
Notification (I'm as shocked as you are, or even more)

Guys, I don't think I'll be able to post a chapter in the next day or two, because I want to spend some time with my family due to a recent accident that could almost kill them while I was away.

While I was at the mall, hanging out with my friends after school, another friend of mine called me and told me that a helicopter had crashed into the housing estate which me and my family lives at.

At first I thought that he was joking me, and did not believe him. I told him to quit with the stupid jokes in a carefree manner, but when he insisted, I got a little worried and asked one of my friends who was currently with me to look up the sudden news.

As it turns out, the helicopter did indeed crash at the housing estate which I reside at. Just to be sure, I also checked a couple of other sources, and shockingly found out that almost every source of news were broadcasting the events.

When my dad came to pick me up, he told me that the military helicopter had crashed onto the child's playground. Worry not, as no children were currently present at the time of the crash, so no kids were harmed or worse.

The 4 soldiers were sent to the hospital, but I believe that they are unfortunately deceased, due to multiple sources of news broadcasting that they have passed away.

Also one of the soldiers seems to be "missing". Maybe he did not board the helicopter like he should have, or his body was lost somewhere (which is HIGHLY unlikely).

I'm being able to afford to be this carefree because my family was not hurt in the accident, but I still have a bad feeling that's been bugging me, so I decided to spend some time with my family.

Thank you for your understanding~

P.S. Yes, even I am shocked at the possibility of a helicopter crash at where I live.

LordAinzSamacreators' thoughts