
What He Got

Shy and closeted Aslan always seems to be at the end of the line. The black sheep ,never being good enough for his aristocratic father. Mentally abused and left heart broken by his childhood sweetheart ,Aslan retreat to his shell and buries himself in work . Five years later his past , present and future all meet at a cross road which would Aslan choose His past present or future

amasomuah · Urban
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4 Chs


"Honestly, that woman's so demandng",Reyna complained, drawing me back into the conversation.

"She's also the reason I can afford to pay half our bills", Tris said with a resigned expression.

"Yeah but six shoots in the past week seems like a stretch to me," Reyna complained.

"I think she's using you."Lee lightly tugged on one of the  white streaks in Tristan's hair.

"I'm officially banned from her studio until further notice", he said darkly. Reyna laughed again.

"Lee, what did you do this time?" He rose with an expression that was nowhere near remorseful.

"That's a story for another day. Up, kitty, the bitch's waiting." Tris tackled Reyna into a warm looking hug, saying, "Don't call my boss a bitch."

Then he moved over to my side of the table and hugged me quickly before I could escape.

"Bye, Professor", Tris purred.

I took a page out of Reyna's book and aimed my napkin at him.

"Get out, Pierce." Tris laughed in delight and locked hands with his boyfriend.

"You know you love me", he sang out as they exited.

Reyna laughed and tucked a chestnut curl behind her ear.

"Those two are priceless", she sighed contentedly.

But I was distracted again.

The elderly woman had taken her order and was sitting next to the door my friends had just walked through.

Her face was a mask of disappointed disdain as she watched them walk away through the window.

She even had the same white hair…

"Aslan? Hello?", Reyna snapped her fingers in front of my face.

Simple enough, but it startled me.

The teaspoon slipped from my fingers and clattered noisily on the hardwood floor.

Reyna shook her head at my clumsiness.

"Okay. Tell me what's wrong."

I shook my head but she didn't relent.

"You've been on edge since you got here. Something's bothering you."

I sighed and placed the attempted escapee back on the tray.

She was staring expectantly at me.

"Nothing's wrong with me. I'm fine, don't worry."

Her perfectly arched brows creased together and she placed a hand on my wrist.

I tried not to flinch, but I was sure she could feel the tension in my arm.

"It only hurts more if you keep it in", she said softly.

"Trust me, I know." Reyna was one of the few people I could talk to, especially about something like this.

I fiddled with the cup again. The black liquid didn't seem so appetizing anymore.

"He's getting married. In April." There was no need to clarify who he was.

"Wait, really? How did you find out?", she asked.

I nodded and summarized the phone call I'd received this morning.

I'd given up trying to guess how he found my number, figuring that some connections had come in handy. Reyna blinked.

"And he called to tell you about it?" she asked.

I laughed shortly without mirth.

"He called to invite me." I left out the last part he added, "...make sure you bring a friend along."

I didn't need a high IQ to understand the brand.

There was silence for a merciful five seconds, then I felt my best friend vibrating with restrained anger.

"That spineless…", she started.

"Rey- "

"…two faced, slimy, shit eating bastard!", she seethed.

Okay, then. A waitress halfway approached to take our trays, but suddenly remembered some urgent business she had in the kitchen after seeing Reyna's expression.

I pinched my nose bridge. "This is why I didn't tell you."

She slammed both hands on the table and stood up quickly. "That's it. We're crashing this wedding", she declared.


How far can Aslan run before the past caught up with him?

Hope you loved this chapter

I'll release two chapters today since my partner was very pleased she kept on dancing please comment and vote

sorry for the late update