
A Sharp Turn of Events

Gabriel heard what Venom had asked, and turned his attention towards the severed arm he was holding, which was flopping and wiggling from place to place as Gabriel moved his arm around.

A sinister grin suddenly appeared on his face as Gabriel spoke; "This arm?..." as he brought the severed arm close to his mouth before taking a hard <Bite~>!

"<Gulp~>.. Of course we'll eat it~!!" Gabriel exclaimed in a 'happy' and sinister tone as he lifted the arm upwards, causing blood to splattering around the empty alleyway.


Right on cue, multiple black tendrils arose from Gabriel's arm and shoulder like hungry sharks, accompanied by the gooey head of Venom, which was heading towards the severed arm, along with the black tendrils.

The tendrils and the ominous head hungrily coiled around the arm for a second or two, seemingly doing an ominous and creepy dance of celebration, before all of them suddenly shot forwards with the precise aim to quickly strike and devour the delicious treat that was being dangled around before them!

Each tendril lunged towards the arm before they individually ripped off big chunks of meat from the arm and quickly started to engulf the ripped chunks with their black substances, while the ominous head dived straight at the huge chunk of meat and bones that were left over from the feast of the tendrils, before eating all of it in a single, big bite!

The black tendrils began to pulse as they started the digestion while they sent the nutritious food towards the main mass of the black goop, which was Gabriel's body, as they slowly retracted back inside their main mass.

As a wave of pleasure and fulfillment ran across their body, both Gabriel and Venom started to salivate in ecstasy, while the sudden burst of pleasure caused them to jolt in satisfaction as Gabriel hugged their body.

"W-what is...<Sluurp~>.. this weird taste!?... It's.. It's something that we've NEVER tasted before!.. It's simply so... delicious, that It's addictive!!" Gabriel commented at the extraordinary taste of the severed arm as he leaned forwards.

[D-DELICIOUS?!..<Sluromp~> <Slorp~>... S-SO DELICIOUS, REALLY DELICIOUS~!! GUH-HUAAA~, WE'VE NEVER EATEN ANYTHING THIS DELICIOUS EVER BEFORE!!!] Venom exclaimed and screeched in pure delight as he swung his head forwards and backwards, causing his slurping tongue to swing left and right.







The two acted like this until the sweet, addictive taste and sensation of the severed arm finally wore off from their body.

"Well then, pal. What are we gonna do now~?" Gabriel turned towards the goopy head as he hungrily asked with an ominous grin and shrunken pupils.

[Fool, do you even have to ask?! Quickly, after him!] Venom screeched out in anticipation and excitement as he closed in on Gabriel's face with an expression so happy, that it would easily be able to scare small children to death and give adults medical trauma.


Hearing this, Gabriel suddenly turned around and sprang from his position as he gave a war cry, before he violently dashed towards the direction where the guy with the long claws had escaped.

"HEHEAHAHA, YOU CAN'T GET AWAY FOR LOONG~!!" Gabriel sang in a monstrous tone as he quickly made a sharp turn towards the next alleyway by piercing the concrete ground with his hard, gooey fingers, causing dust to rise up from the ground as the sounds of screeching echoed around the alleyway.

But before Gabriel could let go of the ground and propel himself forwards, a wave of a weird sensation jolted throughout his body as his chest suddenly <Pump>ed in a violent manner!

This weird wave of sensation caused Gabriel's body to tense up, which made him unable to move a single muscle inside of his body, let alone a single limb.

"W-what the?!..G-GUgH!!"] Gabriel exclaimed in shock as he initially failed to propel himself forwards and ragdolled across the alleyways and the backstreet as he continuously bounced off of the concrete ground, causing harsh frictions as he hardly managed to stop inside of some random alleyway.

Gabriel, who was now lying down on the ground, started to rise up as he weakly pushed his body upwards.

While pushing himself up, Gabriel notices that his left arm had completely turned into a blackish gooey substance, while specks of tendrils started to emerge and submerge from parts of his body.

"The hell-?!" Gabriel exclaimed in shock as he quickly turned backwards and accidentally tripped, causing him to fall on his butt. Gabriel then quickly pulled up his gooey arm towards himself and started to inspect it.

Neither Gabriel nor Venom noticed, but along with the emergence and submergence of the tendrils around their body, their eyes also lost their Egyptian Blue color, as it distorted into the color Black and White, while from time to time, their eyes would turn pure white, like the scary eyes of their monstrous form.

[What's going on, Gabriel?! Why are we turning into goop all of a sudden?!?] Venom asked in a worried tone as his "more gooey than normal" head weakly coiled around Gabriel as it slowly started to get pulled back into his body.

"Shit, how should I god fucking know?!" Gabriel snarled as <Wham!> he punched the ground with a fist fueled with anger, causing a small crater to form as the ground shattered with multiple cracks.

"Why... why the fUCK DOES OUR BODY ALWAYS HAVE THESE FUCKING PROBLEMS?!" Gabriel roared with rage. He was getting REALLY annoyed by these problems getting so frequent, as he had to deal with bodily functions and pains again and again and again... Hell, he had three of these problems in the time span of less than a goddamn week!

Gabriel then looked towards his other with anger and discomfort as he asked; " Damn it, Damn IT, DAMMNIIIT!!! DAMN IT, CAN'T YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS?!"

Venom could only reply with growls and screeches of discomfort until his head fully submerged into Gabriel's shoulder.

"F*CK!!" Gabriel cursed as the behavior of the tendrils suddenly increased, causing Gabriel to lean backwards and jolt around while the mass amounts of tendrils began to emerge and submerge around his body in a more violent manner. ( I always found censorship to be funny~.)

Then suddenly, the weird sensation, along with the waves of discomfort began to grow rapidly, causing Gabriel to suddenly jolt upwards as his body spasm in a synchronized manner with the emerging and submerging tendrils.

"AaeERrAAGH!.. Ah... <Pant>.. Hah?.." Gabriel growled in discomfort for a bit... Until suddenly, the tendrils stopped their weird actions and finally submerged back inside Gabriel's body, causing all of the previous weird feeling of discomfort and annoyance to suddenly disappear. Leaving behind a relaxed feeling, along with a confused pair of idiots.

[Huh, the weird sensation is... gone?... How are you feeling?] Venom asked to a panting Gabriel, whom was in the middle of slowly getting up on his feet.

"I'm..<Pant>.. good.." Gabriel said as he finally managed to get back up to his feet, before he started to brush the dust off of his clothes.

After Gabriel finished the half-assed attempt to brush the dust off of his clothes, he looked around in a tired yet angry and spotted a wall which was close to him at the moment.

In an attempt to support his tired body, Gabriel placed his hand on the side wall which was conveniently near him, as he continued to speak; "Yeah..<Pant>.., It's just that..<Pant>.. I'm still pissed off about our shitty body condition!.. <Pant>.. Seriously, what tHE FUCK'S WRONG WITH IT?!" Gabriel roared in an angry tone as he clutched the wall due to his sudden burst of anger. He was not pleased with the constant struggles that he had to deal with.


Then suddenly; thin, yet sharp claws extended out from his fingers and caused a web of cracks to travel underneath his hand as the claws quickly pierced through the wall in a split second, embedding themselves into the "hard" concrete.

"WHOA!?!" Gabriel shouted out in surprise as he instinctively tried to jump away from the wall, but failed to do so, as his hand was firmly stuck onto the concrete wall, causing him to hop in his place without being able to get back a single inch.

Gabriel hopped two or three times without being able to get away, while Venom curiously examined his hand.

As he examined, Venom began to notice the weird and shocking fact that their body had gone under a modification of some sorts, as their body had gone through various changes. The most noticeable change was their new claws.

Their body, mostly their bone structure had gone under a weird change, as some parts were reinforced and strengthened, while additional bones and muscle tissues were added to some other parts of their body, causing their current structure to change and improve their human body!

As he examined their body, Venom speculated that the sudden change and modification of their body must have caused their stamina and/or body strength to drop severely, hence explaining their current state of weakness. But Venom had no way of confirming his current speculations, so he decided to toss it at the back of his head, and continue with what he was initially doing.

And as for the claws; It could be said that they belonged to both of the categories, as the bones and structure of their hands seemed to have somewhat changed and reinforced, while the addition which were the claws were seemed to be added to their hand structure.

After he finished the examination, Venom began to ponder over the current situation along with the new and sudden improvement of their body, while Gabriel, whom was starting to get irritated, began to violently yank his hand backwards "Mo- <Yank>.. ther- <Yank>.. fuc- <Yank> KER!!" as he grunted with annoyance. But to no avail, even if Gabriel tried to get support with his other hand by pressing it against the wall, the stuck hand did not seem to budge at all.


And what's worse is that while Gabriel was struggling to free his hand, the free hand which he was using to push the wall had also created a noise which was similar to the one which came out from his other hand before it was stuck onto the wall.


Gabriel, who had his head facing downwards, quickly raised it up as he weakly spoke.

Gabriel's eyebrows shot up( "/o o\" like this.) in realization while his face had taken an expression of shock as he now started at his two hands, stuck onto the wall.

Gabriel stared at his X crossed arms and his stuck hands with a grave expression, as the corner of his mouth and brow slightly twitched.

Seeing Gabriel struggle like this, Venom gave a sigh, [...You need to calm down, Gabriel. The new... claws... seem to react to your emotions. Calming down should most likely cause them to retract back inside... I think?..] before Venom spoke in a hoarse yet gentle tone, in hopes for managing to calm Gabriel down.

While Venom was speaking, Gabriel looked between the directions; down and forwards. After a bit of looking, Gabriel slightly shook his waist around, "RAGH!" before he suddenly jumped onto the wall with a roar!!

His sudden actions interrupted Venom's advice while Gabriel roared furiously; "AARGH- FUCK! <Pant> SONOFABIIITCH!!! GAARH!! gettheFUCKOFFAMEEE!!" as he began to violently push and yank himself away from the wall with both his legs.


Thanks to Gabriel's constant assault, the portion of the wall which had a pair of claws pierced inside it suddenly cracked and broke down, "Whoa-aARGHh-?!" <Thud> causing Gabriel to exclaim in surprise before he fell down on his back.

[Well, this works too, I guess...] Venom said in a carefree tone while Gabriel got up from the ground as a weak and gooey Venom head started to come out from Gabriel's shoulder.

"The hell..." Gabriel silently grumbled as he held his hands in front of him. Gabriel moved his hands around, while he occasionally turned them around to get a better look at the thin claws that were in the place of his nails.

While Gabriel examined his hands, he started to speak; "Ain't these like the claws that came out from that bastard's hands?"

[Yess.. Although these are smaller, and pale in comparison... they seem to be nearly identical.] Venom confirmed Gabriel's thoughts as he too inspected the claws.


Then out of nowhere, the claws suddenly retracted back inside Gabriel's fingers, causing Gabriel to get startled while Venom raised his "brows" in surprise.

"Wha-... What the fuck just happened?!" Gabriel slowly asked as he turned towards Venom.

[The... explanation is going to be long and confusing for you, so It's best if I tell you about it on our way home.] Venom answered, indicating that they should go back home.

Gabriel stood in place with a confused expression for a bit, before he just decided to screw it, and walked back towards the way to their home...

While walking back home, Gabriel decided to stuff his hands inside the pockets of his jacket, since the claws would randomly open up before they retracted back in an unsynchronized manner, causing the risk of nearby passerby to notice the unusual claws.





As they were walking back, Venom began to tell Gabriel about his theory and speculations. That by eating the guy's hand, they have somewhat and somehow managed to replicated his claws and internal structure.

Hearing this, Gabriel squinted his eyes for a bit while he tried to understand the explanation, until his eyes suddenly lit up as he suddenly stopped walking.

"Duude..." Gabriel whispered with a tone that had a mixture of shock and excitement.

[Hmm?] Venom curiously hummed.

"We're a goddamn power sponge!..." Gabriel whispered in an excited tone as he shook his arms around.

[Power sponge?...] Venom asked in a confused manner.

"Yeah, power sponge, man! Can you believe it?!... Wait a second, don't you get what I'm saying?.." Gabriel spoke in a hyped style, before he slowly asked with a squinted eye.

[I don't. What do you mean by.. 'power sponge'?] Venom simply responded.

"Ya know, It's like we're a sponge, and we just.. suck in powers?... Get it?.." Gabriel said in an enthusiastic manner, which Venom responded by saying; [Aah, I see what you mean.]

"I know right, It's awesome, innit?!" Gabriel spoke as he continued to walk towards their home.

While Gabriel was walking, Venom began to speak and contemplate; [Well, it IS pretty useful... But I never knew that we could do something like... THIS... And how do you know that we really ARE a 'power sponge'? I mean, what if this one was just some kind of fluke? Like maybe we could only do this once, or maybe a limited amount of times until we can't take any more of the possible strain... And how did we even manage to get claws similar to that man in the first place?!.. Is it imitation, evolution, absorption, or maybe imitation BY absorption?... Lots of questions, no possible or sensible answers...]

As Venom began to contemplate, Gabriel reassuringly patted his chest as he said; "Calm it down pal, there's no need to get riled up like this. I'm sure that we'll find those answers that got you so troubled. Besides, even if this was a one-time thing or something like that, we still got some bonuses, and that's a win in my books... Besides, you gotta stop with worrying over every little thing. Ya know, just relax and live a little~." in a carefree manner.

After hearing Gabriel's carefree speech, Venom started to feel that all of his worries were unnecessary, as his worries would not provide any form of help in this situation. The best thing to do was to just not think about it so seriously, like Gabriel. Just lean back and take a few precautions.

Taking Gabriel's advice to heart, Venom flung his worries at the back of his head, and just leaned back on his imaginary chair in a comfortable position before he began to enjoy the show called Gabriel Parker.

While Gabriel was passing in front of a small alleyway, his nose suddenly flared up as he subconsciously began to <Sniff~> the air.

Gabriel: "Wha's that smell?..."


Also, a sudden question popped in my head;

What was your favorite chapter in this novel? The chapter which you think was the best, compared to all of the other chapters? And why?

Comment down below!

LordAinzSamacreators' thoughts