

What if recarnation with a system that allows you to be more powerful by seducing women and satisfies the goddess's boredom? Well, let's find out if Kail will be able to meet the challenges from the goddess or will he die trying

Dawid_Pliszka · Fantasy
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60 Chs


'Okay, no more sad topics! You took me to a place like this, let's have fun! ' I said then we went to the bar.

We went to the bar and we but a mug of beer, which cost 50 coper and was better than I expected.

After drinking a quick drink to get into a nice mood, I waited for Alice to finish hers and we headed to the dance floor where a bard was singing and playing with a crystal that amplified his sound.

He played a fairly quick rhythm along with a song that was good to dance.

I took Alice to the dance floor where a lot of people were dancing and I wasn't expecting but Alice was pretty good at dancing and in particular she used every moment to press her breasts against me or make some sexy move.

"I can see what she is up to, but it doesn't bother me, I hope I can rent a room here for the night." I thought then we enjoyed the moment.

But our dance, or more specifically Alice, attracted people's attention with her sexy figure and moves, some more drunk tried to take my place and take Alice, but a quick blow to the liver and roll a few meters until it stopped on the wall stopped the rest from interfering.

Even after this feat, no one paid much attention . Bard continued his song as if such actions were the norm here and no guard stopped us.

"You can expect this to happen a lot here, so as long as it doesn't get bigger then nothing will happen to us." I thought then we danced a little and then we took a break at the bar.

"You said there was a casino here." I told Alice who ordered herself a glass of water.

'Yes. we can go now. ' she said then she drank a glass of water and we walked towards the large door which stood out and there was a sign of cards above it.

At the door there were two strong who looked identically, they also had scars in the same place on the face, witch was above the eye.

'Hi Tom, Jerry! Alice waved at them as we were close.

They looked at Alice and nodded with a smile without saying anything.

"They are can't talk because the committers used to be a big mistake and the manager cut off their tongues for punishment." Alice told me in my ear.

As we got close, Tom and Jerry greeted Alice with their hands and opened the door behind which was a short tunnel and the door at the end as the entrance to this club.

Only this time nicely decorated.

While we were walking down the tunnel, I asked Alice.

You know a lot of people here. Are you a regular here or do you work here? ' I asked curiously.

"She does some jobs for a manager that I met during the incident with my father, and she liked me for my wildness when I beat my father, and from then on she gets well paid jobs that are not too hard and are reasonably well paid." she said as we walked down the tunnel.

"Know her, he tried to sell to the manager of this club, huh?" I thought when we came to a door that was the same big as the previous one, but when Alcie opened it without much trouble.

They must have some Enchantment for Alice to open it so easily. ' I thought for a moment and when the door open I saw bright glow and blinded me with for a while and when my eyes got used to it I saw a large room which was full of people who were sitting at the tables playing various games from card to roulette.The room was marvelous and it was nicely decorated with large golden chandeliers.

It caught my attention that I saw that I could see the stairs to the above place where I could see nicely dressed people.

"I can see there are places for VIP here too." I thought then Alice dragged me to one table where they played cards and after a closer look I saw that they were playing poker but the cards were much different but the rules were the same.

"They know poker and I don't think they made it exactly the same by accident, so someone in my world had to show them, so the goddess sent someone over here." I thought when Alice sat down to the table and took 10 silver from the cover and exchanged for chips and started to play while I was behind her and watched.

"I wasn't a huge fan of gambling, but it's not like I didn't play when the situation got right." I thought then watched Alice go.

She was doing quite well at the beginning and she won twice in a row but she lost the third one and lost most of what she won, but she was on the plus side with the budding 10 and she now had 20 silver.

"I didn't think you were good at gambling." I said and Alice put the money away.

"It's easy to win a little extra cash if you know how to read people's expressions." she said with a slight smile

'then why did you lose most of what you won if it's so easy?' I asked, laughing a little at her.

"Ahh, that old man outsmarted me on purpose during the first two rounds." she was slightly furious.

'I laughed at her as we approached the next game which was roulette.

'ok let's see if i'm lucky.' she said then I took 10 silver and exchanged for chips.

the rules were simple if you chose the right color between red and black and you got 1.25 of what you wagered.

but you took a chance and bet on a specific number with color and you won, you got 2 times what you wagered.

but if you put it wrong, even if the color was good, you lost everything.

There was also a green color, which if you got a good one, you paid 10 times as much as you bet and there was only one so the chances were close to zero.

"Okay, let's start small!" I thought and put half on red
