
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 5:I Thought You said They Were supposed to be Black Robes?

Doron had already changed his clothes and put on the hood of the hoodie, hiding his hair. That was when he also realised that his phone was no longer in his pocket.

"Must have left it in the other clothes."

Doron then waited for Iris to talk to him telepathically again, since she had a plan. What was he even thinking in the first place. Was he going to introduce Iris to the group and be like, "Hey guys, I met this girl in the forest so I Thought of bringing her here, hope you don't mind, hahaha", and then they all just sit around the bonfire smilling like idiots.

...Talking about bon fires, he realised that Jim and Julia were not with firewood when they came back, which was strange, it was like they did something else in the woods.

Doron looked around him, but did not really see enough firewood to take back. He then decided to just look around for more, since if he went empty handed now he was going to get scolded by the others, and it was a really annoying thing. I mean he knows that yes he was not that popular in school and not many of his coursemates and classmates know him, but that does not mean that they could treat him like that... Why is he suddenly talking about his grieviences about his classmates all of a sudden?

That's when he felt his skin crawl, like ants were dancing on his skin, his body shuddered like he was being watched.

Doron then slowly bent down using it as a was to look around his surroundings and saw what looked like flash lights in the dark staring at him menacingly like the eyes of a beast.

Doron stiffened a scream from his mouth. He did not tell Iris, but after realising that the creatures he only read about in novels and wtched on tv suddenly existed, he was a bit guarded now.

So seeing something like this in the same forest he was attacked by wendigoes, Doron felt like crying.

He slowly stood back up as his back faced the flash light like eyes and slowly made his way back to the camp site.

'Iris? Iris?! Iris!!!' Doron kept calling Iris's name in his mind, hoping to at least form the same mind connection she had established with him before. He did not know how it worked, but he had to try something.

The feeling did not go at all, he felt like if he made any extreme movements, he would not know how he died at all.

'What is it? By the way, I am surprised that you could contact me' Iris finally responded with some shock in her voice. He did not know how, but he felt that Iris was surprised, even though she did not say it.

'Look, there seems to be something watching me, like a hawk, I am seeing something like flash lights that for some reason, seems to be looking at me.' Doron mentally described what he was seeing.





'Run! Now! don't look back! just run!'

Doron as the cowardly person he was started running in the direction of the camp site with the same speed he used to run away from Jim and Julia.

He did not need to ask why, all he knew was. 'Am gonna die!!'.

Doron felt like this forest was bad luck for him, in only one night and in only one forest.

He was nearly killed, saw his first real life monster, acquired powers, was seen as a pervert, and now had his life threatened again.

What did I do wrong?! Why must everything bad happen to me all because I wanted to get firewood?! wuwuwuwu, did someone curse me not to ever pick firewood?!.

As Doron was running for his life, back at the camp, there was a solemn air arround Doron's camp site.

"Let me get this straight, you two, with this Doron guy went to get firewood, he seperated from you guys and went on his own to find firewood, you two then decided to go in a different direction and saw some creature in the woods and decided to come back to inform us about it, then..." Josh looked at the loli whose name was called Iris sitting beside Julia like everyone here were strange monsters, she also had a very strained look like she was thinking about something. "You saw this girl being sexually abused by some guy and chased him away and decided to bring the girl here so that she can at least contact her parents?"

""Yes"" Jim and Julia both responded.

"... And what of you Drake?" Josh asked looking at his buddy who also came back with some wonderful news.

"I also saw, I mean, heard some strange sounds and realised that the forest was not safe and also came back to warn you guys." Drake responded, looking down and fidgeting with his fingers.

"... Okay, so where is this Doron guy then?" He aksed the trio who were the only ones that went into the forest.


"Did any of you call at least?"


"Not even a text?"


Josh now felt like screaming his lungs out. The Doron guy called him before, but he did not really say where he was, and he did not expect that some minutes later, Drake would come back, and then about some other minutes later, JIm and Julia would appear with a girl with them.

'What is wrong with everyone here' Josh looked at the others and stared at the fire pit that was made with stones around it, and the pots that were placed beside it that was ment to have been over the fire pit with some fire underneath and some delicious aroma coming out of it... He doubted if the girls here could even cook though, as all they knew how to do was post reels and videos on social media, there where about nine girls and seven boys that came for the camping trip and yet, three where incompitent, and the other three were lazy. On the girls side, one was just fooling around one of the incompitent boys, so she was also incompitent, as for the other eight... let's just ignore those ones, if their phones don't die, they are manageable.

"You know what ? I give up! am going to lodge at a motel or a hotel or an inn! anywhere I can get a good sleep and food!"

Josh finally snapped, f*ck this, why would camping be part of the vacation? The bloody supervisor was probably out there banging some deer for all he cares, he was not doing this shit anymore.

"A hotel? would the network there be okay?"

"Yeah! my phones about to die!"

"What's the percentage?"

"Uh... 63%?"


Josh ignored them and headed straight down the path leading to the camp site, some of the girls also got up and followed him.

Josh was one of the rich kids in their class, and when his father heard that his only son was going into the woods, he gave him a mobile home so that he won't get bitten by mosquitoes and other insects. Their supervisor, sent by the school to monitor them, so that they don't do anything stupid told him that he would not make use of the RV, so he did not bring it and settled for a mini bus.

The rest also decided to pack and leave, they were already tired of staying here, and wanted to go home, now the perfect excuse and finally arrived.

There was a creature in the forest, and they did not want to take any chances. Hehehe, and they also had three witnesses, hehehe.

Iris who had just received Doron's message about the thing watching him felt disstressed. 'The information said Black Robes, what is shadow hound doing here'.

Iris also looked at the people packing and did not know what to do to stop them, luckily someone spaired her the job.

"What of Doron?" Julia asked, as everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her. "We can't just leave him right?"


Everyone now looked at Josh who was not yet to far away from the group.

He turned arround and saw everyone looking at him and the scream he was trying to cover came out--

"HELP ME!!!!!"

--That was not his voice.

Josh and the others heard the scream and looked in the direction and saw someone running towards them at a speed that was considered inhumane as everytime they blinked, it was like the person had crossed a distance of five meters.

They could not clearly see the persons appearance but could clearly see what looked like flash lights chasing the person.

Jim and Julia who had seen the same flash lights before were already about ten metres away from the group, Iris was already shocked at the speed they used to get that far, and realised that she was actually the only person still standing as the rest had already started running.


What did he saw? don't run? is he trippping? tell us that when you have a bag of money behind you!.

Josh and the group were running for their lives as some of the girls were already crying as they ran.

Everyone forgot about the young girl that they were supposed to help find her parents.

The path lead to the parking lot that belonged specifically to their own campig site, as it was about a hundred meters away.

The parking lot had about four cars parked there. One mini bus, a van, and two sedans.

Josh ran to the mini bus and about three of the girls entered and one boy, Drake headed to one of the sedans, whiles Jim and Julia with another girl and boy entered, leaving about six others that entered the van... seems this was a plan already since everyone was able to just open their cars, surprisingly, the other sedan was for Doron.

The mini bus was already turned on and was ready to move, the van and the sedan how ever where stagnant, reason? They left their keys in their belongings when they were running. They all got down and headed straight for the mini bus and josh seeing this reversed faster as he did not want to wait another second in this place.



"He is comming, let us in!"

The others where banging and hitting the rear of the car as they ran after it.

Looking behind they saw the man running towards them and everyone scattered into the forest, no one wanted to die just yet.

As they hid in the forest, they heard the sound of a car engine being turned on, looking out of their hiding place, they saw that the van was reversing was about to move out, that's when a black looking dog the size of the van crashed into it, turning the van on it's side, seeing this scene, some of the girls fainted.

Their supervisor who was nowhere to be found came out of the van looking bruised and battered, seeing this, the remaining guys just prayed for his soul as they all ran their seperate ways leaving the supervisor to face his demons.