
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 6: Crappy Power Activated!... Shit! My Car!

Doron was finally able to get to the camp site, but what he saw was only Iris sitting down on stool with a shocked look and a desserted camp site.

"Where is everyone" Doron asked anxiously, as he thought that beast that he saw had already gotten them.

"How?" Iris who was lost in thought was a bit shocked to suudenly see Doron standing infront of her unharmed, just a little out of breath, but with his newly improved body, she felt he could still run about a kilometer without getting tired.

"The beast didn't chase me" Was all Doron said as he started looking around. It was not safe in this forest, for the camp to be abbandoned, it ment that the others either ran away, or are already dead, he would know if they ran away when he get's to the parking space that belonged to this camp site.

"It did not chase you? what do you mean by that?" Iris asked again as she followed Doron arround and helped him pack his things,the tent on the other hand was left behind as it was not as important as his life... and of course his bank cards and his wallet, never forget the wallet.

"I don't know, maybe it saw a squirrel or something and chased after it?" Doron answered. How was he supposed to know why the beast did not chase him? She was the supernatural expert right, he should be asking her that question.

"I thought they were two" Iris muttered, as she remembered how a fat man akin to a humanoid pig was being chased by the hell hound, she of course hid her presence as to the hell hound she was like the trees in the forest and to the pig man, she was not even there.

Doron who was now packing his clothes almost tripped and fell to his death when he heard what Iris said.

"What did you say?! Two!!!? hell no, we are leaving now!" Doron dropped the bag, clothes can still be bought again, not his precious virgin life, no way was he staying her another second here, unless that beast wanted to give him a kiss and let him go, he was not ready to bet his life once again, what if the second one decides to finish what it's partner didn't?.

"I just said---" Iris did not finish her statement as she already saw Doron ten meters away from her. 'Are all humans this fast?'. Iris was really starting to question the information she had about these humans, that pig man was able to give a hell hound, one of the fastest supernatural beasts, a gap of about 5 meters, which was shocking to Iris because of his size. 'Maybe they are just naturallygifted in running?'. She came to a conjecture as she followed the running Doron.

"You know that you have powers now right, that beast wouldn't have done anything to you" Iris said as she effortlessly kept close to Doron. Doron on the other seeing this felt like exchanging bodies with Iris seeing how she was effortlessly floating beside him. The words she said also made him want to spit on her. 'Who was the same person that told him to run?'.

If Doron knew that the reason she said that was becuase after seeing the amazing abilities of these humans, she felt that maybe Doron cold fair better than them, he would have really spat on her.

Doron did not answer as he got to the parking sapce and saw that only two sedans were still parked there, if he remembered, the second sedan belonged to jim, and also because his saedan was well, it was a good car?.

Doron entered the his car and started the engine... It did not come on, he tried it again... there was bang sound and his hood flew open, his car doors were blasted open and his car was on fire.

Doron who was luckily saved from the accident by Iris looked at his baby and felt like crying.

Iris did not care about his mournful wails as she looked at the black robed individuals that had surrounded them. Yes, the cause of Doron's car exploding was because of his crappy flame ring power.

Doron who also noticed that his car was burning in blue flames thought he had mistankenly inhaled some kind of drugs that messed with his brain, and oh there some guys in black robes strangely standing about ten meters away form him.

He looked around and realised that he and Iris were completly surrounded by these black robed guys, the light from his burning car also helped illuminate the surroundings, so Doron was able to see what looked pitbulls, except they really looked like bulls with their size that that reached almost 3 meters in height, they were about three of them, and if not for his car that was willing to scrifice it's self to help him see better in the darkness, he would not have noticed them as their fur was also black and it was like their fur was absorbing th light that was arround them.

Doron shuddered at the pitbull flash light like eyes that was clearly measuring him up to see if he was delicious or not; Doron just imagined this.

Doron looked at Iris and seeing her solemn expression felt like crying. He did not really kno why these black robes were after him, but for them to even bring these beasts to capture just him alone, he knew he was in serious shit.

'So what's the plan?' Doron asked Iris telepathicaly, it was a handy ability since he was too scared to even speak right now, he was even suprised that he could actually think in such a situation.

'... Do you know how to run?'


If only he could turn his head, Doron wanted to look at Iris and try to find out whether she had not gone insane from fear.

'Have you forgotten your power?' Iris reminded him with a question.

Doron then realised why they were standing so far from him, it seemed they had tried to somehow approach him when he was in the car and did not expect that one of their weaknesses would suddenly just appear from nowhere. That means his car and not been sacrificed *sniff*sniff* in vain.

The black robes that were infront of Doron when they saw him shed tears made them confused.

'Is he that scared?' They thought as they made sure not to get too close to either Iris or Doron, since one of them could summon blue flames that spread like a ring o fire, they had actually lost two of their members that went to capture their target in that ring of blue fire.

'What should I do?' Doron asked Iris as he tried getting up.

'Black robes are not really living creatures, but are like undead spirits, we call them that because they cannot stay under direct sunlight and wear special robes that prevent them form instantly turning into ash under the sun' Iris said as she eyed the black robes. 'They are not really adept in combat, but make up for it in their spells, they can only cast spells that either charm, paralyze, slow down, and cause things like fatigue, headache, nausea, dzziness and the likes. This can still affect you but as long as you are able to kill the caster, the effects will disappear

Am sure they don't know who has the power to summon blue flames so they are wary of the both of us, normally am not supposed to be helping you with this, but since you were not fully given your powers and have not even done any level enhancement trial, I would help you fight'

Iris slowly explained the plan.

She would run to the left side of the encirlement and Doron the right, they might of course keep their distance, but they woul not also be aware of the range of the ring since it did not really spread to it's ten meter range since those who tried taking Doron were about two meters away.

When they try moving back, she would shout the name of the attack to confuse those on the right making them hesitate and this would be Doron's chance to make a run for it whiles she holds back the hell hounds, who were the real issue in this fight since the black robes were not really fast.

Doron at felt did not want to agree but he had no choice.





Doron instantly ran towards the right and Iris to the left of the encirclement. The black robes seeing this were about to back away and send their hell hounds as sheilds, hell houds also had weakness to blue flames, but it did not really affect them that much as it was the same as being poured a bucket of hot water, of course it would hurt the skin, but depending on the tempratue of the water the damage can of course be minimal.

Iris then chanted. "Blue Flame rings".

Her shout caught them off guard and that milliseconds of delay made Doron reach the right side of the encirclement and as soon as he was ten meters away from them, blue bursts of flames in the form of fire balls appeared like a wave, washing the black robes and one hell hound in it.

This alerted the black robes that the power user was actually the sacrifice, which surprised them again.


One of the black robes yelled and the others snapped out of their daze and started firing different kinds of coloured rays at Doron and Iris.

Doron who now had a clear path infront of him was met differnt coloured rays heading in his direction form different angles. Seeing this, Doron gritted his teeth and changed his direction towards the nearest group like a mad warrior beserker who did not care for his life. Their circle formation now looked like half eaten doughnut

This sudden change made the spells hit his prevoius location and turned the ground there oitch black.

Doron who gazed behind him saw this scene and felt his legs wobble a bit as cold sweat formed on his fore-head, as he considered himself quite lucky.

'If I survive this I would dedicate myself to become a priest'