

Lana.... Am gonna be bored here alone. 

Dano.... But your joining university soon, it will be fun. 

Lana.... No, it wont be fun without you. 

Dano.... Anyway, Rio keeps aski g me about you. Dont you guys talk? Are you on bad terms?

Lana.... No.. no... we are good. 

Dano.... Okay, if you say so. 

Lana.... So... where is he?

Dano.... His still in town but his doing some confidential stuff, thats all i know. Give him a call, he will be glad to hear from you since he keeps asking about you.

Lana.....Lets eat, dad must be waiting to eat together before he sends you off.

After eating, they escorted Dano to the millitary base, but Rio was also there. Lana was suprised to see after so many because her heart never stopped loving him. Dano and Rio hugged.

Rio.... This is so sudden and am gonna miss you dude. 

Dano.... Me too, just take good care of my sister because she will need someone to rely on inthis cruel city.

Lana... Am not a kid, i can look after myself and i have dad too. 

Felixo.... Its time for you to leave son, make me proud.

Dano.... Indeed, off i go. 

Dano left crying so were Lana and Felixo.

Lana.... Stop crying dad, it breaks my jeart.

Felixo.... Look at ypurself. 

Rio.... Let me give you a ride home guys. 

Lana.... We are good, dad brought his car. 

Felixo.... Go with Lana, i need to be at work and i know that you guys wanna catch up. 

Lana... Dad... what are you... saying?

Felixo.... Lets eat dinner at home, i will cook so come back on time. 

Lana...But dad.... 

Felixo left. Lana was shy to look at Rio since its been a year and a half that they last met, she sractched her head and started bitting her lips in fear and shyness.

Lana.... Ummm... I.. i.. i should... get going for now. 

As she walking past him, he held her hand. 

Rio.... Cant you say that looking in my eyes? Do you resent me that much?

Lana.... Resent you? I dont... its useless anyway, let go of my hand.

Rio.... Sorry, but i really missed you Lana. Now that Dano, your my only true friend. 

Lana.... Friend? Well, it shouldve been better if we didnt cross paths because....

Rio.... Because what? Say it Lana, because no matter what happens, you will never escape from me.

Lana.... Okay, now watch me break free. 

She pulled her hand from him and walked away. She went and started crying. 

Lana.... Why does he keep burdening my heart? Even to this day, he only sees me as a friend yet i want something much. We will never be maybe, its the sad sour truth i have to live with yet i cant stop my silly heart from racing for him.

The next week, she was accepted in the best university in all of Madrid without even applying, she was very happy so was her dad. 

Felixo.... I think one of you teachers recommended you. 

Lana.... I doubt that dad, its not like i was the best student there. 

Felixo.... But who cares? Your now a student there and it wont change.

Lana.... Could it have been a mistake?

Felixo.... Have faith in yourself dear, you deserve this and you should be positive. Just go there and have fun and make me proud. Get yourself a boyfriend this time. 

Lana.... What now dad?

Felixo.... Its because you've never dated any guy in highschool, am just worried. 

Lana.... Worry not, they werent a perfect fit for me so i sent them all away, i will give it a go this time round.

On monday morning, she reported to there and started her studies, but it was the same case as she was in highschool. Everyone was shocked when they set their eyes on her and respected her. 

Lana.... (Why does this keep happening to me? I shouldnt care, as long as am happy and dad and Dano and Ri.... You stupid head, forget about him already.)

Lucrecia.... At last, your highness finally showed up. 

Lana.... You? 

Lucrecia..... Am not here to pick a fight with you.

Lana.... What do you want?

Lucrecia.... I just wanna be ftiends, being your friend is a sure gurantee to everything good. 

Lana.... Why now? No thanks, am afraid i have to decline the offer.

Lucrecia.... Your a tough like Rio said. 

Lana.... So you guys talk about me?

Lucrecia.... Ofcourse, we've been friends for ages now and at that party, he asked to male sure that you come to this university. 

Lana.... What are you talking about?

Lucrecia.... My dad owns this university and i put in a good word for you to him, thats why your here.

Lana.... So... you and Rio.... 

Lucrecia.... No, he doesnt do girlfriends, he only has one mate and its complicated. But me and him are just friends. 

Lana.... Excuse me... no, wait... do you know his address?

Lucrecia.... Yeah, i know it. 

Lucrecia gave her Rio's address and she headed there immediately, but he wasnt home.

Lana.... (I will wait at the door. I cant believe that i ignored him this whole time because of my silly slow thinking brain, yet he was doing all that for me. Am so dumb... but he shouldve told me because... i lovw him and i had to get jelous at all costs.)

She sat down on his door