marvel: The Half-Blood Prince. I will continue to post the chapters here as well but you won't find the changes I have made to the story. While it might seem idiotic to keep two versions here, this version was loved by many and they wanted the unchanged version to not be deleted so I left it here. Even with the changes the story remained mostly the same, the core, so I hope you all love it. _*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/supes _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qSayPnpZ4A _*_*_*_*_*_*_* * The image does not belong to me.

Supes · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

42.House of Black: Banished and Broken.

(Age: 14)

I was in my fourth year of Hogwarts.

Everything was seemly going downhill for me.

Severus drowned himself in his rabbit hole of research.

Bella was turning crazy, day by day ever since she married Rodolphus in exchange for our father allowing her to serve Dark Lord.

Father hated muggles but he wasn't willing to risk joining Dark Lord's force with Ministry at our necks.

That dirt-eating shit bag Rodolphus took away my protective elder sister.

It hurt seeing her like that.

She always returned looking ragged up with crazed expressions.

She used to be so beautiful.

My family started showing interest in Dark Lord forces after success in their attacks on the muggle area.

Aunt Walburga was the person who was interested in Voldemort's forces the most.

"What have you done ?!"

father shouts at Bella, who was looking at him

"I have done what you taught me too. Showing muggles their place."

"I didn't tell you to join him! You could have been caught by Ministry!"

"I am not what I used to be. I can defend myself. I am just showing my pureblood allegiance."

"Didn't mean in this way. You could be sent Azkaban for this. You will stain the name of House Black!"

"I will not! I will bring glory to our house! We will no longer need to hide our powers. Isn't this what you wanted. The pureblood above the muggles. You wanted to show the muggles their place. I am doing what I was born for! What YOU made me believe!"

Bella raises her voice for the first time.

There was a certain pain in her voice, a desperate cry for approval.

"Then so be it! You are already married to a pureblood, to a man I choose. I could care less about what you do now. You will pass on pureblood to the next generation. You have served your purpose. Do as you please! I don't care about you as long as you seer a child."

Father stormed out of the room.

I saw another part of Bella break.

She just stood there stunned.

I wanted to counsel her but I didn't know how?

I just went there and hugged her.

"What have you done this time, Bella?" I whispered softly.

"What I must do to protect you and Andy."

"Why does have be you? I can do it along with you. You don't need to join them. Father said they might put you in Azkaban. I don't want you to be put in Azkaban."

"It has to be me silly, I am the eldest sister. Am I not?" I thought wasn't truly gone but " And I have to show those muggles who is superior. It is fun to see them cry."

I felt afraid to see her like this.

I gulped and pushed down the fear I felt.

Bella left that evening with Rodolphus.

The next time we met was the last time we three sisters were together.


I caught Andy sneaking around and meeting that Muggle Tonks.

I knew that pig was after Andy.

How could Andy fall for the muggles trap?

How could she risk getting banished from the house?

I wrote a letter to Bella about what happened.

Bella apparated the next day, urging me to take her to the spot where Tonks and Andy.

"Where do those two meet?"

"They usually meet at the place we first saw him. Near the forest."

Bella takes my hand in hers and apparates us both to the spot.

We disappear in swirling motion.

I felt sick, I felt as if my bones crashing into each other.

In an instant, we appeared in the forest.

I saw Andy standing by a tree, looking bored.

Andy looks in our direction, her eyes turn wide in shock.

"What are you doing here?"

"That is not the issue. What are you doing here, Andy?! Waiting for your Mudblood Boyfriend." Bella sneered.

"Do not call him that! His blood isn't dirty."

"Oh..ha... He has you under some spell, Andy. Have you forgotten everything we were thought?"

"No, I haven't! I just realized how wrong we were. We can't keep living like that."

"You never had a problem before. Why now?"

"I didn't realize the horrors you have done. You have killed people. You kill them due to their blood. You are murder."

"Have you forgotten everything I have done for this family?! For you ?! I have done this to protect you!"

"NO! Don't use me as an excuse for your crimes. Why don't you just leave me be?"

"Because you are my sister."

"Then you're supposed to protect us and -- this mark doesn't really speak of protection. Don't you understand what Dark Lord is doing to the Wizarding World?! Don't you even understand the thing you are doing, crimes you are committing?"

" I am doing magnificent things. I have the power you will never reach. For above you would ever hope for."

"Then you can bath in the blood of innocents for power! I don't need power, I have someone I love!"

I stood there unable to do anything, neither joining any side.

Waiting for Andy to realize the error she is about to commit.

But the confession of her love left me stunned.

"Oh...really. Then I believe congratulations are in order. Should we plan a wedding? HAVE you lost your mind? I thought you would see how wrong is it to mingle with and leave that mudblood. Do you not understand? You will be banished-"

"Stop dragging her away."

That douche made an appearance, pushing Bella away from Andy.

Bella quickly raised her wand at him.

"Ted, Let me talk to her."

Andy pushed Tonks behind and spoke softly to Bella.

"Listen, Bella, It is my choice."

"like hell it is."

Bella cast spell on Tonks sending him away.

Andy quickly raises her wand, but I tackle her to the tree since I still shouldn't perform magic outside Hogwarts.

"Please listen to Bella, Andy. Come back with us."

"I am sorry, Cissy. But I don't want my life to be ruled by father."


"I don't care. I don't care about money, power, or blood. I just to live my life. Even if he didn't have a single drop of magical blood, it wouldn't matter to me. You all lead a life with no true love."

"NO TRUE LOVE! How dare you! You bloody bitch! Have forgotten about times when we laughed together as we ran around the house. The time Bella held you when you cried like a baby wailing for a dress! When I sat by your bed the whole night when you were sick! Bella even fed you that time! We three were inseparable. We shared dresses, spells, and secrets. We shared everything. We were one." I felt tears well up in my eyes. "Now some mudblood comes along and shows you some fairy tale, you believe it is true love. What we had was love. Do we mean nothing to you? You ask me if I know True love, I love you! I love Bella and myself. You don't need to taint our blood to prove that you are capable of love. We loved each other. I love you more than that Moron would ever hope to. Please come back to your senses, Andy."

"How does loving Ted taints our blood?!"

"Enough! I will give you the final choice, This mudblood or banishment?"

Bella warned as she stepped on Tonk's hand, pushing her heel deeper into his hand.

Andy jerks her hand out of my grip.

"Fine, let's go to our parents. I am fine with banishment. I would rather prefer to be on the streets than that house."

Father banished her from the family.

Bella left the house after her banishment.

I stood there at the gates, waiting for her to change her mind.

"Please...please don't leave me, Andy."

"I am sorry, Cissy. I have to do this. I can't live here anymore. Goodbye."

I stood there until she was no longer visible.

Collapsed on the ground cursing the gods for my situation.

I wanted her to choose me.

I wanted both sisters to be with me, to be my support in the chaos.

Both left me alone, one chooses the Dark Lord and the other chooses a mudblood.

One was broken and the other was banished.

All the hope I had left me.

"You are the only child for me now. You have never disobeyed like the other two. You will perform your duties as a Pureblood. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Father."

The façade I maintained became my reality.

I was a dressed-up doll for my family to further connections.

I didn't choose to be born as a Pureblood witch.

I wished for light to escape this darkness.

The fate that was sealed, to be broken.

Then Severus finally broke the seal.

I understood what Andy meant, sometimes something shines brighter than others.


[Slytherin Girl's Dorm ]

By the time Narcissa completed her, Lily already warped her hands around her.

Lily rubbed Narcissa's back, as for the first time since Andromeda left, Narcissa finally let go of her pain.

The pain she hid from everyone.

They were the tears of pain or grief, they were the tears of relief.

"It's okay. I can be your sister. You have Severus, me, and that Regulus Black, he doesn't seem to be too much of douche."

Narcissa calms down and smiled at Lily's sentiment.

"Thank you for the sentiment but I didn't tell my story because I missed my sisters- maybe I did. But that is not the point."

"Then what is?"

"I want you to understand that most of the Pureblood are fed to believe about pureblood supremacy from the moment they are born. Their fates are sealed. Most grew into the ideology and some turn against it. A minor part in all of them wants to be just saved. You asked why I am comfortable with Severus killing, didn't you? Because I heard my sister talk about the atrocities the people committed, the atrocities she committed. sometimes it is best to just cut the root before it grows into a tree."

Lily finally understood the other side of the spectrum and how different their lives were.

"Thank you for sharing with me, Narcissa. While I was always insecure about my place in both worlds I had loving parents and friends, who reassured me. I was hesitant at first, but now, I understand the need. I am grateful for it. I wish I had a sister like you. While Tuni isn't bad, isn't really the best example you know."

Lily tries to joke to break the mood that was created.

"Maybe I will allow you to call me sister?"



"Awww." Lily pouts.

Narcissa giggles, and pinches both of Lily's cheeks.

"Really. Lily."

Lily's expressions brighten up, "Then can I call you, Cissy?"

"No Chance."

Lily turns around and tickles Narcissa.

They both kept talking the whole night in Narcissa's bed.