
What He Got

Shy and closeted Aslan always seems to be at the end of the line. The black sheep ,never being good enough for his aristocratic father. Mentally abused and left heart broken by his childhood sweetheart ,Aslan retreat to his shell and buries himself in work . Five years later his past , present and future all meet at a cross road which would Aslan choose His past present or future

amasomuah · Urban
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Chapter 2

"Lee, please get him off me,"

I  appealed to his boyfriend.

Lee stopped laughing long enough to tap on his lap.

"Heel, kitty."Tris pouted and returned to his side of the table, resting his chin in both hands with a satisfied grin.

Reyna was gasping for air. "Oh my God, look at his face!"

I groaned and covered my red face.

"You're all terrible."

"And that's why you love us so much."

Reyna pulled my hands away and gave me a loud smacking kiss on my cheek.

"Oh, we're gonna have so much fun together! I just can't wait! We'll take care of your hair and your nails and your makeup and–"

"Wait, wait, just a second", I interrupted her.

Her enthusiasm would have been very infectious, if it didn't involve my face and nails.

"It's only a night out with my friends. I'm not getting married or anything."

"Aww come on," Tris whined, "let us give you a makeover for once."

A frown took up my face. I wasn't vain or anything, I just didn't relish the idea of them using me as a mannequin.

"I don't need a makeover."

Lee swallowed the last bite of the sandwich Tris was feeding him and resumed his typing. 

"Oh, we know you don't. Just that the college professor look isn't exactly what you'd take to a club."

"Would you please stop saying Professor? I won't get my degree for another two years."

I allowed myself another cube of sugar.

"Besides, it makes me feel old."

Tris flicked a manicured finger at my head.

"You, old? What are you, 24?"

I winced and rubbed my temple.

"26", I corrected him.

"See my point? In a few years you wouldn't be able to go out partying whenever you want to."

The doorbell dinged as a new customer walked in. I tried not to imagine what would happen if she had come in two minutes earlier.

"Even if you can go out clubbing and whatever, we won't always be here to keep an eye on you."

I pretended to focus on my coffee so I wouldn't need to respond.

That was precisely what I was holding out for.

That they would get on with their lives and eventually be too busy to smother me with affection on a daily basis.

I really had no interest in  partying.

I didn't have anything to celebrate. But if I went with them just this once, perhaps they might ease up on me.

"Finally!", Lee closed his laptop with alarming force.

I winced on it's behalf.

"I swear to God, I'll never trust those kids again."

Reyna perked up. "You finished everything?", she queried.

Lee removed his foggy glasses and rubbed his eyes with an exhausted groan. I knew that sound. I made it every evening.

"No, still need to deliver this to my boss. And personally this time."

Tristan chuckled and brushed a crumb off Lee's jaw.

"Will you at least forgive them?" He grunted and drained the last bit of his coffee.

"Come on, Lee", I urged, glad that the attention had shifted to someone else,

"you were their age once. It's just a silly prank." Lee huffed noisily.

"That silly prank almost got me fired", he grumbled while jamming the computer into his bag.

"Jeez babe, are you trying to break the thing?", Tris laughed. Lee gave him a quick kiss.

"I'd rather break you."

Reyna playfully swatted them with her napkin. "Out, you two. Before you get us all horny."

Tris was saying something but I didn't hear it.

The sound of our laughter had drawn the other customer's attention. She noticed Lee and Tris kissing and wrinkled her face in disgust.

The two of them had their backs to her and Reyna didn't care about anything. But I did. Chances of her being an acquaintance of my Dad's were zero to none, but lowered my gaze just in case.


Poor traumatised Aslan

Will he ever get over it?

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