
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 39: We Are Leaving

As the slimes were attacking the ball, on the second floor of the dungeon, the demigod who was now walking beside an active volcanoe, could not help gritting her teeth as she imagined herself punching her superiors.

"They could have at least told me how the dungeon was going to be like!".

It took her just 2 hours tto find the portal to the next floor that for some reason was not protected by the dungeon boss, she also had to fight hundreds of slime monsters that that kept gangbanging her with squirts of water untill she was completly drenched from head to toe.

If the other dungeon divers hear that she was complaining of completing the first floor of the slime dungeon in just two hours, and did not even face the slime boss, they would have drowned her in spit from their insults... Of course if they knew she was a demigod, they would do all that with a distance of a hundred kilometers between them and her.

Just like on the first floor, she had to face hundreds of slimes. This time it was fire slimes that kept spitting out bars from their mouths, not rapping, but like literal fire bars, again not rap.

She had of course killed them all and even found some slimes that had cores in them, of course these cores meant nothing to her, but they would be good for the low tier members of her group.

'I just hope, the fake divine goddess is not spying on me' She thought as she made her way to the portal that led to the dungeon boss room.

Yes, she called the queen goddess of a Ravians a fake divine goddess.

She was a double agent that worked for the dungeon guild.

Just like what Doron said, they worshippped the realm menace and they where a very influential group of people.

Unlike the temple of the gods and their followers, they believed in keeping to themselves and forgoing of wordly things, that is why they don't have alot of members in high positions and holding powerful positions.

They only had alot of power among the common populace, and because of this, the royal families and nobles of kingdoms and territiries that have a temple in their land don't like to make the temple their enemies, as a word from them would start a civil war.

And unlike the common populace that have their minds brainwashed into thinking that the temple is always right, the nobles know the truth about this world. That is why the aide of the mayor of Azron town proposed that they call the dungeon guild.

Of course not all the nobles know of the truth, that is why the mayor of Azron town was very keen to please the old bearded man Randolph, since he believed that the man can put in a good word for him in the temple and that might etther elivate his towns position or his position as a town mayor, to a city mayor or even a kingdom may... I think city mayor is still okay.

He was not that ambitious, why? The kingdoms were always close to the capital city of the empire that controls them, and with that close proximity, he could not slack off like he does in Azron town.

Anyways, as a worshipper of the realm menace and one of their demigod that had succesfully infitrated the circle of the noble gods of Ravians.

Quick trivia input, noble gods are like the good gods of Ravians. You know, gods that control the consepts of goodness, like fertility, the sea, the cattle, weather and stuff like that.

The demon gods are those that control death, famine, pestilence, war and other stuff like that.

The people worshipped the noble gods the most, and those that go to the demon gods are usually called heretics. Of course there are some noble gods that are in the faction of the demon gods that believe that the realm menace is a good thing to have.

They are considered the bad gods of Ravians for this, and since these noble gods are in the faction of he demon gods, but have not made publicly known, it was easy for this demigod to go unhindered in the plane of the gods of Ravians and when she heard that the queen was looking for a demigod to enter the dungeon of insanity and capture the realm menace for her, she instantly took the mission.

That was when she did not know about the dungeon she was entering, so now she was regretting it, but could not back out, since her superiors(The demon gods) were happy that she was able to get the mission, she had no choice than to go.

'Should have let some poor bastard take the mission' She thought as she made her way towards the volcanoe in the distance.

Doron and the others where now in a snowy forest that had little to no places to hide as when they made their snow ball dive from the castle, the monsters still followed them down.

If not for the speed of their descent, they would have been caught by the monsters.

Now the trio were making their way to anywhere that was not in the direction of the castle that they had just escaped from.

"Hey, what did you mean when you said we were leaving the dungeon?" Iris caught up to Doron and asked.

They were not really wearing anything warm, as there were only armors and swords in Doron's space ring, and he was ehausted from using his powers so fast, it was like he had limited uses of his powers, and from creating those miniture spears, to creating that comfortable big metal ball, he was exhauseted and could not make anything for sometime, so they had to bear with the cold.

Well for he and Patra, Iris just said "The will never bother me anyways". She did receive a strnge glance from Doron but she thought nothing of it.

"Yes, we are leaving" Doron said in a firm tone as he continued moving forward, trudging in the almost knee lenght snow.

"Why?" Patra asked.

Doron paused and looked at her and sighed. "Firstly, we went in blind, no info about the dungeon and it's monsters and how it's cleared, we entered without at least observing how the other adventurers took care of the dungeon and how they do their teamwork." He raised two fingers.

"Secondly, we did not also look for any other equipment like maps of the dungeons, those potions and proper gear, since we believed that it would take us like an hour or so, and thirdly..." Doron made sure that they were listening to what he was saying before he continued.

"We underestimated the dungeon, and it's monsters, of course we did not expect that the dungeon would become like this and that slimes naturally were the weakest monsters, aside the goblins, we did not put musch thought into how a dungeon actually worked in a way."

"Okay, but how do you get out of here then?" Iris asked.

She agreed with Doron, they did not do their homework and paid for it dearly, the fact that they were easily trapped in an illusion showed that they were not as powerful as they thought.

Aside from that, they were too impulsive when they killled all the adventurers that followed them into the dungeon, it cost them alot of vital information about the dungeon, especially that boy.

But that was all in the past, the real problem was how they could leave here, this was just a tactical retreat and nothing more.

Doron fell into deep thought when he heard what Iris said.

He could issue a dungeon quest with his realm menace powers, but he did not know if the dungeon core is sentinent like Diakonos, or even if the dungeon core had not evolved into a hell dungeon, since that woould mean he can't initiate a core quest.

Let us not forget what Lydia said about Diakonos being trapped in another dimension, that meant that the dungoen was either a very powerful hell dungeon or... The gods of this world had started again.

So basically, they were stuck.

"Hey, did you not receive some dungeon core quest before?" Patra suddenly asked making Doron instantly snap his head towards her direction.

"Dungeon quest?" Doron asked a bit confused, he did not remember seeing a notification.

"Those questions that kept popping up in our illsion world, you know that Have you ever gone insane before? question" Patra said making Doron almost curse at himself.

How could he have forgotten, the core quest and that question that kept popping up, he had not yet accepted it.

Diakonos who was beside Khuubat were still looking at the screen when Diakonos hit Khuubat's head.

"The quest!, send the message again" Diakonos said with anxiety in her tone.

This was not her real body but just a projection that she used to connect herself to the world, she could just kill kerself and return back to Doron who had her core, her main body in the form of ring on his finger, so she was not that anxious.

The problem was how Doron and the rest would get out of here, and seeing an oppotunity she took it instantly.

Doron and the others might not know that the core that was issuing them the quest was the true master of the dungeon and they actually thought it was the slime core that was issuing the quest.

Either way, they were lucky since if one of them gave them the quest, they would still leave the dungeon with the either cores in their position.

Khuubat did not waste time and sent them the core quest and even gave them a freebie in her quest that would shock Doron if he saw it.

As the trio were trying to see how they could activate the core quest, the ground not too far away from them shook and they saw a woman running towards them from the direction of the castle they had escaped from.

That was not the issue though, the real issue was the countless monster behind her.

Doron and the rest looked at each other and they all shared the same thought.


They did not care if she was friend or foe, but they were ready to talk if she could put her friends away.

The demigod on the other felt like crying when she saw the person she was sent to protect in this corrupt dungeon running away.