
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 21: The Orc Village

"How did you get the money to buy these things" Iris was currently interrogating Doron who had magically purchased swords, armors and was now holding about 100 gold coins, 2000, silver coins and almost a hundred thousand of bronze coins with him.

The other thing was that all of these things were inside a space ring, and what excuse did he give.

"I found it on the road, finders keepers right?"

Right now the trio were headed to the orc village, which was supposed to be about a two hour walk by the way they were moving, but there was a little problem, or was it a big problem?.

"Uh, is that the tree illustrated on the map?" Patra asked as she pointed at a tree that for some reason looked like it was bathed in slime.

"I don't think so?" Iris also was not sure.

Well the problem was that, even though they could speak and understand the languge of this world, they could, for some reason, not understand the written form of the language of this world.

And since they came from a technological world, reading maps was a very hard and impossible act, and the fact that some of the diractions on the map were written in the language of the world.

"We are going to get lost at this point" Doron sighed as he sat down under a tree, and started playing with the space ring on his finger.

They were no longer dressed like how they were before, and now looked like real adventurers, minus the swords and the armors, aside from that, nobody would look at them weirdly.

Of course it was from the stol-Cough, I mean it was from the wealth he found on the floor.

He also got some books about this world, also found on the floor, but he could not really understand the words on it.

"Is there not any trinket or some kind of tracking device or something that ca show us the way?" Iris looked at Doron and questioned, as she kept the map back in her pockets.

"Sadly no, except the armors, swords and the money, nothing else" Doron said.

"Wait, I have an idea" Patra exclaimed looking excited.

"What is it?" Iris asked.

"Why don't we just kidnap some homeless guy and make him show us the way, or even read the map for us"


"That's a great idea!" Doron said as he got up.

"No!, that is not a great idea!, Why do i get the feeling that you have done this before?" Iris asked giving Patra a questioning gaze. "Look, we don't want to attract trouble to ourselves at all, this will just make or journey harder"

"This is an unfamiliar world, some things would surely be different from our own worlds... my phone! why did I not think about it!?"



"Is she okay?" Patra whispered to Doron.

"I don't know, maybe it's that time of the month? Does she even have that time of the month?"

"What time of the month is that, is it bad?" Patra asked with worry.

"... You don't know that time of the month?" Doron asked shocked. 'Don't aliens have that time of the month for girls?'

"If I knew I would not be asking"

"Well that time of the month is when some girls become so unbearable, that when they have it, as a boy, you have to run away, or face it like a man" Doron explained with a solemn look.


"I don't have that!, and I can hear you idiots!" Iris was feeling vexed but just let them be.

She fished out her phone and saw that it still had power in it. The phones of the supernatural world were not ordinary phones one can see on the road, as they had alot of specs that would make any person with a love for good phones drool.

One of these things was the function to translate any language, as long as they were used for communication, meaning it could even translate the languages of animals, if the conditions were right.

When Doron and Patra saw what she was doing, they instabtly understood and went close to her to see the wonders that were about to happen.

After about what seemed like forever, a ding was heard, they all looked at the phone screen and were instantly elated. The translation worked.

The name of the language was Mozilla, and that was the world wide language of the Ravians, the name of the world they were in right now.

There was no other description aside that.

"Wait, we can use this opportunity." Doron said as he brought out the books that he had stol- Damnit!, I mean found!, The books that he had found!

As he brought the books out, Iris could not hide that smile on her face as she felt that Doron had at least done something good this time.

"We can do that later" Iris said as she looked at her phone and the map.

"What of the power?" Patra asked. "Won't it die?"

"No it won't, at first I was just going to let it die, since I felt that we were not going to use it for anything, but now, it won't" Iris assured. "Let's just get this over with."



Now that the words on the map had been translated, they were able to get to the outskirts of the town with no problems at all as they could even the see the rising smoke from the village, that slowly drifted into the sky.

"It seems we are close enough" Iris said as they could already see some orcs around the village going about their normal days.

They were not like that green colored orcs that Doron was expecting, but rather they were brown in skin color, and with their tusks coming out of the sides of their mouths like that of boars, that was actually for the males, as the shortest one Doron saw was about 1.7 meters tall, and they all had muscular bodies.

The females looked more human, as their tusks were smaller, and even though they looked muscular, it gave them this exotic charm, unlike the men who had green tribal tattoos all over their bodies, the women just had it on their arms, and they were also tall, but not as tall as the men, the tallest he had seen so far looked to 1.9 meters.

"They don't look like they are causing trouble" Patra could not help voicing out.

When they met the guild master Manurt, he briefed them about the orc village and he kept on saying that when they get there, they should not observe them but instantly start killing them.

Of course if they could also bring the cheiftains head, they would become wood ranked adventurers.

Now that they were here, they did not see the orcs doing anything that could warrant them to being exterminated.

"I have an idea" Doron suddenly said. "What if we let them become our allies?"

"... That, that does not sound bad" Iris said as she pondered.

"But how though, I don't think they are really on good terms with the Azron town's people" Patra added. "What if they mistaken us for them?"

"That is also a problem"

"That is also covered, just follow my lead".

Doron then walked out of their hiding place with his hands raised in the air. Iris and Patra loked at each other and shrugged as they did the same.

They believed that they were strong enough to at least break free from any cell they put them in, well Iris was, Patra... also believed in herself, kinda.

The patrolling orcs noticed the intruders and pointed their bone spears in their direction and one of them spoke, in a booming voice that could be mistaken for a fired canon.

"State your business!" The other orcs around also came to see what the commotion was about as they also brought out their weapons.

They did not really have the man power to create outposts and sentry points around their village, so they resulted to patrolling the vicinity of their village, since those hateful humans from Azron town usually carried some of their able bodied men and women to protect their nobles and mayors of their towns, and also their dungeons, since they only had one dungeon that produced beast cores.

"We actually come bearing some nad news for your cheiftain" Doron said with his hands still raised in the air.

"Bad news?"

"Yes bad news, and I can only give it to your cheiftain" Doron said with urgency in his tone.

Maybe seeing how serious the human man was, the orc who Doron deemed to be their leader placed his weapon down and looked at the man, then at his people and motioned him to follow.

Doron, Iris and Patra followed the orc into the village and saw how the orcs of the village stared at them with curious and hatefilled gazes.

There were even orc children who followed behind them. The boys walked around practically naked, whiles the girls only had a string of cloth covering their maidenhood from outside eyes.

The teenagers of the town were dressed more, as the boys had the skin of animal covering their lower regions and the girls were now covering their chest area, with the skin of animals.

The houses of the orcs were made with wood and the house that Doron saw that looked to be the most prominent was made of mud.

"Go in, our cheiftain has already been briefed of your coming" The orc said, motioning them to go inside the mud house.

As they entered, they instantly saw a young girl about the age of nineteen or eighteen sitting on a throne made of animal bones and to her left and right side sat older orcs that looked to ahve gone through a lot of battles with the scars and the aura they showed.

There were four women and five men, sitting on the girls sides.

"We heard from our guards that you had a very important message to give us? Normally we don't do this, allowing human straight to our cheiftain, but somethings have led to you not being chased away, so speak" One of the old orcs spoke in the same boomimg voice.

'Are they father and son?' Doron could not help thinking.

[Warning: Host is under a mind reading spell]

Doron was shocked when he saw the notification, followed by the giggles of the girl on the bone throne.