

Lucrecia.... Just call me Lu. 

Lana.... Whatever. 

Lu.... Am glad that Rio is with his mate, his now extremely happy. 

Lana.... His mate?

Lu.... Lets not go there. Anyway, i have a favor to ask. 

Lana.... What is it?

Lu.... I want you to take me with you whenever your going to visit Dano at the millitary base. 

Lana.... Why would you want to tag along?

Lu.... Well... honestly... i have a huge crush on him, i seriously like him and i want your help.

Lana.... Ummm... 

Lu.... Come on, help a fellow girl out. I fell for him the day he came to this university and Rio introduced us, since that day i couldnt stop thinking him, his hot. 

Lana.... Well... 

Lu.... Only Rio can understand how this feeling is... 

Lana.... I will help you... as long as.... you stay away from Rio. 

Lu.... For real? Thanks Lana, you arent that tough after all. Anyway, my birthday is on sunday, please come with Rio.

Lana.... I will think about it. 

Lu.... Dont be a bore, your grown up now and its only right for you to have fun.

Lana.... Okay, i will talk to Rio about it. 

Lu.... No need, he already knows and he said that he will bring you along. 

Lana.... He said that?

Lu.... He did, now get your royal ass up and we go shopping together. 

Lana.... But... am... broke. 

Lu.... Seriously? You and Rio are the richest people on this darned earth.

Lana.... Stop joking, his rich... but am not. 

Lu.... Whatever, just come with me. 

They went to a mall and Lu picked everything she wanted, she got a dress and shoes for Lana too. 

Lana.... No need for this. 

Lu.... Hey, just take it because your mate will surely lose control when you wear it. 

Lana.... Whats up with this mate thing?

Lu.... Lets go, am sure Rio is waiting for you. 

Lana.... Okay... thanks. 

Lu.... Save it, just know that i will be the one benefiting from you.

Lana.... My brother? Your in luck because he also seemed to like you.

Lu.... Seriously? Your not making this up, are you? 

Lana... Why would i?

Lu.... What did he say then?

Lana....It doesnt matter because it was a year ago, who knows, maybe he fell for someone else. 

Lu.... But your not sure, just please help me make him mine. 

Lana.... I will try my best but am not promising anything. 

After, Lana went back home, Rio was in his bedroom. Lana looked at a dress Lu brought for her.

Lana.... She sure has good taste in fashion, am sure this will seduce Rio and he will have no choice but to stick with me at Lu's birthday party. Anyway, i should go and make sure if he really is going.

She went and knocked on his bedroom door, he wasnt there and she kept looking for him because she saw his car outside. She found him in the gym room boxing shirtless, she gasped on seeing his body. 

Lana.... (Thank you dear God that you gave me two big eyes to see such perfection.... am going to pass out.... Rio, your doing this on purpose so that i lose my breath, youve succeeded, i give in).

She stood on the door without winking at all, Rio didnt know since he was facing the other side, he finally saw her in the mirror., he turned and faced her.

Rio.... Lana? Sorry... about this... i usually dont want to sweat when am exercising so i do it shirtless.

Lana coughed and then licked her lips, she then scratched her head like she always do when she is feeling shy or scared. 

Lana.... I didnt... see anything. 

Rio.... Ok.. okay, lets go because am done here. 

Lana.... No, go on because i was just chasing after the cat that... that... ummm... that broke inside. 

Rio.... Hahaha, seriously? A cat?

Lana.... (Did he catch up on my silly lie? I cant take this anymore, i need some water.) Am sure that... its gone now, excuse me.

She hurriedly went to the kitchen and drunk some water while fanning herself with her hands. After, she rushed to her bedroom and hugged her pillow. 

Lana.... So, practically, this guy is just perfect, now i get it. He has a sweet smile, a long nose, a straight sharp jawline, female lips, and now his body too? This is driving me nuts, i should look the sexiest tomorrow on Lu's birthday so that i make his heart race too.

On sunday, she showered and did her makeup.

Lana.....Am this pretty, but he cant even see it, is blind or what? Thanks Dano for teaching me this makeup thing, i miss you like crazy, hope your fine. Anyway, i should go and check if Rio is ready to leave.

She put her dress on the hanger and went to Rio's bedroom, the door wasnt locked and she went inside but she didnt see him there.

Lana.... Where is he? 

Rio.... Lana. 

Rio was from the shower, he was in a towel and he was all wet with water flowing on his body and from his hair too. Lana's eyes widen on seeing his body again when its wet, she started winking non stop and scratching her head. 

Rio.... Where you looking for me? Your makeup... 

Lana.... I came to see... if your ready.... i should go. 

Rio.... Wait.... 

She rushed to the door and Rio caught up to her, on turning to face him, Rio's towel fell off from his body, they both gasped in shock. Lana closed her eyes and ran out from his room, she rushed to her room. 

She covered herself with her blanket holding it tight, she threw it away at once and stood up walking side to side in her room while fanning herself with her hands. 

Lana.... That towel did not just.... i saw nothing... but am somehow regretting it. How can he look the hottest with a wet body, water flowing from his hair, i think am the one falling the hardest for him yet i came here to make him fall for me. How can he make my mission so hard, now his having it all his way, beating me in my own game. 

Rio.... Lana, can i come in please? 

Rio knocked on her door, she licked her lips but her cheeks were all red.