
Web of Dragons

Spider-Man was issues away from making a deal with the devil when he was suddenly transported into a new world of alien threats, martial arts, and Dragon Balls. How will Peter return home, read and find out in the next episode of Web of Dragons!

Daoist_Over_God · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

End of an Era

The humans had accessed their Super Forms, Vegeta had finally become a Super Saiyan alongside Raditz and Napa, and both Gohan and Mayday had finally begun their martial arts training. Goku and Vegeta even used the time chamber for four years to come out even stronger than before.

When they were about to leave for the battle, Chi-Chi explained that since she was pregnant, she wouldn't be able to go with them.

After celebrating the news, they group flew off to head towards West City.

Meeting up with the group, they let Peter lead them into the city. With his Spider-Sense being so incredibly advanced, he could mix it with his Ki sense to discover a person's danger levels.

Around the time Peter found someone with mild danger levels, he flew over to check and found the Androids in question. There was a whizzing noise faintly coming from their bodies, evidence of machinery.

Peter raised his Ki level, alerting everyone before he saw the Android smash through a car, Spider Equipped his Suit and landed in front of them.

"Sorry tin-cans, but I can't have you messing up my city. Surrender, and I do my best to keep you from the scrap yard," Peter said as he cracked his knuckles.

"Ah, the hero of West City, Spider-Man. You too are a target, but not the one we are looking for," Doctor Gero said as he placed his hands behind his back, "19, take care of him."

The fat robot rushed towards Peter who simply caught it and twisted its arm off, "I'm actually thankful you're robots. I shouldn't have any issue going all out on you."

With a swift kick, he beheaded 19 and webbed up Gero before punching him in the face.

When he saw the hat fall off, Peter frowned and saw the brain floating in it. Around the same time, Future Trunks and the rest of the Z-Fighters had appeared.

"You're not an Android, you're a cyborg!" Peter said as he watched Gero struggle to get out of his webbing.

"Wow, that was easy," Goku chuckled.

"That's because these aren't the Androids that attacked in my timeline," Trunks whispered.

"Hey, you look familiar…ah," Bulma slapped her hand into her palm, "I remember seeing you in a portfolio of famous scientists. You're Doctor Gero!"

"I have no idea what you're…"

Peter interrupted the Cyborg as he recalled the list of scientist and said, "Ah! I remember that, he was a member of the Red Ribbon Army. Well then, I guess we know what to do. Where is your lab?"

"As if I would tell you," Gero spat.

Peter rolled his eyes and said, "Me asking was just being polite, mecha-grandpa."

Spider-Man touched his head and read his memories before lifting up the bottom of his mask and vomiting.

"You sick bastard!" Peter slugged him into the ground and started wailing on him.

"What give you the right to kidnap children?! CHILDREN! You turned them into monsters, you fucking piece of shit! But most of all, HOW DARE YOU HAVE A PLAN TO KIDNAP MY CHILD!"

The images of what he had planned flashed in Peter's head while he beat the ever living shit our Gero. He stomped on his arms and legs, shattering them into pieces as he picked him up by the throat and growled, "I have one rule. Don't kill unless absolutely necessary. However, I think I found my exception."

Goku and MJ tried to stop him by holding him back. However, they couldn't go stop him since he was using his suit to empower his body.

Gero was quivering in fear as Peter got ready to finish him off. However, Vegeta stopped him, placing his hand between him and the Cyborg as he said, "There's no need to dirty your hands."

With a blast of Ki, he ended Gero's life in an instant.

Peter was shocked as he recoiled from what he was about to do.

"Easy, Tiger…what did you see?" MJ asked as she tried to calm him down. She had never seen Peter so shaken before.

As he took deep breaths, he looked at MJ and shook his head. The things Gero imagined doing to their baby girl hit him harder than a punch from Thor himself could. He saw what Gero envisioned he do to her, cutting her open, prodding her for information, turning her into a killing machine, all while laughing and grinning.

 "You don't want to know…trust me," Peter said before he looked at Vegeta and said, "Thank you."

Vegeta clicked his teeth before looking to Trunks and asking, "If these aren't your Androids, then where are they?"

"Actually, I can answer that, and they aren't Androids, but Cyborgs. They're kids that he kidnapped and experimented on. They were tortured for years, brainwashed, and made into weapons. Fuck…it's not the first time I've come across a situation like this…Come on, I know what to do. Follow me to his lab."

As he flew off in a blast of intense speed, Peter clicked his teeth as he thought, "I have to ask how Charles deals with this crap, I don't think I'll ever get the image out of my head. Maybe I should ask him to wipe it out when I get back."

As they followed Peter, Bulma flew up to him and asked, "So…you read all his thoughts, right?"

"That I did, and as much as I hate to admit it. The man was a genius. He could have done so much good for the world, but he chose to be evil. Even before Goku destroyed the army and his son, he…let's jus say that guy was always a sick bastard. I don't think I'll ever understand these people."

"You shouldn't have to. I may not know what you saw, but I can imagine it included our family. There's nothing wrong with fighting to protect, and honestly, I might have done the same if I was the one to read his thoughts," MJ said as she patted his back.

"Your woman is right. There's no need to feel sympathy for evil people. They do what they want, so you should return the favor." Vegeta said as he kept his usual frowny face.

"Is…Vegeta trying to cheer me up?" Peter asked with a confused expression.

MJ laughed as she heard Vegeta clicking his teeth and said, "He's softened up a lot, huh?"

"THE HELL I HAVE!" Vegeta shouted.

They all chuckled and before they knew it, they had arrived at Gero's lab. Peter landed and forced the door open with his bare hands. Bulma and Peter walked in and started going through the papers and tech left behind.

Trunks was about to blast the Androids apart but Peter stopped them, "Don't. They're victims too, also, your mother and I can save them."

Trunks struggled with his decision but relented to Peter's mercy when the hero said, "They didn't get a choice, Trunks. Their entire lives were stolen and destroyed by that mad man."

"Ugh…fine. But I'm not sparing mine," Trunks crossed his arms in a very Vegeta like manner.

Peter thanked him and walked over to a hatch before opening it up and jumping down. He saw the chamber that contained Cell and used the computer to see the option whether or not to terminate the fetus growing inside. He knew what the creature was programmed for, and just how much of a threat it was to humanity and the universe.

"Think we can save this guy to, maybe reprogram him? He reminds me a bit of Vision."

"What is he?" Bulma asked.

"According to the memories I scanned over, this little guy here has the combined cells of Earth's greatest fighters. If he's anything like Vision, he could be a great protector for the planet. He's may be an Android built to destroy Goku and Krillin, but I think we can fix him, make him better, faster, stronger."

"Let's see what we can do then," Bulma said as she looked over the research papers.

"Right, so you think you can fix them?" Peter asked.

"Yep, and with ease. Not to mention fixing them, I can totally outdo that psychopath's designs. The powers of these Androids could be useful for planetary defense, why not make them as strong as we can."

"Then let's get to work," Peter said as he started typing into the computer.

The two worked around the clock and downed around ten cups of coffee while they fixed the damaged psyches of the people known as Lapis and Lazuli.

"I don't think we can completely repair them. However, I managed to remove the bombs, improved upon their design, and reprogram the Androids that were in operation. However, too much damage has been done with Gero's brainwashing methods, I'm not quite on the level of advanced brain augmentation."

"That's good news, so what about our other projects?" Peter questioned.

"Well, with stuff we raided from the PTO, I can not only speed up Cell's growth, but push it to perfection without needing to absorb the Cyborgs."

"Hey, just had an idea. We can use the dragon to restore the patients' memories," Peter mentioned as he kept working.

"Good idea, I'll tell Krillin to get it done," Bulma said before made the call and told Krillin to get up to the lookout in order to use the dragon balls.

After complying with the scary Mom, the bald monk made his way to Kami's place and did the deed, and since he had two remaining wishes left over, he asked for Shenron to alter the time chamber and spread out the safe zone for a few dozen miles, filling them with houses and training rooms that would help them all improve their martial arts and Ki abilties.

The third wish was for the earth in Trunks' timeline to return to the point before the Androids invaded, that mean all the dead people came back alongside everything they destroyed.

With that done, he returned the Dragon Balls to their resting place and left the time chamber.

He flew back to Capsule Corp and told them the wish was done.

It took Peter and Bulma a week without rest to get them all up and running. Peter and Bulma even managed to use the IER to replace the Arc Reactors and even completed the black hole engine, making their suits increase them both a physical and Ki boost that was roughly 2,500 times.

"Honestly, with all the power I've gotten from living here, I don't think there's much in my universe that can beat me now. I might even be able to take on Galactus or at the least give Thor a fun fight."

"You still have people in your universe that can defeat you?" Bulma sounded shocked.

"Yeah, there's a bunch actually. There are people with powers that are essentially rule breakers, and a bunch of god-like beings, or just plain gods. You know there is a physical manifestation of Death in my universe and one of my…f-r-i-e-n-d-s…yeah I guess you can call him a friend…anyways, he's sort of dating her."

"Get out, Death's a woman?" Bulma laughed.

"Yep, and her 'boyfriend' is immortal. Dude has a mutant gene that causes him to regenerate like he was an Axolotls on crack."

"Damn, that's scary," Bulma thought of having to regrow an entire limb.

Once they finished the last touches, Super 13, 16, Lapis, and Lazuli all exited their pods with looks of surprise on their face.

Krillin blushed when he saw Lazuli and waved at her while Bulma explained what they did. They were thankful for the help, but they didn't know what to do with their lives from this point onward.

Krillin suggested that he show them around, maybe get them a place to stay while they figure out their lives. As for the actual Androids, Bulma made the guardians of the planet. Just in case something happened to them.

Peace, once again returned to the Earth. Seven years of training, raising their families, and working passed by with ease. Peter and Vegeta even had their second child a year after Goten was born, Benji Ray Parker and Bulla were born mere months apart.

Cell was born in his perfect form and was a fully-fledged Capsule Corp Android. However, it looked nothing like the form Cell was supposed to take in the original cannon of events. Since Frost Demons never came to earth, he never got their genetic makeup.

Cell looked like a light, almost pasty green human, with pointed ears, a scaled monkey tail, and long neck long spikey emerald colored hair.

Goku fought with him often and even Peter found himself a challenge when the Android revealed it had powerful transformations. Due to the Human and Saiyan genetics, a Symbiote, Namekian regeneration Peter's Spider Powers, and Super Cell Transformations, he was now the strongest being on Earth.

Thankfully, Bulma's programming was way better than Gero's. She not only turned him into a protector, but made the Android almost human in its way of thinking. Peter couldn't help but think Tony could learn a thing or two from the blue haired genius.

Of course, another great experience Peter felt was discovering that the wish to give him super human transformations applied to him and his family too. He wasn't expecting to be able to transform, but when he did, his power shook the universe.

Unlike Super Saiyan's, their hair wasn't spikey but flowy. Its color was a dark blue color, their eyes a reddish orange, and it came with all the same boons and banes a Super Transformation carried. Of course, with seven years to train, they all broke through countless barriers.

Peter and Mary Jane were getting close to the age when they would be sent back to their Universe and started to feel distressed that they couldn't stay.

For almost 30 years, this place has been their home. They had children, raised a family, protected the world, and yet, they knew they had to return.

Luckily, surprising everyone, Goku came up with the idea of connecting their universes like how the Lookout was connected to the time chamber. With the dragon balls, it certainly was possible. The only issue, was where the door would lead.

Vegeta then told them to wish for the same type of Lookout to be built in his world with a door connecting the universes.

With that issue solved, Peter and MJ used the dragon to create a look out that be hidden from every form of technology or magic within their old world and then made a doorway that connected the two universes next the time chamber.

MJ thought it would be a good idea for the location of the 616-Universe Lookout to only be given to Mary Jane and Peter, to make it like an instinctual knowledge, and make it so that the lookout would be would manifest when they returned home.

With one wish remaining, Peter suggested that the look out on their Earth to have a guardian and teacher like Popo. So the wish was made to make a copy of Popo but infuse him with all the knowledge contained within the Technique Tablet. They'd pick a guardian from Namek to make dragon balls for the 616-verse, so the wish included the materials needed to make them.

With that done, Goku spoke up and said, "How about a tournament, for old time's sake."

"I heard Gohan got girlfriend who's blackmailing him to participate," MJ chuckled.

"Ugh, he totally got caught while we were doing our rounds," Mayday sighed.

Since Peter was a big role model of Gohan's and the fact that he trained in the style of the Spider, he ended up donning a Spider-Man mask and took on the identity of the Spider-Saiyan. Mayday went out with him often as Spider-Girl to help fight crime, and they happened to meet Videl during a bus heist.

They saw the girl had some skill, they even thought it would be better to keep their distance since Videl was sharp-witted. In order to keep their identities secret, they'd have to stay on guard around her. However, Gohan let his guard down when he was in a rush one day and ended up getting caught with the mask at school.

She basically threatened him to teach her how he got so strong and he relented. He taught her flight and the basics of Ki control, and even gave her a set of weights she could build up by condensing her Ki around them. It was the same training every one of the Z-Fighters went through, and Videl excelled at it.

Peter had seen her around Mount Paozu every now and then, but he had been rather busy of late with a new project Bulma was working on, so he didn't pay too much attention to them.

"You know, a tournament sounds fun. I've never actually competed before. But if we're just fighting without any power ups, I can see it being a lot of fun."

Goku cheered as he flew off to inform everyone while the greatest minds on Earth were currently working on an Infinite Energy Reactor powerful enough to power an entire planet forever.

"Man, I can't wait to show this off. Tony is going to lose his shit," Peter said as he wiped off the grease from his cheeks.

"I can't wait to meet him. Your world sounds like a lot fun. So, any thought on what you're going to call you company?" Bulma said before reaching out her hand and pulling over a large wrench with her Ki.

"Parker Industries…Nah…I think of something," Peter chuckled.

"How about, Arachni-Tech?" Bulma joked.

"A little on the nose don't you think?" Peter said as he tightened a few nuts with his bare fingers.

"Hey you said that they already knew your identity, why not flaunt it?"

"I suppose I could. But it might turn off customers if I name my company after a spider. Here, try my new Arachnid Battery, but be careful, some creepy crawlies might be part of package," Peter joked.

"Then roll with Parker Industries," Bulma rolled her eyes.

"I can't help but feel like I'm kind of copying Tony," Peter mulled it over.

"Pete, there are plenty of people who named their companies after themselves. Tony doesn't own the idea."

"Well…if you say so," Peter held two pipes together and welded them together before placing it on the room sized engine.

"Alright, start it up!" Bulma said as she closed the dome shaped hatch.

The machine hummed to life as Bulma took readings with her tablet and said, "Peter…look at his?"

Peter leaned over, "Holy crap! Are these numbers right?"

"You doubt my math?"

"This is incredible, Bulma. This thing is producing enough energy to run four or five thousand planets, much less one! I can't believe we managed to make our own version of the Infinite Energy Reactor! It's almost as good as the Black Hole Tech, just without the black hole."

"Much safer, you mean. My BHR is dozens of times better than this," Bulma huffed.

"Hey, without a Symbiote enhanced A.I to run the calculations, well…you know how just how dangerous this tech is. We're essentially keeping a black hole as a pet and feeding it light to get energy out of it. The IER is much safer since it uses artificial Ki " Peter replied.

"Yeah yeah, a runaway black hole isn't good for any environment. But that's why I suggested we use the absorption tech we snagged from Gero's lab. If we can leach enough energy from it, the black hole won't grow. I already made vast improvements on it by giving Lapis and Lazuli the ability to absorb Ki through their pores."

"Well, when you get it to work with something other than Ki, let me know," Peter chuckled.

"Just you wait, Parker, I'll get it done before you know it,"

"We've been running test for two years now, and we still haven't nailed down any results. The materials, hardwiring, and design of it, is solely suited for absorbing Ki. We have materials that can absorb other spectrums of radiation and things like light, but they don't come close to the Absorption-Metal Gero made."

"Well…we'll just have to make another new metal…you know, we could cheat."

"Vegeta and MJ would kill us," Peter joked.

"Very funny," Bulma rolled her eyes, "Seriously, we just have to wish for the knowledge or for the metal to be made from natural elements."

"You seriously want to do that? I thought you liked the challenge."

Bulma chuckled, "I do. I was just testing you."

"Sureeee. So, that whole boyfriend wish-thing was just you testing Goku too, right?"

"He told you? I'm gonna kill him!" Bulma blushed as she crossed her arms.

"Okay Queen of the Saiyans, now that we have to Prototype working, we should set up plans for getting the finalized product connected to the city."

"The King of Earth said that we'd get 10% of the funds, but since I demanded the energy to be sold for a 15th of the current electrical cost, it's not as much as it could've have been."

"More affordable electricity, who's going to complain about that? Besides, it's not like we need it. Between all the inventions we've made, the Senzu Farm, and the deal with Hospital for Rejuvenation Pod fluid, and the spaceships, I think the next 10,000 Generations should be set for life."

Bulma laughed, "So little, we have capsules too, so more 100,000 Generations. Heck, as long as my descendants don't screw it up, we'll last to the heat death of the universe. Oh wait, with our star being immortal, I guess it'll be forever."

"Now you're just bragging," Peter laughed.

"So, she has reason to brag," Vegeta spoke up from behind them.

He had just come out of the gravity room and reeked of sweat.

Peter pinched his nose, "Go take a bath! You smell like Logan, only without the booze and tobacco."

"Super Senses aren't too great after all," Bulma laughed.

"Ugh…it's worse than you think. Thanks to learning Ki control, I've managed to learn to dampen the effects. But when I'm not consciously repressing my senses, it's even more powerful than it was before I started training in this universe."

Vegeta rolled his eyes, "You just lack the training to make your control over your senses autonomous. We Saiyans also have senses several times that of a humans. Yet with good enough training, we are able to dial it back to acceptable level. At a certain point, out bodies adapted to it and we can magnify our senses only when we wish to."

"SERIOUSLY! Just take a shower or something already," Peter complained as he backed further away.

Bulma was laughing her ass off as she said, "Like I said, super-senses, not always a good thing. To me, well…I can smell it, but it doesn't bother me…in fact. Peter, you should head home…" Bulma kept eying Vegeta's well-built torso.

"Right… I've taken up enough space in your nest, so I'll just leave you two love birds alone."

Vegeta actually showed a bit of red in his cheeks before shouting, "JUST LEAVE ALREADY!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Keep it in your tail on until I leave…get it? Tail, towel?"

"JUST GO!" Bulma and Vegeta shouted at the same time.

Peter used his instant transmission to appear next to his house and saw Gohan and Videl webslinging on the jungle gym he built for his kids.

Peter's methods of training his Ki involved high-speed maneuvers while solely using their Ki to lift the exact weight of their training gear to 0 pounds. The intense pressure put on the spirit at these times allowed for rapid growth. So, the harder and faster they pushed themselves, the quicker their Ki will grow.

"Oh, she's pretty good," Peter smirked before he saw Trunks, Goten, and Ben joining them.

"Videl and Gohan sitting in a tree," the three teased as the weighted down Videl tried to catch them.

Gohan was shooting Ki blast at them, but they dodged everyone them while laughing.

Seeing that he couldn't stop them, Gohan suddenly removed his weights and made the boys jump in fear as he gave chase.

"You guys!" Gohan growled as his eyes flashed red.

"RUN!" Goten shouted.

"Kids," Peter chuckled.

"Dad!" Ben and Annie hopped over and gave him a hug.

"Good to see you too,"

"Hey, Uncle Peter! Make him stop!" Goten shouted as he narrowly dodged a kick to the head.

"Sorry, but you only have yourself to blame. Good luck," Peter laughed.

Goten didn't have time to whine as he felt Trunks' head slam into his gut. Gohan then teleported behind them and grabbed them both as a Super Saiyan 2.

"No fair! You cheated!" Trunk tried to struggle free.

"Cheater, cheater!" Goten stuck his tongue out.

"There is no cheating in your punishment!" Gohan spanked them both before sending them home.

"So, I hear you're taking part in the tournament this year?" Peter smirked at Gohan.

"Yeah…well, I wasn't given much choice," Gohan looked at Videl.

"How about you join in this year, dad?" Annie grinned.

"You know why I won't, I will be cheering though" Peter poked his daughter in the forehead.

"Come on, everyone here is going. Just once!" Goku pleaded.

"Yeah dad, it's not like they aren't all just as strong in some way," May nodded her head, "Live a little, old man."

"Oof, I am not old," Peter crossed his arms with a smile on his face.

Seeing the puppy dog pouts coming from Goku and May, Peter rolled his eyes and said, "Fine."

"Yahoo!" Goku cheered as he and Mayday high-fived.

"You two planed this?" Peter lifted a brow.

"Whatever do you mean?" May played innocent.

Goku sweated while rubbing the back of his head, "I gotta go tell Vegeta."

As he watched his brother-in-law fly away Peter chuckled and said, "Well, I guess I better start training. I got two weeks, right?"

May nodded her head, "Yeah. Goten, Benji, and Trunks are competing in the junior league too."

"Good, no spider-powers or Ki webbing. Don't want to give up your identity, right?"

"Of course. Mom didn't raise no fool," May smirked.

"Oh, and I guess I had nothing to do with it. You're so lucky you're my daughter," Peter laughed.

He flew off to Kami's look out and said hi to Dende before going in the time chamber.

"Two weeks, huh? Let's see what I can do with that."

Peter heard an explosion in the distance as he spread out his senses, "Huh, Vegeta's here too. I guess Goku won't be too far behind then."

Around that time, Goku learned from Bulma that Vegeta was training in the time chamber and sneezed.

Peter webbed up to a certain training room that rapidly altered the environment. The facility was like the time chamber but with a dial that let you crank up its harrowing effects to insane levels.

In an instant, it could be as hot as the surface of the sun and then next be cold as the vacuum of space. The gravity fluctuated randomly, the air was thin, and strange weather phenomena like tornados and an ocean of lightning appeared with enough power to seriously harm them.

Peter used that place to try and better understand his super form and train. When he sensed Goku arriving, the two Saiyans ended up sparing together.

"Chi-Chi made a good wish. As long as were in here, we won't age, so we can train for a long as we want. I know those too have been abusing this room. I wonder how strong they actually got."

No sooner than he said that, Peter felt their Ki exploding, "Whoa, that's impressive. I think they might even surpass my highest Kaio-Ken right now. When did they push their base forms to such a level?"

Across the large city in the time chamber, Vegeta and Goku were going all out in their Super Saiyan 3 forms. However, it was a great deal different than the cannon version.

For one, they still had eyebrows, their foreheads weren't as pronounced, and while their hair was long, it was only slightly longer than their Super Saiyan forms.

The two locked hands as they pushed as hard as they could.

"So…how long have you mastered the form?" Goku asked.

"A while now, and I have much more to show!" Vegeta grunted as he threw Goku into the air, "What's the limit of the multiplier? I can't tell anymore,"

"Well, the Mastered forms are 75 for basic Super Saiyan, 200 for Super Saiyan 2, and 900 times for Mastered Super Saiyan 3. But Super Saiyan 4 is different. It can only be learned once we completely control the Super Saiyan completely. We can't let any energy leak out at all," Goku kicked Vegeta in the gut before he tried to punch as his face.

Vegeta grabbed his leg and threw Goku into the ground before punching out.

Goku rolled to the side and vaulted back onto his feet as he stood across from his rival and said, "So, think we can do it?"

"Of course, but what is the Super Saiyan 4 multiplier?"

"Oh, the dragon said it was 8 times stronger than our Super Saiyan 3 forms. Huh, it's like our bonuses always seem to double. When I mastered Super Saiyan, I was able to increase the multiplier by 25 times. When I master Super Saiyan 2, the increase became fifty, and a hundred as a Super Saiyan 3." Goku closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"True…I also noticed that. Super Saiyan 2 is twice as strong as Super Saiyan, and 3 is 4 times as strong, it makes sense that the 4th is double that," Vegeta closed his eyes and calmed himself down.

"Oh, Goten learned that if you don't master the forms before transforming to the next one, the multiplication is weaker," Goku casulaly mentioned.

"Hah! Trunks mastered Super Saiyan long before he got to the next level!" Vegeta grinned.

"It's not a contest, and I made sure to teach him properly," Goku smiled.

The two opened their eyes and charged at each other. The training room they were in was at 2,000Gs and their bodies were weighed down with roughly 500 tons, however, they still moved faster than the eye could see.

Explosions echoed out as they kept their eyes closed, clashing with each other, and only relying on their senses to guide them.

No punch or blow landed on them as they each managed to block every attack they made against one another.

Their fight continued on for days and it didn't stop until they were both utterly exhausted. Only once they ate a Senzu bean did they continue to fight and push each other to new limits.

More and more of the Z-Fighters showed up to abuse the time chamber. Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Gohan, Videl, and even Lazuli came in to train with her husband and daughter. Peter wasn't slacking either, he sat in the lotus position, floating in a room that 1,000 times more intense that the time chamber.

Wind storms brewed around him, tidal waves of ice and fire bombarded his body. However, his Ki protected him through it all.

His hair glowed momentarly as he broke through Super Human Stage 2. Red lightning surrounded his body before the tint of his hair color became a brighter dark blue color.

"So this what it's like to multiply my power by 150 times…let's see how much I get from mastering this form."

Peter threw out punches and kicks while the chaotic space surrounding him threatened to end him with a raging swath of lightning bolts.

The days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and eventually, three or so years had passed inside the room of spirit and time.

Peter had finally broken into his Super Human 3rd stage form and experienced a boost of epic proportions. His hair grew longer but wasn't spikey. It retained the vibrant dark blue hair and glowing red eyes, but now his pupils were visible. Other than that, there were no major changes to his facial features, though he had to admit, he was a bit bulkier in this form.

"Wow, this has to be at least 800 times my base form," Peter laughed, "Oh man, I'm so broken now. I'm really curious as to how much I stack up against the Omegas back home."