

Jon_Da_Awesome · Fantasy
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Chapter four

"Jack! Come here right now! You need to take this seriously!" Master Abotto shouts. "It's not that serious if I can complete them in minutes or seconds!" Jack replies in an annoyed tone walking out of his room with his arms crossed. "It doesn't matter how fast you can complete a mission what matters is how serious you take the mission. You've been getting cocky lately and your starting to lack, which will get you seriously hurt!" Master scolds Jack as he just rolls his eyes being reluctant. "I haven't got hurt though and I haven't been lacking cause if I was then I wouldn't be completing the missions as fast as I am" Jack shouts back. "Jack if you don't stop being so cocky you will slip up one day and pay the price for it." "then I'll just use my ability and everything will be fine" "you can't always rely on your ability Jack, yes it's a strong ability but what are you going to do if someone finds a weak spot in it?! You will die Jack that's what will happen!" "But the missions get so boring its practically the same thing over and over again" Jack pouts looking away. Master sighs "it doesn't matter how boring it is, each mission you must take serious as if your life depends on it cause the day you are not serious either you or someone else will get hurt because you weren't taking it serious Jack…let me tell you what my father once told me, there will always be those who are weaker then you and those who are as strong as you, and there will always be someone who is stronger then you.

That is the balance of life and that's why in order to overcome that balance you must always stay alert and take your missions serious. Please Jack, do it for me…do it for your brother" Master begs as Jack sighs and nods. "okay I'll take my missions more seriously Master" Master smiles "good, now I have a special mission for you that could be very dangerous so please take it serious. There is word going around about people getting attacked by a mysterious creature. I want you to go investigate it and if possible, find the culprit and take it out. But if you cannot don't be ashamed to withdraw and come back home. There is nothing wrong with admitting defeat". Jack nods taking the letter as it had the locations of the attacks. "I won't let you down" Jack replies before grabbing a sword and heads off to the first location. As Jack arrives at the first location which was just outside the border of the town he looks around for any clues. Jack spots a bag on the floor and picks it up, as he lifts it blood slowly drips from the bag as Jack quickly places the bag back down. He then slowly opens it to reveal more blood inside with two hearts preserved. "what a sick bastard" Jack tells himself as he steps back to look around for any more clues but finds nothing. He moves on to the second location. The second location was also located at the border of the town, in an alley. As Jack enters the alley, he see's blood stained everywhere on the walls and floor. What seemed like scratch marks designed the walls and floor. He sees three bodies on the floor. One of the bodies head was missing and the other was violently stabbed in the chest. The third body was not a messy kill as it was a clean stab to the heart and head. Jack touches the blood cautiously seeing that it was still fresh. He then notices bloody foot prints as he follows them into the woods. Jack walks slowly, constantly looking around keeping his hand on his sword ready for any kind of sneak attack.

As he ventures further into the woods following the foot prints, the footprints suddenly stop at a small opening in the woods, the trees surrounded him as the sun shined down on the empty patch of land. Jack stands in the middle looking around having a bad feeling in his stomach. 'Is this a trap? Or was this just coincidence ending here?' Jack thinks to himself slightly letting his guard down as nothing seemed to happen. He crouched down to examine the foot prints as they were still fresh as well. As he examines the foot prints, he suddenly hears the faint sound of something flying towards him as he instinctively leaps out of the way. A kunai quickly pierces the ground as Jack grabs his sword looking around to see where it came from. Suddenly from three different directions ninja stars fly at high speeds towards him as he is forced to dodge backwards landing on a patch of leaves. In a blink of an eye Jack was suddenly hanging upside down in a net trap. He struggles to move trying to reach for his sword to cut himself lose but the sword was entangled in the net. "shit!" he whispers to himself before spotting a person standing in front of him. "you are so clumsy that was almost child play. You might be easier to kill then I thought beast" a masculine voice speaks as Jack tries to struggle free wiggling around. "it's no use beast, your trapped pretty good. Your efforts are useless, time to end you beast you can't fool me with your disguise" the masculine voice continued as Jack couldn't make out what he looked like from the net. Jack hears him pull out a sword before almost in a blink of an eye the man swings his sword with great speed and force.

Jack barley having a second to react tucks his stomach in, the blade barley missing him as it cuts the net and his shirt cutting him free. Jack quickly lands on his feet "carapace!" he shouts quickly not wasting any time as he just in time saved himself. Two kunai him in the chest and head but only crumble and fall to the ground. "I see you have a trick up your sleeve. Let's see how long you can entertain me for beast" Jack hears the man say but as he looks around the man was hidden somewhere in the trees. 'What do I do? Should I release and try an attack or should I wait like this till he gives his location' Jack thinks to himself trying to figure out what to do next. Before Jack could react suddenly the man appears behind him slamming his sword with great force on Jacks back. Making Jack slightly sink into the dirt before disappearing into the trees. 'this guy is strong; I can't miss judge him for even a second or I'll be dead' Jack thinks trying not to panic. The man suddenly reappears in front of him slamming his sword on Jacks head the force alone kicking up the dirt as the man repeatedly disappeared and reappears attacking Jack repeatedly. 'why hasn't his sword broken yet? He keeps repeatedly attacking not giving me a chance to react at all'. Suddenly Jack hears him appear behind him as the man hits jack in the back with great force with the palm of his hand "force" the man says as suddenly Jack gets sent flying forward losing his balance as he falls and tumbles.

Jack quickly stands up eyes widen with shock, "how did you break me from my carapace?" Jack asks shocked finally getting a good look at the man. The man had short white hair with brown eyes. He was wearing a black and red robe holding a sword in his hand having another one on his back. "everything has a weakness. No matter how strong or durable you may be everything and everyone has a weakness. I just simply found a weak spot in your defense". The man replied getting in a fighting stance aiming his sword at Jack. Jack takes out his sword and points it at the man. Without an exchange of words, the two of them almost vanish with great speed clashing their swords together. The sound of metal clashing echoes through the forest as they clash with great force and speed. As they wrestle with their swords Jack quickly jumps up swinging his leg kicking the man in the head but was blocked. The man held his arm up blocking Jacks kick before grabbing it and punches Jack in the face. Jack falls back a little but keeps his balance, 'it's almost as if he can read my attacks' Jack thinks to himself pointing his sword at the man. "you are strong but you are too cocky beast, makes you easy to read and I'm even confident to tell you yourself cause telling from just looking at you. You will just keep getting cocky." Jack tries to focus as the man gets in his position again ready to attack. 'master is right I can't rely on my ability alone I have to focus or I will really die' Jack realizes as he takes a deep breath. Jack and the man at the same time kick up the dirt creating a dirt cloud hiding inside of it as the both swing their swords colliding again. Jack quickly goes for a punch as the man does the same. They both dodge and follow up with a kick as their feet collide. In perfect sync they clash with swords dodging and blocking each other's attacks at the same exact time.

Almost as if they were copying each other. Jack starts to feel his heart race as if a fire of strength was lit inside of him. Jack attacks start to become faster and harder as the man was just barley blocking them. 'his pattern is starting to change; he's becoming more aggressive' the man thinks to himself parrying Jacks attacks as he notices Jacks eyes start to slowly change his pupils form vertically like a predator, he senses a different kind of aura around Jack. The man instinctively jumps away panting softly. Jack suddenly calms down as his pupils turn back to normal and his dark aura disappears. "Your pretty strong, you're as strong as you look. I respect your strength so before we continue what is your name?" the man asks leaning his sword on his shoulder. Jack relaxes a bit more as the tension in the air calms, Jack holds his sword to his side and smiles. "your pretty strong yourself so I'll tell you my name as long as you tell me yours in return" Jack smiles confidently as the man smiled as well and nods. Jack sighs "my name is Jack" the man's eyes widen with shock before speaking "what's your real name?" Jack hesitates but replies in honor of their battle "Abotto Jonasan, what's your real name?" Jack asks raising a brow in slight confusion. The man replies "Abotto Richado" Jack gasps dropping his sword to the ground in shock as tears start to form in his eyes "brother?".

Jack runs up to Richado hugging him tightly as he hugs back. "Richie, I can't believe it's you!" Jack cries out happily seeing his brother again after so long. "I couldn't even recognize you little brother! You've grown so much, how long has it been?" he replies smiling at Jack. "it's been seven years since you left" Jack replies looking down. Richie places his hand on Jacks shoulder, "I'm sorry I left you alone brother for this long. There are no words to explain how sorry I am but I needed to find myself and go on my own missions. If I could I would have taken you with me but I needed to do it alone" Jack sniffles and hugs him again "I'm just glad to see you again brother" Jack replies as they hug one last time finally being reunited after seven years. "oh, brother we should head back home! Dad would be so happy to see you again!" Jack says excitedly as Richie chuckles with joy. "alright then I guess it's about time I head back home and see what's changed." He smiled as Jack picks up his sword and they head back home. As they walk back home through the forest, they laugh catching up with each other. "you've grown so tall little bro and you've gotten a lot stronger too, you were making me fight serious… I'm sorry I tried to kill you I thought you were the beast that's been attack the city people." Richie rubs the back of his head. "don't worry about it bro we were both heated in the moment, you were trying to kill me I was trying to kill you so I guess you can call it even!" Jack chuckles as they laugh. Jack suddenly stops having his hands in his pocket realizing something. "if you weren't the one who killed the people I saw, and you thought I was the beast, that means it's still out there" Richie stops and looks at him. "I almost forgot about the beast! I've been tracking it for hours and I followed it into the forest. That's where I planted a trap for it when you came along. It had the ability to change into a human form so when I saw you, I figured you were the beast and attacked you".

He replies scratching the back of his head. "but that doesn't explain the bag with hearts in it" Jack crosses his arms looking at Richie. "I must have left the bag by accident. I was in a rush burying the body parts in respect of them, I guess I forgot that last bag when I spotted it and followed it into the woods" Richie replied. 'There is no way I could have the guts to tell him that I attacked him because I sense his dark aura so I figured he was the evil beast but thankfully he doesn't have any murderous intentions' Richie thinks to himself. "let's try and find the beast together bro and take it down before it hurts anyone else" Jack says as they both nod. Suddenly the sound of a twig snapping echoed behind them as they both stop and look around. They listen quietly holding onto their swords as they hear the bushes rustle in front of them. "something is watching us, be ready for anything" Richie says as Jack nods taking out his sword ready to attack. All was quiet as the sound of the wind swayed the leaves, suddenly a beast the size of a dog leaps out of the bushes trying to attack them. They both dodge before stabbing the beast at the same time killing it instantly. "was this the beast that killed those people?" Jack asks putting his sword away. "No, it was much bigger than this one it looked almost like a dragon except with no wings."

Suddenly Richie falls to the ground as a tail wrapped around his leg and quickly dragged him up a tree. "Richie!" Jack shouts as he quickly throws his sword at the tail, the sword stabs the tail as it lets go of Richie's leg and disappears into the trees. Richie lands on his feet taking out his sword looking around. They both stay back to back observing the trees, "keep your eyes peeled!" Richie shouts. As the sound of hissing echoed in the trees, within a blink of an eye Richie blocks Jacks sword with his own which was thrown from behind them with great force. Then out of the bushes in front of them an old man walks slowly holding onto their hip and a cane. "Sir you shouldn't be out here it's very dangerous let me help you out of here" Jack says as he runs up to the old man before seeing the mans eye looked different. The old man looks at him smiling before suddenly transforming into a dragon as it tackles Jack down before repeatedly trying to stab him in the head with its spiked tail. Jack barley dodging each strike before shouting, "Carapace!" the creature strikes one last time as its spiked tail cracks on impact with Jacks head. It hisses before jumping off Jack, Richie quickly throws one of his swords at it stabbing it in the shoulder. It growls looking at Richie before charging at him, Jack spots his sword on the floor and quickly grabs it standing up before throwing it up in the air and kicks his word at the dragon. The dragon deflects it with its tail and spins around smacking Richie into a tree knocking him out. It then swings its tail at Jack as he jumps over it only to get smacked by its claw cutting into his shoulder as he gets smacked into a tree. He lays on the floor in pain holding his shoulder as the dragon slowly walks up to him raising its hand spreading its claws out ready to kill him, as it swings its arm down on him Richie quickly jumps in deflecting its claws as it swings again. Richie then stabs the dragon's hand as it steps back from the sharp pain. "Don't worry brother I will always have your back! Just sit tight till you pull yourself together I'll hold it off" Richie says as the dragon hisses at him swinging its claw at him. He dodges and counters cutting its shoulder as it growls swinging its tail at him, he deflects it cutting its tail as he continues to deflect its attacks cutting its body little by little with each deflect. The dragon starts to slow down growing tired from blood loss as it tries to tackle him down out of desperation. He jumps back before shouting "now Jack! Finish it off!" Jack quickly grabs his sword as he uses the tree to jump off it leaping at the dragon. "Meteor Strike!" Jack shouts as he swings his blade with such speed the blade turns red getting heated from the speed of the swing as he cuts its head clean off. Its limp body falls to the ground as Jack and Richie sigh in relief "amazing hit Jack! Master taught you well" Richie smiles as Jack chuckles putting his sword away on his back. "well we completed the mission so it's time to head back home no one will get hurt again. Father is going to be double excited that we defeated the beast and that your finally home!" Jack smiles as they start to head back home to the village.

They finally arrive back home after fighting off more beasts along the way. "home sweet home" Jack says as he opens the gates excited to be back home. Richie follows behind him looking around to see what has changed. "not much has changed huh?" Richie asks looking around as the villagers do their routine and the children play and train. The sun quickly starts to set as the villager's head inside their homes. Jack and Richie make it to their house, "father you'll never believe what happened on my mission!" Jack shouts as they walk inside. "I'm at the table, I made you dinner so hurry up before it gets cold" Master replies as they both head to the living room. Master prepares Jack a plate before looking at them and his eyes widen with shock. "Richie?" master asks as he stands up with a surprised look on his face. "it's been a while father" Richie smiles as Master laughs hugging him with joy. "welcome home my pupil! Come sit, eat up there is plenty of food for you both! I always make extra anyways cause your brothers bottomless stomach" he chuckles "there won't be any food left once I'm done!" Jack replies happily as he quickly sits down and starts to chow down. Richie joins them as Jack explains to Master what had happened on the mission and their trip back home. As they laugh with joy finally being reunited as a family again. The next morning a villager delivers a letter to Master. Master opens and reads the letter with a serious look on his face. Jack and Richie soon wake up and head to the living room seeing Master reading the letter. "what's the letter say? Another mission?" Jack asks yawning as they sit on their pillows at the table. Master looks at them "I'm afraid I will be leaving for a little while. I am being summoned by my superior so it's something important". Jack and Richie look at each other before back at Master. "well if you have to go don't worry about us, I'll make sure Jack doesn't get into trouble or cause a ruckus" he chuckles as Jack punches him in the shoulder playfully.

"as if" Jack replied eating his food. Master smiles happily "it warms my heart seeing you two back together as a family again. Well I will be leaving now so I'll leave Richie in charge since he is the oldest. I will send a letter when I am on my way back, don't destroy the village while I'm gone okay?" Master says smiling as he grabs a couple of things and leaves, Jack and Richie wave him goodbye as he walks out. As Master leaves the village gates the villagers say their farewells before the gates close behind him. Suddenly Guardian six appears in front of him out of thin air. "the meeting will begin soon so let's be on our way" Guardian six says as Master nods. Guardian six places a hand on Masters shoulder and in a blink of an eye they teleport away.