
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 4: Perverts in the woods!

"uh, I did not really get your name, or as a wendigo you guys don't really have names?" Doron asked.

Now the duo were walking through the forest heading to the camp site where josh and the rest where. Doron luckily was given some clothes from the girl, who for some reason had clothes that were his size. Though now, Doron looked different than before, it was not noticeable since he was the kind of person that usually wore hoodies and baggy trousers.

When Doron was still contemplating about life, half naked in the forest, the girl was already showing him the changes to his body from the video she took from when he was umm, displaying?... Let's go with that, when he was displaying.

Doron ignored the part were he was displaying, and focused on the phsical changes.

His previous black hair was now in a dull ash color, and since the area was dark, he couldn't really see his eye color at all, his partially naked body showed his new physique, and Doron had to admit, he looked fine, with the chiseled abs and the broad chest, his slender arms and legs that did not have much muscle, but clearly had power in them.

His face was also a bit blurry, but passerby's would look in his directon twice when he passes by them.

"Who said I was a wendigo?" The girl asked, clearly pissed from how Doron assumed she was a wendigo. "Those wendigoes you saw were my trackers, I pay them, they help me find people" The girl corrected.

"And my name is Iris" She said puffing out her modest chest.

"Iris?" Doron did not know why, but he was expecting something more, mysterious? Like ghul, or hestia?.

"So what is this Hostiam Custodis, you mentioned before?"

Now that he was already dragged into this, with a crappy uncontrolable power, Doron wanted to find out what he was really dragged into.

"Normally I would not have told you but... since you have already accepted the power, and the parmanent physical changes--"

"WAit, parmanent?" Iris was cut off by Doron's sudden out burst.

"Yes, your first power roulette shows the three main elements compatible with you, when you choose from them, the next roulette would have powers related to the first power you choose" Iris calmly explained. "Your physical changes are parmanent and not at the same time, after five succesful power changes, your compatibility might change and your next roulette after that would be based on powers that are secondary to your first power choosen"

"..." Doron becam really anxios. "How long to the next change?"

"If those after your life are really active, less than a month, but if not, about a month and a half." Iris said as she sat on stone not too far away from Doron, who was now processing her words.

"But you said I would get a new power every day right? Why is it not after five days?" Doron asked, he did remember Iris saying he would get a power everyday and somwtimes when his life is threatened, now that he thinks about, why would he need another power if he would later get another in the face of his life being threatened.

"Oh, my bad, It's not everyday, you see, from where I come from, one day there is about one week here, that's why I said half a month". Iris clarified.

"Does this one count?"

"Sadly no, this was supposed to be your awakening since you are already twenty, and you are supposed to have had a manipulating type power where you can freely control any element you choose, but it seemed the black robes were closer than I thought, so I had to activate the power roulette that gives you powers to activate elements to protect your life and not freely manipulate them like you were supposed to." Iris explained again, as she moved her small legs back and forth with no care in the world.

From all that Iris said, Doron deduced somethings.

Number one, Iris is an alien from outer space, or she comes from another dimension or something.

Two, she is not a wendigo. Three, it seemed this power thing would only come to people like him only when they had reached the age of twenty. four, there are two different kinds of power roulette, one for protection, the other for... wait.

"What is the daily power roulette for?" Doron asked.

Iris paused her leg swings and looked at Doron and smiled.

"Do you really want to know?" Iris smile became a bit creepy, with the green clothe, her small stature and the dark forest back drop made it look like some kind of horror flick.

"Uh, No?" Doron was now scared to know.

"Don't worry, you see, every sacrifice has to complete certain challenges to grow stronger and accumulate even more power and element affinities. Right now, your element affinities are only fire, light, life, and water, whiles your powers are only super strenght, speed and invulnerability to most physical attacks" Iris got up from the stone and walked to Doron. "I cannot tell you why, but all you need to know is to survive... and since your friends might notice your changes, and those black robes would cause your flames to activate, you would need this."

Iris waved her hands and a root appeared from the ground holding a set of clothes, that looked like the ones he was wearing, except they were more baggy and there was a hoodie.

Doron took the clothes and quickly changed, since they were already close to the camp site, he did not have the time to start worrying about changing infront of a girl.

As he finished removing the last bit of clotheing leaving only his boxers again and was putting on the the other baggy trouser first, he heard the sound of something breaking.

That was when he saw Iris holding her phone and a smile on her small face, he looked behind and saw two people he thought had already gone back to the camp site, standing there with their eyes and mouths open.

From their perspective, it looked like Doron was wearing his clothes back after a little exercise.

Doron gave a wryly smile as he looked at Iris for help, and realised that, Iris was no longer holding her phone, but was on the ground cowering in fear and sobbing like something was stolen from her.

Doron stood frozen on the spot as he looked back at Jim and Julia.

"It's not what it looks like---"

"Help me! this pervert just flashed me, am so scared, he told me he would help me to the nearest camp so I can find my parents and he brougt me here and flashed me, wuwuwuw!"

Iris was faster as her words came out faster and more audible sounding like that of a young middleschool girl that was abused sexually.

Doron felt like crying. What was going on, when did he flash her, and you, were is that sophisticated and aloof loli that knows everything go,huh?.

"It's not true, I-I-" Now Doron was really stuck as to what to do. What was he going to say, that he was changing in the middle of the forest and the girl happened to pass by? She already said that he said he would help her find a place to help locate her parents.

'Am screwed!' Doron looked at Iris like he was going to kill her any moment, and this expression did not cross the eys of Jim and Julia who later realised that this pervert was flashing campers and did not even spare the kids, *Ptui* Shameless, even they that wanted to do it in the forest sometime ago were planning on doing it quitely.

"Step away from the girl you pervert!" Julia screamed as she rushed towards Doron with a stone in hand. She was fast, but to Doron, she seemed, well slow, like looking at a movie in slow-mo.

He also took notice of Jim running behind her with a stick, he was a bit fast, but still categorized as slow in Doron's perspective.

"Wait, it's me--" Doron was about to clarify that he was the one since they clearly could not recognize him. He also realised that his vision in the dark was not that hindered since he was still able to see Jim and Julia clearly and knew they were the ones.

'Are you dumb, this is your chance to slip away and change your clothes, if you tell them you are Doron they might not believe you and you will also have to explain why you are half nacked infront of a middle school girl' He heard a voice in his voice that clearly belonged to Iris.

Doron realised her plan and was about to start running when he realised that he would be leaving her.

'Don't worry, just go, I have a plan, just listen to your mind when you get to the camp site of your friends.'

Doron did not hesitate again and quickly ran deeper into the woods.

"Damn his fast!" Jim exclaimed when he realised that he could not even see the silhouette of the pervert.

Julia just went to the poor girl that would have been traumatized from what had happened to her.

As Julia got close to the girl, she realised that the girl was really pretty and cute.

"Are you hurt anywhere, did he do nything to you?" Julia asked as she looked at the girl from head to toe. The girl wore a green floral dress and with her light brown hair, she looked like some kind of forest fairy.

"Thank you big sister! he only flashed me!" Jim who just came by heard the girls voice and almost died of cuteness.

"Can you call me big brother?" Jim asked as he came closer to the girl.

The girl on the other hand backed awayn from him in fright. "Another pervert!" The girl screamed as she dove into Julia's embrace.

Julia felt her maternal instincts kick in as she looked at Jim with like he was an idiot.

"This pervert has a gun in his pants!! Big sister run!! There are perverts in this forest!!" The girl screamed as she ran in the direction of their camp site.

Julia looked at Jim's pants and shook her head and went after the little girl, not without some words.


".... But I don't even have a bulge!... It's that big!, damn, did I actaully get turned on by that little girl?"