
What if? Severus Snape.

[(AU ) MARVEL X HARRY POTTER] A resounding boom filled the night air as thunder reverberated through the sky, revealing the face of the once-feared wizard who had terrorized the entire magical population of Britain for the past years. Now, his lifeless form lay still, Voldemort, once hailed as the greatest dark wizard of all time, was reduced to an unrecognizable, charred husk. The man who killed closed his eyes, allowing himself to embrace the soothing touch of the rain, surrendering to the serenity of the moment. Memories flooded his mind, vivid recollections of lives he has taken. Of the chaos, he had sown. But among these turbulent memories, one memory stood out—the day of his first sin. The sin that changed him forever. The sin that broke his fate, one that forced him to find his destiny. And on the day that woke up another part of him, one that he always feared. It was the day he killed his father. From that day, he must learn to adapt, rise, and conquer within a world teeming with gods, monsters, and Superheroes. The day that started his journey, marking the birth of 'The Half Blood Prince.' He, who was once destined to be used and forgotten, must find the strength to sever the Cruel threads of Fate and find his destiny. One that he writes. But can he change his destiny? Will this world let him forge his path or will it crush him? Follow Severus's journey to redefine the boundaries of magic unfurling in this new cosmology, a merge of the mythos of Marvel and the wizarding world of Harry Potter. _*_*_*_*_*_*_* (Necromancy) (Smut) (R18) (Shadows) (New magic) (Adaptivity) (Eldritch Magic) (Asgardian Magic) (Sorcery) _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Author's Note: This is the old version of the book Marvel: The Half-Blood Prince. I will continue to post the chapters here as well but you won't find the changes I have made to the story. While it might seem idiotic to keep two versions here, this version was loved by many and they wanted the unchanged version to not be deleted so I left it here. Even with the changes the story remained mostly the same, the core, so I hope you all love it. _*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/supes _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qSayPnpZ4A _*_*_*_*_*_*_* * The image does not belong to me.

Supes · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

18. An unlikely team is formed. (Rewritten)

I was waiting for them to answer, if they didn't want to join I would just obliviate them.

After a long minute, one of them responds.

"I'm in, all I want is that witches/ wizards not to suffer like me," Noelle said.

"I'm in, as well," Ashton said.

"I'm in, I want to stop Voldemort from causing more harm to muggle towns" Dorcas Meadowes replied.

"I'm in as well, I had a peaceful house life but I know that my parents fear that someone would find out about me being a witch and cause harm. My mother would hide her magic most of the time" Emmeline said

"I'm in, I have no problem with your plan to start an organization to help the students, but I want to know more about your plan, and how it is going to work out. If it is money then I back you up but its influence, which plays an important part in this, which most pureblood families hold. Most Pureblood families would not support you," Travers asked.

He is heir to two pureblood families, one in England and the other in France. He would be my way into the French wizarding community.

"I have already started a solution for that problem. as for influence, you don't need to care about that. It will increase furthermore when we win this war against Voldemort," I said.

I was sure in one to two years; I will be able to match Voldemort if my plans go fluidly.

My identity as the Half-blood prince has gained mass popularity due to the book being a hit.

"I'm in as well, but do you think we can even win this war? You are delusional if you think you can win. As far as the organization goes, I'm in, but not the war" Benjy Fenwick said.

"I'm in, I just like the idea of helping other students. I don't mind fighting in the war." Amelia said.

"What would you do if I just went and informed others who want to be Death eaters about your plans? Why should I believe in you when you explained your whole plan in the middle of the pub? Are you even more powerful than us? What proof do you have that you can back up your words? What do you have, you have no family to back you up or influence to make it work?" Barty kept on ranting.

I should deal with his daddy issues as soon as I can, even though he is talented, Barty can be a bit of a whiny bitch sometimes.

"I dare you to stand up from your seat, Barty. As for the others in the pub hearing our meeting, they can't, I cast a spell around us that would cancel the sound that we make from the second you all arrived. People on the outside won't hear anything. If I think you are going to do what you said you would? I will just obliviate you, now why don't you try standing up," I asked with a smile.

Barty tried to get up but he didn't move an inch as I was binding him using telekinesis.

"What you have done to me? Why am I unable to move? Release me, now!!"

Barty shouts trying to get up but he didn't move an inch from his chair.

The others looked at me with wide eyes, it was comical to see them, it was as if their eyes were about to fall from their sockets.

I knew why they were surprised by it, it was because I neither used a spell nor have a wand in hand.

"There you go, if you want to see more, why don't we all go to a much open space where we can duel."

I removed the binding on Barty.

"Yes, let's go. We will see, how you can keep that smile after you lose?" Barty gets up and starts to move away.

I paid the owner and followed him.

All 9 of us reached an open and secluded area.

"Now raise your wand, let's duel."

Barty said raising his wand.

I took out my wand, and just stood lazily for him to start, he starts the duel with hex, I bent to avoid the spell.

He casts spell non-verbally this time but I avoid it this time as well, it was pretty easy for me.

"Stop, avoiding the spell and defending, why don't you retaliate?" he shouts.

"As you wish"

I didn't raise my wand instead I raise my other hand that wasn't carrying a wand, and cast a wandless blasting curse, which missed Barty Jr's head by a milli-meter and hit the tree behind him, obliterating it.

Barty Jr drops to his wand and was left shocked, it was as if his soul left his body, he slowly turned his head and saw the spot where the tree was.

"So…powerful," he whispered, this display of power deepened their trust in the cause and burned a bit of fear in them.

"Is this enough for you all?" I saw them nodding vigorously.

I levitated them and pulled them towards me using telekinesis, they all yelled in panic as they moved fast towards me, I stopped them just two feet away from me.

"I hope you don't do that again," Dorcas says, she was the one, who yelled the loudest after being pulled.

"You all are not yet ready for further information, how many of you know about Occlumency?" I asked, four of them raised their hands.

"Meet me at the seventh-floor corridor after dinner each day, I will train you in Dueling, wandless magic, and Occlumency. I will explain each of your roles right now."

I have read their minds right now; they are committed to this and are a bit frightened of me.

After I said about training, I saw excitement and curiosity in them, none of them had any intentions of talking about this to anyone.

"I will warn you, you shouldn't speak about this to anyone right now or the consequence would be severe, I promise to make you all, powerful and influential but in return I want is for you to mind the boundaries I set. If you cross me, what I did to the tree would seem tame to what I will do to you, understood?"

I need them to follow me with at most loyalty but at this stage of my plan, it is hard to gain their undying loyalty towards me, so I need them to have fear of what will have if they thought of crossing me.

I can get their undying loyalty with time but too much fear will not let the loyalty bloom, but a bit of fear is healthy in the long run.

"We understand, we will not disclose what happened here," they said, they must be truly curious to learn.

"Crouch, Ashton, you two will mark purebloods, who don't want to be death eaters, and Half-bloods, who have issues at their house in Slytherin.

Noelle, Benjy, you do the same in Hufflepuff house, but also look for those who want to fight and are willing to help others, be discreet in your approach.

Emmeline, Traver, same with the Ravenclaw house.

Dorcas and Amelia, you both are in Gryffindor's house. I am sure you would find 100s of students, who would be willing to fight but I need those who are careful and talented enough.

I want the list of people by the end of this year, I want you to gather them under you by this school year's end since some of you are in the 7th year." They nodded.

I don't need to explain how to gather people for them as they are already used to that, and know how to find and make a group out of other students.

I choose them for specific reasons, all of them were talented, and each represented the lifestyle of a person with magic.

Barty, a pureblood, was fed blood purity by his surroundings.

He was well versed in Dark Arts and Politics.

Travers, a pureblood, despite being heir to two houses, doesn't have a racial bias, my ticket into the French Wizarding community.

He is also a kind person.

Emmeline, Benjy, represents the life of a half-blood, who is accepted by their family and treated well, she is extremely talented in charms next to me and lily, and Benjy is talented in DADA.

Ashton; represents the life of a half-blood, who is hated for his magic, he is good at the transfiguration.

Noelle; represents the life of a Muggleborn caged by the family due to magic, she is good in potions.

Dorcas; represents the life of Muggleborn, who is treated well by their family, good at dueling, charms, and DADA.

Amelia, a pureblood, was raised well by her parents, and my link to SOS. She, Benjy, and Traver are the golden goose, who will help me spread the organization around the world.

Each had influence or was linked to a particular sector that will help me spread the organization around the world, both in the muggle world and the wizarding world.

Through her, I can know more about these organizations that protect the muggle world.

This group consisted of people with different circumstances due to magic, be it good or bad.

I didn't want to establish this organization to wage war on the muggle world or Wizarding worlds, both worlds can be controlled without the use of any war, I just have to place certain people in certain positions that's it.

This won't just consist of students, I will make a trip to Knock turn alley, where I can find some more people.

Many wizards/ witches are jobless, waiting for opportunities to come.

The problem is that there is no proper structure of employment in the Wizarding world as many things can be done by a mere spell.

"Meet me after dinner on Monday."

We went back to Hogwarts castle.

After checking their thoughts one last time, I went to find Regulus to plan for my date with Narcissa.

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