
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

Chapter 3: Every boy has had a dream of controling fire right? Why is mine different.

Doron was now looking at the two flowers and the plant and felt like crying. Why?

"The sacrifice would have to eat the plant to acquire the power in it," was what the Wendigo who turned into a loli that has a phone and a virtual boyfriend said.

Now he was looking at these floating flowers and plants and was contemplating. He did not know what these black robes were, but he would have to still fight them to protect himself from what he did not know.

He had also tried running away. Just know it left him with no clothes on his body, aside from his boxers.

He looked at the girl fearfully and asked. "Could you at least tell me what I am fighting against?"

The girl looked at him for some time and had that same look on her face, like she was contemplating something.

"The black robes are humans like you that were granted the wish of every human, and that is having a supernatural power." She paused and looked at Doron. "What do you know about the supernatural world?"

Her question made Doron a bit speechless, besides the ones he reads about in comics, manga, light novels, Manhwa's, and also watched from anime's and some movies. The supernatural world was basically about vampires, gods, demons, and some MC being thrown into a world that he never knew existed in the first place.

"What you are thinking of is right. The supernatural world is about vampires, werewolves, dragons, gods, demons, and the like, but unlike the ones on TV, the supernatural world here in real life is even more deadly, and some creatures that looked cute and cuddly on TV are not at all." She said this as she brought out her phone.

She looked to be scrolling through something—maybe her gallery?. After some minutes,.

"Here, take it." She handed her iPhone to Doron, who took it and cursed how life could be unfair.

He looked at the phone's screen and almost dropped it in fright.

"What is this?" He asked, not even daring to look at the phone anymore.

"That is what you humans call an angel." She calmly replied as she collected her phone back from Doron. "The phone I am using is not an ordinary smartphone, as tapping pictures of angels and other supernatural beings is nigh impossible; thankfully, the witches, who by the way are a bunch of greedy women, can enhance a phone's functions to the supernatural level, for the right price, of course."

Doron felt flabbergasted; the angels he was used to were those fine girls with skimpy clothes and wings on their backs, but this... It seems not every fine-looking monster in the supernatural world is fine in their true form.

'But how was she even able to take a picture of an angel in the first place? Wait, does that mean vampires also don't look beautiful in their true form? ... Don't answer that; let me leave in ignorance for now.'

Doron looked at the flowers and plant and weighed the pros and cons of the power he was about to choose. Nah, as a man of culture, of course he would choose the one with the fire power and not decimate himself, thinking that he should take a power that looked like it would help nature and another one that looked like it would rather heal his enemies than actually destroy them, so... Blue Flame, I choose you!.

Doron picked the Agave plant and realised that it actually shrank into round pills, like those in cultivation novels. He threw the pill into his mouth and swallowed. *cough*cough*cough*. I almost chocked on it.

"What the hell *cough*cough* how do those guys swallow these things without water?!" Doron questioned him as the girl looked at him like an idiot.

"What made you think they swallowed it? So stupid, you are to chew it, you know, like gum or candy."

"I get it! Jesus, no one likes a know-it-all, you know," Doron snapped as he popped the pill back into his mouth and chewed. He had to say that the pill actually tasted like strawberries.

After chewing the pill, Doron did not really feel any different; I mean, he did not know how to feel. Normally, in those light novels, the MC would instantly summon flames and burn a whole dragon into ashes, save the princess, and get married.

He, on the other hand, was just staring at his open palms and did not see any difference.

"Uh, what is supposed to happen?" He finally asked the girl.

"In about 3, 2, 1,... and now!"

Doron was not able to question her as he felt his whole body start getting hotter and hotter; it was so unbearable that he wanted to peel off his skin and jump into an ice bath. His light ebony skin turned red, and his slightly gold eyes became bloodshot from the pain as he started twitching on the grassy floor.

"Try not to pass out! This is part of your evolution; this is the first time you are acquiring a power, so your body has to adapt first." Doron did not hear a single bloody word the girl said, as he was trying to actually pass out, but the pain did not allow him to. This cycle of trying to faint but still waking up in mere milliseconds to experience the same excrutiating pain again.

Doron felt like hurling profanities at everyone that came to mind, mainly those authors that made the MC's of their novels go through such pain like they were some kind of boss. WTF! This alone could make the strongest man in the world cry for his mommy.

'I just came for firewood, *wuwuwu*' Doron cried as snort and tears decorated his face. The girl seeing this did not know how to react.

Unknown to Doron, the not passing out order the girl told him was a lie. Normally, after eating the pills, the sacrifice instantly faints due to the pain, but he on the other hand was still awake... barely.

The girl then had an idea, she slowly brought her phone to her face, opened the camera app, put it on video and started recording.

"I wonder what kind of title should I give it? 'Boy in the forest gets bitten by snake?' or 'Boy falls from a tree?' nah, those aren't eye catching enough."

After a few minutes, the pain Doron felt came down significantly. Now he could at least bear with the aches around his body. Doron did not even think of standing up; he just lay on the grass in a star shape, like he wanted to start waving his limbs in hopes of making a grass angel.

"You really stayed awake." The girl said in astonishment that with the video recording time, Doron had been tortured for about six minutes, and the time before she started recording together was about nine minutes!. Nine minutes of feeling your skin being burned and your bones cracking to take in the form that his new powers could adjust.

Doron did not mind her, as he made it his mission to try and breathe in all the fresh air in the forest. 'I have never thought that breathing was so glorious'. He thought as tears streamed down his eyes, that he would never want to experience something like that ever again. He thought he was going to die!!.

The girl just looked at him with the same look of unbelief as she walked around him.

"Do you feel any changes?" She asked as she started touching around his body, like some kind of airport security, and since he was half naked...

Doron felt like some kind of experimental lab rat when he noticed her actions and the question she asked. I thought I was supposed to be a sacrifice?, whatever that means.

"No," Doron said. Through gritted teeth, the pain was still there, just mildly.

"Strange... can you stand?"




"Don't answer that..." She later said that as she waved her hands in front of his body, instantly, Doron felt rejuvenated, like he had never gone through a life-and-death ordeal where he could have died and said bye to this cruel world. As a virgin too, wuwu, so pitiful!

'If I survive this, I will literally fuck any girl I see on the road!' He made a vow... But looking to his left, 'Any girl aside her.' He thought inwardly, nodding at his own brilliance.

'I don't know why, but I feel insulted for some reason' The girl looked at a now-active Doron, who had not yet taken notice of the changes that had happened to his body.

Doron felt happiness, excitement, bliss, joy, ecstasy, unbelief, giddiness, enlightenment, ascension, and butterflies in his belly. You get the picture, *cough*.

"So, how do I summon the flames?" Doron stared at the girl with so much zeal that even she herself was a bit scarred. "I can now burn all those black robes down, mwuhahahaha!". She was really scared now. Why the evil laugh, though?

"... Wait, who said you where burning anything down?" The girl asked confused.

"... Didn't you say that the black robes weaknesses are holy something, blue flames, and life change?" ... Did not bother to remember the names of the other powers, since fire was there.

"I did say that, but I did not mean you were fighting them" Now Doron felt a horrible, foreboding feeling in his gut. Maybe he was just hungry, since the firewood he was supposed to take back was meant for cooking.

"Hostium Custodis like me only provide powers that you can use to only protect yourself, meaning the flames you choose prevent the black robes from coming close to you as they create blue balls of fire around you like a ring," the girl slowly explained."The holy light power would also do the same thing, creating balls of light around you like a ring, while the life energy would just make the surrounding vegetation bend to your will... It seems the life energy would have been better; you would be like a dryad, controlling plants and trees."


"Oh, and the blue flames would still affect your clothes. Well, boxers sorry about that and those around you, funny thing is, the power would only activate when the black robes are about 10 metres around you."

Doron just slept back on the ground in the same star form as before. The girl, seeing this, was confused as to why he was like that.

"Are you okay?" The girl asked with concern in her tone.

Are you okay? Are you okay with your head? You could have at least told me how the powers would function! What's with this crappy power that I can't even control? How can I be a firebender who can't even control his own flames? The worst is that my clothes *cough* and my boxers, my only piece of clothing, will still burn; it's like I'm just playing with my life! So that means I could be at a gas station and one of these black robe guys would just appear, and then boom! HELLO HEAVEN! Wait, would I even go to heaven?*Cough* Hello after life!.

After saying all his grievances in his head, he replied."yes, am fine~"