

Jon_Da_Awesome · Fantasy
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Chapter three

Back at the far away planet, the creature has grown incredibly fast and strong. The black creature now standing around the size of a fully grown bear with two arms and legs and a long snake like tail with spike at the end of it. It had a muscular built body with razor sharp fangs and blood red eyes. It makes a standoff with a rhino like creature with six legs and four horns. Slightly taller than the creature, it drags its hoofs on the ground kicking up dirt ready to charge. The creature bears its fangs almost in a grin growling at the beast observing it cautiously. The beast suddenly charges at high speeds at the creature roaring with might and power. The creature roars back with a powerful monstrous roar and charges at the beast. They both collide with a powerful slam making the birds fly away with fear.

They wrestle pushing each other back with all their might, the beast slowly getting pushed back. Being overpowered by the creature, the creature suddenly grabs one of the beast's horns and with its strength easily breaks it off. The beast roars in pain pushing harder but the creature wouldn't budge an inch. The creature then swings its arm with the horn in its hand slamming it into the beast's stomach. The horn stabs the beast getting lodged deep in its stomach as it roars in pain swinging its horns at the creature. The creature easily dodges the attack and wraps its arms around the beast easily lifting it off the ground and uses its tail to stab the beast in the throat repeatedly with its spiked tail. The creature then slams the beast on the ground standing over it before easily ripping its head off and roars in victory. Holding the beasts head in its claws before tossing it aside. It then starts to violently tear into the beast's stomach ripping it open, tearing chunks of flesh out of the beast and ripping out its ribs and organs. Blood pours out of the beast as the creature devours its corpse. The creature ventures on, searching for its next meal. After searching for some time, the creature comes across a canyon. The creature explores the canyon as it sniffs around searching for its next meal. It smells the scent of a different animal it has not encountered before and with curiosity it follows the scent trail into the canyon. After following the scent for some time, it suddenly hears strange noises coming from inside a cave. The creature slowly walks to the cave and hides behind a rock looking inside the almost nearly pitch-black cave with a small fire brightening up a small portion of the cave. It sees a group of cavemen like beings sitting around the fire eating a fresh kill. The creature bears its fangs in almost a grin and slowly walks into the pitch-black cave as he completely disappeared blending into the darkness.

A bird like creature with four wings and a blue eye, with feathers patterned with red and green, lands on the branch of a tree in front of the cave resting. It suddenly hears the shouting of the cavemen followed by a loud monstrous roar. The sound of screams echoed from the cave followed by the sound of bones snapping and flesh being ripped apart. The screams growing louder as the creature's monstrous roar grew louder, the sound of bodies being slammed violently against the cave walls and ground echoed. Blood flowing out of the cave like a tiny river in the dirt forming a puddle of blood outside the cave. The sounds quickly silenced as everything grew quiet. The bird watches as the pool of blood slowly grows. Suddenly the heavy sound of footsteps echoed inside the cave. Out of the darkness of the cave a humanoid slowly walks out of the cave. The humanoid had a petite muscular body, standing around 8 feet tall. Its hands having small claw like nails at the end of them. It had a demonic looking head and body with demonic vicious red eyes, a human mouth with razor sharp fangs. Its skin black as night having two horns on the top of its forehead curved slightly inwards forming a demon like crest. The humanoid smirks showing his razor-sharp fangs before slowly opening his mouth and speaking its first words.

The humanoid slowly opens its mouth and speaks its first words in a deep demonic tone. "I AM DEMEON" it smirks with its razor-sharp fangs before quickly looking up at the bird and suddenly bursts into a sprint scaling the canyon wall in seconds and leaps onto the tree catching the bird like creature and snaps its neck instantly. Demeon quickly consumes it as his body begins to evolve, the sound of bones cracking as black bat like wings grow out of his back. He sprouts his new wings before smirking admiring them. Within a blink of an eye he flies into the air and goes on a killing spree attacking anything that moved. As he rages on massacring every living creature in his path and consuming some, he quickly starts evolving, growing and learning as he continues on his killing spree. He soon spots a purple like feline creature the size of a lion with two tails and four legs, its purple four eyes looking around for prey. Demeon watches from the sky as suddenly a small portal begins to form in front of the purple feline. It jumps through the portal casually as the portal reappears in another location and the feline emerges from the portal. Demeon quickly flies over the feline and flies slightly higher hiding in the clouds before tucking his wings to his side quickly diving down towards the feline. With great speed Demeon crashed down to the ground on top of the feline crushing its back killing it instantly. Demeon smirks as his wings retract into his back and he begins to devour the purple feline ripping it to shreds.

Demeons body begins to evolve again as his petite body quickly becomes more muscular and built. He looks at his hands smirking evilly before stretching his arm out in front of him and opens his hand. Suddenly a small portal begins to form in front of him as he walks through it. The portal reappears next to a tree that was covered in black vine like growths that sprouted from a black cracked egg. Demeon squats down and places his hand on the egg as the vine like growths spread faster on the tree. The tree quickly turns black as it starts to decay, the leaves suddenly begin to fall off of it as the tree rots. Demeon closes his eyes as he starts to remember how he was created. Demeon remembers God six fusing DNA together and placing him inside the egg. He remembers God six arriving at this planet and placing him against the tree whispering "grow my little one and become the most perfect living creature ever created". Demeon laughs in a demonic tone before noticing a small rodent like creature crawl up to him with curiosity. Demeon sprouts out a needle like tendril from his finger that stabs the rodent. The rodent suddenly squeals in pain as black tendrils start to burst out of it and a black goo starts to pour out of its mouth and eyes. The goo slowly engulfs it turning it into a nightmarish rodent creature. The corrupted rodent screeches a small high-pitched monstrous screech before running off into the grass with tendrils sticking out of it. Demeon laughs demonically as he stands up and spreds out his wings. "These imperfect abominations must be changed~". Demeon laughs as he takes off into the sky before attacking and corrupting every living creature in his path. Slowly corrupting every living creature into nightmarish monsters, the plants become corrupted and decay with black vein like roots growing on every plant. The planet quickly turning from a green and blue to a dull grey and black with corruption.