

She waited for until was dark and she fell asleep. Rio came back and saw her sleeping infront of his door, he rushed and carried her inside while she was still asleep.

Rio.... Look at her! Why didnt you call me you sleepy head than sleeping outside?

He cooked dinner but Lana was still sleeping. At midnight, she woke up in Rio's bed, he was in the study on his p. c.

Lana.... Goodness, did i sleep here? How did i... he brought me inside and laid me on his bed? Why did i sleep like a corpse?

She went out of the bedroom calling his name, he came out from the study.

Rio.... Finally! Your awake.

Lana.... Why didnt you wake me up?

Rio.... I didnt want to bother you in your sleep and your carriable. Anyway, why didnt you call me than sitting outside?

Lana.... No need, i didnt mind waiting. 

Rio.... I cooked for you, so sit as i serve you. 

Lana.... Thanks. 

She sat down and he served her food. 

Rio.... Its my best dish, you will love it. 

Lana.... Thanks... but... 

Rio.... But what?

Lana.... Wanna be fr... friends... again?

Rio.... Huh? Thays out of the blue.

Lana.... I will take that as a yes. 

Rio.... Your so confusing but i will never hate you. 

Lana.... Thanks. 

Rio.... Stay for the night, infact, you should stay here since its near the university. 

Lana.... What? I stay here?

Rio.... Its a proposal, but your dad shouldnt know because he wont agree to this. 

Lana.... Well... 

Rio.... Take your time.

Lana.... Yes, i will move in with you. (Maybe if i stay closer to him, i will be able to win her heart in no time, works for me.)

Rio.... Good, no takebacks. So, when should i expect you?

Lana.... I will move in... tomorrow. 

Rio.... For real? I will pick you up then.

She didnt get any sleep at all thinking about moving in with him, shw left in the morning. Rio's friend visited him. 

Rio.... I asked her to move in dude. 

Alex.... Whats next? Are you ready to confess to her?

Rio.... Am confuse bro, am older than her which her dad wont accept nor Dano. 

Alex.... That wont matter if she feels the same way too. 

Rio.... I dont know, she acts like she is into me but then, she only sees me as her friend.

Alex.... Be a man and confess, not just your love to her but everything. 

Rio.... I need time, but one thing is for sure, i love her. 

Alex.... And the good thing is, you were supposed to be her fiance. 

Rio.... Lets have a drink because am way too excited for her to move in with me, i will feel my heart race for her then.

Alex.... You really love her this much, but she has no choice because she has to be yours at any cost. 

Rio.... I know but i want her to feel what i feel. 

Alex.... Instead of drinking, lets go for a swim instead.

Rio.... I like the idea, lets do it. 

Suprisingly and shockingly, Rio also had feelings for Lana the whole time, but he never said anything, just like Lana. They were both head over heels for eachother but never said anything abput it.

In the evening, Lana talked to her dad about moving out with a friend which he agreed on. Lana packed her thinhs and went to Rio's house, he was there and she was let inside. 

Rio.... The door password is MCRN. 

Lana.... Why that?

Rio.... No... reason. Let me show you your room and help you unpack.

Lana.... Thanks, but i will manage. 

He showed ber bedroom and she organized he things. 

Lana.... Hope i win his heart this time round, because if i dont succeed, i will blow up. 

Rio was also thinking about her. 

Rio.... Now that she is finally here, i will keep her away from other guys and keep her for myself. But i dont think am ready to confess everything now, i still need time Lana, hope you will understand me someday.

He ordered for food and they ate together dinner, sneakingly looking at each other with their heaets racing for eachother. 

Lana.... Good night, i should go to bed. 

Rio.... Wait.... why dont you stay a little longer and maybe watch tv with me. 

Lana.... Sure, its... cool. 

They sat in the same couch watching tv quietly, Lana was reaching for the remote so was Rio, their hands touched and they looked in eachother's eyes filled with love.

Lana.... (My heart is going to pop out from my chest.... am gonna pass out.)

Rio.... (I cant breathe.... this is killing me.)

They both let go at once feeling shy, Lana stood up. 

Lana.... Ummm... am feeling eepy, good night. 

Rio.... Su... su... sure, good night too.

They went to their bedrooms and kept thinking about eachother until they fell asleep. In the morning, he drove her to school and left.

Lana.... (I swear to God Rio, if one day i wake up dead because of a heart attack, it will be your fault, am innocent in all this.)

Lucrecia.... Thinking about someone?

Lana.... Lucrecia?

Lucrecia.... Just call me Lu. 

Lana.... What do you want now?