
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

Chapter 41: Ada

Doron was too shocked to the point that he tripped and fell in the almost knee-length snow; of course, due to Patra, there was a path created in the snow; she was their tree puncher and snow shoveler.

The demigod behind him that was about to show her awesomeness was now standing over a fallen Doron and did not know what to do at this point as she looked at Iris and Patra, who were looking at her cautiously.

"Ahem, could you help me up?" Doron suddenly asked. "Let's try that again. I got distracted by something, so catching me does not count."

The demigod. "..." 'Is he serious?'

Iris."..." 'The shamelessness of this guy'

Patra. "He has a point."

The demigod looked at Iris with a "Is this what you face all the time?" look, to which Iris gave her her own look that clearly said. "You have no idea."

They did not have time to start exchanging eye messages as they felt the ground tremble, and the roars of dozens of monsters were heard as they looked at the incoming horde of monsters.

"What, they are still active?" The demigod said in disbelief as she saw that the monsters did not stop chasing them, as they were still heading towards them at such high speeds that it would take less than five minutes for them to reach their position.

Doron, who was close to her, heard what she said but did not have time to ask her any questions as he felt his connection with Diakonos suddenly come back.

'Master, I was not able to corrupt the core of the dungeon,' Diaonos apologised as she quickly spoke. 'The dungeon has two cores vying for control: the slime core and the original dungeon core'

Doron was shocked when he heard this, but now was not the time, as he felt another connection in his head again.

He could not explain how he knew, but it was like he had suddenly grown another limb, and instead of him finding it hard to control it, he could control it so easily that it was like he had had that limb since he was born.

'We will talk later,' Doron said. 'Get ready'

[Realm Mencae powers are active]

[Dungeons Available]

[The dungeon of Diakonos]

[Monsters available]

[Level 1: Green warrior orcs]

Level 1: Green archer orcs

Level 1: Green Hunter Orcs

[The dungeon of Khuubat]

[Monsters avilable]

[Level 1: Sneaky Chameleon]

Level 1: Time rabbit

Level 1: Illusion fox]

[Due to the realm meaces rank, all monsters are in level 1, and only three monsters of the dungeons can be summoned]

Doron had activeted the realm menace powers that he had received, he could have done this before, but he was still restricted, he needed to have two dungeons under his control, but he had only Diakonos in his dungeon legoin.

Now that he had acquired another dungeon, he could now summon fifty monsters from each dungeon and control them.

That means he could decide to summon only green orc warriors or mix them, but he could only summon fifty of them, and that was the same as Khuubat's.

"Summon all the monsters from the dungeons."

[Releasing monsters]

[Green orc warriors: 20]

[Green orc archers: 20]

[Green orc hunters: 20]

[Sneeky chameloens: 10]

[Time rabbits: 10]

[Illusion foxes: 20]

Doron still had to select the number of monsters that are to be released, but all this happened in just seconds.

The demigod who was about to release her powers and get themselves out of this dungeon and present the other dungeon core to the realm menace was shocked again, when she saw monsters suddnly appear before them.


Doron, who was now sitting on the snowy ground, muttered his command, and the monsters went to work.

The green or warriors were the ones that led the group as they all had massive clubs in their hands, their bodies were extremely bulky, and they stood about two meters in height.

They were followed by the green orc hunters that also looked bulky, but they leaned more to the slimer side, they would be the mid range combatants setting traps and sometimes firing arrows and fighting the monsters head on.

The green orc monsters were at the back of the group as long-range attackers and also served as the last line of defence for their master in case the monsters defeated their allies.

The sneaky chameleons lived up to their names; as soon as they reached a certain distance, they instantly went invisible. Of course, those with good eyes would notice the slight distortions in the snow, like heat waves on a hot summer day.

The time rabbits looked more like rats than rabbits, only the long ears gave one the impression that they were rabbits, since their tails were not the cotton tails one would have thought they would see, since their tails looked like the tails of rats.

If one looked closer at the time rabbits, one would notice that their movements were very fast and precise, like they were calculating where and when to move. Not only that, their movements looked like they were teleporting.

The illusion foxes looked like normal foxes if you ignored the second tail behind them.

Doron, after summoning the monsters, got up and looked at the stripper woman knight beside him.

"You can get us out of here, right?" He suddenly asked, making the demigod, who was looking at the battle in front of her, snap out of her trance as she looked at Doron.

"Yes," she said as she tossed a face mask at Doron and explained. "This is the slime core that was controlling the interior of the dungeon."

Doron raised an eyebrow and looked at the face mask. It was not anything special, except the tooth-filled smile on the mask, which gave one the impression that the wearer of the mask does not smile often and uses the mask as his or her way of smiling, and the wearer was downright psychotic.

"Put it on," was what the demigod said as she looked at Doron, who was looking at the face mask with a hint of suspensation on his face. "That is the base form of the slime core that was controlling the dungeon," she said as she looked at the slow reduction of the monsters.

'They are just illusions but seem so life like.' She thought as she looked at the monsters. "What is your name?"

She looked at Doron, who was still holding the mask.


"Your name? You just appeared and suddenly handed over one of the cores that was fighting over the control of the dungeon and expected us to just go to some corner and start cooking some BBQ, drink beer, and go, 'Family!' It does not work like that." Doron spoke with some amusement in his tone.

The demigod just looked at him and laughed. "Okay, your right, my name is Ada, and what's BBQ? Is it tasty?" Ada also asked; this was the first time she had heard the term BBQ.

"You don't need to know that yet; can you get us out of here, Ada?And my name is Randolph, by the way." Doron said the last part so easily that if Ada was not a demigod and could tell when someone was lying to her, she would have believed him.

"Firstly, why do you think I would help you out, just because I gave you the slime core, and secondly, you are a real dishonest person; I could just kill you for lying to me?" Ada retorted with a dangerous and piercing aura surrounding her; this clearly showed her anger.

"You won't," Doron responded back, showing no fear on her face. "From your aura, I can tell that you are more powerful, and I can sense some kind of godly aura arround you, just like this mask."

"Oh, and why do you think I won't?" Ada asked with a smile that did not reach her eyes at all. As she stared at a fearless Doron, she also saw how Patra and Iris were slowly inching their way towards her and Doron.'He seems to be someone who has seen a god before or interacted with one.'

If Ada knew that the person she was talking to had actually banged a goddess, she would literally bow down to Doron and call him master.

Doron might not know, but sex with a divine being like a god was more intimate, meaning that it was not only physical but spiritual too.

Gods can't give birth like mortals, but rather merge a part of their soul together during intercourse to create a life, but due to the powers of their parents, these gods would have to first start as humans, and when they reach a certain stage, they awaken their powers and become demigods for some time and later awaken again as lesser gods.

It is when they become lesser gods that their real journey as gods begins.

"Because you gave me this," Doron replied, waving the face mask in front of her. "You would not have given me this if you were still going to later kill me, all I have to do is just wear it, and I can control part of the dungeon. Don't say you are powerful enough to collect it from me, I am the realm menace Remember, anything that is a dungeon core that falls in my hands becomes part of me."

Ada looked at Doron and smiled. 'He is still lying, but he is mixing small truths and lies'.

"Okay, you win. I can get you guys out of here, but that means you would be losing the dungeon to..."

She was not able to finish her sentence when the ground shook, and from the direction of the castle, they saw what Doron could only describe as a mammoth and a giraffe mixed together, and on top of the head were Marble and Lydia.

'They really did have something planned for us,' Doron thought as he looked at the approaching sisters. Even from the distance that Doron was, he could still feel the furious aura that the sisters were emitting.

"It seems like our time in this dungeon has been cut short," Ada said as she calmly looked at the slime sisters. 'They are not the ones I saw, they have the same aura, but theirs is lesser, maybe they are the children of the other two?' She thought, looking at the sisters.

"Take us out," Doron said despicably as he looked at Patra and Iris, who were looking at Doron. "We are leaving; come closer!" He yelled to them, to which the two quickly ran to his side.

Iris looked at the woman and instantly knew she was a demigod.

'She is dangerous' was Ada's thought when she saw Iris before waving her hands.