

What if recarnation with a system that allows you to be more powerful by seducing women and satisfies the goddess's boredom? Well, let's find out if Kail will be able to meet the challenges from the goddess or will he die trying

Dawid_Pliszka · Fantasy
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60 Chs


I played roulette and I win most of the times and thanks to this I have 5 gold with 10 silver from beginnig.

"I have suspiciously good luck today." I thought, then a woman came to our table who was dressed in a nice and skimpy outfit. With long hair tied back in a bun

"I can see that you are lucky with a young man." she said looking at me closely and coming up to me.

Standing to my left and leaning on my back, which Alice found challenging, she also rested her breasts on my right side.

I was suddenly hugged by two women, one of which did not even introduce herself, but her beauty was really extraordinary.

The rest of the people started looking at this woman and whispering to each other, but some were talking too loudly and I was hearing what they were talking about.

"It's not the queen of the casino, they say she brings whoever she chooses bring them good luck or bankrutcy, but she's always with the VIPs, so why is she here today?"

Looking at her curiously, I wondered what she wanted from me.

'Ahh sorry, I can see that you are not a regular visitor here, so you don't know me. I am Victoria San and I am responsible for this casino. ' she introduced herself peeling away from me for a moment and giving a short bow.

She came back after that pressing her breasts against my arm.

"How about a bigger bet that if you win, you'll have a chance to spend the night with me." she whispered in my ear in a seductive tone of voice

'She offers me a bet after a while when she met me and is the owner of this casino. I think it caught her attention that I won a lot and she wants to set me up for a loss or is bored. Or both. ' I thought and then I thought about whether to play her bet because the opportunity to take control of her if I win and take over this casino is too tempting.

'Okay! so what is this bet. ' I asked

'Very simple! you have to get the green ones in the next 10 minutes. 'She siad in a charming voice.

'Hit green? The chance of going green is woefully low, so even if I bet the smallest amount on green for the next 10 minutes may not hit. I'm sitting at this table for an hour and it was only green once, 'I thought as I analyzed this .

"It your bet what will you win when I lose?" I asked

"Hmm, let him think about it." she said and thought for a moment then she said in my ear.

"You can get me some information about Rina." she said then suddenly I looked at her in shock.

I don't wear my treiner badge and I don't have a uniform! And I got this job this month, but I was out most of the time so I don't think they could have gotten my look by accident. 'I thought they keep their face calm.

'What are you talking about? Do you think we can get any information on Captain Rina without even being in the military? ' I said with a slight panic in my head.

"I don't think I will end well if the people around me find out that I am a soldier!" I thought

Victoria smiled slightly and said.

'You think I don't know you're the new treiner? I know everything that happens in this city, especially when someone joins the military in this city. ' she said in my ear.

'Fuck! You've kicked me up pretty well, Alice,' I thought, giving her a sharp look in Alice's direction

Alice, not knowing what was going on, started to think why I am suddenly angry at her.

Unable to find a good reason for , she pressed her breasts against me even more and made a cute face.

"You won't get away with it that easily." I thought and then returned to Victoria.

"I don't really have a choice, huh?" I asked, being sure.

'No baby. you do not have a choice.' she said, laughing slightly.

'ok let's start this bet.' I said then

I decided to put 4 gold on green.

All the players at the table looked at me with considerable surprise that I was risking so much and considered me a fool for having too much confidence.

"Goddess, if you watch this please give me luck, I swear I'll do something interesting for you even if this mean put this city in anarchy!" I thought and then confirmed my choice and the roulette started.

I watched the ball without taking my eyes off and not blinking.

The roulette began to slow down and the ball was looking for its place with every second it lost its speed and then the last

Win or Lose?

Dawid_Pliszkacreators' thoughts