
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 40: Fastest Dungeon Core Quest In History

Previously, welcome to the supernatural world. What power would you get?

Our heroes were able to escape their illusion spell but later encountered the slime sisters, who almost tricked them again into another, more deadly illusion. Well, we did not know for sure since Doron literally busted one of their heads before the sisters could say their plans out like third-rate villains or second-rate... Let's get back on track.

Now they are being chased by a woman knight stripper, and her armour looks like she is ready for some cosplay. What did you think I was going to say?

This woman was also followed by a horde of monsters, and Doron could only say they looked familiar; this, of course, earned him a glare from Iris, who was currently fuming now, as she could not still access her powers to control roots, and this barren frozen land that had trees, which, though they looked withered and leafless, would be very strong weapons for her to use if she could access her powers.

Currently, this is how their positions look.

Patra was leading the way as she smashed any tree that blocked her way since she did not have time to start going around the trees.

If you have forgotten, the width of these trees was about three metres, so Patra was really trying, punching holes in them like some kind of hole puncher. I could not think of any other reference, so bear with this one.

Iris was right behind her, so she was the one who would always be the first to pass through Patra's tree tunnel express.

Doron was at the far back since he was exhausted from using his powers consecutively like that. His rank was weak, and if he measured it with that of this world, then he should be in curve rank; he was just guessing, but he believed he was in that rank.

For those who have forgotten the rankings of this world... It's your luck.

About ten or more metres behind him was the stripper knight woman, and Doron had to say... She was fast—too fast to the point that the monsters that looked close to her before were now eating her dust, snow, or anyone else. The thing is, Doron was the first person she was going to catch if he did not pick up the pace.

'Damnit, this dungeon has a restriction on powers that work externally; even though I can break through this, it will alert the dungeon core.' The demigod thought as she ran, getting closer and closer to her target. 'But why am I sensing three cores? No, two of them are fighting for control of the dungeon; the other is just there and not at the same time; is it in another space?'.

As a demigod that no longer bound the chains of the mortal world, she could feel and even interact with the cores of dungeons, ranging from normal to high.

Hell dungeons are a bit tricky since they usually have the minds of teenagers and young adults; mid-dungeons are more like pre-teens.

She could instantly tell that something was not right with this dungeon, and the confusing thing is that she could actually feel a divinity in the dungeon, or rather, a blessing on one of the cores that was fighting for control of the dungeon.

'Did a god bless one of the cores so that he or she can look at what was happening in the dungeon?'

There were a lot of things that the gods of this world could not do. Like, for instance, controlling dungeons.

That was the work of the planet that represented itself as a mountain, so it was a world mountain.

The other is looking into certain places; some of these places are the dungeons, holy grounds of other gods, or lands that the world has blessed herself with, as well as places that are under the control of hell dungeons that have not been sealed.

The only person who can bypass this is the god queen of Ravians. With her title, she can force her way through these restrictions, but some conditions still need to be met.

But now is not the time for this, as she needs to complete her mission first and cannot risk taking too much time.

'I will just use my powers then and quickly leave; my patron god has already given me permission to change sides since she would also announce her defection from the noble gods faction. The demigod thought and used her powers, which were also powered by the divinity of her patron god, the goddess of thieves and pirates, Picaroon.

'Sorry for interrupting your battle, but I would need the two of you to let go' She thought in her mind, but then another thought entered her head when she saw Doron about five metres ahead of her. 'Forget that; I can offer you guys as offerings to the realm menace.'

Inside the space were Khuubat and Diakonos, who could leave at any time.

They were both looking at the screen that was showing the race.

"She is fast," Diakonos commented at the side, but Khuubat did not respond as she was trying to activate a core quest for Doron but was having problems.

She might have sounded mature and old, but she still had the mind of a thirteen-year-old, and what she was trying to do was like a thirteen-year-old girl who had never programmed anything in her life, suddenly told to build a website.

Of course you could tell her the steps, but without practical knowledge, she would just be stumbling throughout, trying to find a way.

You can tell her your method of doing it, but if you did not show her anything at all, she would be at a loss.

That was what was happening to Khuubat at this time. Diakonos had already told her how to send a core quest that was not in the mind space, but she could not just grasp it.

Doing it in the mind space was easy since she just thought about it, but having to implement the inner workings outside her mind was challenging for her.


The both of them suddenly felt a heavy presence all around them, like they were being watched, and any wrong move of theirs would lead to them losing their lives.

"Sorry for the interruption, but who is the true owner of this dungeon?" They heard a voice sounding all around them and even the illusion that they were trapped in suddenly had cracks appear on it, creating spider-like webs on the previously white walls of the illusion world they were in.

They looked around them in fear, as they could not find where the voice came from.

"I am out!" Diakonos suddenly said this as her body turned into light particles and disappeared.

"... Hey!!" Khuubat yelled as she saw how Diakonos shamelessly left her to fend for herself. 'Did not even get her name; that way, I can curse her!' Khuubat thought. At least knowing the name of the person you want to curse is better than saying it.

"I curse you, girl, that suddenly appeared in my prison and kept me company for some time!"

The curse itself would even be confused as to how to attack.

"It seems you are the one; this one ran away, and the other, even though awake and has a blessing, for some reason it's not fully sentient."

For dungeons, being sentient does not mean talking, lauging, and the like. A sentient dungeon is one that can actually think on it's own and not with the help of it's monsters that have gained intelligence.

The demigod, when she went to the slime core's own dimension in the dungeon, saw that it had two elemental slimes acting like it's guardians, but their interactions were like a child listening to their elder brother and elder sister's advice and carrying it in their hearts like some kind of great word.

When they sensed her, the first thing that happened was the elemental slime ordering the slime core to teleport them to a safe place first and then teleporting itself to them.

That clearly showed that the core was not sentinent, as their guardian monsters would actually use these dungeon cores for their own, since all these monsters were born with one thought in their heads.

Escape and cause havoc.

"Can you hand yourself over to the realm of menace?" The voice said to Khuubat:.

"I am trying," Khuubat replied.

She had heard Diakonos the traitor talk about this realm menace, but in all honesty, she knew nothing about this realm menace.

"Hmmm, let me help."

The voice said again, and this time what Khuubat saw were light grey tentacles heading towards her at a slow yet fast speed. Even though she could see their trajectory and their movement pattern, she could not judge them for some reason.

"Don't be scared; think of it like tentacle play."

"Tentacle play?..." She did not have to think too long when she felt a jolt run through her spine and a gasp escape her lips.

"Mmm, it's too big; take it out!"

"Just a little more; it would be okay; you would just feel a slight sting."

"No, ahhh, it's entering."

"Yes, get used to the shape; I would let you rest a bit."

"Ha, I don't think I can keep going; ah, something is coming!"

"That's it, take it all!"

"No, I am not, Aahhhn!!!"

The tentacles on Khuubat's head kept sending her knowledge that she could not speedily process due to their size alone.

She was trying not to faint due to loads and loads of information entering her head.

The demigod, who was now just a metre away from Doron, smiled as she had been able to get the slime core and was now letting the original dungeon core initiate a core quest for the realm menace.

Doron, who was now huffing and puffing like a pig, saw some lines of text appear in front of him.

[Dungeon core quest detected]

[Accept ?]


Doron did not waste any time and selected yes, but what he saw next made him trip and fall.

[Core quest completed]


[Dungeon core of the dungeon of insanity]

[Mind technique Acquired]

[Congratulations on completing the core quest in just one second.]


[Battle technique acquired]

[One-shot battle technique: "I always hit first and finish fast"]