
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 22: The Living Dungeon

Inside the orcs chieftans mud house.

Doron had already told them what they were really sent here for, and the elders of the village did not take the news really well, as they all either cursed or promised to kill Manurt with their bare hands.

"So what do you plan to achieve by tellling us this?" One of the orc elders asked.

"Corperation" Doron instantly replied. "You see, we are foreigners in this land, and our main purpose was to start s new life, but we did not really understand the cultures and ways of this place, so we thought of becoming adventurers to at least have some money and not starve on the streets like beggers *Sigh* We did not imagine that these people would try to kill innocent monsters such as yourselves, that's just *Sigh*"

[Warning: Host is under a mind reading spell]

Doron saw the notification again and smiled, this was going to make his work easier.

'I can't lie to them I have to tell them the truth, but would they believe me? Manurt said he wants their chieftans head, but I can't just kill her if I at least Don't know what she did, or what they did' Doron thought in his mind as a constipated look appered on his face, as he looked at the elder orcs and their chieftan on the bone throne.

"*Ahem*, so after the bul-- pardon me, after what you have said, how do you expect us to trust you?" A female elder said, looking at Doron.

[Warning: Host is under a mind reading spell]

'I knew they won't trust me, what should I say?'

Seeing how Doron was quiet and how his face kept changing, the girl on the bone throne suddenly spoke.

"Do you know why Manurt wants us dead?" The elders were shocked when their chieftan spoke, but did not rebuke her or voice any of their thoughts.

"... How did you know it was Manurt?" Doron asked back shocked.

"You are not the first ones he sent, and I am sure you won't be the last" The girl said as she stood up. "The Azron town has three dungeons under it's name, but only one produces beast cores, and that is the slime dungeon, one is for training, and the other is to acquire a skill and some monster parts, but before that, it had four dungeons, but the town did not know about it until it had a dungeon break" She then stood in the middle of the mud house, facing Doron the others.

"This dungeon was called the Orc crypt, and that is where we came from, Manurt somehow found out about this and tried to subjugate us and destroy the dungeon since the monsters there had broken out, but he couldn't"

"Why?" Patra who was fascinated and intrigude by this tale could not help but voice out.

"Hehe, becuase, how do you destroy a living dungeon?" The girl asked as she waved her hand and small orc child that looked to about 2 years old, according to human standers suddenly appeared and held unto the girls hand.

"Ma!" The boy said as he looked at the girl lovingly.




The trio were shocked as they looked at this scene with shocked expressions, they really did not see this coming at all.

The girl smiled seeing their shocked expressions, as she carried the orc boy in her embrace and a female orc elder quickly appeared and took the child from their chieftan.

"With this, I could have already taken control of the town and wiped out all the humans, but... " The girl pasused as she looked at Doron. "A dungeon can never really leave it's position"

She made a point as she tried leaving the mud house, but what looked like a barrier suddenly appeared.

This also surprised the trio as the looked at the girl.

"Why are you telling us and showing us this?" Iris asked. "There has to be a rerason right?"

"It seems that you two are the only sharp ones" The girl commented.

Patra did not know why, but she felt that she was insulted somehow by the girls words, but did not think too much about it.

"You said you want corperation right?, How about having a living dungeon with you that can create level 1-4 orcs on a whim, I myself can be considered level 5 orc, nearing the initial stages of the fledgeling rank"

Luckily, they were told of the monster ranks by an adventurer who felt what Manurt was doing was wrong, sending clueless people to their deaths, by not telling them the strenth of the monsters they were going to face.

"Okay, but how, you were the one that said you can't leave here" Doron questioned.

"Yes, but there is another way" The girl walked towards Doron. "Enter me and get to my core"




Orc elders."..." 'Cheiftan, *Cough*, please your words are a bit misleading'

"... What?" The girl looked around seeing the strange gazes of those around her and was confused. "Is there a problem?"

"When you say enter you... H-how do you mean?" Iris asked, a little flustered by how bold the girls words are.

"Huh? Don't you know how to enter a dungeon and fight the monsters inside? The only difference is I will expose my dungeon core so that he can control it, and make me his servant"


Everyone suddenly exclaimed as the had s look a enlightenent.

"So do you agree?" The girl said looking at Doron.


[A Living dungeon Has Been Detected Do You Wish To Enter?



Doron looked at the notifiaction and looked at the girl.

"Yes" He said witha smile, because he knew that this was better than he had hoped, and he would be a fool to pass this up.


- Diakonos The Living Dungeons

-"I serve the only the realm menace,

Me and my children"

- Defeat the dungeon guardian Balyur

- Reward

- Dungeon Core of Diakonos


As soon as the notification was heard, a flash of light was seen and Doron was no where to be seen, but no one panicked as they already knew something like this might happen.

"So, do any of you play cards" An orc elder asked as he brought a deck cards form form his robe.

Iris and Patra looked at each other and just shrugged their shoulder and agreed to play.

Inside Diakonos

Doron looked at the battleground he appeared on and the clash of swords and the cries of fallen soldiers was the only sound that could be heard all around him.

The ground was dyed red from the blood of fallen soldiers and the sky looked to be weeping as it trie to wash the blood from the ground to no avail as the rain turned into a blood rain.

As Doron looked around, he saw what looked an orc that was about 10 meters tall, laying waste to the humans on the battle field.

It was a fight between humans and orcs, but the humans were on the receiving end of the unslaught.

Then there was a loud roar on the battle field as the orc looked at Doron and pointed his massive club at him and spoke.


[Balyur The Titan Challenges You]

-Balyur The Titan

- "Being tall is not a blessing, it's a curse,

I miss my brothers"

- Kill Balyur before the human army gets annihilated competly

- 60% of the human army remaining


Doron looked at the message and realised that the introduction for Balyur was strange, as he saw the same thing on Diakonos, but did not know what it meant.

Doron also dod not know when, but he was now wearing armor and even had what looked a bastard at his side, he was also covered in blood and corpses of orcs around him.


- Story dungeon activated.

- You are the great general of the Nathinian Empire, and you are the last stand for your empire, if you fall, then your empire falls to


Doron read this and could not help smiling as he unsheathed the bastard sword at his side and pointed it at the 10 meter tall orc.

"Let's go, ugly " As if he understood what Doron said, it roared and dashed towards him stepping on the humans blocking his way.


-Skills = Boost, Dash, Slash, Blinding Light, Parry, Dodge, Empower, Light Sheild, Berserk, Stab, Block, XX, XX, XXX, XXX, XX, LIfe Drain


Doron ignored the notfication as he stomped his foot on the ground as he dashed towards his enemy as he slashed his sword and a golden sword wave headed towards the legs of Balyur.

The titan used his club to block the wave instantly, but his momentum was broken as Doron realesed another wave aiming for his chest, this was also blocked, but the titan had to sacrifice a hand to block it.

Seeing that it got injured, it roared as it hit the ground infront of it, creating a massive dust cloud and a crater around it.

The earthquake also spread to the battlefeild of the other fighters and some were lucky enough to fall and were instantly killed by their enemy who took the oppurtunity.

Doron who had covered his face was now looking at a massive wooden club that was meters away form his body and he unconsciuosly placed his sword infront of him as a golden sheild appeared infront of him and the club collided with the sheild and shot him out like a cluf club hitting a golf club.

As he tumbled around on the ground and rolled on the ground for some time and was able to catch himself and quickly stood up from the ground as he dodged to the side as a boulder crashed to where he was seconds ago.

The titan instantly closed the gap between them with a jump, with his club raised high and a loud roar.

Doron brandished his sword again as waited for his opponent to land, as he was meters from the ground, Doron shouted.

"Light spikes!"

The titan hearing this was ready to intercept the attack but then a roar that also sound like a moan echoed through out the battle ground.

This caught the warriors of the opposing groups as they looked at the where their leaders were duking it out, but what they saw made all of them clench their butts with fear.

At the backside of the titan were several spikes that made him look like a porcupine as he lay down on the ground with his but in the air, and a pain filled wail was heard.

"This is my victory" Doron said, as the whole battlefield became quiet.