
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 34: Sometimes Insanity Is Just A Door Away 2

These strange events were happening so rapidly that none of them who were trapped in the illusion could even think that they were actually living in a world created by someone else.

Doron, who was now married to Patra and was walking down the street with his three-year-old son and lovely wife, had his sight blocked by a line of text that appeared out of nowhere.


The Dungeon quest has been activated

Quest: "Have you ever gone insane before?"

[Yes / No]


'What is this.' Doron thought as he stopped in the middle of the street, forcing his family to also stop with him.

"Papa?" He called out when he saw how his father had just spaced out all of a sudden.

Patra looked at her husband, patted his head, and said,. "Don't worry, Papa just received a quest from the agency."

Doron just nodded as he wore his battle suit, took his plasma gun from the shelf, and looked at his male lover, Jim, who was holding their daughter in his embrace.

"Will you be gone for long?" Jim asked with a worried look on his face, as he was scared that his partner might not come back again.

"I will," Doron assured as he kissed his lover and gave a kiss to their sleeping daughter's forehead. Maybe sensing that her papa was going, the girl woke up and looked at her papa and opened her mouth.

"Have you gone insane before?"

Doron was shocked as he looked at the newspaper that was on the front page

[Have you gone insane before?]

"Doron!, Doron!!!"

Doron woke up from his sleep as he looked at his teacher's face, which was now red with anger.

"Since my class seems boring for you, why don't you answer the question on the board?" The teacher pointed to the board that had the question.

[Have you gone insane before?]

This same question kept appearing in all the places, scenarios, dreams and circumstances that Doron woke up in.

The others were also facing their own illusions and dreams that prevented them from thinking or even answering anything that seemed like a question.

In a location that existed and did not exist in the dungeon at the same time.

Diakonos was looking at a little girl of about seven years old who was looking at a screen that showed Doron, Iris, and Patra all laughing in the dining hall like some crazy people.

This made Diakonos wonder what was making them laugh like this, to the point that even Doron was crying and hitting his balled-up fist on the ground like a mad person.

As if sensing the intrusion of someone in her domain, the little girl snapped her head in Diakonos direction and backed away in fear as she pointed at Diakonos.

"A hell dungeon! What are you doing here?" The girl asked as she tried to move farther away from Diakonos.

Diakonos frowned as she looked around at the place she was in and saw that there was nothing here aside from the small girl and the screen she was using to look at Doron and the others.


That was the thought that entered Diakonos head as she looked at the girl who seemed to be the real mastermind of this dungeon, the supposed dungeon core that was supposed to have not been fully sentient.

'What is going on here?'

Diakonos was really confused as she looked at the girl and asked. "What is your name?"

The girl did not reply as she stared at Diakonos with an icy gaze, like she wanted to kill her and feast on her flesh.

"Should I force it out of you?" Diakonos threatened as she looked at the girl and even moved closer to her.

The girl, of course, backed away and replied, "Khuubat."

Diakonos frowned and stopped moving towards the girl. 'for her to even have a name, something is not right about this dungeon anymore.'

The girl who saw the opportunity ran away, and Diakonos did not even make an effort to chase after her, and the reason was simple.

"Are you going to show yourself or not?" She asked nobody in particular as she looked at the back of Khuubat, which was moving and not moving at the same time, almost like she was running on a treadmill.

Seeing that the hell dungeon was not running after her, Khuubat just stopped her running as she slowly moved back towards Diakonos, like she was sliding on the ground.

"You are no fun." She murmured as she folded her arms and looked at Diakonos like she had ruined her party.

"Thanks for the compliment, but I want to know why my master is like that." Diakonos stared at the screen that was now showing Doron, Iris, and Patra are now acting like high nobles, enjoying high tea as they sipped from tea cups while raising their pinkies in the air and talking like they had frogs in their throats.

"Why so serious?" Khuubat said, rolling her eyes. "They are fine; I placed their minds in separate dimension to protect them form harm."

Diakonos looked at the little girl and frowned. "You are helping them like that?"

Khuubat looked at Diakonos and sighed. "You might have noticed the illusion and how they slowly started questioning themselves after coming in contact with those slimes, right?" Khuubat asked.

Diakonos just nodded her head as she waited for Khuubat to continue her explanation.

"Well, it may surprise you, but those slimes are not part of my dungeon," Khuubat explained. "I don't really know how long it was, but for some reason, someone entered my dungeon and placed some slime core in it and left it there. I had not gained sentinence then, but I was forcefully awakened when my control of my own dungeon was taken from me by that slime core, turning the dungeon into a slime dungeon called dungeon of the mimics, crappy name by the way; mine was more professional."

"Wait, I took control from you?" Diakonos caught this sentence in her explanation and found it strange.

She was not a stranger to hearing dungeons taking control of other dungeons, but that was just for a few minutes. That was the information she got from her two children, who had successfully infiltrated human society to gather information about human society.

"Yes, you see, my dungeon was called the dungeon of insanity, and it mostly used creatures that could either use illusion or shapeshifting abilities, The slime core that was left here was a mimic slime that gave birth to two elemental slimes that did not have illusion or mind-bending abilities; they could only mimic things and use elemental powers." Khuubat then sat down as she continued. "The dungeon then got confused, or rather, I got confused as I was able to not understand who was supposed to be the real dungeon core of this dungeon and slime core took advantage of my muddle headedness and took control."

Khuubat sighed as she looked at Doron and the others on the screen and looked back at Diakonos.

"I can take back control,but they have to accept my dungeon quest by thinking or pondering over something, but it seemed that the slime core was able to find out about my plan and was able to plant small illusions into their minds, so even if I transported their minds to another dimension controlled by me, they will still be in the illusion."

"I have taken back control of the dungeon, but I don't have the power to make the slime core release her hold on the authority of the dungeon. Shit!"

Khuubat got up from the ground and looked at the screen in front of her.

Diakonos, who was listening to her and was trying to come up with a solution, was shocked by her sudden outburst and looked at her. 'Did she lose her control, and if what she is saying is true, then the core I sensed earlier was the slime core'

"We are not fighting only one enemy now," Khuubat stated, with a serious look that made Diakonos frown.

Out of the dungeon.

Those that were kicked out had not left as they all tried to get back into the dungeon—that is, until a strange object slammed into the dungeon and entered it. Then the dungeon disappeared like it had never been there in the first place.

All that was there was a door—a door that had some words written on it that made those who read look at each other with question-filled faces.

"Sometimes Insanity is just a door away.

Have you gone insane before?"

This caused another uproar that even reached the ears of the mayor of Azron town, who was currently sampling some beauties on his bed.

When he heard that the adventurers were kicked out, he just said that maybe the dungeon was tired of hosting the adventurers and decided to rest. Of course, his aide did not find the joke funny since that'resting dungeon' was what was keeping their economy afloat.

If not for them monopolising the sale of adventurer equipment and the like, then they would be losing more money than they could afford since their mayor kept spending it on things that were not beneficial to the town at all.

But now the mayor took it seriously after hearing that their only core-producing dungeon had disappeared.

"What are we going to do?" The mayor was someone who could be described with one word: 'round'.

He was so fat that sometimes his aide wonders if the mayor could even see his own pp when he looked down, talk more, or even touch his toes; that would cause the mayor to roll over, literally.

"We can only call on the dungeon sect," the aide said as he watched the ball—cough—the mayor pace around in his office.

"The dungeon guild?" The mayor was lost as to who this dungeon guild was.

He did not even know what was happening in the other towns under his father. Talk more about this dungeon guild.

Seeing his genuinely confused expression, the assistant just rolled his eyes and spoke.

"The dungeon guild was set up about 20 years ago when the hell dungeon Appolion was able to break its seal and nearly wipe out the empire of Colist with it's locust monsters," the aide explained as he looked at his boss, who did not bother to even read any of the history books in his father's castle, not even the ones in his own mansion.

"Don't you dare call those heretics!" An old and powerful voice was heard as a man with a long beard entered the mayor's office.