

She cried bitterly because she was already in much love for Rio and was jelous after seeing him with Lucrecia.

Rio.... Lana? Wait... are you crying? Why? Did something happen?

Lana.... No, am fine. 

Rio.... Dont lie to me, i just want you to tell me whats the matter. 

Lana.... I just wanna go home. 

Rio.... Okay, lets go, i will drop you off as you tell what happened on the way. 

Lana.... No, i will wait for Dano. 

Rio.... I insist. 

Lana.... I said NO! Can you please let me be?

She pulled out her phone from her bag and called Dano, he went to her. She hugged him.

Dano.... Its okay, am here. 

Rio.... She wont tell me what happened. 

Lana.... Lets just go home Dano, i cant stay here any longer.

Rio.... Call me when you get home. 

Dano took his sister back home, he sat together with her on her bed and held her hand. 

Dano.... Look at me Lana, you know you can talk to me.

Lana.... Thanks Dano, and am sorry for bothering your bonding time with your friends. 

Dano.... Dont say that, you know that i can never hesitate when it comes to you. Now tell me, why did you cry, what happened? there?

Lana.... Dont wprry, i have everything under control. 

Dano.... Your sure?

Lana.... Iam, i just want to rest for now.

Dano.... Okay, just call me if you need anything. 

Lana.... I will, thanks. 

Dano kissed her on the forehead, they hugged and he left. Lana started crying again. 

Lana.... So this is the pain... of a broken heart am experiencing now? It hurts like hell yet i... i... i still have feelings for him. I cant go on like this, maybe avoiding will make these useless feelings will go away.

She slept and woke up in the morning with swollen eyes. 

Lana.... Gosh! I look miserable, i cant go to school like this. What if i bump into him? No Lana, your stronger than you think, so act brave even if your walking with a broken heart.

She got ready and went downstaura for breakfast. 

Lana.... Morning guys. 

Felixo.... Aheem!

Lana.... Not now dad because i know that Dano told you that i cried. 

Felixo.... What? I didnt say anything.Am just worried about you dear. 

Dano.... Lets just eat quietly. 

After eating breakfast, she left with Dano and he took her to school.

Dano.... Dont cry again. 

Lana.... I wont, i have you. Anyway, tell Rio not pick me up anymore and not to tutor me again. 

Dano.... Why? Dont tell me that he made you cry? Am going to beat him to a pulp.

Lana.... No, he didnt make me cry. 

Dano.... But why are you suddenly saying so?

Lana.... No reason, just give me taxi fee and i will be fine. 

Dano.... Look at you shamelessly asking for my money, what will i give my girlfriend?

Lana.... Girlfriend? How come that am just hearing about this?

Dano.... Its a joke, i just have a crush on Lucrecia and i saw her at the party last night. 

Lana.... That Lucrecia? You cant be serious.

Dano.... Dont even think about advising me because your not a love guru, until you get a boyfriend, you will be allowed to giveme advise. 

Lana.... Just do whatever, but dont go for her. 

Dano.... I should get going, here, i will give you daily allowance. 

Lana.... Works for me, because dad also gives me, i will try saving now. 

Dano.... You money snatcher! Love ya!

Lana.... Love you too. 

She went in class but still, she kept thinking about Rio. 

Lana.... (I still cant believe that i wanna see him, i really miss him. But if i dont see him, i will get used to it and forget about him in no time.)

After classes, she got a taxi to go home, on their way, they were blocked by Rio's car, Lana went out.

Lana.... Are you crazy? You almost ran us over.

Rio paid the taxi driver and he left. 

Lana.... Whats your deal?

Rio.... Enter the car, we need to have a serious talk. 

Lana.... I have nothing to talk about with you. 

Rio.... Why are you suddenly like this? Arent we friends?

Lana.... Hahaha... friends you say? Now listen to me, i dont wanna be friends with you, am cutting ties off with you.

Rio.... And am agreeing to this. 

Lana.... Ughhh! Whatever, suit yourself.

As she was leaving, he pulled her into his chest and hugged her tightly, Lana was suprised. 

Rio.... I know your hurting for something i guessed as a breakup, but you can talk to me.

Lana.... Please Rio.... let go... of... me... 

Rio.... You can cry all you want with me. 

Lana.... No.. no.. no... (Why does he have to treat like me this yet he is the one who hurt me? I cant... go on like this).

She pulled herself away from him.

Lana.... I have to go. 

Rio.... Wait... 

Lana.... You dont get it, do you? Rio, i want nothing to do with you, just please stay out of my life. Am begging you, please... set me free.

She walked away but couldnt stop tears from flowing from her eyes. She went home and cried her eyes out. 

In a few days, she went to school but never saw Rio again. After one year and six months, Dano enlisted for military and he was leaving in a few days.