
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 36: The Power Of The Joker

After waking up and looking around, the memories of what she had experienced in the illusion hit her, and she could not help blushing as some of the memories were a bit embarrassing.

She looked at Doron and Patra, who looked like they had been robbed of everything that they held dear.

Doron was the one that was hit the most, as he could recall how he kissed. Let's just all forget it.

"What happened to us?" Patra asked the obvious question that the others also desperately wanted to know.

"Let me call Diakonos." Doron said as he stroked the ring on his finger. "She is not responding."

The frown on Doron's face made it evident that he was not lying as he stroked the ring.

Diakonos, who was now standing beside Khuubat, also realised this and looked at her.

"Why am I not going to his side?" She asked.

"You discovered it, did you not? This illusion serves as a prison too, and you also gladly walked in looking all arrogant and important," Khuubat mocked with a sneer as she looked at Diakonos, who now had a wide, open mouth of shock.

"Why did you not tell me!?" She shrieked as she looked around her, hoping to find some kind of crack in the illusion.

"So that you would do what?" Khuubat asked back with a look that clearly said "Idiot.".

Diakonos just looked at her and just snorted as she looked at Doron, who was looking at the ring with worry evident on her face.

'Does he care about me?' She thought as she looked at Doron's worried face as he rubbed the ring.

On the other side of the screen, Doron had a different thought.

'Is she dead?'

If Diakonos knew that Doron had just killed her like that, she would have drowned him in spit and covered his body with the footprints of her children's shoes.

"What are we going to do now?" Patra asked again as she looked at Doron and blushed. Iris, who saw this, also looked at Doron, and a memory she never knew existed in her head appeared, causing her cheeks to burn red.

'If I catch who ever is responsible for this, he or she is so dead' She vowed in her heart as she looked at Doron, specifically above his head.

[00:00:00:00 ]

'I guess it's time for his daily, I mean weakly power change' She thought as she prepared to summon the power roulette and let Doron choose what power he wanted to have, but then stopped.

She then remembered everything that happened and realised that they were really in big trouble.

They had been in this world for just under a week, and they were already being targeted by the gods of this world, which made her realise that something was not right.

Normally, the gods of a planet cannot just start attacking the foreigners or the aliens of their planet; if it were like that, then the vampires, werewolves, and the like would have already been killed off.

The thing about the realm menace was also not a reason to kill them. In fact, why would her superiors bring them to a world and make Doron the realm menace of that world without telling them anything at all, leaving them in the complete dark?

This act was what the gods liked doing to their supposed chosen ones... Did they choose Doron for something? Is he supposed to do something else, something that even the cordinators of the galaxies even had to send him to another to grow stronger, but that did not really make sense as there was no reason to send him to another world just to make him stronger; it was like having points to increase your strength, but then you decide to train and slowly increase your strength the normal way.

That was how the cordinators could have just increased Doron's strength without sending him to another world if they really wanted him to get stronger.

'They are not telling me something,' she thought.

That was not all; these gods seemed to not respect the cordinators; it was like they were either stupid, arrogant, or too important to those cordinators. She needed answers, but first, she had to get out of this dungeon.

"You are really in thought." Doron's words were the first thing she heard when she came out of her thoughts, and hearing what he said made her realise that she had actually spaced out for almost half an hour.

"I was selecting a power for you," she explained as she brought out a red hot poker plant after summoning her roots and gave it to Doron.

Doron, seeing this, just raised an eyebrow and collected the plant, and it instantly turned into a pill, which Doron then placed into his mouth and felt dissolve into a liquid in his mouth.

Then he waited for the pain and waited, and waited, and waited, but felt nothing as he looked at Iris with the "nothing is happening" look.

Iris just shook her head and smiled as she looked at Doron and explained. "Your body is already used to the pain.".

Doron just looked at her with a look that showed he was not buying her bullsh*t, but he did not talk to much about it as he looked at the new power he had acquired.

[Name: Doron]

[Race: ???]

[Teir 1: realm menace] (Be able to enter any dungeon regardless of their restrictions and criteria; be able to force normal dungeons from tiers 1–2 to make core quests.). [Be able to control around 50 monsters created by these dungeons under your control.]

[Level: 2] >

[Powers: Joker (Power active till you leave the planet; I hope you like it, this is the best I could do with my limited power in this world) (NEW),

[Skills: Creation (NEW), ???, ???, ???, ???]

[Creation (NEW): With joker power, don't believe everything that you see, hear, touch, taste, and smell; they can kill you. Hahaha, just joking, this makes you be able to turn any non-living thing into anything you want, as long as you have an idea of how the thing looks like and works (At least know how two of the functioning parts of the object if it is a machine)

[???: ???]

[???: ???]

[???: ???]

[???: ???]

[Hope you like the new system interface, and am sorry.]

"..." Doron did not even look at the power he had gotten and had not really realised that the system interface had actually changed a little; what he was looking at was the last sentence.

Who was sorry?

He wished he knew who the person was but decided to put that at the back of his head as he looked back at the system interface and looked at the powers he had acquired and felt that he was basically a god in this world, but then he realised that the level had some arrow beside it and felt that it had something there.

He clicked on it and another window was opened with some texts that made his god like smile turn into that of a demon, as he felt like cursing the person who gave him this powers

[Level: 2] > [Turn non-living to only simple machines or crude objects]

That was the reason why he felt like cursing. Imagine having the power to turn objects into anything you want, but you can only change them to things like knives, swords, pliers, and the like.

He was already thinking of having a plasma gun strapped to his waist while holding a light sabre in one hand and a plasma cannon in the other, but now he had to change that to a rusty metal sword and a sling shot that could have it's strings cut at any moment.

While Doron was looking at the empty air blankly, Patra and Iris were rather observing his new appearance and felt that he looked more charming than before.

This time he had white hair that looked to be changing colours with just a movement of his head or just a slight movement of his hair.

His eyes also had the same effect, making one think that the light around his eyes was being sucked into them and reflected in them.

He still had his appearance, just the change of his hair and eyes.

"Will this happen often?" Patra inquired as she remembered how Doron had silver hair the first time they met and then came here with the rose-colored hair. Now that he had multi-colored hair and eyes, she felt that his constant appearance change might affect him in some way.

"Actually, it was not supposed to be like this, but something happened, and it would not be like this in the long run... That is, if we are still alive by then." She murmured the last part without Patra hearing, as she knew that the way things were going, she and Patra might kick the bucket.

She because she would throw her body in front of an attack that might kill Doron, and Patra because if she later survived, she would still be killed by the other Hostiam Custodis, if Doron was really that important.

"Oh," Patra said, making a sound of understanding as she looked at Doron, and her mind wondered.

They did not talk about what happened in that illusion they were in because they did and said things that were not only embarrassing but also might cause some friction in their group, so they made sure not to ask about it.

After going through his new powers, Doron woke up from his little daze and looked at the others.

'I wonder what they experienced in their own illusions,' he thought, but shook his head and spoke. "I guess we have to kill the dungeon bosses."

Patra and Iris were not really surprised by what Doron had just said, as they knew nothing about this dungeon, and the illusion they were trapped in could not have been a coincidence as they knew it was the slime family.

Patra and Iris did not really know what the slimes did to them, but Doron had a hunch that Lydia had somehow placed them in an illusion. But he did not understand how a creature that had the title of mimic queen was able to place people in illusions; he needed answers, and the slime family were his first suspect.

"It seems that mother has still not gotten her full power yet."

The trio instantly snapped their heads in the direction of the sound and saw the slime queen standing by the door with two other women, and with the small gap between them, they could see different types of monsters behind them.