
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 33: Sometimes Insanity Is Just A Door Away

Doron, Iris, Patra and Diakonos were now looking at how the core quest of this normal dungeon was going to be like, as they sat around what looked like the dinning hall of the palace they were staying in.

Don't ask them how they found it, it was a traumatizing experience. 'I wonder where she got those... things from' Was Doron's thought as he remembered does things he saw in those rooms they were checking when they were looking for the bedrooms of the three sleeping slimes.

Of course Patra placed the twins with their mother as she and the others were not ready to see more traumatizing things that might haunt them.

"So how long will it take for you to hack into the dungeon?" Iris started the questioning session as she was more anxious the rest and the reason was easy. Doron would be the only one challenging the quest and if he dies, he dies.

If what Doron said was true about a god using that spear guy to try and kill him, then she knew that she won't be able to bargain with the gods of this world to collect back Doron's soul, and that made her a bit anxious.

Well her anxiety could be compared to that of a single mother not being able to find her three year old child after about ten hours of searching... If of course she had not lost her mind by that time.Anyways that was how anxious Iris was right now.

"Not long, just about an hour or two, if the dungeon is very tenacious, then three" Diakonos replied as she closed her eyes as a flash of light surrounded her. "Am already doing it, so you get ready"

That was her last statement before she disappeared, in a flash of light.

Now it was only Doron, Iris and Patra alon in the dinning hall.

They all just looked at each other and Patra sighed as she looke at Doron.

"Do you believe that slime queen Lydia?" Patra suddenly asked looking straight at Doron.

Doron was a bit shoked at how bold Patra was right now, and found it a bit strange, but did not think too much about it.

"Why do you ask that?" He replied with his own question.

"You did not notice?" Patra asked again this time with a shocked tone as she looked at Iris who also had a shocked look on her face.

'Something is not right here' Patra thought as she observed Iris and Doron's expressions and realised that they looked too relaxed, like life was moving normally. 'They look dull, like nothing can phase them.'

"Notice what?" Iris said with a bit of irritation as she looked at Patra.

For some reason, she was seeing Patra as a nuisance, not like she wasn't before, but now it was unbearable... Wait, why is she thinking like this.

Doron on the other hand realised that he was thinking about Lydia too much... Wait, Patra knows her name too? Did those girls tell her? But he was sure that those girls won't really know their moms name since monsters would normally hide their real names... Shit!

Doron suddenly got up and looked at Patra.

"Punch me in the gut" He said decisively as he looked at a shocked Patra who was looking at a similarly shocked Iris.

"You want me to punch you in the gut?"

"Did I stutter? Do it now, I don't think we have much time" Doron said as he stood infront of Patra. "Hurry!"

Seeing how urgent Doron's voice sounded Patra reluctantly flexed her arms as she got into a stance where she could deliver a powerful punch to Doron.

"Am Sorry!!" She yelled as she delivered the powerful blow towards Doron's unguarded stomach.

The blow was so fast and powerful that Iris could have swore that she heard the sound of how Patra's fist grinded against the air in the room.

In just milliseconds the blow connected with Doron's stomach and a loud sickening thud was heard that made Iris's skin crawl as she looked at Doron who was now hunched over literally puking his guts out.

She also felt like doing the same thing as she saw something disgusting like that.

After about three minutes, Doron seemed to be fine as he quickly stood up and wiped his mouth.

"Did *pant* Did any of you eat or at least touch something that belonged to the slimes?" Doron asked with a bit of difficulty as he held his aching stomach. 'She is a lot stronger than she looks.' Doron thought as he gave Patra a side glance.

Of course when she hit him, he made no effort in guarding or tensing up his stomach. He was not in a risk of getting injured since he was now invulnerable to physical damage, but that did not mean that hit's won't hurt or affect him in a way, he could still suffer internal damage, but his body would of course absorb some of the force for him.

Hearing his question , Patra and Iris looked at each other and looked back at Doron.

"I carried the slime twins"

"I touched her core? ahem, I mean her slime core"

Doron just looked at Iris but did not comment as he looked at the two.

"We are in danger" Was all he said before the door to the dinning was suddenly blasted open as saw dust and fragments of the door were pushed in as they saw two little girls barge into the hall.

"Papa wants to leave?" Marble said with a sad epression as she held her sisters hands tightly.

Orb on the other was bitting her lips with tears pouring out her eyes as she looked at her papa that she had always wanted to see, but could not.

Doron and the rest looked at these girls as they slowly walked into the hall holding their hands together as they looked at the group with somehow sad gazes.

"Doron, can you quickly tell us what is happening here?" Iris whispered, loud enough for only her, Patra and Doron could hear.

"This is an illusion, all of it" Doron said as he looked at the little girls coming towards them. "Try using your powers" He added.

Iris frowned as lines formed on her forehead as she realised that she was not able to summon her roots, Patra just looked at her, and seeing her strained expression, she already knew that it was failure.

"I can't". Was what she said after sometime as she looked at the small girls were now just meters away from them.

"we just have to wait for Diakonos to initiate the core trial" Doron said as he slowly moved backwards, as Patra and Iris and also followed Doron's movements as they also became a bit scared.

"You are forgetting that we would be left here alone" Iris retorted.


"Can't we just dash towards them?" Patra asked as she looked at the little girls who seemed to be enjoying their little game of back away from the little cute girls who looked like psychopaths.

"If you recall, one of them was able to block a blow that none of us were able to react to" Iris said.

Their game lasted for almost about five minutes.

"Don't you think this dinning hall is a bit too long?" Patra said again as she dared not take her eyes of the slime girls.

"Illusion" That was all Doron said as he too did not even shift his vision of the girls for even one millisecond.

"So what are we going to do then?" Iris said with an irritated tone, as this stale mate was driving her a bit crazy.

Doron just fell into thought as he looked at the girls and a thought entered his head, a very wild thought as he took of his boots and held them in both hands, of course this made him lag behind a bit, but it was okay as he needed to be a bit close to the girls.

'Here goes nothing'

He raised his left hand and maybe realising what he was about to do, the two girls seperated and kept a distance from Doron as they looked at him with wary eyes.

"Papa?" Orb called out as she looked at Doron with a confused look on her face.

"You- you are not Papa?" Marble added from the side, making Doron look at them with confused looks as he was about to retort with "I am your father" but caught himself just in time.

Iris and Patra who were just looking at the side found this interaction a bit funny, even though they were in danger.

Doron was holding a boot in each hand with a throwing gesture as the girls were now keeping a distance a from them.

The thought of the girls being afraid of Doron holding a boot made Patra unconsciously let out a laugh as she watched this interaction.

Doron also for some reason felt this interaction comical as he also chuckled a little looking at the girls.

"It seems that the illusion is taking time to affect your minds" They all heard a very alluring voice sound around them.

"Who are you?" Doron yelled as he held the boot in his hands.

"It's Marble!" Iris gasped in shock as she looked at a woman with blue hair and blue eyes staring at them from the ceiling of the dinning hall, she was floating in the sky and looked at them with disdain.

Patra also looked above and realised that Doron had hurled a boot at Lydia who was now running towards them with a deranged look in her eyes.

Doron after hurling the boot at her started running for his life.

"SAVE ME!!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs as Iris was running after him with a crazy look.

"Let's leave here" Patra yelled as she held Lydia's hand and ran with her towards the metal doors of the living room.

"Protect Orb!" Iris heard Doron's voice as she saw that Patra was about to throw her into a dark pit that looked like it had no bottom.

"NO!!!" Patra yelled as she saw Doron piercing Marble's stomach and twisted the blade.

Diakonos was watching this with Thusiel beside her as they laughed at how Patra was trying to break out of the box holding her from saving her friends who were about to get hanged.

Doron was now running on a snow capped mountain being chased by a tribe of Patras who were after his life.