
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 38: The Power Of The Joker 2

Looking at the angry slime women, Doron and the rest felt like they had shown their sincerity by sacrificing one of their own.

"Don't worry, she is not really dead, as she just returned to her slime core," Marble explained. "The problem is when she would wake up."

Her face looked a bit sad, but the anger that was visible on her face was still evident.

"Okay, we believe you," Iris finally relented, seeing their expressions as she signalled Doron to take their cores.

Doron just nodded to Iris and stretched his hands towards the cores, but half way there, his vision was blocked by a string of texts that appeared in front of him.

He was not that surprised, as he thought that it was a system notification that would be asking him if he wanted the cores to merge with him, but when he saw the system notification in front of him, he was startled as he looked at the notification.

[Creation (NEW): With joker power, don't believe everything that you see, hear, touch, taste, and smell; they can kill you. Hahaha, just joking, this makes you be able to turn any non-living thing into anything you want, as long as you have an idea of how the thing looks like and works (At least know how two of the functioning parts of the object if it is a machine).]

It was the description of his new power, but he saw that a sentence had been highlighted.

'don't believe everything that you see, hear, touch, taste, and smell; they can kill you?' He thought of the sentence as he hesitated to take the cores.

Seeing his hesitation, the slime women frowned as they looked at Doron. "What is it?" Marble spoke as her voice sounded with irritation.

"Nothing; it was just that I suddenly thought of something and felt like asking," Doron explained.

"Okay," Orb signalled for Doron to ask his question, but her face did not have that indifferent expression that she had when she first appeared.

"Have you ever gone insane before?"


The duo looked at Doron with confused faces as they looked at each other.

"Why did you ask that?" Orb frowned when she heard the question that Doron asked.

"Are you planning something else?" Marble was more straight-forward in her own question, as she felt that the question that Doron asked was a bit strange and gave her a bad feeling.

What they did not know was that the question that Doron asked was not directed at them but at Iris and Patra, who looked at each other secretly.

Patra clenched her fists under the table, while Iris also got ready.

"Well, you see, during my time in the illusion world, I encountered someone who kept asking me, Have you ever gone insane before?" Doron asked with an awkward smile as he asked. "I just thought you might have an idea why that person asked me those questions."

Marble and Orb then turned to each other to look at themselves, but that was a blunder on their part. As soon as they looked at each other, Doron instantly summoned the spear he collected from that spear man who had almost killed him from his space ring and attacked the duo.

Orb was the one sitting on the right facing him, and Marble was on the left. His blow was directed at Orb, as his posture was that of a batter who was ready to hit a home run.

Marble, who was facing her sister, saw the spear arrive at the back of her sister's head, and before she could warn her, she and her sister were both hit at the same time.

Orb was hit at the back of the head with the tip of the spear, while Marble was punched in the face by Patra.

There was then the sound of something being squished, as the last image that Marble saw of her sister was her head exploding in a shower of blood and Doron holding the butt of the spear with a vicious expression.

Then Marble saw her vision twist as she flew in the direction of the door of the hall and crashed into the wall beside it, creating another door beside the original one.

It all happened in the fraction of a second as Marble instantly got up from the rubble and looked into the hall and saw her sisters headless corpse still sitting down as her body had not realised that the head was no longer on her shoulders.

"... Sister?" Marble called out in a small voice, as she could not believe it.

'What happened?' She could not believe it as she looked at Doron, who was now holding a bow and a bag of arrows and was handing it over to the other girl with light brown hair and neon eyes; if she remembered well, her name was Iris.

She was still standing there dumbly as the lady knocked an arrow into the bow and fired.

In a split second, a monster beside her had it's head explode in a shower of blood and brain matter, and it took some time for it's body to register that it had been killed before it slumped on the ground dead.

"Kill, Kill!! Kill them all!" Marble finally found her voice and yelled to the monsters as they all rushed towards their three targets, who were now equipped with weapons.

Doron was holding the spear in his hands and threw it towards the rushing monsters, and the single spear instantly broke into countless little spears and rained down on the monsters like rain.

The dozens of monsters that looked overwhelming before now looked less intimidating with just that single attack by Doron.

Iris was not idle either, as she kept firing arrows upon arrows on the monsters. Patra was more of a close-quarters fighter, so she was useless in this battle since their plan was to keep the monsters far away from them.

"We have to leave here quickly!" Doron said as he took a sword from his space ring and turned it into a three-meter-tall metal ball.

Marble saw this and was wondering what he was going to do with that, and the question is, how did he do that when his powers are supposed to be sealed?.

"Patra, can you please do the honours?" Doron asked, and he pointed at the ball, and Patra nodded quickly, understanding what he wanted her to do as she got behind the metal ball.

'It's really all metal!' Patra thought with astonishment as she felt the ball; she did not expect that the three-meter ball in front of her was purely metal.

She pushed those thoughts behind her, as this was not the time for her to start thinking about Rubish, as she placed her hands behind the ball and took deep breaths.

Doron and Iris were keeping the monsters at bay as she gathered her strength and finally pushed the ball in front of her towards the wall of the dining hall, and a loud bang was later heard as the wall now had a big hole in it, with the metal ball snuggly inside the hole.

"Let's go!" Doron yelled as he rained down another small spear on the monsters as he dashed with the others towards the metal ball.

Marble, seeing this, panicked as she dashed towards them; she could not let them escape!.

Doron got in front of the ball and touched it, and the big ball now had a big hole in it, as Doron hoped, followed by Iris and Patra.

The girls were expecting to feel some pain as they thought the interior was also made of metal, but they rather felt a soft feeling on their skin. As they opened their eyes, they saw that the interior was coated with a soft cushoining that was blue in colour. They looked at Doron, who just shrugged and gave a smile.

"What? I like to escape in style."

They just rolled their eyes at him as they heard and felt the vibrations of the monsters hitting the ball they were hiding in.

Doron moved the other side of the ball and created a small hole to look outside on the other side of the wall. He saw a snowy field, but it was about a hundred or so metres high.

The fall would of course be broken by the snow at the bottom, and by the way the wall of the castle was somehow sloping, Doron guessed that they were on a mountain or some hill.

The wall was like a ramp, so if they fell here like this in the ball, they would of course roll into a snowball that might become a snow boulder, based on their height.

"Good news! We can escape with the protection of the ball," Doron suddenly announced.

Iris and Patra looked at each other and back at Doron.

"No bad news?" Patra asked with a bit of uncertainty as she heard the frantic hitting of the monsters attacking the ball.

"You want bad news? Is the monsters attacking us not enough bad news for one day? Are you an M?" Doron asked, looking at Patra with a teasing smile that made her look at him with a complicated look, as she did not know how to answer him.

"Can we do this flitting later? Can we get out of here yet?" Iris said as the hits of the monsters on the ball kept increasing, and for some reason, there was an attack that sounded louder than the others, and this gave Iris a bad premonition.

"Yeah, after this, we will look for a way to leave this dungeon," Doron said as he touched the interior of the ball, and then there was a booming sound and they felt a jolt in the interior of the ball.

Then they felt the ball tilt; they had no choice but to follow the momentum of the ball's movements, and they all went to the other side of the ball that was outside the castle wall.

Outside the ball.

Marble and Lydia, who had revived, were both attacking the ball in front of them with vengeance.

They want to not only kill those girls and make the realm their personal slave and have legions of monsters at their commands, but that is if they can break through this metal ball that, for some reason, was much more resilient than they had expected.


A/N: I was not going to start doing this until I had reached 100 chapters, but if you want an update of two chapters or three chapters a day, please vote with your power stones.

10 ps = 2 chapters daily

20 ps = 3 chapters daily

I won't try to overestimate myself and say 30 ps = 4 chapters.

And your comments will be highly appreciated, please.