

After eating, he drove her to a lake. 

Lana.... This place is beautiful, the sound of water flowing is relaxing. 

Rio.... Thats why i brought you here to cool off a bit. 

Lana.... Thanks... but, why do you do all this for me?

Rio.... Because you are you. 

Lana.... What does that mean?

Rio.... I also dont know. 

Lana.... But you said it yourself. 

Rio.... Lets not spoil this good mood, inhale and stop your interrogations. 

Lana.... (He acts like his into me... but then, his not. This is confusing me.)

Rio.... Enough for now, lets go back before Dano asks your whereabouts. 

He drove her back home. 

Lana.... Thanks, its been a good day and its thanks to you.

Rio.... Now your back to being a good girl, that's more like it.

Lana.... Goodnight. 

Rio.... Anyway, how come that you've never texted me before?

Lana.... What should i text you?

Rio.... Anything, or secrets, am a keeper. 

Lana.... Well, you can text me anything if you want. 

Rio.... I will. Anyway, i have a party on saturday and your invited.

Lana.... A party?

Rio.... Yeah, why?

Lana.... I've never been to a party before.

Rio.... Worry not, this is my party and you will have to show up, or else, i will drag you there myself. 

Lana.... Your... brutal. 

Rio.... I know, thats my nature. I should get going for now. 

Lana.... Take care. 

Rio left, Lana went inside smiling, Dano with Felixo were waiting for her. 

Dano.... Seeing you guys get closer makes me happy, that's an assurance for good grades. 

Felixo.... I would like to see you prosper honey, but if he ever tries anything with you, come and tell me. 

Dano..... He cant, he knows that i will cut off his snake. 

Lana.... What are you guys saying? Its not like.... his my suitor or anything.

Felixo.... But still, you should be careful, men will be men.

Lana.... Whats your point dad? Am i not allowed to date?

Felixo.... Not that, I mean, his five years older than you. 

Lana.... Am going to my room, excuse me. 

Lana left angrily because she didnt want to be advised about Rio.

Felixo.... What was that? Did i offend her?

Dano.... Am sure she has alot going on in her mind, she will talk to you once she cools down.

Lana showered and after laid down on her bed looking at Rio's photos she got from insragram.

Lana.... Why does he have to be breath taking yet caring? Does he treat other girls like he treats me? Am sure he does, he seems to be a lady's guy, even if he isnt, they obviously seduce him. No one can avoid those looks, should i text him?

As she was still thinking of texting him, he called her. 

Lana.... Is he seriously calling? Am gonna pass out, this so frigging true. Aheem.... Hi.

Rio.... What are you doing?

Lana.... Mm... nothing, why?

Rio.... I wanted to give you a heads up, am giving you a test tomorrow to see if you've improved. 

Lana.... What? You called just to tell me that?

Rio.... Were you expecting something else?

Lana.... Good night, am off to bed. 

Rio.... Wait, that was a joke. 

Lana.... Its a lame joke, you cant even crack one right.

Rio.... Good night little one, see you on Saturday. 

He ended the call.

Lana.... His so unserious, he only wants to play games with me because he sees me as a little girl yet he has no idea how crazy iam about him. I should sleep early to dream sweet dreams about him. 

On saturday, she wore a top and a skirt with a jacket on, she also applied make up. 

Lana.... How do i look Dano?

Dano.... Oh dear! Are you trying to impress a guy?

Lana.... How did you... i mean.. no... 

Dano.... Hahaha... that makeup is surely going to scare the hell outta him. How can a pretty girl like yourself not know how to do this right?

Lana.... Oh, dear judge, am guilty, just arrest me. 

Dano.... Hahaha... throwing tantrums like a toddler? Come here, i know how to do this so trust me.

Lana.... Its not like i have a choice. 

Dano.... You will always have me and dad. 

He kissed her on the forehead and helped her fix her makeup, it was better. 

Dano..... What do you think?

Lana.... I didn't know you were this good. 

Dano.... Now off we go because Rio is impatient and his about to call me. 

They went to his house, people were already there dancing, drinking and eating. 

Dano.... Lana, let me go and talk to my friends, be right back. 

Dano left, Rio saw her and went to her. 

Rio.... Finally. 

Lana.... Hi. 

Rio.... You look.... 

Lana.... What?

Rio.... Just fine. 

Lana.... That doesnt sound sincere. 

Rio.... Wait here, let me get you something to eat, dont go anywhere. 

Rio left, in a minute, a girl approached and spilled wine on her skirt. 

Girl.... Oops! I thought you were a trashcan because of the way your dressed, my bad.

Lana.... Whats your problem? Do you want to fight?

Rio.... Here is your food.... wait.... Lucrecia?

Lana.... Do you know her?

Rio.... Ofcourse i do. 

They hugged., Lana got jelous. 

Rio.... Lana, excuse us because i really want to talk to her. I've been longing to see her, lets go Lu.

They left, Lana was left standing because she knew no one else at the party since Dano was with his friends. 

Lana.... So.... am alone... i guess.

She walked in the house and saw Rio with Lucrecia talking and laughing while holding hands closer, the glass she was holding in her hands fell, she went outside and started crying.

Lana.... (That liar! He said... he doesnt do girlfriends.... but now his with her making out. Am so dumb to have fallen head over heels for him yet he doesnt care.)