
Welcome to The World Of Z

Death comes for all and luck comes to a few; with luck on my side, God has given me... **************** Disclaimer I don't own the cover I got it off google.

MelioPendragon · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


I apologize for the late chappy.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

The Shaman was able to get the upper hand on Melio.

Melio was sent smashing towards a few trees.


Melio coughed up blood. He looks up at the Shaman, Melio sees the shaman casting a spell.

He rushes the shaman. Melio uses his sword to create an opening by throwing dirt into the shaman's eyes.

The shaman started to rub his eyes with both hands.

Arrows, fire, a binding spell started to hit the shaman.

The others started to react and help Melio against the shaman.

Melio used this to finish the shaman.


{You have earned 100k XP, 100k$, 1 B-rank healing potion, 1 C-rank crystal core.}

{Congrats! You have leveled up! You finally gained Ab points! You are now a C-rank Hunter. You gained 40 Ab points per category. Remember, double-double it's the sole reason that you are earning double anything. 12hrs remaining...}

Melio hears what Ark is telling him.

Melio sees how much he needs to move up to B-rank...

He was dumbfounded.

C-rank---B-rank XP needed to level is 900k XP.

Melio lets out a big sigh.

'Fook.' Melio thought.

{What can I say? This is part of earning the wrath of the heavens.}

Ark tells Melio.

'Still... Why is it that others who defy heaven still have it easy...'Melio responded, annoyed by his situation.

Melio started to think of the future ranks...

He was slowly getting depressed.

'Am I always going to need my wife to protect me?' Melio thought.

Seeing that the man who saved them is standing above the dead shaman's body, the group of people he saved started to walk over to him.

"Thank you for your help. My name is Leo Jones. May I ask for your name?"

Leo first thanked Melio. Then he asked for his savior's name.

Melio then turns around and looks at the group of people behind him.

"My name is Melio Pendragon, Don't worry about it. My wife would give me an ear full if she were to know I didn't help the people when in need." Melio said to Leo.

When Leo went up to talk to Melio, everyone paid close attention to their conversation.

Three hearts were broken by Melio unknowingly.

Leo was surprised to know Melio was already married at the age of 21 while Leo isn't married, also Leo's 30-years-old.

Melio looks at the dead bodies.

"You can turn them in for money at HQ; I have to go now. Stay safe." Melio said to Leo.

"Ah, don't leave... Let's hunt together for today? Maybe, we can find a high-ranking zombie, and with teamwork, we could probably take it out." Leo said while waving at his party.

Melio stares at the group...

"Okay. " Melio said. Melio wants to make some friends. Why should he push friendly people away?

The group walked over; they introduce themselves to Melio as they one by one walked over.

James, Kevin was the names of the two other men; the girl's name was Jessie, Lexis, Alma, and what shocked Melio is that the fourth person... It was Vivi, a member of the League of Maidens.

"Oh, why are you here?" Melio asked when Vivian walked over.

"I'm an honorary member of this squad. Jessie and James are my siblings." Vivi explained to Melio.

Viv knows full well who Melio is.

Vivi decided to keep who Melio really is to herself.

"An honorary member?" Melio questioned.

"Yeah, once a person from a different guild/squad becomes an honorary member, it means there's an alliance between the two squads; I thought Cecily wasn't going to let me become an honorary member for my sibling's squad.

Because we never had a member become an honorary member since we are one of the top five guilds now. Then the accident yesterday, Cecily said I should be around family. This morning I went to their small base to learn about today's hunts." Viv said to Melio, then out of nowhere, she hugged Melio.

*thank you for yesterday.* Vivi whispered into Melio's ear.

The girls looked at each other cause only Vivi has the titties to hug Melio.

(A/N: Has titties... has ball/guts for those who are slow)

Melio smiles as he pats her head as Vivi hugs him.

"Okay, our next mission is to defeat a horde spotted near the main road between the C-rank and B-rank sections. However, the ranks are unknown because the scout hunter that was sent to the area was killed. The video recorded by the scout hunter showed that a massive horde killed him due to being drained of mana from the intense battle the hunter was having.

I picked this mission to test us; I believe we are a strong team with great teamwork we can overcome many opponents." Leo started his speech as he explained the mission, then he explains a little why he selected this mission, and at the end, he started to inspire his squad.

Melio was surprised by the things Leo said at the beginning. Then he wasn't cause he and Vivi are both here to help them survive any ordeal possible.

They started to walk. James and Kevin are walking ahead of the squad; they both are special class Hunters.

One is a Saint Paladin, and the other is a Dark Warrior.

Jessie is a scout/healer, Lexis is a dual swordswoman, Alma is an elemental mage, and Vivi is a shadow assassin.

Leo is a Saint Ark Warrior.

Melio was taken back by the title they all held.

Then he remembers his title.

Monarch X.

'Is Monarch a myth type title?' Melio thought to himself.

Lost in his thoughts, Vivi notices a look on Melio she likes.

Jessie laughs at her sister, and so does Lexis.

Alma shakes her head at their antics.

Meanwhile, Leo's eyes were on Alma.


In the palace, Esme is sitting on her throne, meeting a few people.

Esme's eyes were cold as she stared into the eyes of the men in front of her.

"Empress, My father sends me here to ask for a peace treaty between us. We have been at war, and both sides lost many men on the battlefield. I am here to propose a proposal to your sister Jill Star; us uniting by marriage will smooth the hatred between the two sectors and stop this meaningless bloodshed.

I know, what my elder brother did to your family was heartless and heartbreaking. The sector lost their Monarch while your family lost a father." Kenny Reyes, the 3rd prince from the Eastern Sector, stands before the Empress.

Esme leaked killing intent when Kenny mentioned Jill's hand in marriage.

Esme knows that there's a plot behind this proposal. She also knows if she denies it might upset her people; once they hear that it was the Eastern sector that waved the white flagged.

However, she also knows their people love her family. When the king closed his eyes, the sky and his people covered the land with their tears.