

Jon_Da_Awesome · Fantasy
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Chapter two

"Brother! Brother! Look what I caught!" Jonasan yells out as he runs through the village holding something in his hands. Jonasan around 8 years old excitedly runs into his house, Master Abotto was sitting on a chair reading a book as he looks up at him. "you're in quite the hurry" he chuckles, "hi dad! I have to show big bro something that I caught!" Jonasan laughs in excitement running out the back door of the house. He sees his brother outside training, kicking and punching a tree before pausing to look at him. "hey little bro! What's up?" He runs up to his brother and holds out his hands with a big smile showing a small lizard on the palm of his hand. "I won the bet bro! You said if I caught the lizard, we would go into town together" Richado smiles and gently places his hand on the child's head. "wow I'm proud of you bro! But we can't go into town today". The small lizard jumps off his hand as he makes a confused face. Richado gets on one knee, "I know I promised you we would go but I have to go somewhere for a while. I will be gone for some time but I want you to know that I will keep our promise and take you into town someday little brother. Will you wait for me till I get back?" his eyes widen and start to get watery as tears slowly drip down his face starting to sniffle. "B-But I don't want you to leave...who will play ball with me?" he cries rubbing his eyes. Richado gently smiles "you have lots of friends here in the village you can play with till I get back" he smiles trying to cheer him up. "b-but you're my only true friend brother" he stutters crying as his brother hugs him before standing up. "I'll be back I promise and when I get back, I expect you to be stronger little brother so we can go on adventures together okay?" he smiles, gently rubbing Jonasan's head before walking away picking up a bag from the floor and leaves.

Seven years later, "Jack! Wake up its time for breakfast before your special training test today!" Master Abotto calls out to Jonasan as he had given him the nickname Jack. Jack wakes up yawning with a tired look on his face. He gets up and walks to another room where his father was waiting for him. "I hope you like your food cold lazy head" his father chuckles, Jack rubs his face and sits on a pillow crossing his legs as he picks up a bowl of rice balls and eggs and chows down. "Do I have to do special training today? Can't it just be another day" Jack mumbles with food in his mouth. His father flicks chop sticks at his head. "don't talk with your mouth full, people will think your careless. And yes, you will do your special training today or else you won't be qualified to go on your own missions." Jack rubs his forehead before finishing his food, "well then, I guess I'll go practice".

His father nods "you should because your special training begins in two hours so train hard my pupil or you'll have to keep going on group mission that you hate so much. I know how much you've been dying to go on solo missions". His father chuckles as Jack leaves the house and head towards the dojo. Other teens, children and adults were training at the dojo, Jack walks in and goes to his usual spot in the corner of the dojo with a punching bag. As Jack trains, punching the bag and kicking it trying to improve his stamina he sees his father come into the dojo walking straight towards him. Jack notices everyone in the dojo was watching his father as if waiting for something. Jack pauses and bows, "what's wrong father?". Jacks father flicks him on the forehead. "outside the house you have to call me master don't forget that". Jack rubs his forehead pouting, "sorry master..." Master Abotto chuckles "good now there is something important I want to show you come with me" Jack follows behind him as everyone watches smiling. They walk to the middle of the village as Master stops keeping his back towards Jack. "what's the first rule I taught you?" Jack scratches his head before remembering, "always be aware of your surroundings and expect the unexpected..." he replies raising a brow. "good!" Master replies before suddenly in a blink of an eye he swings his leg around aiming for Jacks head. Jack dodges by a hair of a second and jumps back but before Jack could regain his balance Master charges at him swinging a wooden sword at him. Jack leaps to the side dodging the attack and follows with a forward kick but was countered as Master grabs his leg and throws Jack over him with what seemed was his full strength. Jack lands on his feet sliding on the dirt as the villagers watch and cheer.

"very good my pupil, always expect the unexpected" he smiles. Suddenly a student leaps from the roof with a wooden axe and swings down at Jack. Jack counters by grabbing the students axe and arm and throws the student forward making them roll on the ground, two more students appear from behind the crowd and attack with wooden staffs both in sync swinging at Jack from both sides of him. Jack easily dodging the attacks moving the staffs with his hands to make them hit each other, a student with a bow on a roof tries to snipe Jack shooting multiple arrows. Jack quickly does a back flip to dodge some of the arrows before kicking another out of the way and grabbing the last two in his hands and tosses the arrows aside. Master snaps his fingers as the three students charge from three different directions swinging all at once Jack quickly sprints towards the students and slides under the student in front of him and spins swinging his leg at theirs knocking them down. Master suddenly appears behind Jack and swings his wooden sword with great speed and force. Jack quickly dodges as the sword slams on the ground making the dirt crack and fly up from the force, Jack swings at Master as he dodges his attacks. They go back and forth dodging each other's attack, Jack hears the sound of arrows flying as he quickly swings his arm behind him catching three arrows and throws them back at the student hitting the student in the head knocking him off the roof with the wooden arrows. Master raises his hand as the students bow, he smiles proudly as the students pant tiredly. "very good my pupil, you passed your training test. You are ready to go on your own missions now" he smiled happily. The villagers clapped congratulating him as they all go back to their daily chores.

Jack smiles happily "when do I start?" he asks eagerly, Master chuckles "eager to start a mission already? The first mission I receive I will give to you right away do not worry" he replied as they both walk back to the house. As they walk back to the house Master stops and looks at Jack. "how come you didn't use your ability? Especially when you were getting attacked from all angles?" he questions Jack sitting on a chair. "well I thought it wouldn't be fair to the others. Since they don't have abilities like me, I wanted it to be fair". Master smiles, "you have a kind heart Jack but don't let it become a weakness." Jack nods smiling as he noticed master was holding back during the test, suddenly one of the villagers walks in. "Sorry to interrupt Master Abotto but you got a new request" the villager hands Master Abotto a letter as he opens it and looks at it. "looks like your first solo mission starts now" he smiles as Jack cheers in excitement. "your first mission is to help some officers stop a hostage robbery in town at a bank. You think you can handle it?" Master Abotto asks as Jack smiles confidently, "of course I can and if things go south, I'll just use my ability". Master Abotto nods "take what you need and be careful Jack, don't be afraid to use your ability if needed" Jack nods quickly running to his room to grab a face mask that only covers his mouth and nose and runs back out excitedly. "Jack there will be an officer just outside the gates ready to take you, please be careful" Jack nods "don't worry I'll make you proud!" he shouts excitedly as he runs out the house heading to the village gates. Master Abotto sighs slightly as the villager watches Jack head to the gates. "I hope he will be alright" the villager says with a worried look on his face. "he will be fine, he is one of the strongest martial artists in the whole world, I'm more worried for the people who have to face him" Master Abotto chuckles. As Jack runs up to the village gates, he opens the gates as an officer in a black car was waiting. Jack approaches the car slowly being the first time he has seen one. "are you the volunteer from the village?" a friendly voice asks from the car. Jack nods admiring the car, "hop in I'll take you to the bank, there are people being held hostage inside so we could use all the help we can get" Jack gets inside the car as they drive off down the dirt road.

"your pretty young for this job you sure you can help us?" the officer asks as they drive out of the woods onto a road heading into town. Jack nods admiring the view of the town seeing the big buildings and other cars. They soon quickly arrive into town at the bank as officers stood behind their vehicles pointing guns at the bank. People watched with curiosity as Jack gets off the car with the officer. Two other officers' approach them "this the volunteer?" "yes, so what's the situation?" "we got five hostiles heavily armed and three civilians being held hostage". The officers talk as Jack listens before putting on his mask and walks towards the bank with his hands in his pocket. "hey kid what are you doing!?" an officer shouts as Jack keeps walking towards the bank before opening the doors and walks in. Jack looks around before immediately seeing the five robbers and observes them cautiously seeing they all had assault rifles. "hey kid get on the ground with your hands behind your head!" one of the robbers' shouts pointing his gun at Jack. "Well that's not nice, pointing a gun at a defenseless teenager" he chuckles. "you think I won't shoot a kid dumbass! You have to the count of three to get on your knees or I'll put a bullet through your chest!" the robber shouts irritated. The robber starts to count as Jack smirks behind his mask. "one! Two! Three! You asked for it kid!" the robber opens fire. "carapace" Jack whispers to himself as his skin starts to become rough and solid. His entire body becomes hard a steel as multiple bullets hit Jack in the chest, the bullets crumbling on impact not leaving a scratch. The robber stops shooting as he looks at Jack in confusion. "what the fuck?" Jack stayed in place with his hands in his pocket as there was crumbled bullets on the floor. "he's wearing a bullet proof vest shoot his legs!" another shouts as the robber opens fire again aiming at Jacks' legs but the bullets only crumble and fall to the ground on impact. "what the fuck is this kid made of?" the robber questions confused. "he's just a kid someone kill him!" a female voice shouts, "release" Jack whispers to himself as his body turns back to normal. he quickly dashes towards the robber in front of him and hits the robber in the chest with the palm of his hand sending the robber flying back slamming into the wall.

Jack quickly dodges to the side as one of the robbers tries to shoot him. Jack sprints to the second robber and jumps up kicking their weapon out of their hands before hitting them in the chest with the palm of his hand sending them flying into the wall. "I got this!" the third robber shouts charging at Jack with two swords. The robber swings both swords at Jack with force, "your finished now kid!" he shouted. "carapace" The swords shatters as they hit Jack. The robber's eyes widen with shock, "release" Jack uppercuts him with the palm of his hand and quickly follows up with a kick to his side launching the robber into the fourth robber knocking them both unconscious. The fifth robber shakes in fear and drops their gun. "okay you win! We give up!"

She shouts getting on her knees as officers charge in arresting the robbers and freeing the hostages. "amazing work kid that was outstanding!" the officer thanks Jack patting him on the back. The freed civilians happily thank Jack before being escorted out. "let me take you back to your village kid" the officer smiles as Jack takes off his mask smiling happily. The officer soon takes Jack back to his village and drops him off, "again thank you for all your help, there are no words to say that could thank you enough for today! Hopefully we can see you again some time to help us out!" the officer chuckles and waves at Jack before driving off. Jack waves as the officer left and walks back into the village and heads to his house. Master Abotto waits for him at the table as Jack walks in the house. "Jack back so soon?! How did it go?!" he asks curiously. Jack smiles "it went well! I stopped the robbers without the civilians getting hurt or myself getting hurt". Master smiles happily "well that's good because we got seven more requests with different tasks think you could handle them?" Jack nods excitedly ready to go on his missions as he sits at the table and starts to eat a bowl of rice and beef with joy.