

What if recarnation with a system that allows you to be more powerful by seducing women and satisfies the goddess's boredom? Well, let's find out if Kail will be able to meet the challenges from the goddess or will he die trying

Dawid_Pliszka · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Bet 2

The ball started to slow down drastically and was flying towards the green field, watching this my heart started beating so fast that my heartbeat muffled every sound I hear in the area.

My blood pumping and adrelanine levels are so high that everything is starting to slow down around me.

So I saw that at the current pace of ball that would not make it to green and I will lose, and I am convinced that I will not end up just giving away information about Rin, but I will work with them and eventually become their slave who gather information everything in the military.

"There must be a way to win this!"

I thought of a lot of ways, but most of them had no right to work and the ball was flying closer and closer to its stop, which was one or two fields in front of the green.

'Rather, if I miss the green now, I won't have the opportunity to win as each round lasts about one minute and I have a total of 10 minutes so my next 9 times may not even be that close !.' I thought in the blink of an eye.

When the ball flew to its place which was in front of the green field, I saw a devilish smile Victoria next to me who wanted to laugh at my misfortune.

'Okay! all or nothing! ' I thought then I grabbed the table that was attached to the floor so that it could not be moved and cheated, so a normal person would have a problem with this table twitch but with my strength level I should be able to do something.

'I gripped table and my veins pop and with all my strength that my veins started showing up and my teeth were clenched so tight I thought I would break them.

'Come on! move up!' I thought then the piece of the table for which I was holding began to break, but the rest of the table stood in place.

"If this not work how obout that!" I thought then let go of the table and quickly hit the side of the table with all ma force and the whole table trembled at the level of my impact.

Which was not as big as I thought, a normal table would break and hit the wall a few dozen meters, but this one only slightly twitched.

But it was enough for the ball to move and flew into the green.

I did it all in a few seconds so the result was not announced but still it was not hard to see what I did so the result will be suspended but still I was going to win the bet with just hit green so even if I did not get the money and I had to make a penalty and it was still worth it.

I looked at Victoria, who had an incredulous expression on her face as she saw it.

'Please! what you did is unacceptable, you will be kicked out of this casino and you will pay a fine for damaging the table !.

Said the employee who dealt with the roulette.

But I was not interested in his words and I ignored him.

"Looks like I won this bet." I said with a leeky smirk.

Victoria's face began to tighten, suppressing her inner anger, but it only lasted for a moment, then she let out a deep breath and said.

'you cheated and you still want to tell me you won?' she said to look into my eyes with her cold eyes.

'You said I was only supposed to hit the green, You didn't say how. so don't say I cheated if there were no rules in the base. ' I told her straight in the eye.

"Okay now, the question is will she accept his defeat or do something stupid?"

Meanwhile, the employee tried to call the guard to kick me out, but Vistoria stopped him and told me.

"A bet is a bet I will accepts my loss, and so I have my own ways to get the information out of you." she said then got up and started walking and waving her hand to follow her which I did.

Alicec followed me.

The people at the table with whom I played had a face of disbelief as they saw that after what I did I did not receive any penalty from Victoria, but was even invited by her.

'Is cheating punished or not? everyone in the table thought.

Vistoria started to lead me to the upper floor where I looked at the clothes of people around, I decided that there is a place for VIPs and other rich people.

Quite a few people started looking at me and Alice who were being led by victoria in person.

Let us not get to the door where there was a huge man who was a good 3 meters high and the muscles that sent me to the other world if he hit me.

'Misteress welcome back.' he said, then opened the door behind him and let us in, staring at us intently.

In his hand he was holding a axe that was twice as long as I was.

"I wouldn't stand a chance against him!" I had that thought when I looked at him.

But when we got inside, I calmed down to look that there was no one there and the room was large and provided with a lot of beautiful things.

From a huge double bed to a bar stocked with dozens of alcohols. she even had a fountain in the middle and an aquarium in the wall with fishes I never knew.

But the most impressive sight was the armor which had a move on his own will which, even though it was empty, moved easily and walked to the door and closed it behind us.

"Is that a golem?" I thought, looking carefully at the armor witch stood up by the door.

I went back to writing after a break that lasted a little longer than expected. :>

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